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2022-03-11 17:38:47




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张志和,次要 展览及获奖情况:1.中国画《爬雪山》入选文明 部中国文联中国美术家协会主办的“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”(2009年)。入选文明 部中国人民解放军总政治部中国美术家协会主办的“庆祝中国人民解放军建军85周年全国美术作品展暨第十二届全军美术作品展”(2012年)。获江苏省美术家协会主办的“江苏省中国画(人物画)展览”银奖。2.连环画《西厢记》入选文明 部中国美术家协会主办的“第九届全国美术作品展览”(1999年)。获江苏省委宣扬 部江苏省文明 厅江苏省文联主办的“庆祝建国5 十周年省美展”优秀奖。3.中国画《纺线图》获江苏省文明 厅江苏省文联江苏省美术家协会主办的“庆祝建党七十周年省美展》三等奖(1991年)。4.中国画《牧羊图》获省文明 厅省文联省美协主办的《纪念“讲话”发表六十周年省美术书法摄影展》铜奖。(2000年)5.中国画《拓荒图》入选省文明 厅主办的《首届江苏省美术节》。(1998年)6.连环画《牡丹亭》入选省文明 厅省美协主办的《庆祝建国5 十5 周年省美展》(2004年)。7.中国画《演操图》入选省体委省美协主办的《江苏省第四届体育美展》(1997年)。8.中国画《垂钓图》入选省文联省文联书画研讨 中心主办的《江苏历代人物画高层论坛暨江苏当代人物画名家约请 展》(2011年)。9中国画《大会师》入选江苏省委宣扬 部省文明 厅省文联主办的《庆祝建国六十5 周年省美展》(2014年)。10.连环画《官渡之战》获江苏省文联主办江苏省美协承办的《首届“江苏美术奖”美术作品展览》提名奖。(2016年)

Introduction to the artist

Main exhibition reachs situation of bear the palm: 1. China is drawn " climb snow mountain " association of artist of China of couplet of article of China of selected culture ministry sponsors " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " (2009) . Association of artist of China of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army of selected culture ministry sponsors " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited and dozenth work exhibits a painting of horse and foot " (2012) . Obtain Jiangsu to save artist association to sponsor " the traditional Chinese painting in Jiangsu province (the character is drawn) exhibition " silver-colored award. 2. Comic " compartment is written down on the west " association of artist of China of selected culture ministry sponsors " work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " (1999) . Obtain Jiangsu provincial Party committee to publicize ministry Jiangsu to save culture hall Jiangsu to save article couplet to sponsor " celebrate found a state 50 years to save the United States to exhibit " outstanding award. 3. China is drawn " spin graph " obtain Jiangsu to save culture hall Jiangsu save what association of home of Su Shengmei art sponsors Wen Lianjiang " beauty of 70 years of provinces exhibits congratulatory found a party " third class award (1991) . 4. China is drawn " shepherd pursues " province of couplet of article of province of hall of the culture that capture a province is beautiful assist those who sponsor " souvenir " speech " publish photography of calligraphy of art of 60 years of provinces to exhibit " cupreous award. (2000) 5. China is drawn " cultivate virgin soil pursues " hall of selected province culture sponsors " section of art of first Jiangsu province " . (1998) 6. Comic " peony wells balanced " province of hall of selected province culture is beautiful assist sponsor " celebrate found a state 55 years to save the United States to exhibit " (2004) . 7. China is drawn " act do a figure " province of selected province Sport Commission is beautiful assist sponsor " Jiangsu saves beauty of the 4th sports to exhibit " (1997) . 8. China is drawn " go angling pursues " couplet of selected province article saves Wen Lianshu to draw a research center to sponsor " a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary character picture invites forum of high level of picture of character of Jiangsu past dynasties and Jiangsu exhibit " (2011) . 9 China are drawn " congress division " selected Jiangsu provincial Party committee publicizes a ministry to save culture hall to save article couplet to sponsor " celebrate found a state 65 years to save the United States to exhibit " (2014) . 10. Comic " Guan Du's battle " obtain Jiangsu to save article couplet to sponsor Jiangsu to save the United States assist those who undertake " first " Jiangsu art award " art work is exhibited " nomination award. (2016)



