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任济东,男,公历1980年元月生于河南省长垣县。2008年7月毕业于山东艺术学院油画系并获文学硕士学位。当代知名青年美术家。2002年9月加入中国美术家协会,当时为建国以来最年轻的全国美协会员之1 。现任教于南京信息工程大学传媒与艺术学院。次要 从事油画创作及高等美术教育。
“写实、凝重”是作者绘画风格的特色。“苍茫、廖远”是作者寻求 的1 种绘画意境。营建 质朴纯真的乡土油画意境是作者寻求 的目标和艺术理想。在油画作品《秋山如妆》中,作者饱蘸对故乡的眷恋和怀念之情,承袭古人严谨的山水构图章法,用古朴苍凉的笔法,细致入微地描绘了厚重、博大、苍茫的太行山意境,表达了作者对岁月和秋山绵延不绝的思恋。
不断 以来,他钟情于北方苍茫的旷野深山,着迷于静谧委婉 的山坡小径,对烟雨迷蒙的江南,总觉得雾里看花,犹如戏台上轻歌曼舞的少女,在浅浅1 笑中眸凝遐想 ,欲说还休、凄迷嫣然。在穿梭于江南田园小巷的日子里,南方深入骨髓的浪漫逐步 渗透到他的记忆之境,进而转化成1 幅幅清秀的江南油画,望穿春水,融入青山。如烟的细雨、淡冶的春山、黑白相间的民居、窄窄的小巷、加上长满青苔的老墙、洒满青瓷碎片的坡地,都进入了任济东的油彩世界,挥洒成作者笔下如梦如幻、如歌如诉的江南梦境。
作品前后 参加过第二届江苏国际文明 艺术周系列活动之2009南京·中国当代小幅油画约请 展、第11届全国美术作品展览、第9届全国美术作品展览、从这里出发——2007上海青年美术大展、中国美术家协会第15次新人新作展、全国中青年画家作品展、第5 届全国水彩画粉画展、中国美术院校师生油画展、视觉惊艳——2005上海青年美术大展、中国当代艺术院校年度提名展等全国及各省市美术作品展览并获奖。

Introduction to the artist

Ren Jidong, male, january gave birth to the Gregorian calendar at county of Henan governor wall 1980. Was graduated from Shandong art to academic canvas is fastened and obtain degree of Master of Arts in July 2008. Artist of contemporary and famous young person. Joined Chinese artist consortium in September 2002, one of member that it is the youngest whole nation beautiful association since founding a state at that time. Teach now at medium of university of Nanjing information project and artistic institute. Basically pursue canvas creation and advanced art education.
"Realistically, dignified " the characteristic that is author brushwork style. "Vast, Liao Yuan " a kind of painterly artistic conception that is author pursuit. Building plain and pure agrestic canvas artistic conception is the objective that the author pursues and artistic ideal. In canvas work " Qiushan if makeup " in, the author is full dip in the affection of the be sentimentally attached to to birthplace and yearning, the art of composition of landscape composition of a picture with adopy rigorous the ancients, with the calligraphy or drawing of bleak of of primitive simplicity, ground of meticulous in a subtle way represented massiness, gain big, vast too travel hill artistic conception, conveyed an author to delay incessant Sai Lian to years and Qiu Shanmian.
All the time since, he is loving at northward and vast moor remote mountains, trail of hillside of sweat and agreeable of infatuate Yu Jingmi, to the Changjiang Delta of misty rain mist, always feel to have a blurred vision, like the girl of the sing merrily and dance gracefully on stage, in shallow the eye in laughing coagulates Yao thinks, be about to say to still rest, dreary beautiful. Moving back and forth at Changjiang Delta in the day of rural lane, the romance of marrow of southern deep to the marrow pervades the place of his memory gradually, change then a comely Changjiang Delta canvas, hope to wear spring water, blend in green hill. The civilian house of the Chun Shan of the drizzle that is like smoke, Dan Ye, black and white alternate with, narrow narrow lane, add overgrow the lichenous old wall, sloping field that asperses full celadon fragment, entered greasepaint world of Ren Jidong, be like,brandish is aspersed into author the wording and purpose of what one writes if the dream is unreal, cantabile like the Changjiang Delta dream that appeal to.
Work has attended art of culture of the 2nd Jiangsu international early or late the China of 2009 Nanjing · of week series activity is small now canvas invites exhibit, exhibition of work of art of the 9th exhibition of work of art of the 11st whole nation, whole nation, set out from here -- art of 2007 Shanghai youth is exhibited greatly, China.
Work by many artistic orgnaization, private collect. National level is artistic kind of core periodical " art observes " , " the nation is artistic " " world knowledge pictorial " ever had special subject introduction, additionally many work is published on other newspapers and periodicals.



