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于向志,1984年生于山东文登,毕业于山东省工艺美术学院油画系,现任威海画院副院长。现为中国美术家协会会员、山东省青年美术家协会副秘书长、威海市美术家协会副主席兼秘书长、威海美协油画艺委会副主任兼秘书长、威海市青年美术家协会副主席。油画作品曾入选第十二届全国美展、第5 届全国青年美展、第四届中国油画展(写实展)。2016年获得国家艺术基金立项帮助 。




2016年,《胶东民俗系列创作》获得文明 部、财政部设立的国家艺术基金青年艺术创作人才立项帮助 ;
2016年,《小渔港》入选中国国家画院主办的第5 届全国画院美术作品展;
2016年,《清晨码头》入选中国美协主办的第5 届全国(大芬)中青年油画作品展;
2016年,《城中村》入选山东省委宣扬 部、省文明 厅、省文联主办的庆祝建党95周年暨红军长征胜利80周年全省优秀美术作品展;2015年,《渔港青年》入选中国文联、中华青联、中国美协主办的第5 届全国青年美术作品展;
2015年,《海草房》获省委宣扬 部、省文联、省美协主办的第二届山东省青年美术大展优秀奖;
2015年,《金锋号角》获山东省委宣扬 部、山东省文明 厅、山东省文联主办的山东省纪念抗日和平 暨世界反法西斯和平 胜利70周年美术书法摄影展优秀奖;
2015年,《坚守》入选山东省委宣扬 部、山东省文明 厅、山东省文联主办的山东省纪念抗日和平 暨世界反法西斯和平 胜利70周年美术书法摄影展;
2015年,《渔归》入选山东省委宣扬 部、山东省文明 厅主办的第十届山东文明 艺术节全省优秀美术作品大展;
2015年,《渔港》入选山东省文明 厅、山东美术馆、山东省油画学会主办的接力-2015山东油画作品展;
2014年,《海带工》入选中国文明 部、中国文联、中国美协主办的第十二届全国美术作品展;
2014年,《三月海风》获山东省文明 厅、省文联、省美协、省美术馆主办的艺术齐鲁第十二届全国美展山东作品展创作奖;
2014年,《海带工》获山东省文明 厅、省文联、省美协、省美术馆主办的艺术齐鲁第十二届全国美展山东作品展优秀创作奖;
2014年,《海上5 月》获山东省美协主办的第六届齐鲁风情油画展优秀奖;
2012年,《牦牛》入选山东省文明 厅、省油画学会主办的山东油画作品展;
2012年,《粉刷工人》获山东省文明 厅主办的山东省美术作品展优秀奖;
2008年,《海岸》入选山东省文明 厅主办的全省画院作品联展;
2007年,《水乡晨语》获山东省文明 厅主办的新农村建设写生展三等奖;

Introduction to the artist

Yu Xiangzhi, was born at Shandong article to ascend 1984, be graduated from Shandong to omit oil painting of institute of arts and crafts is, currently hold the post ofassistant dean of power sea imperial art academy. Save vice-chairman of association of artist of city of deputy secretary-general of young artist association, power sea to hold secretary-general, Weihaimei concurrently for Chinese artist academician, Shandong now assist canvas art appoint conference vice director holds vice-chairman of association of artist of youth of city of secretary-general, power sea concurrently. Canvas work ever selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation, beauty of youth of the 5th whole nation is exhibited, canvas of the 4th China is exhibited (exhibit realistically) . Obtained project approving of national art fund to aid financially 2016.

In 2016, "fishing in March" was selected into the fourth Chinese oil painting exhibition (realism exhibition), the Chinese spirit sponsored by the China Art Association;

In 2016, Jiaodong folk custom series creation was supported by the National Art Fund for young art creation talents established by the Ministry of culture and the Ministry of finance;

In 2016, xiaoyugang was selected into the Fifth National Academy of fine arts exhibition sponsored by China National Academy of fine arts;

In 2016, "early morning wharf" was selected into the fifth national (Dafen) young and middle-aged oil painting exhibition sponsored by China Art Association;

In 2016, "asphalt path" was selected into the 2016 national oil painting exhibition of Wu Guanzhong Art Museum sponsored by China Art Association;

In 2016, "sunshine alley" was selected into the first national exhibition of Chinese painting and oil painting works on the Silk Road and Hanmo Tongwei, sponsored by China Artists Association;

In 2016, impression of fishing port was selected into the 2016 Shandong oil painting exhibition on the main board of Shandong oil painting society;

In 2016, the village in the city was selected into the provincial excellent art works exhibition to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the party and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the long march of the Red Army sponsored by the Publicity Department of Shandong provincial Party committee, the Provincial Department of culture and the Provincial Federation of literary and art; in 2015, the fishing port youth was selected into the Fifth National Youth Art Works Exhibition sponsored by the China Federation of literary and art, the China Youth Federation and the China Art Association;

In 2015, xiaoyugang was selected into the 2015 national oil painting exhibition of Wu Guanzhong Art Museum sponsored by China Association of art.

In 2015, "impression of fishing port" won the excellent award of the second national art education Academic Exhibition sponsored by China Art Association;

In 2015, seagrass house won the excellent award of the second Shandong Youth Art Exhibition sponsored by the Publicity Department of the provincial Party committee, the Provincial Federation of literature and art, and the Provincial Art Association;

In 2015, Jinfeng horn won the excellent award of art and calligraphy photography exhibition in Shandong Province to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Shandong provincial Party committee, Shandong Provincial Department of culture and Shandong Provincial Federation of literature and art;

In 2015, "perseverance" was selected into the art and calligraphy photography exhibition of Shandong Province to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Shandong provincial Party committee, Shandong Provincial Department of culture and Shandong Provincial Federation of literature and art;

In 2015, Yugui was selected into the 10th Shandong culture and Art Festival provincial excellent art works exhibition sponsored by Shandong provincial Party Committee Publicity Department and Shandong Provincial Department of culture;

In 2015, "fishing port" was selected into Shandong oil painting exhibition 2015 sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture, Shandong Art Museum and Shandong oil painting society;

In 2015, many oil paintings participated in the joint exhibition of peninsula oil painting masters (Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai);

In 2014, kelp was selected into the 12th National Art Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of culture, China Federation of literary and art circles and China Art Association;

In 2014, "March sea breeze" won the Creation Award of Shandong art exhibition, the 12th National Art Exhibition of Qilu, sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture, Shandong Provincial Federation of literature and art, Shandong Art Association, and Shandong Art Museum;

In 2014, kelaidong won the excellent creation award of Shandong art exhibition, the 12th National Art Exhibition of Qilu, sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture, Shandong Provincial Federation of literature and art, Shandong Art Association and Shandong Art Museum;

In 2014, "may at sea" won the excellent award of the 6th Qilu style oil painting exhibition sponsored by Shandong Art Association;

In 2014, Machang village won the entry prize of Shandong online painting and calligraphy exhibition sponsored by Shandong Art Association;

In 2012, yak was selected into Shandong oil painting exhibition sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture and Shandong oil painting society;

In 2012, the painting worker won the excellent award of Shandong art exhibition sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture;

In 2011, "Xieyang" was selected into Shandong art calligraphy photography exhibition held by Shandong Federation of literary and art circles and Shandong Art Association to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party;

In 2011, haizaofang won the excellent award in the third Qilu style oil painting exhibition sponsored by Shandong Art Association;

In 2008, "village head" was selected into the 13th new work exhibition sponsored by Shandong Art Association;

In 2008, "coast" was selected into the joint exhibition of Shandong Academy of painting sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture;

In 2007, "Water Village morning language" won the third prize of new rural construction sketch exhibition sponsored by Shandong Provincial Department of culture;



