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导语:“老树画画”火了,他作品被央视春晚的舞美借鉴,他的微博已 具有 了近百万粉丝数量,每1 条都能博得 数千个“赞”和转发。他每天仍然保持着1 到两条的数量,自始自终 地,1 张水墨小品配1 首小诗,画面简洁明快。大多是1 个面目不清的人,处在山间花丛,残暴 中又有几分寂寥,亲自写的小诗总是带有古风且具新意,譬如比来 的处暑,他就写到“晚来有月升起,初觉夜风微凉。1 湖秋水寂寂,无边蒹葭苍苍。”有时也会写点有关时局的事,“萧萧竹里馆,做梦在大床。股票完蛋了,幸有隔夜粮。”但老树更多则像个老式文人,用理想 与心中彼岸做1 次对话,“小城新雨后,乱花覆古塘。停舟做1 梦,无处不清凉。”

“用了微博以后 更加感到江湖的存在。”老树感叹道,即使他这样人畜有害 的微博内容,都会不时遭到恶毒的评论,“他们只是将个人生活中的不满找1 个出口吧。”他有些无法 ,坐在本身 位于地方 财经大学地下室的工作室里,1 支接1 支地抽着烟,偶尔喝1 口浓茶。桌上摆着1 摞未完成的画作,身后1 个摄影棚,才让人想起他的本职工作,是1 个影象 艺术研讨 者和批评家。工作室的1 角,是满满1 桌子的陶瓷,那也是老树带着1 帮先生 烧出来的。在多重身份之间,在公共话题与个人情感之间,老树在两种表达中不断定义着本身 。


刘树勇,地方 财经大学文明 与传媒学院教授,视觉文明 评论家。上个世纪八十年代中期,努力 于视觉言语 与叙事方式的比较研讨 。八十年代后期,集中以中国书法为研讨 个案,比较研讨 中国视觉艺术中的表现主义传统与东方 抽象言语 纯粹化的差异关系成绩 。九十年代中期开始以摄影为次要 研讨 对象,重点研讨 摄影的言语 形状 及分类准绳 ,后转而关注中国当代摄影发展及图像传播过程中存在的相干 成绩 。1997年,代表作《权力——关于观念摄影的对话》发表于香港《古代 摄影报》,首次具体提出“观念摄影”这1 新的图像形状 概念,旋即被《中国摄影报》转载,引发全国性的摄影理论论争。《中国摄影界的四种病》、《“纪实摄影”给我们带来了些什么》、《摄影能改变什么》、《你老去西藏干什么》、《摄影言语 体系的基本构成》等文章,都曾引发 摄影界极大的关注。著有《中国当代摄影新锐系列丛书》、《世界摄影大师经典作品集》。


1983年7月,毕业于南开大学中国言语 文学系,获文学学士学位。同年,到地方 财经大学中文系(现为文明 与传媒学院)任教至今。
1997年10月,与艺术评论家岛子策划组织观念摄影展览《新影象 展》,为中国观念摄影的第1 个重要展览。
2001年8月,参与策划并发起中国第1 个国际摄影节“1 品国际摄影节”,组织实施了八个摄影展览,并策划组织系列国际学术讲座及研讨会。
2005年2月,策划并主编《世界摄影大师经典作品集》(5 卷本,汕头大学出版社)。
2005年10月,在青岛策划掌管 《少年的表情——新中国5 十年代图像展》。
2005年9月,在山东淄博策划并掌管 以“社会·内心·关注”为主题的大型摄影展《山东摄影十人展》及学术研讨会,清理山东近十5 年来图像发展的基本状态 及图像资源。
2010年9月,策划《影象 方志——山西省古交市地理景观与人文遗存的影象 调查》主题摄影展,“首次用地方志的方式,以影象 言语 作为表达手法,结合社会学原理,对1 个县级市的历史与现状做出了较为零碎 的视觉体现,在不分类别、不分层次一同 寻求 “艺术”、“大囫囵”的摄影界具有突破意义和示范性”(李树峰语)。

English Introduction

Intro: "the old painting" fire, he works by the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage from his micro-blog already has a number of nearly a million fans, each one can win thousands of praise and forwarding. He still maintained one to two per day, as always, a piece of ink with a small poem, the picture is simple and lively. Mostly a faceless man in the mountains, flowers, gorgeous and somewhat lonely, personally wrote the poem with ancient and always innovative, such as the recent Chushu, he wrote "a month late rise, began to feel the cool breeze. A quiet autumn lake, boundless Jianjia gray." Sometimes write about the things, "Xiao Xiao bamboo hall, dream in bed. Stock is finished, fortunately overnight grain." But more like an old-fashioned old scholar with reality, make a dialogue with the hearts of the other side, "the town of rain, squandering cover Gu tang. Stop boat do a dream, nowhere cool."
After using micro-blog feel more lakes exist." The tree sighed, even if he did harmless micro-blog content, will from time to time have been vicious comments, "they are just personal dissatisfaction with life to find an exit." Some of his helpless, sitting in his basement studio at Central University of Finance and Economics, a pick a place to smoke and occasionally drink tea. On the table a pile of unfinished paintings, behind a studio, it reminds people of his own work, is a video art researcher and critic. In a corner of the studio, is a table full of ceramic, it is the tree with a bunch of students burned out. In multiple identities between, between the public topic and personal feelings, two kinds of trees in the expression of his constant definition.

Liu Shuyong, Professor of culture and communication, Central University of Finance and Economics, visual culture critic. In the mid 80s of last century, a comparative study of visual language and narrative style. In late 80s, with China calligraphy as a case study, comparative study of China in visual art and Western abstract expressionism traditional language of pure difference relation. In the middle of the 90s, photography was taken as the main object of study, focusing on the language form and classification principle of photography, and then turned to the problems related to the development of Chinese contemporary photography and the process of image communication. In 1997, the representative of "the power" of the concept of photography -- a dialogue published in Hongkong "modern photography", for the first time put forward the "conceptual photography" which is a new concept of image morphology, soon to be "China photography" reproduced, photography controversy triggered nationwide. "China photography four kind of disease", "" documentary photography "has brought us what", "what", "photography can change your old what's in Tibet", "photography language system basic composition" and other articles, have caused great attention to photography. The author of "Chinese cutting-edge contemporary photography series", "World Photography masters classic works".

May 1962, was born in Shandong, Linqu.
July 1983, graduated from the Chinese language and Literature Department of Nankai University, received a Bachelor of Arts degree. In the same year, to the Chinese Department of Central University of Finance and Economics (now culture and Media Institute) taught so far.
In 1997, the concept of "concept photography" was put forward for the first time in the masterpiece "power - dialogue on concept photography".
In October 1997, the island planning organization idea and art critic Photography Exhibition "new image exhibition", as the first major exhibition China concept photography.
In August 2001, participated in the planning and launching of China's first International Photography Festival, "one product International Photography Festival", organized and implemented eight photographic exhibitions, and organized a series of international academic seminars and seminars.
In 2004, planned and edited "Chinese cutting-edge contemporary photography series".
February 2005, planning and editing "World Photography masters classic collection" (volume five, Shantou University press).
In October 2005, in Qingdao planning presided over "juvenile expression - New China 50s image exhibition".
In September 2005, Shandong Zibo planning and presided over by the society, the heart and focus as the theme of large-scale Photography Exhibition "Shandong photography exhibition ten" and academic seminar, clean up Shandong in the past fifteen years the basic situation of image and image resources development.
In September 2010, local planning "image survey" -- the image of Shanxi city in Gujiao Province, geographical landscape and Humanistic Heritage theme photography exhibition, "for the first time with the local chronicles, the image language as expression techniques, combined with sociology principle, history and present situation of a county-level city made a systematic visual manifestation in the sub category, regardless of level with the pursuit of" art "and" dahulun "photography breakthrough and demonstration" (Li Shufeng language).
2011, curator of "land - years - people - Lishui six Documentary Exhibition", 100 works together Lishui photographer Wang Peiquan, Su Jian, Shen Jianhua, Zheng Zhongmin, Pan Shiguo, ye happy, a city tour in the United states.



