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1988年毕业于地方 美术学院附中,1992年毕业于地方 美术学院,获学士学位,2008年毕业于清华大学美术学院,获硕士学位。现为北京印刷学院副校长,二级教授,中国美术家协会会员、文明 部中国国际书画艺术研讨 会副会长、中国美术家协会插图装帧艺术委员会副主任兼秘书长、中国包装联合会设计委员会副秘书长、北京美术家协会理事、文明 部华夏文明 遗产中国画院副院长。

享用 国务院颁发“政府特殊津贴”、中国教育部授予“全国优秀教师”称号、国家旧事 出版总署授予“全国旧事 出版业领军人才”称号、北京市人民政府授予“北京市先进工作者”称号、北京市“四个1 批”人才,美术作品多次入选国内外美术大展并获奖。其中,巨幅国画《中国民主革命的伟大先驱——孙中山》获“孙中山与华侨国际美术巡回展”金奖、巨幅国画《历史的反思》获“99’中国艺术大展”银奖、《清幽》获“第八届全国‘群星奖’美术大展”铜奖、《不屈》入选“第四届北京国际美术双年展”等。出版专著《得妙于心》、《搜妙创真》、《万物生意最可观》、《田忠利画集》、《新编写意人物画》等。


由中国美术家协会艺委会、中国国际书画艺术研讨 会、北京美术家协会、北京印刷学院主办的“万物生意最可观——田忠利中国画作品展”在中国美术馆开幕。

此次画展,由历史人物画和花鸟画两大部分构成。这两大画科存在着偌大的差异,但在田忠利的创作中却统1 着1 条1 以贯之的内线,若把这条贯通其中的内线姑且也称之为“道”的话,这“道”就是“民胞物与”思想与深切的人文情怀;是“天之大德曰生”的生命哲学思想,与对生命、生命价值、生命尊严的礼赞与敬畏。

展品中那些揭示中华民族苦难与勇敢 抗争的巨幅革命历史画,那些表现人类戕害自然生态,所酿成的 荒芜与胡杨悲壮惨死的惊心景象,都回响着作者撕心裂肺的呐喊。“真诚于内,神动于外”。这些震动 心灵的绘画意象,感动并警醒着人们。从中也折射出作者博大的爱与深沉的悲悯情怀。画家为民族复兴而慷慨捐躯者长哭,为意味 生态悲惨遭受 的“胡杨”抽象 悲歌。“当悲悯之心能够不只针对人类,而能扩大涵盖1 切万物生命时,才能到达恢宏深邃的人性光辉。”(史怀哲)田忠利在创作中寻求 彰显“人性光辉”的画境。

田忠利激赏“万物生意最可观”这1 重要中华美学思想。万物生生不息的不言大美,成为他的创作主题。他笔下那些情感化、性灵化了的花草、鸟兽,每每拨动你心灵的琴弦,让你顿生爱怜。画家把对万物“生意”的审美体认与诗意妙悟,作为灵感之源,与艺术创新的不二法门。“诗为天人之合”,画亦然。

创新,是中华民族的将来 。创新不是出丑斗怪,不是表面文章。而应是中华美学精神、国际视野、文明 底蕴、人格品性和 扎实的绘画功底相结合的产物。田忠利深厚的外型 、构成能力,和 他诗、书、画、印的综合素养,特别是他多年研读中华文明 经典与不断深入体悟中华美学精神,这诸多方面的自然融会,方使他在创作中能以有所突破,开拓出新情势 、新言语 、新境界的具有时代品格的绘画作品。他正走在不断探索、攀登的路上。

English Introduction

 He graduated from the attached middle school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1988, from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1992 with a bachelor's degree, and from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University in 2008 with a master's degree. Now he is the vice-president and second-level professor of Beijing Printing Academy, member of China Artists Association, vice-president of China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association of the Ministry of Culture, vice-director and secretary-general of the Illustration and Binding Art Committee of China Artists Association, deputy secretary-general of the Design Committee of China Packaging Federation, director of Beijing Artists Association and Vice-President of the Chinese Painting Academy of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture.

Enjoy the special government allowance awarded by the State Council, the title of "National Excellent Teacher" awarded by the Ministry of Education of China, the title of "National Leading Talents in the Press and Publishing Industry" awarded by the General Administration of Press and Publication of China, the title of "Advanced Workers in Beijing" awarded by the Beijing People's Government, and the title of "Four Group" talents in Beijing. Fine arts have been selected for many times in domestic and foreign art exhibitions and won prizes. Among them, the giant Chinese painting Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, won the gold medal of the "Sun Yat-sen and Overseas Chinese International Art Tour Exhibition", the giant Chinese painting "Historical Reflection" won the silver medal of the "99" Chinese Art Exhibition, "Qingyou" won the bronze medal of the "Eighth National Star Award" Art Exhibition, and "Unyielding" was selected as the "Fourth Beijing International Art Biennale". Publishing monographs such as "Getting Smart in Heart", "Searching Wonderful and Creating Truth", "The Most Significant Business of All Things", "Tian Zhongli's Paintings Collection", "Newly Written Ideal Figure Painting" and so on.



