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黄建成 - 黄建成:在《场域》里设计中国

2022-03-11 17:19:51




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 黄建成曾担任2005日本爱知世博会中国馆艺术总监、总设计师;2010上海世博会中国国家馆设计总监;2015-2018年度中国文明 部“欢乐春节·艺术中国汇”纽约系列活动总设计。黄建成的作品曾参加国家级和国际性美展和设计展,获多项重要奖项; 2014年《场域·黄建成设计》艺术展曾分别在地方 美术学院美术馆、广州美术学院美术馆及上海新美美术馆成功举办,2015年 《数字时代的仿像·黄建成艺术展》在德国宝马展现 中心成功展出;2016年起受邀参加“别处即此处”大型安装 艺术全球巡展。

文学作品:《王贵与李香香》、《红、黄、兰》、《迎接第三个浪潮》、《空间展现 设计》《知识、给您添上理想的翅膀》



 2005日本爱知世界博览会中国馆 艺术总监、总设计

中国馆展出将自始至终渗透“天人合1 ”的思想精髓,借助各种简洁、古代 的手段进行展现 ,带领观众从自然-城市-和谐这1 主题切入,去探索真正符合人们生存、发展的生活的艺术。

2010上海世博会中国国家馆 展现 设计总监

中国馆,共分为国家馆和地区馆两部分,国家馆主体外型 雄壮 无力 ,犹如华冠高耸,天下粮仓;地区馆平台基座汇聚人流,寓意社泽神州,富庶四方。国家馆和地区馆的全体 布局,隐喻天地交泰、万物咸亨。中国馆以大红色为次要 元素,充分体现了中国自古以来以红色为主题的理念,更能体现出喜庆的气氛,让游客叹为观止。

2010 上海世博会“城市人”主题馆 中方总设计师

展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以人的需求与发展为主线,讲述城市中“人的故事”。通过对世界5 大洲六个城市中六个不同家庭的跟踪拍摄,将他们的故事嵌入“家庭”、“工作”、 “交往”、“学习”和“健康”5 个展区,应用 实物、布景与多媒体特效相结合的手法,营建 出11个不同城市的景观,让观者可以身临其境地了解城市人的不同需求,体验“人们留在城市,是为了更好地生活”。


English Introduction

 Huang Jiancheng was born in Changsha, Hunan Province in October 1961. In July 1990, graduated from the Department of Arts and Crafts of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree in decorative painting. Huang Chengcheng is a well-known space integration designer and artist in China. He is currently the vice-president, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Urban Design Institute of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He also serves as the chairman of the Executive Committee of ICAA International Art Creative Alliance, the vice-director of the Environmental Design Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, and the member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Industrial Design Specialty of the Ministry of Education of Higher Education. Visiting Professors of School of Planning, School of Architecture and Design, University of St. Raphael, Rome, Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, etc.

Huang Jiancheng was the Art Director and Chief Designer of the China Pavilion at the 2005 Benaichi World Expo, the Design Director of the China Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, and the General Design of the New York Series of Events "Happy Spring Festival, Art China Club" held by the Ministry of Culture from 2015 to 2018. Huang Jiancheng's works have participated in national and international art exhibitions and design exhibitions, and won many important awards. In 2014, the Art Exhibition of Field, Huang Jiancheng Design was successfully held in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum and Shanghai New Art Museum respectively. In 2015, the "Images of the Digital Age, Huang Jiancheng Art Exhibition" was successfully exhibited in German BMW Exhibition Center. Since 1997, he has been invited to participate in the global exhibition of "elsewhere is here" large-scale installation art.

Literary works: Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang, Red, Yellow and Lan, Greeting the Third Wave, Space Display Design, Knowledge, Add Ideal Wings to You

Illustrations: A Famous Song of Northern Shaanxi, Xintianyou



