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张文新 - 张文新专访:我的艺术历程

2022-03-11 17:34:48 3378




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 张文新,1928年生于天津市,1949年毕业于华北大学美术科,1949-1951年在北京大学物理系学习,1951年任北京市美术工作室创作干部,1955年≪少年之家≫获得斯大林奖,自1956年为中国美术家协会会员,1956年地方 美院马克西莫夫油画训练班学习。1964年为北京画院画家。5 十年代初曾参加石家庄烈士陵园、天安门人民英雄纪念碑雕塑创作,此后转为油画创作。50-60年代代表作品有《工程列车》、《间苗》、《鲁迅像雕塑》;70-80年代代表作品有《巍巍太行》,获文明 部奖为美术馆收藏,《勇往直前 》、《战友》等巨幅油画为军事博物馆收藏;八十年代创作大量风俗画、肖像画和风景画为世界各地收藏家收藏。 1987年赴美讲学为GWS出版公司画家,在美国数十次个展和集体展中,前后 在权威的“奥克拉荷马西部艺术国家学院”、“丹佛美国艺术家”、“怀俄明博物馆”参展。历任北京美术工作室、北京市美术公司、北京画院专业画家。现旅居美国。美国油画家协会评委。1994受邀为美国油画家协会荣誉会员,1995转为大师会员,并连续十次获奖。同时在阿尔桑那卡斯德美术学院、丹佛美术学院、杰克森学院讲学。在美国被誉为艺术家中的艺术家,“ArtTalk”艺术评论亦称其为中国活着的米开朗哲罗。出版有《张文新油画选》二集、旅美油画选、当代风影画册、当代静物画册等七本。

English Introduction

Zhang Wenxin, was born in Tianjin in 1928 1949, graduated from the Art Department of North China University, studying in the Department of physics of Peking University 1949-1951, 1951 art studio cadres in Beijing City, in 1955 the juvenile house by Stalin prize since 1956 to China Artists Association member, 1956 Central Academy of fine arts Maksimov painting training class. In 1964 for the Beijing painter. At the beginning of 50s had participated in the Shijiazhuang martyrs cemetery, Tiananmen, the people's Heroes Monument sculpture, then turned into oil painting creation. 50-60's representative works of "Engineering", "train", "Lu Xun thinning sculpture"; 70-80's representative works are "Taihang", by the Ministry of Culture Award for art museum collection, "the line", "comrades" such as huge oil painting and military museum; in 80s the creation of a large number of genre paintings, portraits and landscapes painting collectors around the world. In 1987 the United States lectures for the GWS publishing company in dozens of American artists, exhibition and collective exhibition, successively in the authority of the "western Oklahoma National Art College, Denver American artist", "Wyoming Museum" exhibition. The Beijing art studio and Beijing city art company, professional painter of Beijing painting academy. Who lives in the United states. American Oil Painters Association judges. 1994 invited to the United States Oil Painting Association honorary members, 1995 to master members, and won the award for the ten consecutive. At the same time Al Sanna Kassid Academy of Fine Arts, Denver Academy of Fine Arts, Jackson College lectures. Known as the artist artist in the United States, "ArtTalk" art critic called the Chinese alive Michelangelo angelo. The publication of "Zhang Wenxin" in two, the United States chose oil painting, contemporary version of album, the seven album of contemporary life.



