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王荣 - 王荣松西藏记忆系列作品解读

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王荣,1963年生,本籍 江苏盐城。1987年毕业于安徽师范大学美术学院,获文学学士学位。现任中国艺术研讨 院中国油画院院长助理。中国基督教爱德艺术创始人;中国美术家协会会员;中国民主促进会会员;中国民间文艺家协会会员;中国民间文艺家协会陶瓷专业委员会委员;中华儿女杂志社美术总监;中国民族书画研讨 院研讨 员、常务副院长;北京爱德艺术院院长。

在国内首创以宣扬 和平、博爱、爱国、爱教为主旨 的爱德艺术院。曾帮助 百名贫困生、数十名白血病患者、帮助 建立爱德月港希望小学1 所。荣任“大爱圆梦”——我要读书,爱心慈善大使。

本人及作品曾被地方 电视台、地方 网络电视台、中国教育电视台、《人民日报》、《新华社通讯》、《红旗画刊》、《中国宗教》、《人民政协报》、《中国文明 报》、《中国企业家报》、《中外文明 交流》、《光明日报》、《今日信息报》、《新华日报》、《中国改革报》、《中国艺术报》、《扬子晚报》、《中国集邮报》、《中华儿女》杂志、《中国美术》杂志、《中国艺术市场》杂志、《中国书画家》杂志、《人民艺术家》杂志、等媒体相继专题报道。其中油画作品《春回江南》作为国礼送给丹麦女皇。油画《梦中的水乡》、《雪中情》、《花与果》、《荷花》等作品被国家领导人及美国、法国、英国、新加坡、喀麦隆、南苏丹等国家和中国香港、台湾等国内外友人、艺术机构收藏 。


1989年举办“王荣油画作品展”(盐城文明 宫);








1986年,油画作品《和风 》、《化着山脉》、《长征路上》入选南京军区美术作品展,《战役 间隙》入选由中国人民解放军总政治部文明 部、中国美术家协会主办的“南疆前线美术作品展”;在《新华日报》发表。

1995年,油画作品《旭日 》、《花与果》入选“郑州市油画名家作品约请 展”。

2001年,油画作品《暖冬》参加由中国美术家协会主办的“民族百花奖——第5 届中国各民族美术作品展”。

2006年,《永久 的浅笑 》参加“江苏省体育美术作品展”并获优秀奖。



2010年,油画《姑苏城外》、《北方村庄》参加“北京·鄂尔多斯‘寻源问道’中国油画约请 展”。


2012年,受外交部拜托 为南苏丹总统访华创作油画《南苏丹基尔总统》肖像作为礼品。







《灵净风情——中国当代油画家王荣邮品系列收藏 集》(中国集邮总公司)








《爱的希望——记油画家王荣心路见证》(中国旧事 社《书画中国》栏目)

Introduction to the artist

Unripe 1963, city of salt of ancestral home Jiangsu. Was graduated from academy of fine arts of Anhui Normal University 1987, obtain literary bachelor's degree. Currently hold the post ofassistant of dean of courtyard of canvas of China of Chinese artistic academy. Chinese christian loves heart art author; Chinese artist academician; Chinese democracy promotes conference member; Chinese folk literary home academician; Committee member of committee of major of pottery and porcelain of association of Chinese folk literary home; Chief inspector of art of company of China children magazine; Researcher of academy of Chinese nation painting and calligraphy, standing assistant dean; Beijing loves dean of heart art courtyard.

The love heart that is a tenet teachs in order to publicize peace, humanitarian, patriotic, love artistic courtyard in domestic initiate. Ever aided financially 100 poverty tens of unripe, names leukaemia patient, aid financially build an elementary school of hope of harbor of love heart month. Flourish holds the post of " big love oneiromancy " -- I should read, love charity ambassador.

Oneself and work ever were taught by CCTV, central network TV station, China TV station, " People's Daily " , " communication of Xinhua News Agency " , " red flag pictorial section of a newspaper " , " Chinese religion " , " people the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference signs up for " , " Chinese culture signs up for. Among them canvas work " spring answer Changjiang Delta " as the country the ceremony sends Denmark empress. Canvas " a region of rivers and lakes in the dream " , " the affection in snow " , " flower and fruit " , " lotus " be waited for work by national leader and United States, France, England, Singapore, Cameroon, Na Sudan the domestic and international friend such as country and Chinese Hong Kong, Taiwan, art.

Hold an exhibition

Held 1989 " work of king honor canvas is exhibited " (palace of saline city culture) ;

Held 1997 " Yellow Sea imperial art academy greets Hong Kong to return to work of painting and calligraphy to exhibit " (saline city museum) ;

Held 2003 " Christian work of art exhibits Wang Rong " (courtyard of the painting and calligraphy that do not have stannum) ;

Held 2005 " work of painting and calligraphy of famous expert of love heart art is exhibited " (Suzhou library) ;

Held 2009 " work of painting and calligraphy of couplet of Jiangsu province article is exhibited " (courtyard of art of Suzhou love heart) ;

Held 2010 " clever clean amorous feelings " -- canvas work exhibits Wang Rong (art gallery of Chinese canvas courtyard) .

Ginseng exhibit work

1985, canvas work " laterite " first canvas work exhibits selected the Anhui province; " affectionate " work of art of selected Nanjing military region is exhibited.

1986, canvas work " gentle breeze " , " turning a mountain chain " , " on long march road " work of art of selected Nanjing military region is exhibited, " battle clearance " selected sponsor by association of artist of ministry of culture of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, China " work of art of Na Jiang front is exhibited " ; In " new China daily " publish.

1995, canvas work " the setting sun " , " flower and fruit " selected " work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Zhengzhou city canvas invites exhibit " .

2001, canvas work " warm winter " attend to be sponsorred by Chinese artist association " nation 100 beautiful award -- work of art of each folk of the 5th China is exhibited " .

2006, " lasting smile " attend " work of art of Jiangsu province sports is exhibited " win outstanding award.

2009, " a region of rivers and lakes " , " Changjiang Delta spring scenery " attend " in communication of work of canvas of Russian two countries is exhibited " .

2009, canvas " the affection in snow " , " autumn scenery of a region of rivers and lakes " attend " work of teachers and students of Chinese canvas courtyard is exhibited " .

2010, canvas " outside aunt Su Cheng " , " northward village " attend " Beijing · E Er is much this ' search a source to ask ' Chinese canvas invites exhibit " .

2011, canvas work " secretary-general and Cameroon president " effigies, two countries of the noise made in coughing or vomiting in be establishs diplomatic relations 40 years to issue a stamp.

2012, suffer the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to entrust visit for Na Sudan's president China creation canvas " south president of Sudan radical Er " effigies serves as gift.

2012, canvas work " spring answer Changjiang Delta " as the country the ceremony sends Denmark empress.

Publication composing

" Wang Rong draws volume " (Nanjing press)

" the hope of love " (Chinese art publishing house)

" clever clean amorous feelings -- collect of work of Wang Rong canvas " (Gu Wuxuan press)

" clever clean amorous feelings -- collect of work of Wang Rong canvas " (people art publishing house)

" clever clean amorous feelings -- Wang Rong of home of Chinese contemporary canvas mails strain to list collect carefully volume " (head office of Chinese stamp collecting)

Into make up

" directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " (publishing house of Shanghai people art)

" China promotes compatriots content dictionary " (press of Chinese article couplet)

" pattern of profit of a person of academic or artistic distinction of seal cutting of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy reads extensively " (press of Chinese article couplet)

" innovation China " cover character (press of national administration institute)

Special subject piece

" pen pen the real situation paints life " , " the painter that handles whose paintings were characterized by delicate brushwork and close attention to detail " (saline city TV station)

" the hope of love -- Rong Xinlu witnesses king of the painter that write down oil " (Chinese news agency " China of painting and calligraphy " column)



