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富华,1950年生,河南省开封市人,毕业于河南大学美术系,现任副教授、中国书法家协会会员、河南省美术家协会会员、河南省书法家协会书法创作委员会委员、河南省书画院特聘书法家、开封书法家协会副主席、开封美术家协会理事、开封油画研讨 会秘书长、开封水彩画研讨 会理事、首都书画艺术研讨 会研讨 员。
书法作品入选全国第四、5 、六、七届书法篆刻展览,全国第三、四、5 、六届中青年书法篆刻家作品展览
全国第1 、二届楹联书法展,全国第1 届行草书大展,世界华人书画展。
作品荣获全国第七届书法篆刻展览“全国奖”,全国第1 届行草书大展精品奖(金奖),纪念毛泽东诞辰1 百周年中华当代文明 精粹博览会金奖,北京·二000年奥运会国际书画展览金奖,全国第四届中青年书法篆刻展览1 等奖,洛矿杯、宋河杯全国书画大赛金奖,二000年跨世纪人才书画大展1 等奖,群星奖书画大展1 等奖。
富华自幼爱好 书画。古城开封浓厚的文明 氛围的耳濡目染,使他对书画技艺由爱好 到宠爱 ,进而坚定了毕生 从事书画事业的决心 。
在习练书画时,张富华不但勤奋,而且善于思考,善于将名家作品中不同风格融会贯通,留意 从其他艺术门类中汲取养分 ,丰富本身 作品的内涵。在他的书法作品中,既有王铎的法度、傅山的飘洒,又透着米芾的爽利。他运笔凝神,力发千钧,时似铁骑突击,时似珠落玉盘。这便是张富华的书画艺术风格。
张富华书画艺术风格的构成 得益于他早年打下的扎实绘画基础和对碑帖的独特理解。他说,他不管 读帖或是临写,呈如今 眼前的前人遗碑墨宝,首先是1 件件精美绝伦的画卷,使他不能不为之动情。因而 ,他从中感受到的艺术言语 也就不同凡响 ,笔下的墨迹也就有着不同凡响 的特殊神韵。
张富华的书法作品曾入选全国第四、5 、六、七届书法篆刻展览,全国第三、四、5 、六届中青年书法篆刻作品展览,全国第1 、二届楹联书法展,全国第1 届行草书大展和 世界华人书画展。他的作品荣获全国第七届书法篆刻展览“全国奖”、全国第1 届行草书大展精品(金奖)、全国第四届中青年书法篆刻作品展览1 等奖、文明 部“群星奖”1 等奖。他的书法作品被收藏于国内多家博物馆或刻石于碑林,国内多家专业报刊对他进行专题报道,理论界称其为“新古典主义流派”的代表书家。
欣赏张富华的作品,让你感觉最强的,常常 是那扑面而来的创作激情,印象最深的则是他作品中流露出的那种个人风格与时代精神相结合而产生的艺术个性。
张富华善于捕捉那1 瞬间的美妙,反映在绘画作品中,便是1 种想象,想象的风景,想象的生命情态,想象中焕发出有个性的灵气。他的《水墨印象》画的是只要 朴实的农民才看在眼里的萝卜籽儿。画面中,那些平凡的似乎毫无艺术感觉的子粒 ,1 瞬间在画家的眼前活灵活现,不但生机盎然,而且在欢悦地游动。随意点洒的笔墨,就像1 群找到生命空间的蝌蚪,自在 嬉戏在本身 的境界里。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Fuhua, unripe 1950, henan province unseals city person, be graduated from Henan university art is, currently hold the post ofacademician of associate professor, China calligrapher, Henan to save artist academician, Henan to save calligrapher association calligraphy to create committee committee member, Henan to save courtyard of painting and calligraphy to hire calligrapher especially, unseal calligrapher association vice-chairman, unseal artist association director, unseal canvas seminar secretary-general, unseal.
Calligraphy work is selected the whole nation the 4th, 5, 6, exhibition of 7 calligraphy seal cutting, the whole nation the 3rd, 4, 5, 6 in exhibition of work of home of young calligraphy seal cutting
The whole nation the first, calligraphy of 2 couplet hung on the columns of a hall is exhibited, the first travel of countrywide is cursive exhibit greatly, world Chinese painting and calligraphy is exhibited.
Work has the honor to win seal cutting of the 7th calligraphy of countrywide to exhibit " countrywide award " , the first travel of countrywide is cursive exhibit high-quality goods award greatly (gold prize) , mark Mao Zedong birthday 100 years China is contemporary culture is pithy exposition gold prize, 0 2 years painting and calligraphy of Olympic Games international exhibits Beijing · gold prize, the whole nation the 4th in young calligraphy seal cutting exhibits first prize, complete credential of cup of cup of mine of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, river of the Song Dynasty draws contest gold prize, cross century talent painting and calligraphy 0 2 years to exhibit first prize greatly, galaxy award painting and calligraphy exhibits first prize greatly.
Artistic achievement edits
Zhang Fuhua from a child loves painting and calligraphy. Gu Cheng unseals the be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears of grumous culture atmosphere, make him right craft of painting and calligraphy by love to dote on, then sturdy all one's life the confidence that pursues career of painting and calligraphy.
When experienced painting and calligraphy of be used to, zhang Fuhua not only assiduous, and be good at thinking, be good at style achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject will differ in work of a person of academic or artistic distinction, notice from nutrition of the derive in other and artistic class, abound the connotation of own work. In his calligraphy work, have the facile and graceful of Wang Duo's law, Fu Shan already, what appearing Mi Fei again is efficient and able. Wirh fixed attention of his carry pen, force is sent 1000 your, cavalry assault is like when, shi Shizhu falls jade dish. This is style of art of painting and calligraphy.
Of style of art of Zhang Fuhua painting and calligraphy form the solid and painterly foundation that his one's early years lays profit from and the distinctive understanding to a rubbing from a stone inscription. He says, no matter he is read post or it is to face write, present the treasured scrolls of calligraphy or painting of tablet of forefathers involuntary discharge of urine that is before, it is a picture scroll of an elegant unsurpassed above all, make he has to do it become enamoured. Accordingly, the artistic language that he experiences from which also with respect to extraordinary, the ink marks of the wording and purpose of what one writes also is having the special romantic charm of extraordinary.
Calligraphy work of Zhang Fuhua ever selected whole nation the 4th, 5, 6, exhibition of 7 calligraphy seal cutting, the whole nation the 3rd, 4, 5, 6 in exhibition of work of young calligraphy seal cutting, the whole nation the first, calligraphy of 2 couplet hung on the columns of a hall is exhibited, the first travel of countrywide is cursive exhibit greatly and art exhibition of world Chinese book. His work has the honor to win seal cutting of the 7th calligraphy of countrywide to exhibit " countrywide award " , the first travel of countrywide is cursive exhibit high-quality goods greatly (gold prize) , the whole nation the 4th in ministry of first prize of exhibition of work of young calligraphy seal cutting, culture " galaxy award " first prize. His calligraphy work is collected at home much home museum or quarter stone at tablet forest, many professional the press of domestic undertakes to him special subject reports, academic group call his " neoclassicism genre " delegate book home.
Enjoy Zhang Fuhua's work, let you feel the strongest, often be that blow on the face and the creation passion that come, impression is the deepest is him the sort of individual color that work midstream shows and the artistic individual character that times spirit appearance is united in wedlock and produce.
Zhang Fuhua is good at catching that flashy wonderful, mirror in paint, it is a kind of imagination, imaginary scenery, life spirit of the imagination, the coruscate in the imagination gives individualizing clever energy of life. His " Shui Moyin is resembled " of the picture is only the farmer of guileless just sees the turnip seed in the eye. In the picture, those appear ordinarily to be without the seed bead of artistic feeling, flashy before in the painter lifelike, not only exuberant, and in move about of joyous Yue ground. Nod aspersed writing at will, resemble a flock of tadpole that find life space, freedom plays in the state in oneself.



