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陈若晖,1948年生,福建福州人。中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,福建省东方画院院长。原任福建青年社社长。福建省美协常务理事,福建省青年美协荣誉主席。
长时间 从事美术创作与装帧设计,师从于国内书画界诸大家,作品自成风格,广受好评。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Rehui, unripe 1948, fujian Fuzhou person. Chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, dean of imperial art academy of Fujian Province east. Yuan Renfu builds young company president. The Fujian Province is beautiful assist standing director, fujian Province youth is beautiful assist honorary chairman.
Pursue art creative work and design of binding and layout for a long time, master from at bound of domestic painting and calligraphy all everybody, work becomes a style oneself, wide suffer reputably.
Work " the bridge " , " sun ceremony assist " , " home town tea " , " recursive wild goose " , " go up in beach " etc attend the whole nation to exhibit and bear the palm. Have many work by " art " " art observes " " Chinese art " wait for global the press to choose ascend. Publish have " Chen Rehui draws volume " , " special of Chen Rehui of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy " , " painting of Chen Rehui fan is artistic " , " collect of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Chen Rehui writing " , " high-quality goods of Chinese artist academician is chosen.
Led a group to go to Taiwan to interview on invitation 1995 and art couplet is held to exhibit in Taipei; Went to Singapore to hold on invitation 1996 exhibit; Went to Japan to hold on invitation 1998 exhibit; Europe, beauty is gone to since 1999, bay, blame continent many countries make an on-the-spot investigation, communication; The United States is gone to since 2002, bay, wait for a country newly to look around, visit. Much home of income of individual biography brief is large and professional dictionary.



