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李汉波,中国美术家协会会员。1965年生于广东英德。1989年大学毕业,2002-2004年在广州美术学院油画系高研班学习。2005年考入广州美术学院油画系全日制硕士研讨 生班,2008年毕业,获得硕士研讨 生学历学位。油画作品多次在全国美术作品大展中入选,获奖和被中国美术馆等机构收藏。
次要 成就简介
2003年,《艰苦留痕》获“中国少儿美术教师优秀作品展”最高最好 作品奖,获“广东省首届少儿美术教师优秀作品展”最高优秀作品奖。
2008年,《融合》入选“国际当代绘画与雕塑约请 展”(北京).《工地日记》获“海南省青年美展金奖”,入选“第三届全国青年美展”.《祖母》获“海南省油画学术展”最高优秀作品奖.
2009年,《红色娘子军之歌》“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”获奖提名.
李汉波油画艺术》内容:李汉波吸收了东方 古典主义和现当代绘画的色彩理论。写实功底扎实,技巧纯熟 。他的画在题材、外型 、构图、色彩上都具有真诚 和朴素的美。他所表现的多是平凡的生活和景物,而以敏锐的目光发现人物和自然风光的美的内蕴。书中人物风采各异,抽象 鲜明,不管 身着民族服装的少女,还是具有古代 气息的女孩,都描绘得那样恬静优美,显示了他的写实功力扎实。在选题外型 、色彩和构图上的深厚涵养 ,同时将写实手法与装潢 手法相结合,色调明快统1 ,笔触井然有序,朴素而真诚 ,以此风格构成 了其个风貌。

Introduction to the artist

Li Hanbo, chinese artist academician. Was born at Guangdong flower heart 1965. The university graduated 1989, 2002-2004 year grind high in department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts class study. Taking an examination of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 2005 is full-time Master graduate student class, graduated 2008, obtain degree of record of formal schooling of Master graduate student. Canvas work is exhibited greatly in countrywide art work for many times in selected, bear the palm is collected with orgnaization be waitinged for by Chinese art gallery.
Basically make brief introduction
2003, " leave mark difficultly " obtain " China is little outstanding work exhibits art teacher " reward of highest and optimal work, obtain " Guangdong saves first little outstanding work exhibits art teacher " reward of highest and outstanding work.
2004, work " building site diary " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Guangdong 55 years to save art work to exhibit " .
2007, work " the rice bag of the Red Army " selected " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 80 years art work is exhibited " , work " constant " obtain " work of canvas of teachers and students of school of art of the 2nd China is exhibited " reward of highest and outstanding work, work " buckwheat wine " obtain " times spirit -- work of canvas of effigies of countrywide character · is exhibited " reward of highest and outstanding work.
2008, " shirt-sleeve " selected " contemporary brushwork and sculpture invite international exhibit " (Beijing) . " building site diary " obtain " beauty of Hainan province youth exhibits a gold prize " , selected " beauty of youth of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited " . " grandmother " obtain " learning of Hainan province canvas is exhibited " reward of highest and outstanding work.
2009, " the song of gules detachment of women " " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " bear the palm nominates.
Canvas " the rice bag of the Red Army " collect by Chinese art gallery, canvas " buckwheat wine " by Chinese artist association " times spirit -- work of canvas of effigies of countrywide character · is exhibited " the organizing committee is collected. Do article collect choosing mounts the art work that publishs by people art publishing house for many times, be in for many times " art " " Chinese canvas " etc publish on national core journal.
Published 2010 " Li Hanbo oil painting is artistic "
" Li Hanbo oil painting is artistic " content: Li Hanbo absorbed the west to be mixed classically the colour that draws now now is academic. Realistically strength is solid, skill is adept. His picture is had on subject matter, modelling, composition of a picture, colour true with simple beauty. What what he behaves is ordinary life and scenery more, and of the beauty that discovers character and natural scene with the look of acumen inside accumulate. Elegant demeanour of book go-between content each different, image is distinctive, no matter wear the girl of ethical dress, still have the girl of contemporary breath, depict in that way peaceful is beautiful, showed him realistically work force is strong. In the deep accomplishment on modelling of selection of subject, colour and composition of a picture, at the same time will realistically gimmick and adornment gimmick photograph are united in wedlock, tonal and lively unified, brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is sleek, simple and true, formed its with this style a scene.



