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吴小昌(1940.2—1993?3)山东寿光人。擅长油画。1959年毕业于地方 美术学院附中,1964年毕业于地方 美术学院,留校任教。
自幼酷爱美术,1955年春画作入选国际青少年美展。1959年秋考入地方 美术学院油画系。现为中国美术家协会会员、地方 美术学院教授、地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生画室主任。1981年,其油画《重庆雾》入选《中国古代 艺术展》赴港展出。吴小昌的多幅作品被中国美术馆收藏,并于1991年作为中国美术馆藏品到俄罗斯展出,1992年参加赴日、美展,荣获特别大奖。他自称"爱的是中国画,而画的是油画"。吴小昌探讨1 种清幽淡远、简约疏旷、禅意墨趣、写真性格 的画风,走着1 条中国写意油画的路。画似散文诗,淡雅明快,逸笔草草,充满情趣,意境邃远。油画:《重庆雾》作品有《苏尼夜》、《秋实》、《1 木诺》等。编著有《赵无极》。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Xiaochang (1940.2, Shou Guangren of Shandong of 1993 ? 3) . Be good at canvas. Was graduated from attached middle school of central academy of fine arts 1959, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1964, stay school teach.
From a child loves art, pornograph made selected international adolescent 1955 the United States is exhibited. 1959 autumn taking an examination of canvas of central academy of fine arts is. It is canvas of professor of Chinese artist academician, central academy of fine arts, central academy of fine arts to fasten head of graduate student studio now. 1981, its canvas " Chongqing mist " selected " Chinese modern art is exhibited " go to harbor to exhibit. Many work of Wu Xiaochang is collected by Chinese art gallery, taste Russia to exhibit at regarding Chinese art gallery as Tibet 1991, attended 1992 go to day, beauty to exhibit, have the honor to win particularly large award. What he claims " loves is Chinese picture, and of the picture is canvas " . Wu Xiaochang discusses a kind of quiet and beautiful the picture wind of disposition of interest of Chinese ink of meaning of weak far, contracted Shu Kuang, buddhist, photo, taking the route of enjoyable canvas of a China. The picture appears prose poem, quietly elegant is lively, ease pen carelessly, be full of appeal, artistic conception deep is far. Canvas: " Chongqing mist " work has " Su Ni night " , " Qiu Shi " , " one wood Nuo " etc. Compile have " Zhao Mo pole " .



