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1989年油画作品《花》参加“全国第七届美术作品展览”,并获“河南省第七届美术作品展览”1 等奖;
1992年油画作品《秋天的阳光》在香港参加由文明 部举办的“’92中国油画精品展”,并以1.7万元港币拍出,所拍资金捐给文明 部艺术基金会。
1994年油画作品《家》参加“全国第八届美术作品展览”,并获“河南省第八届美术作品展览”1 等奖;
1995年有多幅作品前后 发表于《美术》、《中国油画》、《江苏画刊》、《画廊》等专业刊物及国家级省级杂志报纸。
1995年多幅作品前后 被美国、日本、香港、台湾、英国、法国、德国、加拿大、波兰等国艺术机构及私人收藏家收藏。
1997年8月受中国美协委派赴波兰参加世界艺术研讨会,与来自世界5 大洲十七个国家的43位艺术家欢聚1 堂,创作交流。所作油画《村景》、《东南 的风》受到来自世界各国艺术家的好评及波兰人民的爱好 。
1997年油画作品《旭日 》参加北京“河南油画展”并获精品奖。
2000年9月受奥地利奥中友协约请 赴奥地利、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰等国参观交流。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Jie, unripe 1963, henan saves business grave person. Was graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1988, allocation of of the same age saves the beauty to Henan assist the job, it is director of Chinese artist association now, chinese canvas learns director, henan saves artist association chairman.
Was graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1988;
1989 canvas work " flower " attend " work of the 7th art of countrywide is exhibited " , obtain " Henan saves work of the 7th art to exhibit " first prize;
1990 canvas work " in the flowers " attend " Chinese canvas high-quality goods is exhibited " ;
1992 canvas work " autumnal sunshine " attend to be held by culture ministry in Hong Kong " ' high-quality goods of 92 China canvas is exhibited " , pat with 17 thousand yuan of Hongkong dollar, what pat capital to contribute foundation of culture ministry art.
1993 canvas work " the cloud horizon " attend in Hong Kong " Chinese canvas high-quality goods is exhibited " win high-quality goods award;
1994 canvas work " " attend " work of the 8th art of countrywide is exhibited " , obtain " Henan saves work of the 8th art to exhibit " first prize;
Many work was published at early or late 1995 " art " , " Chinese canvas " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " gallery " wait for professional journal and national level provincial press.
Many work was collected by orgnaization of the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, England, France, Germany, Canada, polish art waiting for a country and private collector early or late 1995.
Sufferred Chinese beauty in August 1997 assist accreditation goes to Poland to attend world artistic seminar, with come from 5 continent of world 43 artists of seventeen country happily gather under the same roof, creation communication. What make canvas " village scene " , " northwest wind " be come from artist of world each country reach polish people reputably love.
1997 canvas work " the setting sun " attend Beijing " Henan canvas is exhibited " win high-quality goods award.
1998 canvas work " indoor " , " " , " home " attend respectively " high-quality goods of courtyard of Henan province painting and calligraphy is exhibited " and " work of the 9th art of countrywide is exhibited " win high-quality goods award and second-class award.
Held in Henan Zhengzhou 2000 " amorous feelings of Liu Jie canvas is exhibited " .
Sufferred Austrian Ao Zhongyou in September 2000 assist invite go to the country such as Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Holand to visit communication.
2001 watercolour work " below sunshine " attend " inferior art exhibition of henry cup whole nation " . Win outstanding award.
In September 2007, be elected to save artist association vice-chairman to hold secretary-general concurrently for Henan;
In December 2015, be elected to save artist association chairman for Henan.



