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陈传席 - 陈传席谈书法(记者:兰干武)

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陈传席多次被约请 到法国、意大利、韩国、马来西亚等国举办的国际学术研讨会上作主讲及画展评审主席等。陈传席1980至90年代中期从事中国美术史研讨 ,出版《六朝画论研讨 》(大陆版、台湾版等共11版),被公认为学术性最高的著作,世界各国学者研讨 六朝者鲜有不援用 此书的,中青年教授都说是读此书长大的;《中国山水画史》(83万字),已印刷13版,另有外文版六卷在国外出版发行;另外,又出版《中国绘画美学史》、《中国绘画理论史》、《中国紫砂艺术》、《精神的折射》等,都已8版9版10版。

据美术界权威杂志《美术》统计:陈传席研讨 强度居全国第一位 。

基于美术界和当时社会风气,陈传席于1995年后转向美术批评,20年前他第1 次提出“正大气象”、“阳刚大气”,以振奋民族精神,反对殖民文明 ,提倡民族邪气 (论文《民族邪气 和题材》等),很多文章被《求是》全文转载、《新华文摘》全文转载。他提出的“正大气象”等很多观点被很多重要领导人做报告和写文章时援用 ,也被全国书画界同行认可,构成 1 代风气。他在艺术上提出“骨秀”、“花样不是风格”等理论,对书画家有必然 的启导作用。陈传席被美术界公认为全国美术批评第1 人。他的评论在当代产生巨大的正能量,改变了1 代绘画风气。

陈传席被外国和很多国内年轻学者称为“古代 美术史研讨 之父”。

陈传席还从事中国文学史研讨 ,发表有《明反曹、暗反刘——<三国演义>内容倾向新论》、《台阁体研讨 》、《汉文明 的分裂、重心转移及与森林的关系》、《释<易经>“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治”》等。出版《陈传席文集》九卷。


除上述以外 ,陈传席还出版《画坛点将录》(三联版、港台版等七版)《北窗臆语》、《蛙怒集》、《会心不远》、《弘仁》、《唐寅》、《徐悲鸿》、《傅抱石》、《古代 艺术论》等53套著作及《陈传席画集》等,还在《文物》、《美术》、《中国书法》、《书法》、《美术研讨 》、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《明清小说研讨 》等发表文章1000多篇,很多论文、著作被译为外文在国外出版发行。《西安晚报》曾有通栏标题称“陈传席是当代的鲁迅”。《书法导报》1996年2月21日头版文章称:“陈先生是被国内外美术理论界公认为研讨 能力和深度分值最高的一名 艺术理论家。”《人民日报》(海外版2013.11.13)称:“陈传席,一名 邪气 凛凛、铮铮铁骨……具有强烈的社会和文明 责任感、道义感与担当精神的美术理论大家,可谓知识分子的楷模……中华民族的脊梁。”

他同时从事书画创作,著名鉴定家谢稚柳曾称“陈传席是当代文人画的1 个顶。“我之前 只晓得 他文章写得好,没有人能和他比拟 ,未想到他的画也这么好,文人画当代数他最高。”1989年苏联1 家画报称:“中国古代 绘画有三派,古代 派爬得太高,新文人画派靠得太近,唯陈传席画派立得最远,陈传席的画宁静含蓄有诗意,格调高古、超迈绝俗,是当代最高的文人画。”陈传席在国外的名气甚至超过国内。

陈传席指点 和教授本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后1 千多人,指点 16个国家的留先生 和高级进修生。

陈传席的画,前几年在荣宝斋定价每平尺5万元,书法每平尺2万元。保利等拍卖其1 幅画达146万元。现市场上定价,画每平尺5-10万元,书法每平尺2万元。普通 公认陈传席的书画是最有发展潜力的。



 1、《六朝画论研讨 》(11版)(1984年江苏美术出版社第1版;1991年台北先生 书局第1版;2006年天津人民美术出版社第1版;2014年中国青年出版社第1版)(江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖)








9、《古代 艺术论》(1995年5月江苏美术出版社)

10、《萧云从画谱及研讨 》(1995年9月安徽美术出版社)


12、《巨匠与中国名画:傅抱石》(1996年7月台湾麦克股份无限 公司和英国STUDIOEDIONSJHEUUBF联合出版)

13、《巨匠与中国名画:徐悲鸿》(1996年7月台湾麦克股份无限 公司和英国STUDIOEDIONSJHEUUBF联合出版)

14、《巨匠与中国名画:谢稚柳》(1996年7月台湾麦克股份无限 公司和英国STUDIOEDIONSJHEUUBF联合出版)

15、《巨匠与中国名画:亚明》(1996年7月台湾麦克股份无限 公司和英国STUDIOEDIONSJHEUUBF联合出版)








23、《海外收藏 中国名画》(10本)(1998年天津人民美术出版社)












35《读书人1 声长叹》(中国文联出版社2004年2月)



38、《中国画山文明 》(天津人民美术出版社2005年1月)










48、编著《海外收藏 中国名画》(两册)天津人民美术出版社2010年


50、大道 集天津人民美术出版社2011年2月









59、《汉文明 的重心南移研讨 》(韩文版)美术史论出版








 《画坛点将录(评古代 名家与大家) 》

内容简介:美术史家陈传席对古代 中国画坛名家与大家的点评,由近年在《江苏画刊》等杂志上的同名专栏结集而成,其中很多篇目在发表后曾引发 震动。著者对长时间 为人所忽略的大家进行挖掘,并在进行印象式批评的同时,结合讨论中国画的1 些景象 的和成绩 。散文明 的笔法具足文人性格 ,显示了著者力倡的作为知识分子的社会责任感和批判精神。


陈传席教授是中国最负盛名的美术史家和理论家之1 ,同时又是一名 颇有见地的人文学者,他已出版的《六朝画论研讨 》、《中国山水画史》、《中国绘画理论史》、《中国紫砂艺术》等28部著作,已在国内外引发 广泛的影响。在古代 理论领域内,陈传席提倡阳刚大气,以振奋民族精神;提倡“正”、“大”气象和时代风格,反对殖民文明 等,都具有相当的号召力,对艺术发展起到拨乱反正的作用。美术界权威刊物《美术》1990年10期曾披露,陈传席的美术史论研讨 强度居全国首位。1996年2月21日《书法导报》头版头条报道:“陈传席先生是国内外美术理论界公认的研讨 能力和深度分值最高的一名 艺术理论家。”《人民日报》曾以《史画两栖陈传席》给予介绍。日本著名中国美术史研讨 家铃木敬及台湾著名学者、诗人、画家、国际诺贝尔文学提名奖获得者罗青教授称陈传席的《中国山水画史》为中国出版物中的最高水平著作,等等。

陈传席撰写大量的文学和艺术评论文章,他对文学和艺术的重要观点能主有关理论大多内含于他的评论中,我们预备 再编1 本《陈传席文学艺术评论集》,所以,本集中基本没有收录他的评论文章。为了全面反映他的理论广度深度,我们只选录了他对已故画家及其已 很成熟画家和影响较大画家的评论,和 1 些短小的白话 文文章,其余一概 不收,望画家们能够理解。


English Introduction

 Chen Chuanxian was born in September 1950 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, in Shandong Province. He is currently a professor and a doctor of Renmin University of China. He is also the director of the Institute of Buddhist Art of China, the vice director of the theoretical Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the reviewer of the Ministry of Publicity, the director of the Chinese Cultural Development Promotion Association, and the director of the Chinese Literary Critics Association. In 1968, he graduated from the Middle School of Sixian Middle School, Anhui Province, and devolved to the countryside (educated youth). In 1970, he was recommended to study electrical engineering in Huainan Coal College of Anhui Province. In 1972, he was assigned to Huaibei Coal Mine, engaged in technical work and the preparation of new mines. In 1979, he joined Huainan Coal College for one year to study foreign languages and in 1980, he was admitted to the Department of Fine Arts of Nanjing Nor Graduate students study art history theory, graduated in 1982, and assigned to the Institute of Literature and Art, Anhui Culture Department to do research work. From that year to 1984, the first and largest international symposium of the Huangshan School of Painting (Anhui School of Painting) and the Ming and Qing Painting Exhibition of 36 museums in China were organized, which exerted great influence in the international art history circle. In 1985, he was transferred back to the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Normal University. He was invited to the United States in 1986 as a researcher at the University of Kansas, returned to China in September 1987 as an associate professor at Nanjing Normal University, and in March 1993 as a professor. In March 1999, he received an expert certificate of outstanding contributions from young and middle-aged people. In 1998, he was admitted to the Doctorate of Ancient Literature of the Chinese Academy of Literature. He was a Doctor of Literature in 2000, a Doctor of Literature in 2001, a Professor of Shanghai University in 2004, a Professor, Lecture Professor and Doctor of Renmin University in Beijing in the same year, a Second-level Professor in 2008 (currently the highest level professor in China), and Book. From 2011 to 2014, he chaired the national important academic research project "Buddhist Sculpture Heritage Survey and Digital Preservation Research". In 2014, he was invited to teach Chinese traditional culture at the University of South Utah and Damus. In the same year, he came to France and won the title of "Honorary Citizen of Paris".

Brief Introduction to Characters

Brief Introduction to Characters

Chen Chuan-Chairman has been invited to give lectures and chairman of the evaluation of painting exhibitions at international academic seminars held by France, Italy, South Korea and Malaysia on many occasions. From 1980 to the mid-1990s, Chen Chuanshi was engaged in the study of the history of Chinese fine arts and published The Study of Painting Theories of the Six Dynasties (11 editions of the mainland edition and Taiwan edition), which was generally recognized as the most academic work. Scholars around the world rarely cited the book. Young and middle-aged professors said that they grew up reading it; History of Chinese Landscape Painting (830,000 words), which has been printed in 13 editions and also in foreign languages. Six volumes have been published abroad. In addition, they have published 8 editions, 9 editions and 10 editions, including History of Chinese Painting Aesthetics, History of Chinese Painting Theory, Chinese Purple Sand Art and Reflection of Spirit.

According to the statistics of Fine Arts, the authoritative magazine in the art circle, Chen Chuanxian ranks first in the research intensity in China.

Based on the art circle and the social atmosphere at that time, Chen Chuanxiu turned to art criticism after 1995. 20 years ago, he first put forward "positive atmosphere" and "masculine atmosphere" to stimulate the national spirit, oppose colonial culture and promote national integrity (paper "national integrity and theme"), and many articles were reproduced in the full text of "Seeking Truth" and "Xinhua Digest". Many of his viewpoints, such as "positive atmosphere phenomenon", were quoted by many important leaders when they made reports and wrote articles, and were recognized by colleagues in the national painting and calligraphy circles, thus forming a generation of atmosphere. He put forward such theories as "Bone Show" and "Pattern is not Style" in art, which have certain enlightenment for calligraphers and painters. Chen Chuanwei is recognized by the art circles as the first person in the national art criticism. His comments have produced tremendous positive energy in the contemporary era and changed the painting style of a generation.

Chen Chuanzhai is called "the father of modern art history research" by foreign and many young domestic scholars.

Chen Chuanzhai is also engaged in the study of the history of Chinese literature. He has published New Comments on the Content Tendency of Ming Dynasty's Anti-Cao and Secret Anti-Liu-Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Research on Taige Style, Separation of Han Culture, Transfer of Focus and Relations with Forests, Interpretation of the Book of Changes, Huangdi Yao Shun's Dressing Clothes and Governing the World, etc. Published nine volumes of Chen Chuanxi's Collection of Works.

Chen Chuanzhai is also engaged in the creation of prose and poems. The Predication of Regretting Late Studio has been published 12 times by China Book Bureau.

In addition to the above, Chen Chuanshi has also published 53 sets of works and Chen Chuanshi's Painting Collection, such as The Points of Painting (Triple Edition, Hong Kong and Taiwan Edition, Seven Editions), North Window Assumption, Frog Nu Collection, Not far from the Heart, Hongren, Tang Yin, Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi, Modern Art Theory, and so on, as well as Cultural Relics, Fine Arts, Chinese Calligraphy and Books. Law, Art Research, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and Research on Ming and Qing Novels have published more than 1000 articles, and many papers and works have been translated and published abroad. "Xi'an Evening News" once had a column headline "Chen Chuan-Chairman is contemporary Lu Xun". The front page article of Calligraphy Bulletin on February 21, 1996 said: "Mr. Chen is an art theorist recognized by domestic and foreign art theorists as having the highest research ability and depth score." People's Daily (Overseas Edition, November 13, 2013) said: "Chen Chuan-fei, a righteous and stern man with a firm character... The artistic theorists with strong sense of social and cultural responsibility, moral sense and spirit can be regarded as the model of intellectuals. The backbone of the Chinese nation."

He was also engaged in painting and calligraphy. Xie Zhiliu, a famous expert, once said that Chen Chuanxian was the top of contemporary literati paintings. "I only knew that he wrote well before. No one could compare with him. I didn't expect that his paintings were so good. He was the highest in contemporary literati paintings." In 1989, a Soviet Union pictorial newspaper said: "There are three schools of modern Chinese painting. The modernist school climbs too high and the new literati painting school is too close. Only Chen Chuanqi's painting school stands farthest. Chen Chuanqi's painting is quiet, poetic, elegant and super. It is the highest contemporary literati painting." Chen Chuan-Chairman is even more famous abroad than at home.

Mr. Chen directs and teaches more than 1,000 undergraduate, master, doctoral and postdoctoral students, and directs international students and advanced students from 16 countries.

Chen Chuanxian's paintings were priced at 50,000 yuan per square foot and 20,000 yuan per square foot in Rongbaozhai in the past few years. Pauli and others auctioned one of his paintings for 1.46 million yuan. Pricing is now on the market. Painting costs 50-100,000 yuan per square foot and calligraphy costs 20,000 yuan per square foot. It is generally acknowledged that Chen Chuanxian's paintings and calligraphy have the greatest potential for development.

Chen Chuan-Chairman has been invited to give lectures and chairman of the evaluation of painting exhibitions at international academic seminars held by France, Italy, South Korea and Malaysia on many occasions. From 1980 to the mid-1990s, Chen Chuanshi was engaged in the study of the history of Chinese fine arts and published The Study of Painting Theories of the Six Dynasties (11 editions of the mainland edition and Taiwan edition), which was generally recognized as the most academic work. Scholars around the world rarely cited the book. Young and middle-aged professors said that they grew up reading it; History of Chinese Landscape Painting (830,000 words), which has been printed in 13 editions and also in foreign languages. Six volumes have been published abroad. In addition, they have published 8 editions, 9 editions and 10 editions, including History of Chinese Painting Aesthetics, History of Chinese Painting Theory, Chinese Purple Sand Art and Reflection of Spirit.

According to the statistics of Fine Arts, the authoritative magazine in the art circle, Chen Chuanxian ranks first in the research intensity in China.

Based on the art circle and the social atmosphere at that time, Chen Chuanxiu turned to art criticism after 1995. 20 years ago, he first put forward "positive atmosphere" and "masculine atmosphere" to stimulate the national spirit, oppose colonial culture and promote national integrity (paper "national integrity and theme"), and many articles were reproduced in the full text of "Seeking Truth" and "Xinhua Digest". Many of his viewpoints, such as "positive atmosphere phenomenon", were quoted by many important leaders when they made reports and wrote articles, and were recognized by colleagues in the national painting and calligraphy circles, thus forming a generation of atmosphere. He put forward such theories as "Bone Show" and "Pattern is not Style" in art, which have certain enlightenment for calligraphers and painters. Chen Chuanwei is recognized by the art circles as the first person in the national art criticism. His comments have produced tremendous positive energy in the contemporary era and changed the painting style of a generation.

Chen Chuanzhai is called "the father of modern art history research" by foreign and many young domestic scholars.

Chen Chuanzhai is also engaged in the study of the history of Chinese literature. He has published New Comments on the Content Tendency of Ming Dynasty's Anti-Cao and Secret Anti-Liu-Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Research on Taige Style, Separation of Han Culture, Transfer of Focus and Relations with Forests, Interpretation of the Book of Changes, Huangdi Yao Shun's Dressing Clothes and Governing the World, etc. Published nine volumes of Chen Chuanxi's Collection of Works.

Chen Chuanzhai is also engaged in the creation of prose and poems. The Predication of Regretting Late Studio has been published 12 times by China Book Bureau.

In addition to the above, Chen Chuanshi has also published 53 sets of works and Chen Chuanshi's Painting Collection, such as The Points of Painting (Triple Edition, Hong Kong and Taiwan Edition, Seven Editions), North Window Assumption, Frog Nu Collection, Not far from the Heart, Hongren, Tang Yin, Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi, Modern Art Theory, and so on, as well as Cultural Relics, Fine Arts, Chinese Calligraphy and Books. Law, Art Research, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and Research on Ming and Qing Novels have published more than 1000 articles, and many papers and works have been translated and published abroad. "Xi'an Evening News" once had a column headline "Chen Chuan-Chairman is contemporary Lu Xun". The front page article of Calligraphy Bulletin on February 21, 1996 said: "Mr. Chen is an art theorist recognized by domestic and foreign art theorists as having the highest research ability and depth score." People's Daily (Overseas Edition, November 13, 2013) said: "Chen Chuan-fei, a righteous and stern man with a firm character... The artistic theorists with strong sense of social and cultural responsibility, moral sense and spirit can be regarded as the model of intellectuals. The backbone of the Chinese nation."

He was also engaged in painting and calligraphy. Xie Zhiliu, a famous expert, once said that Chen Chuanxian was the top of contemporary literati paintings. "I only knew that he wrote well before. No one could compare with him. I didn't expect that his paintings were so good. He was the highest in contemporary literati paintings." In 1989, a Soviet Union pictorial newspaper said: "There are three schools of modern Chinese painting. The modernist school climbs too high and the new literati painting school is too close. Only Chen Chuanqi's painting school stands farthest. Chen Chuanqi's painting is quiet, poetic, elegant and super. It is the highest contemporary literati painting." Chen Chuan-Chairman is even more famous abroad than at home.

Mr. Chen directs and teaches more than 1,000 undergraduate, master, doctoral and postdoctoral students, and directs international students and advanced students from 16 countries.

Chen Chuanxian's paintings were priced at 50,000 yuan per square foot and 20,000 yuan per square foot in Rongbaozhai in the past few years. Pauli and others auctioned one of his paintings for 1.46 million yuan. Pricing is now on the market. Painting costs 50-100,000 yuan per square foot and calligraphy costs 20,000 yuan per square foot. It is generally acknowledged that Chen Chuanxian's paintings and calligraphy have the greatest potential for development.



