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2022-03-11 17:35:20




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高学冠,1947年7月出生,福建福州人。毕业于福建师范大学。曾任建瓯市文明 馆馆长,建瓯市政协第5 、六、七届委员,福建武夷画院院务委员;退休前任职于福建省电影公司,福建省文明 厅。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国版画家协会会员,国家二级美术师。擅长版画、油画。有作品《闹海》、《山的脊梁》、《造化》、《风之歌》分别入选第八、第九届全国版画展、第七届全国美展和第十七届全国版画展;《茶歌》、《天高可问》、《涅盘--神圣的悲剧 》分别入选全国性美术展览;《悠悠流水》在福建省首届书画节美展获得铜牌;另有作品分别在省级美展中获2个二等奖、1个三等奖、1个优秀奖。曾长时间 辅导少儿版画创作。曾获文明 部少儿司、全国少儿艺委会、省教委、省文明 厅的表彰。
有论文《版画观念随想》参加第二届全国版协代表大会学术交流,刊于《江苏画刊》及《云南美术》;论文《复数认识 纵横谈》刊于《江苏画刊》,2001年载入《20世纪中国版画文献》(中国美协版画艺委会、中国版协编);论文《中国版画发展思路中的固守和放开》刊于《美术观察》2003年第七期;论文《古代 版画的生存形态 》刊于《福建艺术》2004年第六期。
艺术事迹 和作品收录于《中国当代美术家人名录》、《华东二十世纪书画家谱》、《福建师范大学建校95周年名家美术作品集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Gao Xueguan was born in July 1947, fujian Fuzhou person. Be graduated from Fujian Normal University. Ceng Ren builds curator of house of Ou city culture, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the city that build Ou the 5th, 6, 7 committee members, committee member of Wu of courtyard of imperial art academy of Fujian fierce exterminate; Emeritus predecessor duty at company of Fujian Province movie, hall of Fujian Province culture. It is Chinese artist academician now, academician of Chinese edition painter, country division of 2 class art. Be good at woodcut, canvas. Have work " be troubled by the sea " , " the back of hill " , " good luck " , " the song of wind " respectively selected the 8th, beauty of the 7th art exhibition of edition of the 9th whole nation, whole nation is exhibited and woodcut of the seventeenth whole nation is exhibited; " tea song " , " day Gao Ke asks " , " nirvana- - divine comedy " part exhibition of selected national art; " leisurely running water " in the Fujian Province beauty of section of first painting and calligraphy is exhibited win bronze medal; An award of 2 second-class award, a third class, outstanding award is won in additionally work is exhibited in provincial beauty respectively. Ever coached for a long time little woodcut creation. Ceng Huowen turns a department little department, throughout the country is little art appoint meeting, province teachs appoint, visit culture office commend.
Have a paper " woodcut idea random thought " attend edition of the 2nd whole nation assist congress learning communication, print at " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " reach " Yunnan art " ; Paper " plural consciousness freely talks " print at " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , loaded 2001 " document of woodcut of 20 centuries China " (China is beautiful assist woodcut art appoint edition of meeting, China assist make up) ; Paper " in train of thought of Chinese woodcut development adherence and unlock " print at " art observes " 2003 the 7th period; Paper " of contemporary woodcut live condition " print at " Fujian is artistic " 2004 the 6th period.
Artistic outstanding achievement and work are collected at " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " Hua Dong family tree of 20 centuries painting and calligraphy " , " Fujian Normal University is built school collect of work of art of 95 years of a person of academic or artistic distinction " etc.
Fasten brother's son of Gao Shiji hall, it is Gao Shiji now familial pedigree of a clan -- " room of blessing of Zhongshan tall family name is family tree " chief editor.



