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王力克,河北巨鹿人,出生于山东威海。中国当代著名油画家。中国美术家协会会员、山东美术家协会副主席、山东油画协会副主席,山东艺术学院院长,教授、硕士研讨 生导师、山东艺术学院美术学院油画第1 工作室导师。1989年考入地方 美术学院油画高研班。前后 赴俄罗斯、澳大利亚、法国、韩国等深造或访学。第七届全国美展作品《雀巢》《雪国》分别获得银奖和铜奖,第六、八、九、十、十1 届全国美展优秀奖,1990年参加法国秋季沙龙艺术大展。1990年作品《山羊》等参加韩国中国油画展。1991年应邀赴前苏联及东欧考察,1998年全国水彩画展,获银奖。1999年,作品《斜阳花》等参加中国油画名家百人油画展。2007中国油画名家学术约请 展。2008年,在美国印第安纳波里斯艺术中心举办画展。多件作品被美术馆及国外友人收藏,并收入《中国美术年鉴》、《中国美术全集油画卷》、《当代中国油画》、《当代中国油画艺术》、《20世纪中国美术》、《20世纪中国油画》、《中国百年水彩画集》等大型典集。发表了《论绘画中的点要素 》、《论绘画中的自在 与次序 》、《克罗齐与古代 绘画》等论文。并出版专著《绘画与次序 》。

1984年,作品《追逐 春天的人》入选第六届全国美展。作品《交通站》被中国美术馆收藏。
1989年,考入地方 美术学院油画创作研修班。作品《雀巢》入选第七届全国美展,获银牌奖,被中国美术馆收藏。连环画《雪国》入选第七届全国美展,获铜牌奖。
1990年,作品《故土》等参加在新加坡举办的地方 美术学院油画、雕塑展。作品《山羊》等参加韩国中国油画展。作品《雀巢》入选法国秋季沙龙艺术大展。
2004年,作品《钢琴课如歌的行板》、《邻家女孩》入选第十届全国美展获优秀奖并获山东赛区1 等奖。
2007年,作品《红樱桃》参加《融合与创造》2007中国油画名家学术约请 展。
2009年,作品《金色的湖》入选第十1 届全国美展获优秀奖并获山东赛区1 等奖。

80年代中早期 ,随着法国画家宾卡斯先生的来华授教,我国油画界掀起了1 股对油画本体的研讨 热潮。王力克也参与其中,并创作了这幅《雀巢》。在这幅作品中,他用照相写实手法,着力刻画了一名 仿佛自祝生日的青年女子及窗外的枯树与雀巢。画面以单纯的紫灰色调子衬托出女子娇好的容颜。纷繁而有序的树枝映托 出青年女子那如麻的思绪,对将来 美好生活的憧憬与向往,也暗寓了古代 人在寻求精神归宿中企望宁静与孤独的心态。作者说:“愿画中那点燃的蜡烛也能点燃我们那永久 的精神世界。”并自谦地认为,在技法上略显生硬。此作获第七届全国美展银牌奖。

Introduction to the artist

Born in Weihai, Shandong Province. A famous contemporary Chinese painter. He is a member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Shandong Artists Association, vice chairman of Shandong Oil Painting Association, President of Shandong art college, Professor, Postgraduate Tutor and tutor of the first oil painting studio of Shandong art college. In 1989, he was admitted to the oil painting high research class of the Central Academy of fine arts. Successively went to Russia, Australia, France, South Korea and other places for further study or study. Nestle, the seventh national art exhibition, and snow country won silver and bronze awards respectively, the sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh national art exhibition Excellence Awards, and participated in the French autumn salon art exhibition in 1990. In 1990, he participated in the Korean Chinese oil painting exhibition. In 1991, he was invited to visit the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In 1998, he won the silver medal in the National Watercolor Exhibition. In 1999, his work "Twilight flowers" and other works participated in the oil painting exhibition of 100 famous Chinese oil painters. 2007 academic invitation exhibition of Chinese oil painting masters. In 2008, a painting exhibition was held at the Boris Art Center in Indiana. Many works are collected by art galleries and foreign friends, and are included in large-scale collections such as China Art Yearbook, oil painting volume of China art collection, contemporary Chinese oil painting, contemporary Chinese oil painting art, Chinese art of the 20th century, Chinese oil painting of the 20th century, and Chinese watercolor painting collection of the century. He has published papers such as "on the point factors in painting", "on freedom and order in painting", "Croce and modern painting". He also published his monograph painting and order.


Participation in the exhibition:


In 1984, his work "the man chasing the spring" was selected into the sixth national art exhibition. The work "transportation station" is collected by China Art Museum.


In 1987, her work new daughter-in-law was selected into the first Chinese oil painting exhibition sponsored by the China Art Association.


In 1989, he was admitted to the oil painting creation workshop of the Central Academy of fine arts. Nestle was selected into the 7th National Art Exhibition, won silver medal and collected by China Art Museum. The comic "snow country" was selected into the 7th National Art Exhibition and won the bronze medal.


In 1990, his native land and other works participated in the oil painting and sculpture exhibition held by the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore. Works "goat" and other works participated in Korean Chinese oil painting exhibition. Nestle was selected into the French autumn salon art exhibition.


In 1991, he was invited to visit the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


In 1994, his work "Hometown" was selected into the Eighth National Art Exhibition and won the award for excellent works.


In 1998, the watercolor "wind chime" was selected into the Fourth National Watercolor Exhibition and won the silver medal.


In 1999, his work "Twilight flowers" and other works participated in the oil painting exhibition of 100 famous Chinese oil painters. The watercolor "flower rain" was selected into the 9th National Art Exhibition and won the excellent work award.


In 2000, Nestle was selected into the 20th century Chinese oil painting exhibition.


In 2003, his works "tea", "sunshine in the afternoon" and so on participated in the exhibition of twenty years' work taught by students.


In 2004, her works "the Andante of piano lessons like songs" and "the girl next door" were selected into the 10th National Art Exhibition and won the first prize of Shandong competition area.


In 2007, the work "red cherry" participated in "fusion and creation" 2007 academic invitation exhibition of Chinese oil painting masters.


In 2008, a painting exhibition was held at the Boris Art Center in Indiana.


In 2009, his work golden lake was selected into the 11th National Art Exhibition and won the first prize of Shandong competition area.


Works and introduction


In the middle and late 1980s, with Mr. bincus, a French painter, coming to China to teach, there was an upsurge of research on the noumenon of oil painting in China. Wang took part in it and created Nestle. In this work, he portrays a young woman who seems to wish her birthday and the dead tree and Nestle out of the window by means of photo realism. The picture set off the beautiful face of the woman with a pure purple gray tone. The numerous and orderly branches reflect the numb thoughts of young women, the longing and yearning for a better life in the future, and also imply the modern people's mentality of looking for peace and loneliness in the pursuit of spiritual home. The author said: "may the candle lit in the painting also light our eternal spiritual world." And modestly think that the technique is a little stiff. This work won the silver medal of the 7th National Art Exhibition.



