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柯琦,1951年7月生,河南商城人,擅长中国画、油画、书法。1978年—1979年曾就读于天津美术学院(原天津艺术学院)研习西画,1986年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系国画专业。历任解放军总后医学专科学校美术主管技师、中国历史博物馆专职画家、副研讨 馆员、书画室主任、文物保护科技部主任。受教于诸多艺术大师和名家、学贯中西,基本功扎实,工、写皆精,并刻意创新。1991年调入中国历史博物馆从事书画工作至今。其作品以诗为魂,以书为骨,强调线条组合的节奏韵律美,刻意寻求 深邃的意境,风发的灵性,强烈的个性,构成 了典雅飘逸、苍动雄拔、大气磅礴、情意盎然、风采照人的画风。几十年来,大量作品在国内外能展,出版、收藏并获奖。2000年5月和2001年12月分别在西班牙和澳大利亚举办个人画展,反响强烈,取得美满 成功,是目前艺术成就突出,声名播扬海内外的实力派画家。馆职称评审委员会委员;柯琦现为中国历史博物馆副研讨 员,专职书画家,中国美术家协会会员,国家文明 部老艺术家书画协会副秘书长,北京齐白石艺术研讨 会副秘书长,北京东方平和 书画院艺术顾问。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe in July 1951, henan store person, be good at Chinese picture, canvas, calligraphy. 1978, ever read 1979 at Tianjin academy of fine arts (institute of former Tianjin art) study draw on the west, was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to fasten major of traditional Chinese painting 1986. Have successively held the posts of the liberation army always hind director of room of the painter of full-time of museum of history of technician of director of medical schools art, China, deputy member that study a house, painting and calligraphy, cultural relic protects ministry of science and technology director. Suffer religion at a lot of and artistic Great Master and a person of academic or artistic distinction, Chinese and Western learning be linked together, basic training is sound, labour, write all essence of life, innovate painstakingly. Transferred into Chinese history museum is engaged in painting and calligraphy working 1991 up to now. Its work is fetch with the poem, it is bone with the book, the rhythm that emphasizes line combination is metrical beautiful, seek abstruse artistic concept painstakingly, the intelligence of animals of swift as the wind, strong personality, formed elegant and elegant, dark green to move hero to unplug, atmosphere abundant, elegant demeanour illuminates boundless, affection picture wind of the person. Come a few years, a large number of work are in can exhibit domestic and internationally, publish, collect and bear the palm. Mixed in May 2000 held individual art exhibition in Spain and Australia respectively in December 2001, resonant and intense, achieve complete success, it is at present artistic achievement is highlighted, reputation propagates global actual strength to send a painter. House title evaluates committee committee member; Ke Qi is deputy researcher of Chinese history museum now, home of full-time painting and calligraphy, chinese artist academician, a letter from home of old art of national culture ministry draws association deputy secretary-general, deputy secretary-general of seminar of Beijing Qi Baishi art, beijing east is auspicious art of courtyard of painting and calligraphy is advisory.



