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1955年7月1日生于北京,1978年毕业于安徽师范大学美术学院,1992年至1993年在中国美术学院硕士研讨 生班进修,淮北师范大学美术学院教授,硕士生导师,中国美术家协会会员。
次要 参展作品
1、油画作品《回声》入选第八届全国美展,1994年10月北京(文明 部、中国美术家协会);2、色粉画作品《青苹果》入选第5 届全国水彩水粉画展,2000年10月(中国美术家协会);
3、色彩粉作品《腾》入选第5 届全国体育美展,2001年11月广州(全国体育总局、中国美术家协会);
7、油画作品《金色荷塘》建国50周年安徽省美术作品获二等奖,1999年10月(省文明 厅、艺术界联合会、省美协);
8、油画作品《金色年华》入选建党80周年安徽省美术作品展,2001年7月(省文明 厅、省美协);
9、油画作品《春莺无语》入选第三届中国油画展安徽作品提拔 展,2003年3月;
10、油画作品《冷艳欺雪》入选新世纪首届安徽美术作品大展,2004年10月(文明 厅、文学艺术界联合会、美术家协会);
12、油画作品《守望·耕地》入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”,2009年12月。
1、油画教学应重视 创造性思维能力的培养,(《文艺研讨 》2005第六期)
3、大学美术教学与文明 的契合,(《美术观察》2004第六期)
4、风景写生教学谈,(《装潢 》2005第5 期)
5、计白以当黑,无画成妙境——论传统中国画的“虚”与“实”,(《国画家》2008年第5 期)
1、油画作品《回声》发表在中日古代 美术通鉴
4、油画作品《山水》发表在《文艺研讨 》
(1 )入选国家级展览及获奖作品
1、油画《守望·耕地》入选第十1 届全国美术展,获安徽省第三届美术作品大展,银奖
2、油画《回声》入选第八届全国美展,(文明 部、中国美术家协会)
3、色粉《青苹果》(入选第5 届全国水彩水粉画展)(中国美术家协会)
4、色粉《腾》入选第5 届全国体育美展,(国家体育总局、中国美术家协会)
3、油画《金色荷塘》在庆祝中华人民共和国建国50周年安徽省美术作品展览中荣获二等奖(省文明 厅、艺术界联合会、省美协)
4、油画《金色年华》入选“庆祝中国共产党成立80周年安徽美术作品展”,(省文明 厅、省美协)
7、油画《春莺无语》入选《携手新世纪、第三届中国油画展安徽作品提拔 展览》(省文明 厅、省文学艺术联合会、省美协)
8、油画《冷艳欺雪》,入选新世纪首届安徽省美术作品大展(安徽省文明 厅、安徽省文学艺术界联合会、安徽省美术家协会)
9、粉画《国色》,入选新世纪首届安徽省美术作品大展(安徽省文明 厅、安徽省文学艺术界联合会、安徽省美术家协会)

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Beijing on July 1, 1955, was graduated from academy of fine arts of Anhui Normal University 1978, came to was in China 1993 1992 graduate student of Master of academy of fine arts class attend in a advanced studies, normal University academy of fine arts teachs north of the Huaihe River, the Master lays a teacher, chinese artist academician.
Main ginseng exhibits work
1, canvas work " echo " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, in October 1994 Beijing (association of artist of culture ministry, China) ; 2, lubricious pink draws work " green apple " selected art exhibition of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of watercolour of the 5th whole nation, in October 2000 (Chinese artist association) ;
3, color pink work " vacate " selected beauty of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited, in November 2001 Guangzhou (association of artist of countrywide sports total bureau, China) ;
4, canvas work " Hu Wa " outstanding work exhibits teacher of the 2nd college of selected whole nation, in August 1994 Beijing (the country teachs appoint) ;
5, canvas work " the black gold below sunshine " selected art exhibition of the 4th book obtains complete coal outstanding award, in April 1994;
6, canvas work " the person that cultivate " the beauty that capture a province exhibits outstanding award, in October 1997;
7, canvas work " pond of aureate carry on one's shoulder " found a state 50 years work of art of the Anhui province wins second-class award, in October 1999 (union of province culture hall, artistic group, province is beautiful assist) ;
8, canvas work " golden years " work of art of 80 years of the Anhui province exhibits selected found a party, in July 2001 (province culture hall, province is beautiful assist) ;
9, canvas work " Chun Ying is not had language " selected choose of work of Anhui of oily art exhibition of the 3rd China is exhibited, in March 2003;
10, canvas work " elegant bully snow " work of first Anhui art exhibits selected new century greatly, in October 2004 (association of union of group of art of culture hall, literature, artist) ;
11, canvas work " different spends dimensional series 1, 4 " publish in Chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction " art pays close attention to " coil now, in September 2008;
12, canvas work " keep watch · farmland " selected " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " , in December 2009.
Publish a paper
1, the education that canvas education should pay attention to creativity thinking ability, (" literary research " 2005 the 6th period)
2, try to create education and experimental sex do exercises in composition by canvas, (" art observes " 2005 the 6th period)
3, of university art education and culture agree, (" art observes " 2004 the 6th period)
4, education of scenery paint from life talks, (" decorate " 2005 the 5th period)
5, plan white in order to become black, become excellent place without the picture -- draw by traditional China " empty " with " solid " , (" home of traditional Chinese painting " 2008 the 5th period)
6, mention education of foundation of art of tall division school and creation education, (" journal of institute of normal school of coal of north of the Huaihe River " 2007 the 3rd period)
7, I about education of class of middle school colour see, (" journal of institute of normal school of coal of north of the Huaihe River " 2000 the 4th period)
8, talk about sketch education, (" journal of institute of normal school of coal of north of the Huaihe River " 2001 the 2nd period)
9, the practice of art appreciation education and think, (" journal of institute of normal school of coal of north of the Huaihe River " 2002 the 2nd period)
10, the social foundation with artistic sculpture of badge city folk, (" mound journal of courtyard of in relief division " 2002 the 3rd period)
Publish work
1, canvas work " echo " publish in Sino-Japanese and modern art to know object lesson
2, canvas work " the winter is warm " publish in 92 " Chinese artist "
3, canvas work " Chun Ying is not had language " publish in " artistic bound "
4, canvas work " landscape " publish in " literary research "
5, published individual canvas work in March 2007 only collect
6, canvas work " different spends dimensional series " publish in " art view is noted " , chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction coils now
Actual contribution
(one) exhibition of selected state level and work of bear the palm
1, canvas " keep watch · farmland " selected eleventh countrywide art is exhibited, capture the Anhui province work of the 3rd art is exhibited greatly, silver-colored award
2, canvas " echo " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, (association of artist of culture ministry, China)
3, lubricious pink " green apple " (selected gouache of watercolour of the 5th whole nation is exhibited) (Chinese artist association)
4, lubricious pink " vacate " selected beauty of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited, (association of artist of national sports total bureau, China)
5, canvas " Hu Wa " outstanding work exhibits teacher of the 2nd college of selected whole nation (the country teachs appoint)
(2) exhibition of class of selected province ministry and work of bear the palm
1, canvas " the black gold below sunshine " selected the 4th painting and calligraphy exhibits complete coal, win outstanding award
2, canvas " the person that cultivate " the beauty that capture a province is exhibited, outstanding award
3, canvas " pond of aureate carry on one's shoulder " found a state 50 years in congratulatory People's Republic of China second-class award is had the honor to win in exhibition of work of art of the Anhui province (union of province culture hall, artistic group, province is beautiful assist)
4, canvas " golden years " selected " congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs Anhui art work 80 years to exhibit " , (province culture hall, province is beautiful assist)
5, canvas " Qiu Yun " obtain the province is small oily art exhibition, outstanding award
6, woodcut " beautiful waist Dai " selected course of woodcut of new badge clique is exhibited
7, canvas " Chun Ying is not had language " selected " hand in hand choose of work of Anhui of oily art exhibition of the 3rd new century, China is exhibited " (union of art of literature of province culture hall, province, province is beautiful assist)
8, canvas " elegant bully snow " , work of art of first the Anhui province exhibits selected new century greatly (association of artist of union of group of art of literature of hall of culture of the Anhui province, the Anhui province, the Anhui province)
9, pink is drawn " the country is lubricious " , work of art of first the Anhui province exhibits selected new century greatly (association of artist of union of group of art of literature of hall of culture of the Anhui province, the Anhui province, the Anhui province)



