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1947年7月与已故著名艺术家吴冠中先生两人一同 经过逾千人的激烈竞逐,“过5 关,斩六将”,获得法国政府提供的奖学金,赴法国巴黎美术学院留学。王熙民在法国留学期间,主攻雕塑和油画,前后 师从让尼欧、布德尔等名家大师。
1950年7月,新中国成立之初,怀抱爱国之心拒绝了国民党政府的优厚待遇回到祖国,被国务院赞誉为“爱国知识分子”。回国后,他被分配到革命博物馆工作,积极投身建国十周年庆典筹备工作;以后 ,他申请调到东北鲁艺工作。
1953年,王熙民创作的大型雕塑《抗联游击队》,参加全国第1 届军事展览并荣获八项优秀作品之1 。
1957年,率领东北鲁艺师生为全国农展馆中心广场创作群雕《人民公社万岁》,群雕高达9米,气势恢宏,被国务院确定为“国家重点保护的文明 艺术经典巨作”。
1961年,应中国建筑科学研讨 院之邀成立建筑空间艺术研讨 室,并与地方 工艺美术学院院长张仃先生就人才培养方向构成 了共识,作为带路 人奠定了中国开拓建筑空间艺术的基础。
1981年,受地方 美术学院约请 成立壁画系,任研讨 生导师。他以建筑师和艺术家的双重身份,推陈出新,为中国的建筑艺术创造出新的理念与成就。
2012年,已 95岁高龄的王熙民先生不辞千里迢迢,携夫人包阿华教授与故乡烟台市莱山区人民政府正式签约,将代表本身 与夫人毕生艺术成就的50多件代表作品永世 捐赠家乡,莱山区特此设立“王熙民、包阿华艺术馆”,对两位老艺术家的经典杰作进行专门陈列与展现 。
在1 个甲子多的艺术生涯中,王老以其刚正的人格,豪迈的创风格 格,严谨的艺术态度,低调的生活方式博得 了社会的肯定。王老的作品已 成为很多城市的1 个标志,他用艺术的情势 ,鼓舞着人们的信心 ,推动着向前的力量。
几十载的潜心研讨 与艺术实践,王熙民先生不断汲取 中华5 千年文明 艺术之精华,博采西洋艺术之技法,中西结合,融会贯通,构成 了本身 写实而又唯美、古典厚重兼具古代 奔放的艺术风格。他是中国雕塑、壁画、绘画、建筑空间艺术的集大成者,其成就可以说是里程碑式的,具有继往开来的严重 意义。
相对 雕塑、壁画、建筑空间艺术方面的成就而言,王熙民先生的画作可以说是知之者不多,了解他绘画深厚底蕴与独特风格的人则更少之又少,这与他为人低调、淡泊名利的性情 密不可分。但是,凡看过王老画作的行家里手,无不被他画作的立意之新颖、构图之奇特、笔法之豪迈、气势之宏伟 、色彩之和谐所吸引而拍案叫绝 。
受先师常书鸿齐白石潘天寿王雪涛等名家的影响深刻,王熙民先生的画作常以中国画为基础,加入西洋油画技法与特色,中西合璧,独树1 帜。正如王熙民先生对本身 的评价“我不断 在寻求 民族情势 和古代 艺术的结合,比如,绘画讲究笔墨和色彩,我的画作以国画为基本,但色彩、明暗结合了西洋画的技法,这是我的特点。”
上世纪40年代,南方江苏宜兴的吴冠中与北方山东烟台的王熙民“过5 关、斩六将”,历经层层提拔 被公费派往法国学习东方 艺术,两人都曾攻读油画,但因个性特质之不同,两位大师构成 了各自不同的绘画风格。曾有业内人士这样评价,“南有吴冠中,北有王熙民。”“王熙民先生的画作如同京剧,气势磅礴,铿锵无力 。”诚如王熙民先生本身 所言,“我的绘画寻求 气势!”虽非丹青之人,我们也能够 看出“立意新颖、气势雄美、风格豪迈、飘逸灵动、俊朗明快”等特色确确实实是王熙民先生画作的突出特点。

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Shandong Yantai in January 1917;
 Read Yu Beiping to state-maintained 1936 art the department is drawn on the west only, a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Shi Congqi white stone, Chang Shuhong, Pan Tianshou, Wang Xuetao;
 With deceased and famous artist two people of Mr Wu Guanzhong passed even more together in July 1947 of 1000 people intense compete for, "Patience, behead 6 will " , win the scholarship that gets French government to offer, go to French Paris academy of fine arts to study abroad. Wang Xi civilian studies abroad in France during, main attack sculpture and canvas, early or late master wait for Great Master of a person of academic or artistic distinction from Rangniou, Budeer.
 In July 1950, at the beginning of new China holds water, the favorable treatment that cherishs patriotic heart rejected Kuomintang government returns the motherland, be by recognition of the State Council " patriotic intellectual " . After going back to the motherland, he is allocated revolutionary museum works, devote into actively found a state 10 years celebration arranges the job; Later, he applies for to move northeast Lu Yi to work.
 1953, the large sculpture that Wang Xi civilian creates " the guerrilla that fight couplet " , attend the whole nation to the first military affairs is exhibited and have the honor to win one of 8 outstanding work.
 1957, lead northeast Lu Yi's teachers and students to be countrywide farming to exhibit house center square to create group of carve " people commune banzai " , group vulture is as high as 9 meters, imposing manner extensive grand, be certainly by the State Council " the culture art that national emphasis protects is classical gigantic make " .
1961, should China builds scientific academy invite establish laboratory of building space craft, fostered direction to form consensus with respect to the talent with prexy of central arts and crafts Mr Zhang Ding, as the base that cited passerby to establish China to develop building space skill.
 1981, suffer in the center of the academy of fine arts invites establishing mural is, hold the post of graduate student adviser. His double identity with architect and artist, get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, for Chinese building artistic innovation gives new concept and achievement.
 1986, the city label that he designs for Hefei city -- " 9 lion " (20 meters tall) , by local people praise for " the Palladium of defend city " .
 1989, the city mark that he creates for mesa city -- " mesa people is in fly " (38 meters tall) , ever was praised to be by Premier Zhu Zuo ji " urban bugle " .
 1993, hold in Beijing to welcome world woman plenary session the 4th times, wang Xi civilian and madam Bao Ahua are created jointly " peace of whole world woman, friendship, solidarity, progress " 10 groups of anaglyph.
 1997, to receive Hong Kong regression, he was created " dragon horse spirit " .
 2012, already 95 years old of senile Wang Xi civilian gentleman not demit from a great distance, carry madam Bao Ahua to teach Lai of city of grant birthplace Yantai government of a mountainous area people formal autograph is made an appointment with, the work of many 50 delegate that him delegate as lifetime as the madam art makes is permanent donate home town, lai is a mountainous area establish hereby " house of art of Wang Xi civilian, Bao Ahua " , the classical classic of old to two artist undertakes be displayinged technically with reveal.
In the artistic career with a much a cycle of sixty years, king is old the character with its upright, bold and generous creation style, precise artistic manner, low-key life style won social affirmation. The work with old king has made a mark of a lot of cities, he uses artistic form, invigorating the belief of people, urging forward force.
 A few with great concentration that carry consider to be carried out with art, gentleman of Wang Xi civilian absorbs China ceaselessly the elite with artistic 5000 culture, rich adopts the ability law of western art, chinese and Western is united in wedlock, achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject, formed oneself realistically and only beautiful, classic massiness holds a contemporary and bold and unrestrained artistic style concurrently. The be a comprehensive expression of that he is craft of space of Chinese sculpture, mural, brushwork, building person, its success can say be milepost type, have the great sense of carry forward the cause and forge ahead into future.
 the photograph achievement to respect of craft of space of sculpture, mural, building, the picture of gentleman of Wang Xi civilian is made can saying is know person not much, understand him the person of painterly and solid inside information and distinctive color is fewer little, the disposition of fame and gain of this as low-key as his humanness, not seek fame and wealth is inseparable. But, every has seen the connoisseur the left-hand side that Wang Laohua makes, the place of humorous of the sum of grand, colour of the bold and generous, imposing manner of the peculiar, calligraphy or drawing of the novel, composition of a picture of the conception that all without exception is drawn by him is attracted and be profuse in praise.
 Suffer first the influence of a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Shi Changshu grand, Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou, Wang Xuetao is profound, the picture of gentleman of Wang Xi civilian makes Chang Yizhong traditional Chinese painting be a foundation, add law of western canvas ability and distinguishing feature, match well of Chinese and Western, develop a school of one's own. Wang Xi of no less than civilian the gentleman is evaluated to his " the tie that I am seeking ethical form and modern art all the time, for instance, brushwork pays attention to writing and colour, my picture is made it is with traditional Chinese painting basic, but the ability magic art that colour, light and shade combined West to draw, this is my characteristic. This is my characteristic..
 Go up century 40 time, the Wang Xi of the Wu Guanzhong that southern Jiangsu appropriate promotes and northward Shandong Yantai civilian " patience, behead 6 will " , all previous is sent to go to by at public expense via layer upon layer choose French study west is artistic, two people ever assiduously studied canvas, but differ idiosyncraticly because of individual character, two Great Masters formed the painterly style that differs severally. The personage inside Ceng Youye is evaluated so, "In there is Wuguan south, north has Wang Xi civilian. " " the picture of gentleman of Wang Xi civilian is made as Beijing opera, of great momentum, clang strong. " sincere be like him gentleman of Wang Xi civilian place character, "My brushwork goes after imposing manner! " although be not the person of painting, we also can see " conception male beauty of novel, imposing manner, style is bold and generous, elegant clever, Jun Langming is fast " waiting for characteristic is the outstanding characteristic that gentleman of Wang Xi civilian draws really.



