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姚鸣京,现为地方 美术学院教授,硕士研讨 生导师。中国美术家协会会员。李可染画院副院长。中国画院副院长。上海中国画院特聘画师。1959年生于北京,本籍 江苏无锡,师承卢沉周思聪先生,擅长山水、人物。1982年本科毕业于首都师范大学美术学院美术系,并任教于北京教育学院美术系。1987年专业进修毕业于地方 美术学院卢沉画室。1990年起至今任教于地方 美术学院中国画学院。
姚鸣京修禅,以信士自居,身处纷扰之尘世,心向澄明之净界,以禅养性,以性发悟,以悟明物,以物照笔,以笔印心。姚鸣京的艺术便体如今 这样1 个过程中。中国画不仅在于表达什么,更在于艺术过程本身,作品是给人看的,而过程属于本身 ,画者的心灵在过程中展示 、充满,也在过程中点亮智慧之灯。

1984年文明 部文艺作品征集中国画展 北京·中国美术馆
1988年首届中国画大奖赛(评委) 北京·中国美术馆
1989年第七届全国美展 广州
1990年珠海中国画约请 展 珠海
1994年第1 届国际艺术博览会 广州博览会馆
1995年第二届中日古代 水墨艺术作品展日本东京
1995年地方 美术学院院展 北京·中国美术馆
1996年全国中青年山水名家约请 展广州
1996年水墨现状展 北京·中国美术馆
1998年第1 届深圳国际水墨画双年展深圳·关山月美术馆
1998年山水·风景对比展 中国美术馆
1998年全国中青年名家展(策划) 珠海
1999年中国当代水墨艺术展 布拉格·捷克国家博物馆
2000年第二届深圳国际水墨画双年展 深圳·关山月美术馆
2001年上海中国画大展 上海美术馆
2002年第三届深圳国际水墨画双年展 深圳·关山月美术馆
2003年姚鸣京山水画展 兰州
2004年姚鸣京山水画展 烟台美术馆
2004年黄宾虹国际学术研讨系列展 中国美术馆
2004年南北山水对比展北京·中国艺术研讨 院部美术馆
2004年中国画回望展(山水)北京·中国画研讨 院美术馆
2004年当代中日艺术家古代 水墨作品交流展 东京·中日敌对 会馆
2004年中国画名家内蒙行写生展北京·中国画研讨 院美术馆
2005年首届当代中国画学术提名展 北京·中国美术馆
2005年中国当代艺术年鉴展 北京·世纪坛美术馆
1998年《姚鸣京画集》 广西美术出版社
1999年《姚鸣京画集》 广西美术出版社
2000年《当代书画家艺术丛书—山水清音鸣京》 河北教育出版社
2001年《当代山水印象—姚鸣京》 中国收藏出版社
2003年《写意画家—姚鸣京》 天津人民美术出版社
2004年《名家写生—姚鸣京写生集》 天津人民美术出版社
2006年《姚鸣京画集》 人民美术出版社

1982年9月分 配到北京教育学院美术系任教。
1987年专业进修结业于地方 美术学院中国画系卢沉画室。
1990年调入地方 美术学院中国山水画教研室任教。
1990年参加 珠海“全国中国画约请 展”获二等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Yao Ming Beijing, it is professor of central academy of fine arts now, adviser of Master graduate student. Chinese artist academician. Li Ke catchs assistant dean of imperial art academy. China draws courtyard assistant dean. Shanghai China imperial art academy hires painter especially. Was born at Beijing 1959, ancestral home Jiangsu does not have stannum, shi Chenglu heavy, Mr Zhou Saicong, be good at landscape, character. Undergraduate course was graduated from faculty of art of academy of fine arts of capital Normal University 1982, teach to teach academic art to fasten at Beijing. Professional 1987 attend in a advanced studies is graduated from heavy atelier of Lu of central academy of fine arts. Rose to teach to draw an institute at China of central academy of fine arts up to now 1990.
Yao Ming Beijing repairs buddhist, with letter person pose as, manage this world of confusion personally, the limbo of heart Xiang Chengming, raise a gender with buddhist, realize with sexual hair, in order to realize bright thing, take a pen with content, imprint with the pen heart. The art of Yao Ming Beijing is reflected in a such processes. Traditional Chinese painting depends on what conveying not only in, more depend on artistic process itself, work sees to the person, and the process belongs to him, the heart of the person that draw is shown in the process, be full of, also order the tube of bright wisdom in the process.

Hold an exhibition
Literary work collected culture ministry 1984 art gallery of China of · of Beijing of Chinese art exhibition
Beauty of youth of the 2nd whole nation exhibited art gallery of Beijing · China 1985
First China drew large award to surpass 1988 (commissioner) art gallery of Beijing · China
Beauty of the 7th whole nation exhibited Guangzhou 1989
The traditional Chinese painting in Zhuhai invited 1990 exhibit Zhuhai
Guangzhou of exposition of art of the first international read extensively 1994 guild hall
Work of art of Mo Yi of the 2nd Sino-Japanese and contemporary water exhibited Japanese Tokyo 1995
Courtyard of academy of fine arts exhibits art gallery of Beijing · China in the center of 1995
A person of academic or artistic distinction of landscape of the youth in the whole nation invited 1996 exhibit Guangzhou
Current situation of water Chinese ink exhibited art gallery of Beijing · China 1996
Impression of contemporary 1997 landscape is exhibited (plan) art gallery of Beijing · China
1998 wash of international of the first Shenzhen double year exhibit art gallery of month of Shenzhen · Guan Shan
Contrast of landscape · scenery exhibited Chinese art gallery 1998
A person of academic or artistic distinction of the youth in the whole nation was exhibited 1998 (plan) Zhuhai
Art of Chinese ink of Chinese contemporary water exhibited museum of country of Prague · Czech 1999
2000 wash of international of the 2nd Shenzhen double year exhibit art gallery of month of Shenzhen · Guan Shan
The traditional Chinese painting in Shanghai exhibited Shanghai art gallery greatly 2001
2002 wash of international of the 3rd Shenzhen double year exhibit art gallery of month of Shenzhen · Guan Shan
Landscape painting of Yao Ming Beijing exhibited Lanzhou 2003
Landscape painting of Yao Ming Beijing exhibited Yantai art gallery 2004
Series of delibrate of learning of international of rainbow of yellow 2004 guest exhibits Chinese art gallery
Contrast of landscape of north and south exhibited craft of Beijing · China 2004 academy ministry art gallery
The traditional Chinese painting in 2004 is answered hope to exhibit (landscape) art gallery of academy of picture of Beijing · China
Communication of work of contemporary water Chinese ink exhibits Sino-Japanese now 2004 artist Tokyo · is Sino-Japanese and friendly guild hall
Unconscious travel paint from life exhibits Beijing · China to paint academy art gallery inside a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in 2004
Nomination of learning of the traditional Chinese painting in first now exhibited art gallery of Beijing · China 2005
The throughout the country is beautiful 2005 assist the member exhibits art gallery of Beijing · China
Almanac of Chinese contemporary art exhibited art gallery of altar of Beijing · century 2005
1998 " Yao Ming Beijing draws volume " Guangxi art publishing house
1999 " Yao Ming Beijing draws volume " Guangxi art publishing house
2000 " collection of art of home of contemporary painting and calligraphy, landscape voiceless sound cries Beijing " Heibei teachs a press
2001 " contemporary landscape impression, Yao Ming Beijing " China collects a press
2003 " enjoyable painter, Yao Ming Beijing " publishing house of Tianjin people art
2004 " a person of academic or artistic distinction is sketchy, collect of paint from life of Yao Ming Beijing " publishing house of Tianjin people art
2006 " Yao Ming Beijing draws volume " people art publishing house

Artistic chronological table
Undergraduate course was graduated from academy of fine arts of capital Normal University 1982 (art of institute of former Beijing normal school is) Chinese picture is professional.
Allocated Beijing to teach academic art faculty to teach in September 1982.
Complete a course of professional 1987 attend in a advanced studies fastens Lu Chen atelier at the traditional Chinese painting in central academy of fine arts.
Transferred into staff room of landscape painting of China of central academy of fine arts teachs 1990.
Attended Zhuhai 1990 " the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation invites exhibit " win second-class award.
10 his work attended Czech country art gallery to hold on invitation 2001 " Mo Yi art extends contemporary China water " .



