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相继担任中国美术学院美术教育系主任、中国美术学院研讨 学部副主任、综合绘画系和综合艺术系主任,现任中国美术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员、浙江美术家协会与浙江油画家协会理事、浙江省教育研讨 会副会长。
1972-1978年在江苏省南通市文明 局创作办公室任创作员,美术组组长。从事美术创作和辅导群众美术工作。期间创作的绘画作品,部分入选全国和省市美术作品展,并由北京、天津、上海和江苏等地出版社出版。其中《走向大课堂》等作品由江苏省美术馆收藏。
1979-1980年在担任素描与色彩课教学期间,分别到浙江东海沿岸石塘、雁荡等地,山东青岛地区,浙江富春江、千岛湖1 带和四川阿坝藏族自治州红原地区写生。
1981年素描作品《男人体》、《女工肖像》和《老人肖像》等参加文明 部全国素描教学座谈会,并分别在《新美术》和天津美术出版社素描专集中发表。被吸收为中国美术家协会会员。
1984年受中国美术家协会派迁,与冯法祀蔡亮先生一同 赴巴黎国际艺术城参加“中国·吕霞光夫妇工作室”揭幕典礼 。在法国,对东方 传统与古代 艺术及美术教育进行为期1 年的考察访问和研修。
1985年从巴黎到枫丹白露与巴比松1 带旅行。访问米勒故居及众多艺术家博物馆。在卢浮宫和埃纳博物馆申请临摹德加和埃纳的作品。多从访问在法艺术家工作室。在巴黎举办《陈守义绘画展》,在二十幅旅法写生和创作作品中,《山城》由法国艺术交流公司收藏。展览期间接受巴黎电视台现场作画采访。作品《巴黎的春天》、《水乡的回忆》参加巴黎国际艺术家联展。促进在巴黎国际艺术城建立第1 个中国美术学院使用的工作室—《万曼夫妇工作室》。
1986年回国后,撰写《世界艺术家之友》,1986.6刊登于文明 部《中国建设》法文版杂志。撰写在法国艺术观察论文《克里斯托弗与他的景观艺术》,1986.6刊登于《苏州画刊》。撰写“访巴比松村”,刊登于《浙江画报》。
1987年撰写东方 传统与古代 壁挂艺术专题考察报告—《东方 古代 壁挂艺术》,1987.1刊登于《新美术》和《古代 设计—壁挂艺术》(浙江美术出版社)。1987.6应地方 工艺美术学院学术委员会约请 ,赴京学术讲座。任中国美术学院美术教育系主任,受聘为浙江省教育研讨 会副会长。
1989年作品《静静的村庄》入选第七届全国美术作品展,获优秀奖。作品《林间》参加全国水彩画展,获优秀奖。作品《夕晖》参加华东地区教师作品展,获优秀奖。作品《水乡的回忆》参加文明 部、中国美术馆主办的《访法艺术家作品展》
1990年作品《晚归》参加首届中国油画精品展,获优秀奖。作品《牡羊少年》参加江苏文明 中心约请 展。开始创作以藏民生活为题材的系列油画作品。
1991年作品《暮色》参加浙江油画家协会年度展,入选《东方油画》年度年鉴。作品《林间》及创作体验文章刊登台湾星狐出版社《大陆水彩名家技法》。作品《牵马的姑娘》参加华东六省1 市美术作品展。作品《走亲》参加香港《中国古代 油画展》。
1992年作品《傣乡行》、《苗女》、《故乡曲》等分别参加新加坡、印尼等国举办的《中国古代 油画展》,作品曾发表于《亚洲画廊》等刊物。
1994年任中国美术学院研讨 学部副主任,掌管 学院综合绘画教学实验。兼任综合绘画工作室主任、导师。撰写教学改革宗旨 论文“兼容并蓄综合创新”。反映藏民生活的油画《风从远方来》参加中国美术学院教师作品展。
1999年作品《社戏—正月系列作品之1 》,参加浙江省美术作品大展。入选浙江美术5 十年画册。在地方 美术学院美术馆举办《综合绘画教学成果展》,主编《综合绘画》专集,中国美术学院出版社出版1999.5。接受CCTV美术星空栏目专访,由CCTV制造 并播放综合绘画教学实验专题片—《探索新空间》。《新意象启示—陈守义作品集》由江苏美术出版社出版。
2002年作品《苗女》、《牧羊少年》参加《全国温州籍书画名家作品约请 展》。受聘浙江省油画家协会理事。
2004年掌管 的综合绘画教学成果,被评为中国美术学院教学成果1 等奖,十5 国家级重点教材,浙江省精品课程。[1]
2006年4月,作品《中国红》、《欲暮》、《乡间》,参加《浙江名家》油画约请 展。6月—10月再访巴黎国际艺术城,8月从法国出发到达德国、荷兰旅行,而后到佛罗伦萨、博洛尼亚、威尼斯旅行写生。9月从德国到达意大利罗马周边旅行及考察访友。
2007年3月,在宁波美术馆举办陈守义艺术展[2],展出《正月》和《远去的家园》两个系列作品。[3]作品《正月43号》由宁波美术馆收藏。出版《正月—陈守义作品》画册。5月,作品《风景》参加中韩著名艺术家约请 展。作品《难忘的记忆—春夏秋冬系列》参加东栅艺术中心88艺术展。
2008年3月,《正月202号》等四幅作品,参加《学院的力量—中国当代艺术展》。5月,参加博巴油训班研讨会,论博巴古代 艺术观念与寻求 ,发表《江水如蓝——博巴油训班研讨 》1 书(由中国美术学院出版社出版)。4月,撰写《综合绘画教学十年印记》,发表于《漫歌怀记》中国美术学院八十华诞回忆录,由中国美术学院出版社出版。撰写《难忘的往事》,发表于《匠心文脉》中国美术学院出版社出版。
2009年赴香港参加《当代百名老艺术家书画约请 展》开幕式,展出作品《树声与牧歌》等。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Shouyi, was born at Zhejiang lukewarm city in Feburary 1944. Was graduated from Chinese academy of fine arts 1963 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) school of accessary and medium art. Was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1968.
Holding the position of art of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach in succession is research of academy of fine arts of director, China vice director learning a ministry, integrated brushwork is fastened and integrated art fastens a director, currently hold the post ofChinese academy of fine arts vice-chairman of seminar of education of province of association of artist of academician of artist of professor, China, Zhejiang and director of association of Zhejiang canvas home, Zhejiang.
On Feburary 19, 1944 (lunar) be born in Zhejiang to visit Wen Zhou town.
1959-1963 year read at Chinese academy of fine arts (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) attached middle school.
1963-1968 year read fasten at canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts.
1972-1978 year the member that in Jiangsu bureau of culture of province Nantong city creates the office to allow to create, art group group leader. Be engaged in art is created and coaching masses art works. The paint that creates during, selected whole nation and work of the art that visit town extend the share, publish by Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and press of Jiangsu and other places. Among them " hall of trend a lecture given to a large number of students " wait for work to save art gallery to collect by Jiangsu.
Academy of fine arts of China of recall of business of courtyard of study of Confusion classics taught 1978.
1979-1980 year during holding the position of sketch and colour class education, respectively to Zhejiang the East China Sea coastal Shi Tang, wild goose swings and other places, shandong Qingdao area, lake of Zhejiang Fu Chunjiang, 1000 islands is taken and area of red place of autonomous prefecture of Tibetian of Sichuan A dam is sketchy.
1981 sketch work " man body " , " workingwoman effigies " and " old person effigies " etc attend forum of education of sketch of culture ministry whole nation, be in respectively " new art " publish centrally only with sketch of Tianjin art publishing house. Be absorbed to be Chinese artist academician.
Held the post of beautification of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach department vice director 1983.
Sufferred Chinese artist association to send change 1984, go to city of Parisian international art to attend together with Feng Fasi, Mr Cai Liang " atelier of Chinese · Lv Xia's smooth couple " begin ceremony. In France, have by a definite date one year to western tradition and modern art and art education make an on-the-spot investigation to visit and grind long.
Took a trip to maple red White Dew and Babisong from Paris 1985. Visit rice straps former residence and numerous artist museum. In Lu Fu heart of copy of palace and application of dust accept museum adds the work with dust accept. Be in from the visit more law artist atelier. Hold in Paris " art exhibition of Chen Shouyi draw " , in paint from life of 20 travel mode and creation work, " hill city " by France art communication company is collected. Spot of Parisian TV station is accepted to make a picture interview during the exhibition. Work " Parisian spring " , " the memory of a region of rivers and lakes " attend Parisian international artist couplet is exhibited. Promote the studio that in Parisian international art the city builds academy of fine arts of the first China to use, " atelier of 10 thousand graceful couples " .
After going back to the motherland 1986, compose " the friend of world artist " , 1986.6 publish Yu Wen to turn a department " China is built " French edition magazine. Compose watchs a paper in French art " Christopher and his landscape is artistic " , 1986.6 publish at " Suzhou pictorial section of a newspaper " . Compose " visit Ba Bisong village " , publish at " Zhejiang pictorial " .
Compose west tradition and special subject of contemporary hanging art researched a report 1987, " the west is contemporary hanging is artistic " , 1987.1 publish at " new art " and " contemporary design, hanging is artistic " (Zhejiang art publishing house) . 1987.6 should committee of learning of institute of central arts and crafts invites, attend Beijing learning lecture. Holding the post of art of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach is a director, suffer hire for Zhejiang the province teachs seminar vice-chairman.
1989 work " silent village " selected work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, win outstanding award. Work " forest " enter countrywide watercolour art exhibition, win outstanding award. Work " evening sunshine " attend work of teacher of Hua Dong area to exhibit, win outstanding award. Work " the memory of a region of rivers and lakes " those who attend art gallery of culture ministry, China to sponsor " work of the artist that seek a way is exhibited "
1990 work " return late " attend high-quality goods of first China canvas to exhibit, win outstanding award. Work " male sheep teenager " attend Jiangsu culture center to invite exhibit. Begin creation to be the series canvas work of subject matter in order to hide the people's livelihood alive.
1991 work " dusk " attend year of association of Zhejiang canvas home to exhibit, selected " Oriental canvas " year almanac. Work " forest " reach creation to experience the article publishs press of Taiwan star fox " law of ability of mainland watercolour a person of academic or artistic distinction " . Work " the girl that involves a horse " attend Hua Dongliu to save work of one city art to exhibit. Work " go close " attend Hong Kong " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " .
1992 work " Dai country goes " , " Miao Nv " , " birthplace music " divide into equal parts does not attend Singapore, Indonesian wait for a country to hold " Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited " , work ever was published at " Asian gallery " wait for a journal.
Began to capture government of the State Council 1993 special allowance. In August, gallery of hall of Taiwan Taipei drive is held " Chen Shouyi canvas exhibit " , publish " Chen Shouyi canvas " an album of paintings. Work " male sheep teenager " the Chinese canvas that attends Macao city hall to sponsor is exhibited. Attend an opening ceremony, accept direct seeding of Macao TV station to interview. Taiwan " artist " publish " Changjiang Delta music " wait for 10 work. Erupt simultaneously watch art is judged " the painter's affection is thought of " .
Held the post of Chinese academy of fine arts to consider to learn department vice director 1994, direct an institute experiment of integrated painterly education. Hold head of integrated painterly studio, adviser part-time. Paper of gist of compose education reform " compatible and harbour innovates integratedly " . The canvas that reflects Tibetan life " wind comes from distance " attend work of teacher of Chinese academy of fine arts to exhibit.
Created 1995 " birthplace feelings " the work on series paper, have test of comprehensive data brushwork. Carry on is gone to to promote during the first month of the lunar year, collect folk songs of journey of lukewarm city and other places, begin with " the first month of the lunar year " the creation experiment that gives priority to a problem.
1996 " art observes " the magazine is published " countryside is resided " and " home situation is gone to " series work. Publish art judge " the logic of the style " . Press of Chinese academy of fine arts " canvas collect 2 " publish " rumour and madrigal " wait for work of more than 10 canvas.
Attended 20 century art of countrywide to teach a seminar 1998, paper " compatible and harbour innovates integratedly " publish what publish at press of Shanghai painting and calligraphy " market of paper of education of 20 centuries art " .
1999 work " village theatrical performance given on religious festivals in old times, one of work of series of the first month of the lunar year " , attend Zhejiang to save art work to be exhibited greatly. Selected Zhejiang art 50 years of an album of paintings. Art gallery of centrally academy of fine arts is held " achievement of integrated painterly education is exhibited " , chief editor " draw integratedly " only collect, press of Chinese academy of fine arts is published 1999.5. Accept special report of column of CCTV art sky, be made by CCTV and broadcast special subject of test of integrated painterly education piece, " explore new space " . " new image enlightenment, collect of Chen Shouyi work " publish by Jiangsu art publishing house.
Pressed down to black of a region of rivers and lakes from Hangzhou 2000, pond, Na Xun travels on the west, creation " fall " wait for canvas of amorous feelings of series Changjiang Delta. Holding the post of Chinese academy of fine arts to draw integratedly is a director.
2002 work " Miao Nv " , " shepherd teenager " attend " work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of painting and calligraphy of countrywide Wen Zhou book invites exhibit " . Suffer hire Zhejiang to save director of canvas home association.
2003 of series of work the first month of the lunar year, " China is red " , the art of first Beijing international that attends to be held in Chinese art gallery double year exhibit. Hold the post of Chinese academy of fine arts integrated art is a director.
The gain of integrated painterly education that managed 2004, be judged to be first prize of achievement of education of Chinese academy of fine arts, teaching material of key of 15 states level, zhejiang saves high-quality goods course. [1]
2005 work of series of the first month of the lunar year 160, 161, attend to draw fruit of 10 the year's harvest exhibits education integratedly. Chief editor " the home of the person that migrate " only collect. Publish by press of Chinese academy of fine arts. Publication monograph " integrated painterly education, case, teaching plan " publish by press of Chinese academy of fine arts. Work " fall " attend " the month mirrors tide of short for Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang canvas is exhibited greatly " , win outstanding award.
In April 2006, work " China is red " , " desire dusk " , " country " , attend " Zhejiang a person of academic or artistic distinction " canvas invites exhibit. In June, revisit Paris international is artistic in October city, set out from France in August arrive at journey of Germany, Holand, travel to Foluolunsa, Boluoniya, Venice after that sketchy. Arrived at journey of Italian Rome periphery to reach from Germany in September make an on-the-spot investigation visit friend.
In March 2007, in Ning Bo art gallery holds Chen Shouyi art to exhibit [2] , showpiece " the first month of the lunar year " and " far the home that go " two series work. [3] work " the first month of the lunar year 43 " art gallery collects You Ningbo. Publish " the first month of the lunar year, Chen Shouyi work " an album of paintings. In May, work " scenery " attend a Sino-South Korean famous artist invites exhibit. Work " unforgettable memory, series of Chun Xiaqiu winter " attend east 88 art exhibit bar art center.
In March 2008, " the first month of the lunar year 202 " wait for 4 work, attend " academic force, Chinese contemporary art is exhibited " . In May, attend rich cling to seminar of oily lecture class, consider win cling to contemporary and artistic idea and pursuit, publish " if river water is blue -- rich cling to oily lecture class studies " one book (publish by press of Chinese academy of fine arts) . In April, compose " integrated painterly education 10 years of impress " , publish at " the bosom that overflow a song is written down " Chinese academy of fine arts 80 China absurd memoir, publish by press of Chinese academy of fine arts. Compose " unforgettable past " , publish at " craftsmanship article arteries and veins " press of Chinese academy of fine arts is published.
Went to Hong Kong to attend 2009 " painting and calligraphy of 100 old artists invites now exhibit " opening ceremony, showpiece work " tree sound and madrigal " wait.
In May 2010, nantong downtown art gallery is held exhibit " outside condition unripe elephant, art exhibits Chen Shouyi " . In June, September reside abroad Germany, set out from Dusaierduofu German south, classics France travels to Swiss and other places sketchy. In December, abandon artistic salon solely to hold " impressional Europe, collect of Chen Shouyi work " exhibit.
In April 2011, edge carry on is promoted, all and collect folk songs of journey of and other places. In September, promote museum to connect a school to produce picture of history of heroic of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches greatly for carry on, " expectation, Qiu Jin " , " nostalgic, Xu Xilin " and " dawn, Tao Chengzhang " wait for canvas.



