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2022-03-11 17:38:42




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别署田乔、沙月,男,汉族,浙江镇海人,生于上海,1978年考入地方 美院中国画系研讨 班,毕业后留系任教。历任安徽省出版社美术编辑,地方 美术学院讲师、教授。他努力 于水墨人物画创作,尝试以古代 外型 审美理念对中国书画传统加以批判地继承和发扬。他曾多次到藏族地区体验生活,创作了1 系列以藏区生活为题材的中国画作品。《回声》是其中之1 。该画侧重 于人与自然间的深层思考,力图表如今 中国西部严酷的自然条件下人类的生存成绩 。在艺术表现上,他强化传统中国画的笔墨神韵 ,淡化光、影、色、质等西画外型 要素 ,并巧妙地结合了中国画的留白与西画的透视,使画面既具古代 情势 美感,又不失传统的通透空灵。
作品有《祭》、《夸父图》、《农奴的喜悦》、《世界像1 只船》、《人文荟萃》等。出版有《华其敏画集》、《华其敏速写专集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Fasten arrange cropland tall, Sha Yue, male, the Han nationality, zhejiang presses down sea person, be born at Shanghai, the traditional Chinese painting in taking an examination of central beautiful courtyard 1978 fastens research class, graduation hind leaves a department to teach. Have successively held the posts of editor of art of press of the Anhui province, instructor of central academy of fine arts, professor. He devotes oneself to character of water Chinese ink to draw creation, attempt with contemporary modelling aesthetic concept draws a tradition to try to accede critically and be carried on to Chinese book. He ever experienced the life to Tibetian area for many times, created a series of China that are subject matter with hiding an area to live to draw work. " echo " be among them one of. This picture is emphasized at the depth between person and nature to think, strive expression is in China western of the mankind below astringent natural condition live problem. On artistic expression, the writing lasting appeal of the traditional Chinese painting in his aggrandizement tradition, desalt light, shadow, color, qualitative etc modelling element is drawn on the west, combined what China draws ably to leave the fluoroscopy that Bai Yuxi draws, make the picture has contemporary form aesthetic feeling already, do not break a traditional fully empty spirit again.
? ? ? ? ? Work has " hold a memorial ceremony for " , " boast father pursues " , " the joyance of Helot " , " the world resembles a boat " , " humanitarian assemble " etc. Publish have " Hua Jimin draws volume " , " Hua Jimin literary sketch only collect " etc.



