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徐跃东,男,1958年9月出生,山东泗水,民盟会员。教授,毕业于浙江师范大学。设计研讨 所所长。
现为中国美术家协会会员、浙江省人与自然油画院院士,浙江省美术家协会理事,浙江省美术教学研讨 会理事,浙江省水彩水粉画家协会理事,浙江省油画家协会理事,湖州市美术教学研讨 会会长,湖州市水彩水粉画家协会主席,湖州市美术家协会副主席兼秘书长。
《罗汉系列》发表于《文艺研讨 》2009年第三期;
《赵孟頫甲戌年写四条屏艺术及相干 研讨 》发表于《东南 大学学报》2003年第三期;
《民居艺术浅析》发表于《美术研讨 》2006年第四期等;

Introduction to the artist

Xu Yuedong, male, was born in September 1958, shandong Si water, civilian alliance member. Professor, be graduated from Zhejiang Normal University. Design institute director.
Save person and academician of natural canvas courtyard for Chinese artist academician, Zhejiang now, zhejiang saves artist association director, zhejiang saves director of art teaching seminar, zhejiang saves director of association of painter of watercolour soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, zhejiang saves director of canvas home association, chairman of seminar of teaching of art of lake state city, chairman of association of painter of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of watercolour of lake state city, vice-chairman of association of artist of lake state city holds secretary-general concurrently.
The individual is honorary
" arhat series " publish at " literary research " 2009 the 3rd period;
" the terrine of ancient battlefield " selected 2004 " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " ;
" jujitsu " selected " beauty of the 3rd sports of countrywide is exhibited " ;
" swim pool " selected " Zhejiang saves 85 new spaces to exhibit " ;
" the zoology sex of urban sculpture " publish at " Shanghai artist " 2009 the 4th period;
" of Ou space patulous " publish at " Wen Haiyi encloseds ground for growing trees " 2009 the 3rd period;
" the traditional and painterly sex of Shen Congwen novel is shown " publish at " journal of Hubei Normal University " 2006 the 3rd period;
" Jia Qu of Zhao Meng Zuo year keep 4 screen art and relevant research " publish at " northwest university journal " 2003 the 3rd period;
" shallow analyse of civilian house art " publish at " art studies " 2006 the 4th period etc;
" graphic China is built history " press of Chinese electric power was published 2008. ,
" civilian house is built " Chinese building publishing house was published 2007,
" Xu Yuedong draws volume " Xi Ling imprinted 2002 company press is published.



