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吴银杉,湖南株洲人,1978年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系,师从靳尚谊詹建俊闻立鹏钟涵、杜建、赵友萍苏高礼钱绍武王征华等老1 辈的艺术家。同年分配至地方 戏剧学院舞台美术系从事绘画基础教学。1984年重返地方 美院,参加了第二届油画研修班学习,1986年考取地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画研讨 生,导师为著名油画家张重庆教授。吴银杉现为地方 戏剧学院教授、硕士生导师、中国美术家协会员,中国油画学会会员,中国将来 研讨 会油画院院士。
在地方 美院5 、六年的学习与艺术陶冶 ,在老艺术家们的教诲指点 下,吴银杉打下了扎实的外型 基础,掌握了油画的写实技巧,也坚定选择了理想 主义的创作道路。
八十年代,吴银杉的创作多是东南 题材,写生地区次要 是山西、甘肃、宁夏等地,画了大量的素描、油画人物肖像、风景写生等。积累了对东南 地区风土人情的生活体验,对黄土文明 有较深的了解与感悟。从1988年起前后 创作了《脊背》、《远方地平线》、《聊》等系列油画,表现了作者对华夏文明的历史思考与对民族精神的赞美 。
九十年代,吴银杉赴藏族地区写生、采风,对藏文明 产生了浓厚的兴味 ,多次深入甘南、青海、拉萨等地,考察了那里的宗教及民俗风情,创作了大幅油画《神曲》、《古塬之声》、《等待》、《经堂前的藏族妇女》等作品,具有必然 的艺术与思想深度。近些年,吴银杉又在绘画材料及画布肌理方面作了无益 的探索,采用在画布上拼贴报纸、布块、纸片等物品,寻求 材料的审美特征及视觉效果的丰富性。
吴银杉不断 重视 素描的研讨 ,他把农村生活当作锤炼素描言语 的课堂。从1981年起,每隔1 ,两年就要深入农村专门画素描(或下乡油画写生)。到2001年夏,赴山西5 台县大营村待了两个多月,画了1 大批素描人物写生,编辑出版了《吴银杉素描写生集》,获得了同行与专家的好评。吴银杉曾出席2003年第六届全国美术家代表大会、2003年第四届北京美术家代表大会、1997年第三届北京市美术家代表大会
吴银杉对绘画教学工作十分敬业。他长时间 担任素描基础教学工作,潜心研讨 素描理论和素描创作。他的研讨 生论文选题《结构认识 与素描表现》获得好评,被中戏选入《硕士论文集》,论文《在生活中锤炼素描言语 》刊登在地方 美院院刊《美术研讨 》,《生活是素描艺术的沃土》发表在中国作协主办的《文艺报》上。
由于绘画教学经验丰富,成绩突出,1995年、2000年、2002年、2003年、2007年前后 5 次获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖。
吴银杉几十年来不断 坚持理想 主义创作道路,坚持深入生活、反映生活。次要 表现题材为东南 农村、农民,藏族地区、藏民及宗教生活。作品曾多次参加全国美展、北京美展、海外画展,并有多部作品获奖,受到观众和专家好评。

2012年获国家文明 部文明 艺术人才中心颁发的“文明 艺术领域出色 成就”荣誉证书。
2008年为援助 汶川抗震救灾,捐献油画《祈祷的藏族妇女》,获中国美协颁发的荣誉证书。
2002年作品《雪域盛世—江泽民会见第十1 世班禅》获中国美协主办的《纪念毛泽东“讲话”60周年全国美展》优秀作品奖。
2001年作品《等待》获文明 部与台湾中华文明 基金会主办的油画大展铜奖。
1995年、2000年、2002年、2003年、2007年5次获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
1990年—1991年度被地方 戏剧学院评为优秀教师
《美术》、《美术研讨 》、《中国油画》、《艺术市场》、《新视觉》、《美术导游 》、《中华教育》《艺术视野》、《Art概》等各专业杂志
《世界美术工作室地方 美术学院油画系》、《穿越世纪—地方 美术学院油画班》《中国油画名家》、《油画名家》《中国当代艺术文献》《中国当代艺术家》等画集
2012年文明 部主管国家级艺术类核心期刊《艺术市场》发表吴银杉油画作品多幅,作为2012年权威推荐具有学术价值和市场潜力的艺术家之1 。
2012年作品《昌盛街东5 巷》参加当代最具学术价值与市场潜力的艺术家约请 展(国家画院美术馆)
2012年获国家文明 部艺术人才中心颁发的“艺术领域出色 成就”荣誉证书。
《脊背》等多幅作品入编大型画册《日出东方》——中国杰出书画家与红色经典作品(文明 部艺术人才中心主编)
2008年吴银杉为援助 四川汶川地震重灾区抗震救灾捐献油画作品《祈祷的藏族妇女》获中国美术家协会颁发的荣誉证书。
2007年获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
2004年被聘为地方 戏剧学院舞台美术系教授
2003年出版《舞台美术教学对话与报考指南》(任履行 主编)
2003年获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
2002年油画《雪域盛世——江泽民会见第十1 世班禅》入选纪念毛泽东《讲话》六十周年全国美展并获优秀作品奖(中国美术馆)
2002年获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
2001年油画《等待》获文明 部与台湾中华文明 基金会主办的油画大展铜奖
2000年获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
1996年随地方 戏剧学院舞美系考察团,考察俄罗斯油画艺术。参观俄罗斯博物馆、普希金博物馆、特列恰科夫画廊。
1995年获地方 戏剧学院舞美系绘画教学基金奖
1990年举办研讨 生毕业展(北京),同年获硕士学位
1989年油画《脊背》入选文明 部主办的第七届全国美展(南京·江苏省美术馆)
1985年地方 美术学院油画研修班结业
1978年地方 美术学院油画系本科毕业??

Introduction to the artist

Wu Yinsha, hunan individual plant continent person, was graduated from department of canvas of central academy of fine arts 1978, division wait for older generation from Jin Shangyi, Zhan Jianjun, Wen Lipeng, Zhong Han, Du Jian, Zhao Youping, Sugaoli, Qian Shaowu, Wang Zhenghua. Allocation of of the same age pursues painterly foundation education to faculty of art of arena of central Thespian institute. 1984 in the center of return beautiful courtyard, attended the 2nd canvas to grind the study that repair a class, beauty of Thespian institute dance fastened painterly graduate student in the center of pass an entrance examination 1986, the adviser is Zhang Chongqing of home of famous oil painting to teach. The member that Wu Yinsha is professor of the Thespian college central, Master to give birth to association of artist of adviser, China now, chinese canvas academician, academician of courtyard of canvas of Chinese future seminar.
Centrally beautiful courtyard 5, study of 6 years and artistic edification, in the instruction of old artists guidance falls, wu Yinsha laid solid modelling foundation, mastered canvas realistically skill, chose realistic creation path sturdily also.
80 time, wu Yinsha's creation is northwest subject matter more, sketchy area basically is and other places of Shanxi, Gansu Province, Ningxia, drew paint from life of effigies of character of many sketch, canvas, scenery to wait. Accumulated the life experience to northwest area local customs, have to loess culture more intimate knowledge and comprehend. Created early or late since 1988 " back " , " distance is horizontal " , " a little " wait for series canvas, behaved an author to think to the history of civilization of an ancient name for China with the glorification to ethos.
90 time, wu Yinsha goes to Tibetian area paint from life, collect folk songs, generated strong interest to hiding culture, for many times and other places of thorough Gan Na, Qinghai, Lhasa, inspected the religion over there and folk-custom amorous feelings, created considerably canvas " divine music " , " Gu Yuan's sound " , " await " , " the Tibetian woman before classics hall " wait for work, have certain skill and thought depth. Some closer year, wu Yinsha is drawing respect of material and canvas skinning texture made beneficial exploration again, use go all out on canvas stick the article such as newspaper, cloth piece, scrip, the aesthetic feature that seeks data reachs the rich sex of visual effect.
Wu Yinsha pays attention to the research of sketch all the time, he regards rural life as hammer into shape the classroom of sketch language. Since 1981, every other one, be about two years thorough country draws sketch technically (or canvas of go to the countryside is sketchy) . To 2001 summer, go to Shanxi village of 5 counties big run needed two many months, painted large quantities of one sketch person paint from life, the editor was published " collect of paint from life of Wu Yinsha sketch " , obtained person of the same trade and expert reputably. Wu Yinsha ever was attended 2003 congress of artist of the 6th whole nation, 2003 congress of artist of the 4th Beijing, 1997 congress of artist of the 3rd Beijing
Wu Yinsha works to painterly education very respect property. He holds the position of job of sketch foundation teaching for a long time, with great concentration studies sketch theory and sketch are created. Selection of subject of his graduate student paper " structural consciousness and sketch expression " obtain reputably, by in play is chosen " Master paper market " , paper " hammer into shape in the life sketch language " publish publication of courtyard of centrally beautiful courtyard " art studies " , " the fertile soil that the life is sketch art " publish in China to make assist those who sponsor " literary newspaper " on.
" dialog of arena art education and enter oneself for an examination guideline " it is the Wu Yinsha comprehensive summary to painterly foundation education, whole book makes an appointment with 60 thousand words, among them the character of 95% above is painterly education tell about, include sketch education, colour education and creation teacher and student. (this book does not involve dance beauty actually, "Enter oneself for an examination guideline " it is to answer of the press ask and add)
Because painterly education is seasoned, achievement is outstanding, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2003, obtaining beauty of dance of central Thespian institute 5 times early or late 2007 is award of painterly education foundation.
Wu Yinsha holds to realistic creation road a few years all the time, hold to thorough life, report life. Main show subject matter is northwest country, farmer, tibetian area, Tibetan and religion live. Work ever attended countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, Beijing beauty is exhibited, abroad art exhibition, have bear the palm of much department work, get audience and expert reputably.

Artistic achievement
Attended new York art 2013 high-quality goods of art of Chinese of exposition, world is exhibited greatly, work " the Potala Palace " win a gold prize, the organizing committee is issued " crackajack Chinese artist " honorary title.
Obtained center of person with ability of craft of culture of national culture ministry to issue 2012 " culture art domain is outstanding achievement " honorary certificate.
Was 2008 assist plain of short of Wenshui River aseismatic provide disaster relief, alms canvas " prayer Tibetian woman " , obtain Chinese beauty assist issued honorary letter.
Always met for China charity 2007, alms canvas " small spirit child " , obtain letter of China philanthropist honor.
2002 work " Xue Yucheng world, Jiang Zemin interviews eleventh world Panchen " obtain Chinese beauty assist those who sponsor " commemorate Mao Zedong " speech " beauty of 60 years of whole nations is exhibited " outstanding work reward.
2001 work " await " the canvas that obtains culture ministry and foundation of Taiwan China culture to sponsor exhibits cupreous award greatly.
1989 canvas " distance is horizontal " obtain Beijing National Day 40 years the United States exhibits outstanding work reward.
Education achievement
1995, 2000, 2002, 2003, obtaining beauty of dance of central Thespian institute 5 times 2007 is award of painterly education foundation
1990, 1991 year are judged to be outstanding teacher by central Thespian institute
3 work are published
" art " , " art studies " , " Chinese canvas " , " artistic market " , " new visual sense " , " art guide " , " China is taught " " artistic field of vision " , " Art without exception " wait for each major magazine
" canvas of academy of fine arts is in the center of world art atelier " , " pass through century, class of canvas of central academy of fine arts " " Chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction " , " canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction " " document of Chinese contemporary art " " Chinese contemporary artist " collect waiting for a picture
" People's Daily " , " overseas edition of People's Daily · " , " art signs up for " , " bright daily " , " literary newspaper " , " Beijing daily " wait for the press
4 activities chronological table
Attended high-quality goods of art of Chinese of world of exposition of art of international of American new York to be exhibited greatly 2013 obtain a gold prize " artist of world crackajack Chinese " honorary title. (new York)
Followed Beijing beauty 2012 assist group of collect folk songs goes to Fang Shan, 10 cross paint from life of collect folk songs, collect creation material. Scenery canvas " new 10 cross " work of selected Beijing art is exhibited (Chinese art gallery)
Level of state of culture department director is artistic 2012 kind of core periodical " artistic market " publish work of Wu Yinsha canvas many, as authority recommended one of artists that have academic value and market potential 2012.
2012 work " prosperous street east 5 alley " the artist that attends to have academic value and market potential most now invites exhibit (art gallery of national imperial art academy)
Obtained center of person with ability of craft of national culture ministry to issue 2012 " artistic domain is outstanding achievement " honorary certificate.
" back " wait for many work to enter make up large an album of paintings " sunrise is Oriental " -- home of Chinese crackajack painting and calligraphy and gules and classic work (chief editor of center of person with ability of culture ministry craft)
Countrywide TV number is professional 2011 channel " collect the world " classical broadcast with innovation column TV special subject piece " special interview of Wu Yinsha of contemporary canvas home "
Published individual canvas volume 2010 " Chinese canvas 50 · Wu Yinsha coils " still have into the artist that book: Jin Zhilin, Zhao Youping, Zhang Chongqing, Sugaoli, Zhang Zuying, Li Jun, Huang Guanyu... wait for home of famous oil painting
2010 periodical of national level core " Chinese canvas " 2010 the 3rd period publish Wu Yinsha many canvas work, the comment article that publishs Zou Yue of famous painting egghead to enter " the tension of art and spirit -- shallow the meaning that discusses Wu Yinsha art "
2009 canvas " old quarter story " attend National Day 60 years Beijing beauty is exhibited (798 artistic areas of Beijing)
Wu Yinsha was 2008 assist Sichuan heavy disaster area of earthquake of plain of short of Wenshui River is aseismatic work of canvas of alms providing disaster relief " praying Tibetian woman " the honorary letter that obtains Chinese artist association to issue.
Always met for China charity 2007 alms work " small spirit child " , obtain letter of China philanthropist honor.
Obtained beauty of dance of central Thespian institute to tie reward of painterly education foundation 2007
The artistic investigation group that joined Chinese canvas to learn an organization 2005 goes to law, meaning, heart, abstruse, carry on one's shoulder, inspect European canvas art than waiting for 7 countries. Visit Pi Du of museum of palace of collect float Er, abstruse a place of strategic importance, bitter fleabane for many times cathedral of Vatican of artistic center, Rome, Foluolunsawufeiqi museum,
Was hired to be art of arena of central Thespian institute to fasten a professor 2004
Published 2003 " dialog of arena art education and enter oneself for an examination guideline " (allow to carry out chief editor)
Obtained beauty of dance of central Thespian institute to tie reward of painterly education foundation 2003
Attended artist of the 6th whole nation to express congress greatly 2003
Attended congress of artist of the 4th Beijing 2003
2002 canvas " Xue Yucheng world -- Jiang Zemin interviews eleventh world Panchen " selected souvenir Mao Zedong " speech " beauty of 60 years of whole nations is exhibited and win outstanding work award (Chinese art gallery)
Obtained beauty of dance of central Thespian institute to tie reward of painterly education foundation 2002
Published 2002 " collect of paint from life of Wu Yinsha sketch "
2001 canvas " await " the canvas that obtains culture ministry and foundation of Taiwan China culture to sponsor exhibits cupreous award greatly
Obtained beauty of dance of central Thespian institute to tie reward of painterly education foundation 2000
1997 canvas " a little " work of selected Beijing art is exhibited (Chinese art gallery)
Attended congress of artist of the 3rd Beijing 1997
Joined Chinese artist consortium 1996
Fastened an investigation group along with beauty of dance of central Thespian institute 1996, inspect Russia canvas art. Visiting Russia museum, Pu Xijin is museum, special list Qiakefu gallery.
Held paint from life of person of Wu Yinsha sketch to exhibit 1995 (Beijing)
Obtained beauty of dance of central Thespian institute to tie reward of painterly education foundation 1995
1994 canvas " isle " selected canvas of first China scenery is exhibited
1992 " distance is horizontal " , " snow · month " attend art of canvas of amorous feelings of Hong Kong China to exhibit (Hong Kong can exhibit a center)
1992 " smoke · cloud " attend high-quality goods of Singapore China Gu Jinyi art to exhibit (Singapore)
1992 " back " attend canvas of first China of Hong Kong year exhibit (Hong Kong can exhibit a center)
Held graduate student graduation to exhibit 1990 (Beijing) , of the same age obtains master's degree
1989 canvas " back " the beauty of the 7th whole nation that selected culture ministry sponsors is exhibited (Nanjing · Jiangsu saves art gallery)
1989 canvas " distance is horizontal " obtain Beijing National Day 40 years the United States exhibits outstanding work reward (Chinese art gallery)
1986 canvas " person and Buddha " beauty of selected Beijing youth is exhibited (Chinese art gallery)
1985 canvas " morning " selected " the Chinese youth in advancement " countrywide beauty is exhibited (Chinese art gallery)
Canvas of academy of fine arts grinds in the center of 1985 the complete a course that repair a class
1985 canvas " Tibetan daughter " selected Beijing beautiful association member work is exhibited. (Chinese art gallery)
Canvas of academy of fine arts fastens ? of ? of undergraduate course graduation in the center of 1978



