夏培耀1936年生,重庆江津人。历任四川美术学院绘画系主任、油画系主任、油画艺术研讨 所所长。教授,硕士研讨 生导师,省级重点学科次要 学术带头人,获省有突出贡献优秀专家称号,享用 国务院津贴专家。中国美术家协会会员。中国油画学会理事。八十年代前后 在新疆、贵阳、兰州、渡口等地举办《夏培耀油画展》,九十年代在新加坡、台湾举办《夏培耀油画艺术展》。油画《牧羊女》、《乐山大佛》、《金花》等数十件作品被美国、日本、新加坡、台湾收藏家收藏,数件作品被地方 文明 部、中国驻外使馆、中国美术馆收藏。
1955年:考入东北 美术专科学校绘画系学习。
1956年:绘画系建立油画专业,成为这个专业的第1 届先生 。
1958年:以优良 成绩毕业并留校任教(该年学校改为四川美术学院)
1960年:地方 文明 部拜托 浙江美术学院在杭州举办《罗马尼亚博巴教授油画训练班》,全国八大美术学院分别派出青年教师应考,作为四川美术学院独一 人选,考上该班,进行了两年研讨 生性质的学习。
1962年:从浙江美术学院罗马尼亚博巴教授油画研讨 班毕业回到四川美术学院任教,在学院举办了博巴训练班学习成绩汇报展,由于罗训班的学习具有独特鲜明的艺术个性和强烈的艺术风格,与国内流行的“苏式”油画构成 鲜明的对比,作品在重庆美术界引发 强烈反响,受到广泛关注和好评。
学院和系领导为了让他进1 步消化和实践在罗训班学习的成果,让他独立带1 个班(本科二年级)以“罗派”为特点来组织教学,进行教学试点。
1964年:作品《血泪仇》、《山乡之春》、《菊》等参加四川首届油画展。同年,“罗派班”学员以优良 成绩毕业,地方 文明 部举办首届高等美术学院优秀毕业作品展,该班先生 有四件作品入选。
1966年:参加省美术工作队在汉源县大渡河边的大树公社深入生活,由于爆发文明 大革命,使已进入的大型创作半途而废。
1970年:轰轰烈烈的文明 大革命极“左”思潮漫延全国,由于“博巴训练班”的不同风格和艺术见解,加之回校后独立掌管 1 个“罗派班”,刹时间成为革命的罪人、修正主义分黑染匠、反动学术权威,被抄走所有作品开“黑画展览”,导致 大量作品被洗劫、破坏。
1972年—1973年:邓小平复出,文明 大革命稍有平静,得以重返大渡河深入生活,此间画了1 系列大渡河儿女的肖像,特别在安顺场寻访到1935年运送中国工农红军抢渡大渡河的老船工,并为他们画像作纪念。
1977年:率工农兵学员作毕业创作,前后 在米亚罗林场和阿坝红原草地藏区深入生活,此间画了1 批林区和大草原风景,和 藏族同胞的肖像画。
1979年:作《您永久 活在我们心中》(合作)参加全国美展获三等奖,四川省优秀文艺奖,优秀美术作品奖,被中国美术馆收藏。
作品《少女肖像》、《大先生 肖像》、《桂林七星崖》在上海人美《美术丛刊》第11期发表;《月夜》四川画报发表;《村姑》红岩文学刊物发表。
1980年:作品《乐山大佛》代表中国油画参加首届国际美展——日本福冈第二届亚洲国际美展;并被台湾收藏家收藏。同年到著名风影区九寨沟写生,画了1 系列九寨沟风景。
1981年:《夏培耀油画写生展》前后 在贵阳市、渡口市、兰州市和东北 师范大学展出。
同年,应邀在渡口市和新疆地区讲学,在讲学之余外出写生,画了1 批云南大理、丽江、新疆天山南北的风景和白族、维族、哈萨克族、乌孜别克族的人物肖像;赴敦煌考察并临摹部份壁画;作品《宝葳》在《四川画报》上发表,并被新加坡收藏家收藏。
1984年:作品《梁祝》参加香港《四川油画展》;作品《金花》被日本收藏家收藏;作《神仙 掌与宝石花》。
1987年:《星空》参加首届中国油画展,获四川省优秀作品奖(浙江《大众美术报》以《努力 于油画民族化的探索》对其油画艺术作专版介绍);《梁祝》、《不尽长江滚滚流》参加加拿大中国艺术节《古代 绘画展》;《远眺七星山》、《漓江晨曦》被日本国赞交社《名家画桂林》大型画册收入。
1988年:赴欧洲法国、德国、南斯拉夫等国作学术访问;作品《梁祝》、《通往山里的公路》参加南斯拉夫斯洛文尼亚共和国《中国古代 绘画展》;《梁祝》被中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆收藏;同年创建四川美术学院油画系,出任首任系主任。
1990年:作品《戊戌变法六君子》参加纪念黄遵宪诞生1 百四十二周年国际书画展,被黄遵宪纪念馆收藏,并在《美术》杂志上发表;地方 文明 部外联局收藏《红红的高粱》、《沃土》、《晨曦》、《村姑》、《老奶奶》等作品;《阳光下》参加首届中国油画精品展。
1993年:《乡渡》参加韩国《中国综合艺术展》,被地方 文明 部外联局收藏。作《梨花盛开》、《树荫下》、《白披风》等作品。《东北 经济日报》以题为《民族精神的艺术体现——夏培耀教授油画艺术菅见》对学术成就作专版介绍。
1995年:在新加坡举办《夏培耀油画艺术展》,新加坡《亚洲艺术家》用8页篇幅作专版介绍,新加坡次要 媒体《联合早报》、《海峡时报》、《美国人报》、《电视周报》均有专版介绍、评论,产生较大社会影响。展出期间有二十件作品被新加坡收藏家收藏。
Xia Peiyao is unripe 1936, person of Chongqing river ferry. Having successively held the posts of brushwork of Sichuan academy of fine arts to fasten director, canvas is director of institute of art of director, canvas. Professor, adviser of Master graduate student, provincial key subject is main academic leader, obtain a province to have outstanding contribution outstanding expert title, enjoy expert of allowance of the State Council. Chinese artist academician. Chinese canvas learns director. 80 time are held in and other places of Xinjiang, Guiyang, Lanzhou, crossing early or late " Xia Peiyao canvas is exhibited " , 90 time are held in Singapore, Taiwan " canvas art exhibits Xia Peiyao " . Canvas " shepherdess " , " happy Shandafo " , " gold is beautiful " etc tens of work is collected by collector of the United States, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, art gallery of the diplomatic mission outside counting a work to be stationed in by central culture ministry, China, China is collected.
1955: Taking an examination of southwest art training school to draw is study.
1956: Painterly department builds canvas major, become the first student of this major.
1958: Graduate with outstanding achievement and stay school teach (academy of fine arts of Sichuan of instead of this years of school)
1960: Central culture ministries and commissions holds Zhejiang academy of fine arts in the palm to be held in Hangzhou " Romanian rich cling to professor canvas training class " , 8 big academy of fine artses of countrywide expedite young teacher take an examination respectively, regard Sichuan academy of fine arts as exclusive person selected, one's deceased father get on this, had the study of graduate student property two years.
1962: From rich of Romania of Zhejiang academy of fine arts cling to graduation of class of professor canvas research returns Sichuan academy of fine arts to teach, gain was held in the institute cling to report of result of training class study is exhibited, because the study of collect lecture class has distinctive and distinct artistic personality and intense artistic color, as popular as home " Su Shi " canvas forms bright contrast, work causes intense echo in Chongqing art group, be paid close attention to become reconciled extensively to judge.
Institute and department leader are digested to make him farther and carry out the positive result that studies in Luo Xun class, make him independent take a class (undergraduate course 2 grade) with " collect clique " will organize education for the characteristic, have teacher and student pilot.
1964: Work " enemy of tears of blood " , " of mountain area spring " , " chrysanthemum " etc attend Sichuan first oily art exhibition. Of the same age, "Luo Paban " student graduates with outstanding achievement, central culture ministry holds first advanced academy of fine arts outstanding graduate work is exhibited, this student has 4 work selected.
1965: To the Yangtse River Duan Shen of 3 gorge channel enters the life, make " onrush a loyal heart " attend countrywide beauty to exhibit.
1966: The development of large tree commune that enters group of province art work to cross river border greatly in Chinese source county lives, because explode,dispatch changes great revolution, make the large creative work that already entered quits.
1970: The Great Cultural Revolution of dynamic extremely " left " thoughts pervades the whole nation, as a result of " rich cling to training class " different style and artistic opinion, together with answers the independence after school to chair " Luo Paban " , the guilty person that time of Buddhist templeput on the brakes becomes revolution, revisionist cent is black catch artisan, reactionary an academic authority, be copied all work leave " black art exhibition is seen " , cause a large number of work by loot, destroy.
1972, 1973: Deng Xiaoping reappears, the Great Cultural Revolution has calm a bit, be able to return crosses river development to live greatly, painted the portrait of a series of old young man and woman that cross a river here, special the old boater that carried speedily cross of Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants to cross a river greatly 1935 is looked for in An Shun field, make commemoration day for their picture.
1974: Make " cross the detachment of women on the river greatly " attend Sichuan to save the United States to exhibit, single page publishs Sichuan people press, " Sichuan pictorial " back cover is published.
1977: The member that lead strategics of workers and peasants makes graduation create, early or late in Mi Yaluo forestry centre and A dam red original turf hides area development to live, painted a batch of forest zone and llano view here, and the portraiture of Tibetian brethren.
1978: Make " girl effigies " .
Create fastigium
1979: Make " you are alive forever in our heart " (collaboration) attend countrywide beauty to exhibit win third class award, sichuan saves outstanding and literary award, reward of fine art work, be collected by Chinese art gallery.
Work " girl effigies " , " undergraduate effigies " , " Guilin 7 stars cliff " in Shanghai person beauty " art collection " the 11st period publish; " moonlight " Sichuan pictorial is published; " village aunt " literary journal publishs Gong Yan.
1980: Work " happy Shandafo " attend first international beauty to exhibit on behalf of Chinese canvas -- beauty of international of the 2nd Asia exhibits Japanese Fu Gang; Be collected by Taiwan collector. Of the same age arrives division of famous wind film channel of 9 stockaded village is sketchy, painted views of a series of channel of 9 stockaded village.
1981: " canvas paint from life exhibits Xia Peiyao " be in Guiyang city, crossing city, Lanzhou city and southwest Normal University to exhibit early or late.
Of the same age, discourse on an academic subject in crossing city and Xinjiang area on invitation, go out in what discourse on an academic subject sketchy, the character effigies of the view that painted north and south of hill of day of Dali of a batch of Yunnan, Li Jiang, Xinjiang and the Bai nationality, dimension a group of things with common features, the Kazak nationality, the Ozbek nationality; Go to Dunhuang to make an on-the-spot investigation and copy part mural; Work " Bao Wei " in " Sichuan pictorial " on publish, be collected by Singapore collector.
1982: " gold is beautiful " , " lunar halo " attend association of Beijing China artist to sponsor " canvas of Sichuan academy of fine arts is exhibited " . Of the same age takes up the post of brushwork of Sichuan academy of fine arts to fasten a director. 1983: Zhejiang " Fu Chunjiang " pictorial undertakes to its canvas work of art only page story.
1984: Work " Liang Zhu " attend Hong Kong " Sichuan canvas is exhibited " ; Work " gold is beautiful " be collected by Japanese collector; Make " cactus and lapidary flower " .
1985: " fly " beauty of Yo of the polity in attending first is exhibited.
1986: Chief editor " complete works of work of Chinese advanced art " collect of sketch, canvas (Hunan art publishing house is published) ; Publish " Xia Peiyao canvas is chosen " (Sichuan art publishing house) ; The picture is talked by income of Jilin art publishing house " language of contemporary China artist picture kind make up " ; Go to and other places of American new York, Washington, Philadelphia to make with delegacy of artist of academy of fine arts of annual rate Sichuan learning is visited and discourse on an academic subject.
1987: " sky " attend first China canvas to exhibit, obtain Sichuan to save outstanding work reward (Zhejiang " masses art signs up for " with " the exploration that devotes oneself to canvas nation to change " to its canvas art is made only edition introduction) ; " Liang Zhu " , " billow of endless the Yangtse River flows " play Canadian China artistic part " contemporary brushwork is exhibited " ; " overlook 7 stars hill " , " Li Jiang Chenxi " the company that be handed in by Japan assist " a person of academic or artistic distinction draws Guilin " income of large an album of paintings.
1988: Go to the country such as European France, Germany, Yugoslavia to make academic visit; Work " Liang Zhu " , " to the highway in hill " attend Yugoslavia Slovenian republic " Chinese contemporary brushwork is exhibited " ; " Liang Zhu " embassy of the Yugoslavia that be stationed in by China is collected; Of the same age establishs department of canvas of Sichuan academy of fine arts, taking up the post of the first to be appointed to an office is a director.
1989: Be in institute of happy hill normal school on invitation, from institute of tribute normal school, discourse on an academic subject from tribute imperial art academy.
1990: Work " the Reform Movement of 1898 6 gentleman " attend commemorative Huang Zunxian to be born 142 years international book art exhibition, be collected by Huang Zunxian memorial hall, be in " art " publish on the magazine; Bureau of the couplet outside central culture ministry is collected " Gong Gong's broomcorn " , " fertile soil " , " first sun rays in the morning " , " the village tentativelies " , " old grandma " wait for work; " below sunshine " attend high-quality goods of first China canvas to exhibit.
1991: " auspicious snow " , " the Yang Qun that waits to give column " , " bright spring day " , " be born to cease haunt " , " Qing Xi " , " Shan Ye " wait for work to be collected by Japanese collector. Make " noiseless flood land " , " 3 A Mi that go into town child " , " Fu selling chicken " wait for work.
1992: Make " new skirt " , " big beautiful ox and its host " , " spring breeze " , " the sun early spring " , " ovine commander " , " black cloak " wait for work; Paper " roam abstruse contest random thought " in " artistic world " (Shanghai literary press) on publish; For Sichuan province Wen Liancheng establishs compose 40 years " Sichuan canvas 40 years " , be established 40 years by couplet of article of income Sichuan province collected works.
1993: " countryside is crossed " attend Korea " Chinese integrated art is exhibited " , be collected by bureau of the couplet outside central culture ministry. Make " pear flower blooms " , " below shade of a tree " , " white cloak " wait for work. " southwest economy daily " it is in order to inscribe " the art of ethos is reflected -- oil painting of Professor Xia Peiyao is artistic Jian Jian " make to scholarship only edition introduction.
1994: " downy fetch " attend beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit, obtain Sichuan to save reward of fine art work;
Wide to collect
" shepherdess " , " 3 A Mi that go into town child " , " Fu selling chicken " exhibit in the United States; " shepherdess " be collected by American collector; " big beautiful ox and its host " , " affection is skyline " be collected by Taiwan collector.
1995: Hold in Singapore " canvas art exhibits Xia Peiyao " , singapore " Asian artist " make with 8 pages length only edition introduction, singapore is main media " associated morning paper " , " channel times " , " American signs up for " , " TV weekly " all have only edition introduction, comment, produce greater society effect. There are 20 works to be collected by Singapore collector during exhibiting.
1996: Work " hill " attend Taiwan " canvas of Chinese contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction 100 National People's Congress is exhibited " ; Make " spring in March " , " small town " , " the brook of birthplace " , " Qing Xi river " wait for work.
1997: Make " idyllic " , " pediment " , " dispatch of mountain area spring " , " Chinese parasol double ended radius sleeker " wait for work, mi Yaluo of return of of the same age is sketchy.
1998: To bus hill paint from life, picture " fall bus hill " series, make " pond " , " pediment is brilliant " wait for work.
1999: Make " great exploit a thousand years " , " goatherd " , " stone of Kui door tortoise " , " old well " wait for work.
2000: " yak " series, " afterglow prairie " (domestic collector is collected) ; Make " the alley that come home " wait for work; " dispatch of mountain area spring " attend Singapore " Chinese canvas a hunderd schools is exhibited " .
2001: Make gigantic a landscape creation picture " 3 gorge go " ; Draft large theme picture to create Du Fu poetic flavour to draw " arms car goes " .
2002: Return Yunnan Li Jiang is sketchy, make " Gu Cheng is off-street " , " accept on the west farmhouse " , " Li Jiang Gu Cheng " , " paddle pulls assorted sea " , " the village " , " depasture sweet case lira " wait for work.
2003: Make gigantic a landscape creation " lotic capriccio " ; Make " jungly jasper " , " small Huang Ju " ; Poetic flavour draws the Du Fu that finish " arms car goes " large theme draws creation.
2004: Make " prairie of sweet case lira " wait for work; " art " magazine with two pages especially big layout is published " arms car goes, poetic flavour draws Du Fu " .
2005: " baby " , " brook " , " Sa hangs down tiger of raise of that sacrifice oneself " -- Dunhuang mural transplants.