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王沂东 - 王沂东访谈(前言):我就是喜欢……

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 王沂东,1955年5 月十1 日出生于山东蓬莱县,1968年 入山东临沂第1 中学,1970年在山东沂源柴油机厂当车工,参加工厂表演 队的表演 ,绘制厂内的宣扬 画、表演 队的舞台背景,1972年 十二月考入山东艺术学校美术科,开始零碎 学习绘画。1978年 考入地方 美术学院油画系。学习期间曾前后 赴山东大渔岛、河北承德、新疆伊犁、吉林延边、山东蒙阴、费县、沂水、沂源、沂南等地写生采风。曾参加过“法国第十届世界艺术节”,日本“第六届亚洲美展”,并在全国第六届美术作品展览其参展作品《农家母女》获优秀奖(北京市美术家协会收藏)。 1982年于地方 美术学院毕业并留校任教。曾任地方 美院教授。
王沂东,现任北京画院专业画家,国家1 级美术师。北京画院艺术委员会委员,中国美术家协会理事,中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员,北京市美术家协会副主席。曾在美国、香港、澳门、德国等国家举办个展,其作品多次在全国性美展中获奖。
王沂东对古典主义大师的表现技法兼收并蓄,融汇中国传统文明 的艺术言语 ,将油画创作的基本技巧与作品的情致结合起来,以金色、白色、黑色和红色等几种次要 的对比与渗透,实现了画面凝重而不呆滞,强烈而不生硬的艺术效果,具有1 种含蓄而动人的内在美。王沂东的画于静态中展示 动态,在慎重 中挥洒灵秀,从色彩中寄托内涵,犹如1 坛陈年佳酿,弥漫 着欧洲文艺复兴时期艺术风采的醇厚,回味着中国宋代工笔流韵的清香。


王沂东是当今中国最具实力的油画艺术家之1 。他熟能生巧 地将东方 古典油画的精湛技法与中国民族文明 的审美意蕴融于1 体,成功地再现了本身 独特的艺术风格。他的作品笔法精细严谨、外型 线条分明、形体结构)精确 并擅长表现人物丰富复杂的内心世界,以古朴凝重而又俏丽灵动的艺术魅力扣人心弦。
从1984年《历史系大先生 》开始的肖像画系列展现 了较为纯正的古典风格,同时作品具有1 种共同的基本目标:寻觅 民族的特色。人物背景中的飞天、仕女营建 了中国式的情境;在那些背景单纯的作品中,本民族的写实技巧和风格的调和 常常 使观众忽略了王沂东艺术中的另1 个事实:对19世纪写实画风的超越。画家开始崇仰更初期 的大师。《缝》、《刘二叔》、《铁蛋》外型 与用光得益于拉斐尔伦勃朗的艺术,这类 返祖式的借鉴令画面具有1 种超越技巧的精神性存在。王沂东凭借古典油画的精湛技法向乡土题材的回归,初步的尝试是不寒而栗 的,在这个阶段中,王沂东在人物抽象 的选择上偏爱古怪的长相。雪景仍使人物保持某种肖像化,但抽象 根据 真实空间的达成变得丰富而有活力。画面中王沂东“更多地靠具体的形的对比来说话”,对外型 的偏重,导致画家更强调色彩的全体 布局处理;同时王沂东试图在1 个很写实的画面里发现种很抽象的感觉,这类 抽象并非普通 意义上的简单抽象,也不是纯粹为了刺激人的感官,而是为了服务于全体 画面所要传达的某种感情或情绪。因而 作品中,单纯的黑、白色彩与中性的褐色调构成了艺术上的纯净,也给作品蒙上1 层苦涩的情绪。


朱乃正 (著名油画家)
1983年后,王沂东1 面继续走古典油画之路,1 面大胆开拓表现题材,寻求更完善 的艺术情势 ,创作了大量人物肖像、人体和静物画。王沂东这时候 期的肖像作品,试图以古典主义的情势 来表现古代 人的风貌、心思 和认识 。画面常常 光线柔和、笔触细腻,尽量舍弃多余的层次,力图使古典油画方法与中国的平面装潢 法相法合,特别是有些肖像画上夜的处理,吸收了传统画工笔重彩的装潢 手法,与人物精神气质融合,透出东方式的内在,温润的美感。 
—廖雯 (美术评论家)
程远(清华大学建筑学院副教授):王沂东的画像1 首悠远的歌,吟唱着对中国纯朴的古老文明 的诗化的留恋和憧憬。我感到王沂东具备了1 个人成功要素的两个层面,1 是对所选择事业的虔诚 与付出;二是历经艰辛后的顿悟与乐趣。
张育生(北京蓝笛设计公司总经理):他的画寻求 完善 ,色彩 很纯很亮,做得很讲究、到位。
栗娜 宋菲菲(旅美画家):王沂东的作品带有唯美倾向的理想 主义色彩,他好像在用农民的抽象 表达本身 心中1 种宁静、永久 的理想。
李兢喆(旅澳学者):王沂东在理想 生活里常常 找不着北,说话办事不会兜圈子……但我晓得 ,当他1 个人面对架上画布的时候,却具有 非常的从容和自在 ,那正是他情绪饱满的时刻。
李露微(画家、王沂东的妻子):王沂东天生就是1 个画画的人。

English Introduction

Wang Yidong, May 1955 born in Shandong on eleven 1968 in Penglai County, Shandong Linyi first middle school in Shandong in 1970, when Turner Yiyuan diesel engine factory, in the factory performance team performance, drawing in the promotional picture, performance team stage background, the Department of Fine Arts in December 1972 admitted to the Shandong School of art, began to study painting system. 1978 admitted to the oil painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. During the study successively went to Shandong, Hebei, Chengde, Xinjiang fishing island in Yili, Jilin Yanbian, Shandong Mengyin, Feixian County, Yishui, Yiyuan, Yinan and other places sketching folk songs. Had participated in the "France Tenth World Art Festival", Japan's "Sixth Asian Art Exhibition", and in the Sixth National Art Exhibition of the exhibition of works of "peasant" mother won the excellent prize (Beijing Artists Association). 1982 graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts and taught there. A former professor of the Central Academy of fine arts.
Wang Yidong, the current professional painter of Beijing painting academy, national artist. Beijing painting art committee, director of China Artists Association, member of Oil Painting Committee of Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of Beijing artists association. He also held a solo exhibition in the United States, Hongkong, Macao, Germany and other countries, the award-winning works in the national art exhibition.
Wang Yidong of the classical master techniques of eclectic, integrate traditional culture Chinese art language, the basic skills and works of painting interest together, to contrast with the penetration of several main gold, white, black and red, the picture setting heavy but not dull, strong and stiff artistic effect. With a subtle and touching inner beauty. Wang Yidong's painting to show the static dynamic, sway in the stable scenery, from the color of their connotation, it is like a vintage, filled with European Renaissance art style of mellow aftertaste, meticulous in Song Dynasty China rhyme flow fragrance.

Wang Yidong is one of the most powerful oil painting artists in China today. He easily the aesthetic implication of exquisite technique of Western classical painting and Chinese culture into one, the successful reproduction of its own unique artistic style. His works are fine lines modelling style, form and structure) accurate and good at the inner world of rich and complex characters, with dignified simplicity and pretty clever artistic charm P.
Wang Yidong was born in simple folk, picturesque mountains and Lunan village. The landscape of hometown gives him the artistic temperament with rich local flavor and profound spiritual connotation. His works deeply reflects the land of his beloved.
From the 1984 "history department students" began the portrait series shows a more pure classical style, at the same time the work has a common basic goal: to find the national characteristics. The characters in the background, create a China ladies flying type situation; in those background simple works, the coordination of the national realistic skills and style often make the audience ignore a fact that Wang Yidong in the art of the realistic painting style: beyond nineteenth Century. Painters began to worship more early masters. "Joint", "Liu Ershu", "iron eggs" shape and light thanks to Rafael, Rembrandt's art, this type of reference to the picture of a throwback to the spiritual transcendence skills are. Wang Yidong with the exquisite technique of classical oil painting to return to the local theme, the initial attempt is careful, in this stage, in the choice of the image of the eccentric appearance of preference for the appearance of the people in the. The snow still maintain a portrait of the characters, but the image based on the real space reach become rich and vibrant. The picture of Wang Yidong in "more on the specific shape of the contrast to speak, to other focus, resulting in the overall layout more emphasis on color painter; while Wang Yidong tries on a very realistic picture found in very abstract feeling, this abstraction is not a general sense of simple and abstract, nor is it purely in order to stimulate the human senses, but to serve the whole screen to convey a feeling or emotion. So the works, pure black, white color and neutral brown tones constitute the purity of art, but also to the work cast a bitter mood.

- Zhu Naizheng (famous painter)
After 1983, Wang Yidong went on a road of classical painting, a bold theme, to seek a more perfect art form, created a large number of portraits, still lifes and human. Wang Yidong's portrait in this period tries to show the style, psychology and consciousness of modern people in the form of classicism. The picture is light and soft, delicate strokes, to abandon the excess level, trying to make the plane decoration method of classical painting method and Chinese phase method, especially some portraits of the night, absorbed the traditional painting meticulous decoration, fusion and the characters of temperament, revealing the Oriental style inner beauty, gentle. [1]
- Liao Wen (art critic)
Cheng Yuan (associate professor at the Tsinghua University School of Architecture): Wang Yidong's portrait of a distant song, singing on the simplicity of the ancient culture of Chinese poetic nostalgia and longing. I am Wang Yidong has two aspects: one is a success, and pay for the selected enterprise loyalty; two is hard after the Epiphany and fun.
Zhang Yusheng (Beijing blue flute design company general manager): his painting pursuit of perfection, color is very pure very bright, do very particular, in place.
Li Na Song Feifei (painter): Wang Yidong's works with the aesthetic tendency of realism, he seemed to express their hearts a quiet, eternal ideal for farmers' image.
Li Jingzhe (brigade Australian scholars): Wang Yidong in real life often can not find the north, speak things will not circle...... But I know that when he is alone on the canvas, he has a very calm and free, it is his emotional moments.
Li Lu micro (painter, Wang Yidong's wife): Wang Yidong was born a painting.



