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王荫华,1937年出生于盐城市盐都区伍佑镇。幼年读过私塾,1946年—1948年曾在盐城中学读过中学,1948年下半年因时局动荡,被迫失学,展转 上海华顺码头做过小工。解放后,1950年王荫华由于 良好的幼年教育而至盐城中学文艺专修班学习,两年后,王荫华来到大丰,在大丰实验小学干起了美术教师这1 职业,而这1 干就是30年。期间,他前后 从教于大丰实小、新丰小学、大丰县中学、大丰县师范学校、大丰县南阳中学等数所学校。1984年,王荫华调任大丰县文明 馆专职从事漫画创作至今。
在从教前,王荫华就对画画很是着迷,特别 对漫画情有独钟。他画过国画,出版过连环画,但因非科班出身,最后 进行漫画创作时经常是“十投九不中”,所幸的是当时的报刊美术编辑相当敬业,对没有采用的稿件总是用铅笔在画作上批注或另写退稿信退回,在指出不足的同时提出希望和建议。这对王荫华帮助很大,也促使他养成了注重 技术磨练,认真绘制每1 件作品的习气 。
1950年1月3日,王荫华的第1 幅漫画作品终究 发表在《苏北日报》上,这是对王荫华创作的第1 次肯定和鼓励,也让王荫华从此1 发不可收拾,以后 近60年中,他对漫画创作几乎到了如痴如醉的程度,每天都要花费必然 的时间进行漫画创作,平均每3天就有1 幅作品发表,高峰期1 年发表400多幅。迄今在《幽默与讽刺》、《华东画报》、《苏北日报》、《中国漫画》等各类报刊、杂志上发表的漫画作品数以千计。
纵观王荫华的漫画作品,或辛辣讽刺,或幽默诙谐,但无1 不秉承了“寓庄于谐”这1 艺术特色。我国著名的漫画大师方成这样评价王荫华的作品:他用滑稽的方式把话说清楚;他善于应用 漫画创作的表现手法,编风趣 的故事、滑稽的活动情节,把所评的成绩 显示出来,使人看出画中表现的思想、见解。因此 但凡看过王荫华先生漫画作品的人都会在会心1 笑以后 或有所悟。
他的作品《把钱花在刀口上》用比喻的手法,讽刺公款吃喝,把公款放在食用的案板上用刀切,让人1 看就明白是吃掉了。《李家庄的变迁》用极简洁的抽象 变化,揭示出我国农村中普遍存在的成绩 。《群众的眼睛》画的主题就是1 句俗话:“群众的眼睛是雪亮的。”表现手法奇巧、明白。
自新中国成立后,王荫华就开始在报刊上发表漫画作品,可以说他是我国漫画家中的一名 先行者。而今王荫华已近耄耋之年,但仍每日坚持漫画创作,画画已成为他生命中的1 部分。每年他都要画1000多张速写,创作上百幅的漫画作品。他的作品不仅深受读者爱好 ,同时也屡获大奖。作品《把钱花在刀口上》入选第六届全国美展并获优秀作品奖;作品《显影》被国家选送参加巴黎春季沙龙;作品《过桥》参加中日漫画家创作交流活动;作品《伯乐相马》在参加江苏省画展后被国家收藏。此外他的作品《差1 点就扔了》、《急不可待》、《走马灯》、《风险 的旅程》、《离不开的支持 》、《填补了空白》等多次参加全国美展和中国漫画大展,获全国旧事 漫画复评银奖2次,铜奖3次和在各种漫画大赛获奖50多次。《把钱花在刀口上》、《二心 想着他人》、《观棋图》、《天仙配》等作品也获得我国美术大师叶浅予华君武方成等高度好评。有1 批作品被分别收入《幽默画100家》、《世界体育漫画精选》、《中国漫画精品大观》、《中国水墨画约请 展作品集》等30多种中外漫画集。
在50多年的创作实践中,王荫华积累了丰富的创作经验,也影响了1 批人。大丰市著名书法家陈丹水、我国著名民俗文明 研讨 专家、剪纸艺术家陈竞都曾拜师于其门下。而在其影响下大丰市的漫画创作队伍更是群星闪耀,吉俊明、储文厚、张涌泉、许建弶、陶浪白、邹进等作品也是时常见诸于全国各大报刊,大丰已然成为全国漫画创作的高产区。
王荫华说本身 愚笨,常常拍肿脑袋都拍不出好漫画的“点子”,但本身 能够做到的只是努力想好漫画外型 ,尽力画好每1 幅作品,做到对得起本身 ,对得起读者,对得起中国漫画事业。为此,王荫华在本身 数千幅漫画作品中精心挑选了100多幅整理成册,汇编成《王荫华漫画集》,此书由中国美术大师方成题序,已由内蒙古人民出版社出版发行。无庸 置疑,但凡看过王荫华漫画作品的人都会认为“坚持走本身 的路”的王荫华是一名 真真正正的中国漫画先行者。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Yinhua, was born in saline city salt 1937 Ou Wuyou is pressed down. Childhood has read private school, 1946, ever had read a middle school in saline city middle school 1948, 1948 second half of the year because the current political situation is queasy, be forced unable to go to school, flounder Shanghai Hua Shun dock has done coolie. After liberating, wang Yinhua was taught because of good childhood 1950 and come saline city middle school is literary specialize in class study, after two years, wang Yinhua comes to big abundant, in big abundant experiment elementary school doing had art teacher this one profession, and this works is 30 years. During, he learns from inside teaching Yu Dafeng county of elementary school of solid small, new abundant, big abundant early or late, big abundant county learns to wait for several schools in Nanyang of county of training school, big abundant. 1984, full-time of house of culture of county of big abundant of Wang Yinhua transfer is engaged in caricature creating up to now.
Be in from before teaching, wang Yinhua is infatuate very to painting a picture, have a special liking to caricature especially. He has painted traditional Chinese painting, had published comic, but because be not one's previous experience of regular professional training, when undertaking caricature is created at first, often be " 10 cast 9 bos " , the editor of the press art that what I hope is at that time comparatives respect property, always use pencil to be made in the picture to doing not have adoption manuscript on annotate on or keep go back of the letter that return manuscript additionally, in point out inadequacy while put forward to hope and suggest. This is very big to Wang Yinhua help, also make his nurturance take technical harden oneself seriously, serious scale the habit of each work.
On January 3, 1950, work of the first cartoon is published in eventually " North Jiangsu daily " on, the first time that this is pair of Wang Yinhua creation affirms and encourage, also let Wang Yinhua send irremediable from now on, later in nearly 60 years, be like,he arrived almost to cartoon creative work crazy like drunk degree, want to cost proper time to undertake caricature is created everyday, average every 3 days have a work to publish, fastigium publishs many 400 one year. Heretofore is in " humour and satirize " , " Hua Dong pictorial " , " North Jiangsu daily " , " Chinese caricature " wait for the cartoon work that publishs on of all kinds the press, magazine thousands of.
Review cartoon work of Wang Yinhua, or acrimony satirize, or humorous and humorous, but without did not hold to " contain Zhuang Yuxie " this one artistic trait. Our country's famous caricature Great Master just becomes the work that evaluates Wang Yinhua so: He says the word to be clear about with humourous means; He is good at using the expressional technique that caricature creates, make up clue of activity of interesting story, humourous, the issue that reviews place is shown come, make the person sees the thought of the expression in the picture, view. The person that consequently in every case has seen work of cartoon of Mr Wang Yinhua can laugh in understanding later or realize somewhat.
His work " get on money flower in blade " the technique that uses an analogy, acid public money eats and drink, put public money on the chopping board of edible to be cut with the knife, letting a person look to understand is to eat off. " Li Jiazhuang's changes " change with extremely concise figure, announce the exists generally problem in giving our country country. " the eye of masses " the theme of the picture is a common saying: "The eye of masses is bright. " expression is gimmick ingenious, clear.
After China of make a fresh start holds water, wang Yinhua begins to publish cartoon work on the press, can say he is a forerunner in our country caricaturist. Now Wang Yinhua is close already octogenarian, but still daily hold to cartoon creative work, picture picture already became him to lay the one part that hit the target. Annual he should draw many pieces of 1000 literary sketch, create about a hundred cartoon work. His work loves not only by the reader, also win large award repeatedly at the same time. Work " get on money flower in blade " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited and win outstanding work award; Work " develop " be sent to attend Parisian spring salon by national choosing; Work " cross the bridge " attend Sino-Japanese caricaturist to create communication activity; Work " Bai Lexiang horse " be collected by the country after attending Jiangsu to save art exhibition. In addition his work " all but was thrown " , " extremely anxious " , " a lantern with paper cut figures of men " , " dangerous itinerary " , " prop up from what do not leave " , " fill blank " wait for many times to enter the throughout the country the United States is exhibited and Chinese caricature is exhibited greatly, catch countrywide news caricature answer reviews silver-colored award 2 times, cupreous award is mixed 3 times in all sorts of caricature contest bear the palm 50 for many times. " get on money flower in blade " , " of one mind is considering another person " , " the graph that watch a step " , " a beauty matchs " wait for work to also obtain Xie Jian of Great Master of our country art to grant, Hua Junwu, square into wait for height reputably. A batch of work are parted income " humour draws 100 " , " world sports caricature is handpick " , " grand sight of Chinese caricature high-quality goods " , " Chinese wash invites extend work market " wait for collect of a variety of 30 caricature of China and foreign countries.
In 50 old creation practice, wang Yinhua accumulated rich creation experience, also affected a batch of people. Chen Jing of artist of expert of research of culture of famous folk-custom of water of Chen Dan of famous calligrapher of big abundant city, our country, paper-cut ever did obeisance to division below Yujimen. And the team of cartoon creative work that affects next big abundant city in its is galaxy more glaring, of Ji Junming, Chu Wenhou, Zhang Chongquan, Xu Jian, Tao Lang the work such as white, Zou Jin also is constant see Zhu Yuquan state each are big the press, big abundant makes the high yield division that countrywide caricature creates already.
Wang Yinhua says he is addlehead, often do not pat swollen head do not pat those who give good caricature " drop " , but what oneself can accomplish is to consider good caricature model hard only, endeavor to had drawn each work, accomplish him not let sb down, reader of not let sb down, career of caricature of China of not let sb down. For this, wang Yinhua is in oneself in work of thousands of cartoon chose meticulously to be arranged many times 100 book, collection is become " collect of Wang Yinhua caricature " , this book just becomes problem order by Chinese art Great Master, already published by press of Inner Mongolia people. Beyond question, the person that in every case has seen Wang Yinhua overflow picture work can think " the road that holds to oneself " Wang Yinhua is really true Chinese caricature forerunner.



