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周玉玮,男,汉族,1937年生,辽宁人。中国美术家协会会员,鲁迅美术学院教授。1955-1959年在东北美专附中学习;1959-1964年在鲁迅美术学院油画系学习,师承乌叔养、万今声、袁耀锷等教授;本科毕业后留校任教至今。1980-1981年在地方 美术学院油画系进修。
1980年参加北京人民大会堂巨幅油画《钢城晨曦》的创作、绘制;1987年又参加巨幅历史油画《雅克萨之战》的绘制,被中国人民革命军事博物馆收藏、陈列。油画《鸡冠花》、《出海》、《丁香》等作品被国家选送“亚洲古代 画展”、“中国艺术展”、“中国绘画展”,去日本、加拿大、印度、新加坡、阿尔及利亚等国展出,并被收藏。油画、素描人体习作分别收入《中国高等美术院油画集、素描集》。油画《野花》、《宁静雁窝鸟》等作品被中国美术馆收藏。。《我的教师万今声教授》、《雨后的路》在辽宁省首届肖像画展及省写生画展中获1 等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Yuwei, male, the Han nationality, unripe 1937, liaoning person. Chinese artist academician, lu Xun academy of fine arts is taught. 1955-1959 year northeastern beauty adds medium study only; 1959-1964 year study is fastened in canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts, master bear Wu Shu is raised, 10 thousand today the professor such as sound, Yuan Yaoe; After undergraduate course graduates, stay school teach up to now. 1980-1981 year canvas of centrally academy of fine arts ties take a refresher course.
Entered hall of Beijing people congress 1980 gigantic a canvas " steel wall first sun rays in the morning " creation, scale; Attended again 1987 gigantic a historical canvas " Yakesa's battle " scale, be collected by museum of war of Chinese people revolution, display. Canvas " cockscomb " , " go to sea " , " lilac " wait for work to be chosen to send by the country " Asian contemporary exhibition of paintings " , " Chinese art is exhibited " , " Chinese brushwork is exhibited " , go the country such as Japan, Canada, India, Singapore, Algerian exhibits, be collected. Do exercises in composition of human body of canvas, sketch parts income " collect of canvas of courtyard of Chinese advanced art, sketch collect " . Canvas " wild flower " , " bird of nest of halcyon wild goose " wait for work to be collected by Chinese art gallery. . " my teacher 10 thousand today sound is taught " , " the road after rain " in Liaoning province first portraiture prolongs the paint from life that reach a province first prize is won in art exhibition.
Went on invitation 1992 Singapore holds individual art exhibition, go out have " Zhou Yuwei draws volume " .



