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洪琪 - ​鸟语花香入画卷——记津门花

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从事高校美术教学与研讨 23年,前后 担任过构图学、色彩学、素描、东方 美术史、水彩材料与技法,水彩人物、水彩风景、环境艺术设计、毕业论文、毕业创作、毕业设计等多门课程的教学。现为湖南省重点专业负责人、全国1 类特色专业负责人、省级教学团队负责人、湖南理工学院教学名师。
2001.4《高师美术教育专业水彩画教学符号、图示建构的研讨 与实践》获院教学成果1 等奖(排名第1 )
1998.10水彩画《阀》获省第5 届水彩画展1 等奖
1999.9水彩画《世纪末日的重音》入选第九届全国美展,获庆祝建国5 十周年湖南省美术作品大展优秀奖
2008.1获岳阳市第1 届岳阳文学艺术奖金奖
2009.2获全国第二届大先生 艺术展演活动优秀指点 教师奖
2007.12全国1 类特色专业建设点(湖南理工学院美术学(教师教育)专业);级别:教育部。
2008.5《地方高校美术学(教师教育)专业课程体系的研讨 与实践》教育厅教学改革研讨 项目。
2003.1《言语 是心灵的窗户》发表于《文艺研讨 》(国家级期刊)ISSN0257-5876CN11-1672/J
2002.10《地方高校美术院系学分制教学管理的探索与探新》发表于《中国高教研讨 》(全国中文核心期刊)ISSN1004-3667CN11-2962/G4
2003.7《出色 的创造,感人的丰碑——论“昭陵六骏”的艺术成就》发表于《云梦学刊》(湖南省优秀理论期刊)ISSN1006-6365CN43-1240/C
2006.12.30《构建开放式教学体系,培养利用 型创新人才》发表于《文艺报》
2007.6主编完成《湖南绘画史》、《湖南书法史》、《湖南设计史》三部著作研讨 (中国文联出版社出版)ISBN7-5059-5353-2

Introduction to the artist

Hong Qi, 1960.5 unripe, 1975 country of transfer to a lower level, into Yue Yang technology institute learned 1977, stay after graduation school teach, abandoned manage 1983 from art, studying art of Hunan Normal University is, after graduating 1987, to Hunan the technical institute teachs. Currently hold the post ofChinese artist academician, director of association of Hunan Province artist, hunan Province art teachs conference committee committee member, education of Hunan Province art learns deputy secretary-general, chairman of committee of art of Hunan Province watercolour, vice-chairman of association of artist of Yue Yang city, dean of academy of fine arts of Hunan technical institute, professor.
Pursue college art education and research 23 years, had held the position of composition of a picture to learn early or late, art of chromatics, sketch, west history, watercolour material and ability law, the education of the much door course such as design of creative work of design of art of scenery of watercolour character, watercolour, environment, project, graduate, graduation. It is major of Hunan Province key now division of name of education of technical institute of controller of group of chief of major of a kind of characteristic of chief, whole nation, provincial education, Hunan.
Achievement of selected, bear the palm
2002.12 " the exploration that courtyard of local college art fastens credit to control education government and innovation " second-class award Hunan teachs achievement of the education that capture a province [2002]204 date (rank the 4th)
2001.4 " the research that tall division art teachs symbol of professional aquarelle education, graphic representation to propose form and practice " first prize of achievement of the education that obtain a courtyard (rank the first)
2002 papers " break traditional pattern, education innovation talent " appraise through comparison of paper of the education that capture a province is second-class award
1996 aquarelle " shoe. Wheel... . . " art of first watercolour of selected China exhibits;
1998 aquarelle " corrode " selected art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 4th whole nation;
1998.1 aquarelle " a powerful person " capture a province first prize of art exhibition of the 5th watercolour
1999.9 aquarelle " the stress of century doomsday " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited, obtain celebrate found a state 50 years work of Hunan Province art exhibits outstanding award greatly
2003 aquarelle " afterglow ancient alley " first small watercolour art exhibition of selected whole nation;
2004.9 aquarelle " precursory " selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited, choose hundred years aquarelle of Chinese to exhibit, obtain the 10th beauty of countrywide to exhibit Hunan Province outstanding work exhibits silver-colored award
2005.12 aquarelle " motivation " art exhibition of the 6th watercolour obtains selected Hunan Province gold prize
2008.1 win award of bonus of art of the first Yue Yang literature of Yue Yang city
2009.2 obtain art of the 2nd undergraduate of countrywide to exhibit perform an activity outstanding tutor award
Task, project
2002.12 " series of Hunan beauty art history " task of emphasis of program of the division that save a company (inscribe of company division program [2002]8 date) already writtened guarantee problem (written guarantee a certificate date: 20070111) .
Major of a kind of characteristic of 2007.12 whole nations builds a point (art of Hunan technical institute learns (the teacher is taught) professional) ; Level: Ministry of Education.
2008.5 " local college art learns (the teacher is taught) the research of system of special training course and practice " project of research of reform of educational office education.
Paper, monograph
2003.1 " the window that the language is the heart " publish at " literary research " (national level periodical) ISSN0257-5876CN11-1672/J
2003.3 " watercolour art and life world " publish at " art observes " (national level is artistic kind of core periodical) ISSN1006-8899CN11-3665J
2002.1 " the exploration that courtyard of local college art fastens credit to control education government and sound are new " publish at " China teachs research high " (periodical of countrywide Chinese core) ISSN1004-3667CN11-2962/G4
2001.1 " break traditional pattern, education innovation talent " publish at " Yun Mengxue print " (Hunan Province is outstanding and academic periodical) ISSN1006-6365CN43-1240/C
2003.7 " outstanding creation, touching monument -- theory " Zhao Ling 6 fine horse " artistic achievement " publish at " Yun Mengxue print " (Hunan Province is outstanding and academic periodical) ISSN1006-6365CN43-1240/C
2006.12.30 " compose builds system of open mode education, talent of education application innovation " publish at " literary newspaper "
2007.6 chief editor are finished " Hunan is painterly history " , " Hunan calligraphy history " , " Hunan is designed history " 3 composing study (press of Chinese article couplet is published) ISBN7-5059-5353-2
2009.1 chief editor " art of institution of higher learing learns (the teacher is taught) professional series teaching material " 12, (Hunan art publishing house is published)



