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 范光陵, 著名现任中华工商管理学会理事长,"文明 总会国际文明 促进会" 代主委。对 台湾电脑发展贡献特殊,被誉为"电脑之父"。著名世界文明 人,台湾中华文明 协会理事长及台湾1 百人民团体联盟负责人。范光陵博士生于大陆,擅长 台湾,留学于美国。

1988年6月率四十年来两岸第1 个文明 经济团访大陆,打开两岸冰冻之旅。

中华人民共和国文明 部2007年7月28日网络报导:“范光陵是一名 多才多艺的诗人和书画家,他首创了中文“电脑”1 词,并发起新古诗运动。他还创造了诗意派油画,并首倡诗意管理学。1988年,他率台湾第1 个经济文明 访问团到大陆访问,开创了40年来两岸经济文明 交流的先河。2005年10月,他在第19届世界诗人大会上被推选为大会主席,这是首次由中国人担任大会主席”。

世界网络及 “百度”之 “文艺复兴人” 百度百科报道: 世界各国文艺复兴人有但丁, 马基雅维利; 达·芬奇拉斐尔米开朗基罗, 塞万提斯、马丁· 路德, 莎士比亚, 哥德, 华盛顿, 诺贝尔, 丘吉尔范光陵等.

国际艺术界2009年选出中国当代十大画家,资历 为对艺术有严重 创新, 为国际尊重及欣赏。 十大画家为吴冠中赵无极丁绍光范曾欧豪年黄永玉、范光陵、陈丹青高占祥刘国松十位。

八年级教科书及参考材料 报道:这样的“星”也是“星”,他们更值得我们学习。如“中国水稻之父——袁隆平”、“中国原子弹之父——邓稼先”、“中国航母之父——刘华清”、“中国铁路之父——詹天佑”、“中国诗歌之父——屈原”、“中国地质之父李四光”、“中国物理学之父——吴大猷”、“中国近代化学之父——徐寿”、“中国电脑之父——范光陵”、“中国航天之父——钱学森”等等。


 他是范仲淹的后代. 就读"国立台湾大学"时选择了法律系,当前 公费 留学美国。尽管他的均为台湾"地方 民意代表 "的父母完全有能力帮助 他,但他们还是主张他应以打工的方式自食其力 ,因而 ,到达美国的第二天,范光陵就来到1 家中国餐馆打工。生活的历练使他坚强,也使他的兴味 从法律转到了电脑与企业管理。


 范光陵于1964至1966年任美国圣马克学院企业与经济助理教授兼电脑中心主任。在此期间,他应台湾"教育部"之邀到台湾讲学,曾经轰动1 时。六十年代,他首创将英文的"Electronic Computer" 抽象 地译名为中文的"电脑",并完成了中国人写的第1 本电脑书《电脑和你》,因此 被誉为"中华电脑之父"。


1968年,范光陵获得美国犹他州州立大学哲学博士学位,受聘国立中兴大学企业管理学系主任,并在台湾大学执教。从1969年起他在美国哥伦比亚大学作了电脑博士后研讨 ,其间,他在台湾开创了许多个中国第1 :在铭传商专创办电子计算科并任科主任,在逢甲大学创办电子计算学系并任系主任,在中国文明 学院创办电脑研讨 所并任所长,在电视台开办电脑及企业管理节目,主办1 系列电脑会议。他在世界5 大洲的会议上中英文演讲,发表论文多篇,出版企业管理及电脑书籍30多种,行踪遍及60多国。他曾在美国IBM公司任职电脑零碎 分析师并升至经理,他在台湾被聘为中华文明 复兴运动推行委员会委员,在泰国获"泰国国王电脑奖",在伦敦大学获英国皇家国际杰出成就奖,在美国加州大学任教授、院士(1976年)并获得杰出学者奖。1978年,他出任台湾国立成功大学商学院院长。1979-1982年他还在沙特阿拉伯王国红海军区建筑工地担任过水电总工程师。



 这位理工科出身的学者由于1 个偶然的机会走上了诗歌创作的道路。1983年,在1 次音乐创作发布会上,朋友请范光陵代为写词,不料他的诗兴1 发而不能收,从此铺展他的写诗人生并开创"新古诗"之先河。中国诗词源远流长,但严厉 的平仄对仗限制了它的普及。范光陵的新古诗不尚平仄,二、四句末字压韵 即可,规则简易,以情意为主,不管 用中文还是英文写作都不难。曲高难免和寡,简易方可普及。"新古诗"的开创使诗词大众化,人人爱读诗,人人可写诗,便利中国诗歌艺术不断发展,走向世界。范光陵的"新古诗"情趣盎然,富含哲理,诗风质朴清新,浅显中蕴功力,平淡内透刚劲,受到了广泛欢迎。他又将诗与油画结合,开创了诗意油画(POEMISM);他还将诗与管理学结合,创立了诗意管理学,于1995年在美国洛杉矶发表诗意管理学宣言,并于 1999年在台湾国立中兴大学首开诗意管理学课程


 范光陵前后 出版了《透明湖》、《爱心集》、《飞鸟集》等中英文诗集20余种,历年来多次参加世界文明 大会、世界诗人大会并举办书画展,共30余次担任主讲人、大会会长或主席,多达三度获诺贝尔文学奖提名,所得奖誉有数 。1987年,在纽约世界文明 大会与世界诗人大会联合展上,他荣膺"世界桂冠诗人"称号;1988-89年,获美国国际艺术大使团最高艺术奖;1990年,任罗马与米兰、瑞士世界文明 大会与世界诗人大会国际主席,并荣获文明 艺术大奖;同年9月,在美国2000人出席的世界诗文大会上,作为华人的第1 次,他任首席主讲人,并即席朗诵以白蛇传故事为素材创作的英文长诗《My son,My son (吾子,吾子)》,使很多听众流下热泪,演讲终了 ,全场起立,排队签名持续两小时之久……1993年,他出任台湾中华文明 协会会长,曾应邀在"好莱坞欢迎中国桂冠诗人范光陵"的大会上,以英文向百余位美国电影明星演讲中国诗画及文明 ,同年,他所著《东方 古代 管理》由山东人民出版社出版发行;1996年,他在四川成都举办了个人书画展; 1999年10月23日,在美国内华达州雷诺城举办的世界名诗人大会上,他获美国国际艺术大使团颁发的毕生 成就奖,1 万个汽球冉冉升空,每个气球上都印着范光陵的名字,以示尊重和庆贺;2000年,在美国拉斯维加斯数千人出席的世界名诗人大会上,他继续任大会主讲人并展出他的诗、书、画……


在赋诗作画的激情中,范光陵没有遗忘 跟上电脑网络时代的步伐。1996年,他将中国古代 诗画首次发上电脑国际网路,制成网路新页,并与美国、意大利、德国、法国、南非、澳大利亚、瑞士、日本等共同筹组世界第1 所网络大学。2000年,他创设中国台湾第1 个全英文电脑网站。


 "海峡四十年,历史1 瞬间。相思如雨丝,落入长江去。"这是1988年6月18日范光陵率领两岸间四十年来第1 个经济文明 访问团到大陆时所作。这次访问,被认为是中华历史之旅,范光陵本身 最引以为荣。他曾与江泽民、李鹏、朱镕基等国家领导人面谈,多次与王光英、程思远、汪道涵、钱伟长, 万国权等交流。


在台湾海峡阴霾重重的时候,范光陵立场鲜明。2000年2月26日,他与友人组办了"台湾各界和平统1 同心联谊总会",参与和指点 者有陈立夫、林洋港、梁肃戎、辜振甫等知名要人。3月10日,他携台湾100个人民团体负责人致电江泽民、李鹏、朱镕基、李瑞环等国家领导人,坚决支持1 个中国、和平统1 、1 国两制的"三1 准绳 " 。范光陵并撰新古诗《誓言》1 首,以表心迹。4月26日,他率领这100个人民团体负责人代表团赴深圳参加反台独促统1 研讨会。5月22日,这些代表又在台北举行了反台独大会。8月23日,范光陵与梁肃戎同率台湾各界代表团出席在柏林召开的"全球华侨华人推动中国和平统1 大会", 范光陵作了讲演,重申"三1 准绳 " 。"问长云何处飞,愿牵手以相随。"表达了千万台湾同胞的心声。


 中国是伟大的诗的王国, 5 千年来从未开过世界诗人大会.范光陵与国内外有志之士在国际及国内经过千辛万苦, 忍辱负重, 终於在2005年10月29日起在山东省泰安市及泰山之巅召开了第19届世界诗人大会19th World Congress of Poets, 并被推为中国首次世界诗人大会主席. 大会名誉主席有陈香梅, 王光英,高占祥,冀朝铸,李国彝,Benjamin Yuzon,Natica Angilly,季羡林,程万琦,金炳华,陈本昌,贾学英,龙宇翔, 贺敬之诸位名流. 范光陵在大会指出了新古诗运动及新5 四运动之方向, 以复兴 中华文明 , 提升人民素质及生活, 使中国与世界同轨, 为世界所敬爱. 范光陵被世界报刊尊为5 四精神代言人及文艺复兴人Renaissance Man.




新华网北京12月14日电(记者 齐湘辉)2008年的12月15日8时许,台湾首个两岸直航航班-复兴航空332号航班从台北松山机场起飞前往上海。88分钟后,飞机稳稳地降落在上海浦东机场。


"登陆"1 瞬间,机舱内响起了热烈的掌声。台湾中华文明 协会会长范光陵透过舷窗看到机场兴奋的欢迎人群,激动难抑,泪流满面。他顺手拿起1 张纸,挥笔赋诗1 首:"海峡六十年,直航第1 架。莫笑浮沉泪,乡情成1 家。"


5 年后的冬日,来北京参加两岸文明 交流活动的范光陵,在接受新华社记者专访时忆起当时情景,1 字不差地背出了这首诗,泪水再度模糊了双眼。


"60年前,为逃离烽火 ,我随母亲从上海飞到台北松山机场,没想到60年后,我从台北松山机场搭首架直航班机回到了上海!"他感慨地说:"这短短的88分钟,穿越了两岸60年来多少的浮沉!"


范光陵说,本身 是不幸的,小大年 纪便不得不体验历史巨变带来的颠沛流离;但本身 也是荣幸 的,能够亲身见证两岸关系如此严重 的历史时刻。


他告诉记者,1988年他率领首个台湾经济文明 访问团参访大陆时,必须直达 香港,那1 湾浅浅的海峡,真是难以跨越 的乡愁。当时在飞机上,他也感慨地写下诗句:"海峡四十年,历史1 瞬间。相思如雨丝,落入长江去。"


两岸"三通"实现以来,范光陵已 数不清本身 到过多少次大陆,参加过多少场文明 交流活动。在感受直航便利的同时,他欣喜 地看到,两岸"1 日生活圈"已 构成 ,方便了成千上万来回 两岸的民众,两岸航线已成为1 条名副其实的"黄金航线"


范光陵毕生努力 于两岸文明 交流。他说,最使 本身 欣喜 的是,随着两岸交流的不断深入,两岸同胞对彼此的认识慢慢从怀有敌意、看不顺眼,到客观了解、平和做出愈来愈 多的正向评价。正如他在诗作中所感叹的:"同根生,本兄弟,万年云,世代系。"


穿越六十年 莫笑浮沉泪--访两岸直航首飞亲历者范光陵


 人民网上海2015年2月2日电 2月1日,以倡导"富强、民主、文明、和谐、自在 、平等、公正、法治、爱国、敬业、诚信、友善"的社会主义核心价值观,实现中华民族伟大复兴梦为活动主题,旨在通过推动两岸东方文艺复兴的东方文艺复兴暨两岸论坛在沪举办。上海微族网络科技,蒋1 成、范光陵、管国庆等百余位国际、国内知名的专家学者出席会议并就如何践行社会主义核心价值观,传承与弘扬中华文明,实现中华民族伟大复兴表达了各自的看法。


世界文明 总会主席范光陵院士告诉记者,近几年,在网络文明 的冲击下,愈来愈 多的年轻人迷失在东方 文明 中。范光陵认为,这类 情况的出现并非是东方 文明 优于中华传统文明 ,而是中华文明 传承本身 出了成绩 。"今天,中国已不是世界的中心,而是世界的重要成员。要推动中华文明 ,并不必然 要反对东方 文明 ,而是要在尊重和发扬中华文明 的同时,对东方 文明 去粗取精,融合并重。"旨在传播社会正能量的"赢在世界,中国正能量"公益,和 第24届世界诗人大会等活动也同步举办。

弘扬传统民族文明 推动两岸人文交流

2015年5月4日,来自台湾的世界文明 总会主席、中华文明 协会会长、美国哥伦比亚大学博士后范光陵Fan Kuanling院士在上海与优秀企业家代表及世界各国的敌对 人士就当前社会道德文明 建设社会主义核心价值观、践行中国梦和 促进两岸文明 交流、忆孔子哲思、圆文艺复兴梦等相干 话题进行了深入研讨。


据了解范光陵院士与坦丁,达芬奇同被国际上称为世界文艺复兴人,与吴冠中赵无极同为当代中国十大画家,与中国铁路之父詹天佑、中国航天之父钱学森同列为科教书上的中国电脑之父,并获得诺贝尔奖三次提名。在演讲中,范博士的"我们赤条而来,裸体而去,独一 能留上去 的身后之物只要 我们修下的各种功德。我们不能永生 不老,在这苦短的人生中我们应当 多行善,多宽恕,多感恩;视能力大小多替别人着想,多为故乡、社会、国家、民族、世界做忘我 的奉献


范光陵院士就践行中国梦,1 带1 路,两岸1 家,孔子哲思,孝经,小范中庸与复兴 中华文明 与世界和平展现 了他的精美绘画 "和平与纯洁油画系列 PEACE AND PURITY OIL PAINTING SERIES"受到了预会 者的高度评价。


 《1 带1 路情绘中国梦─2015范光陵/郎世宁300年时空对话暨"小范中庸"发布会》,5 月二十四日在上海市热烈举行,活动分为三大版块,精彩纷呈,反响热烈。博鳌论坛次要 创始人前菲总统拉莫斯、世界华人领袖陈香梅主席等也前后 热烈庆祝 。历史决无巧合,冥冥当中 有1 种因果之缘。1715年,意大利米兰人画家郎世宁携精品油画访华,带来东方 绘画成果与交流;2015年,中国人画家范光陵携东方创新成果(世界诗意油画)回访意大利米兰,1 来1 去恰巧时间跨度300年,这是1 个十分特别而又值得纪念意义的世界严重 旧事 。本次活动进1 步演译了中国诗意油画创始人范光陵院士,配合"1 带1 路",通过2015米兰世博,回访米兰纪念会的核心思想,体景象 征艺术永久 生命生生不息,延续着东东方 艺术文明 生命能量源源流长,恰巧也体现了2015米兰世博:"给养地球,生命能源"的主题。


今天虽然代表东东方 绘画艺术盛会经历三个世纪,但是这类 记念等着得太久,其中经历太多的故事。三百年前此项文明 艺术交流,路之悠远 ,在当时没古代 化交通工具年代,太让人惊奇了。今天我们联合创意纪念此次活动,有着十分深远意义,同时,它承载着东方艺术家范光陵中国梦,他表示要为地球、人类文明 艺术生命能源延续发展描绘新宏图。本次活动意义非凡,通过三百周年东东方 美术宣扬 弘扬,对于配合党地方 "1 带1 路"战略;配合社会主义核心价值观,借助米兰世博世界影响力,扬我国威,让中华民族文明 深入世界,具有里程杯意义。

本次活动中24届世界诗人大会全球诗歌大赛奖颁发. 得奖人有陈香梅,范方暾,顾浩君,艾文,陈红,姜范1 陵,林桂兴等. 肖泽颕得到国际文明 大使荣衔,并被24届世界诗人大会任命为国际文明 秘书长.


又在本次活动中,《小范中庸》作了发布。范光陵院士继2014年春季缩编撰写孔子孝经101字在《红旗》出版后,他满怀1 腔深情又缩编撰写完成新杰作《中庸》。《中庸》原是《小戴礼记》中的1 篇。作者为孔子后裔子思,后经秦代学者修正 整理至今。《中庸》在宋代学人中是提到突出地位,宋1 代探索不偏不倚 的文章不下百篇,北宋程颢、程颐极力爱崇 《中庸》,南宋朱熹又作《中庸章句》,并把《中庸》和《大学》、《论语》、《孟子》并列称为"四书"。宋元当前 ,《中庸》成为学校官定教科书和科举考试的必读书,对古代教育产生了极大的影响。从人性来讲,是人性本原、人根本智慧本性。实质上用古代 文字表述就是"临界点",也是很难把握"不偏不倚 "改编的原委。知难非要上,向来就有股创新韧劲、且为中华"第1 才子"范光陵院士,不畏"临界点",在古代 社会又是第1 个大胆革新鼎故、重新修编《中庸》之篇,使之原文4000多余字,缩编改成通俗易懂800多余字文本,让世人读起来更容易理解和传承,这是范光陵院士对《中庸》古代 改编作出的又1 严重 贡献。


在百度文库中出现:"青少年如何追星?更应追邓稼先 詹天佑 范光陵 钱学森等旧事 ,并列为八年级政治上册第4课教材 青春故事(人民版)上。在教育先生 如何看待偶像崇拜?中先生 应当 如何追星时,要学习他们的事业心、责任感、智慧、经验;他们的努力、付出和毅力;他们高超的专业技能、专业知识等等,这样的"星"也是"星",他们更值得我们学习。如"中国水稻之父--袁隆平"、"中国原子弹之父--邓稼先"、"中国航母之父--刘华清"、"中国铁路之父--詹天佑"、"中国诗歌之父--屈原"、"中国地质之父――李四光"、"中国物理学之父--吴大猷"、"中国近代化学之父--徐寿"、"中国电脑之父--范光陵"、"中国航天之父--钱学森"等等。其中讲到了"中国电脑之父--范光陵"。在生活中,真实的 "星光"是什么样1 个人?被誉为电脑之父、青春之父,艺术创新之父范光陵动力又从何来?"他用快乐和智慧闪烁和内在美的光华,照亮我们每个人生的旭日 ,他所走过人生轨迹,很值得研讨 。


范光陵是当代世界文明 艺术领域1 颗闪亮明珠"。世界文明 艺术导演艾文接受央视采访时这样评论。本届活动范光陵如何创意与郎世宁300年时空对话?范光陵新编《中庸》及首创世界诗意油画创新点在哪些方面?范光陵是如何看待东方诗画和东方 油画表现情势 ?世界当代名艺术家范光陵所产生的国际影响是什么?艺术与经济发展有什么紧密联系?范光陵艺术品的艺术价值和投资价值是什么?对投资艺术品方向如何看待?


我们要实现中华复兴的"中国梦",不仅是让2亿贫困人口脱离贫困,更要兴修 博物馆、美术馆等公共基础设施,让国家有民气、让民众有文明 、让社会有博爱。这个民族才会有希望和竞争力。从这个角度看,推崇中华民族优秀艺术家、宣扬 国宝,通过创意文明 主题活动,呼唤精堪优秀创新艺术文明 ,就是呼唤中华民族和中国梦的精神将来 。






"中庸"源于至圣孔子之讲学,战国时嫡孙子思编为 "礼记". 汉朝戴圣摘编为 《小戴礼记》. 中庸是其中1 篇,为高道德标准与自然法则. 是人生,成功、做人, 做事,快乐,幸福,健康,短命 之哲学. 北宋"后天 下之忧而忧"范仲淹,"砸缸救友"司马光倡议复兴 . 南宋朱熹编中庸,与大学,论语,孟子并列"四书",传千年而近于失传. 光陵"学薄德浅,心胸 九州. 夜静1 人,泪墨难分". 稿成人称为"小范中庸". 保留孔学精华,简去不合时代的地方 ,愿使人人能懂,人人能读,与天下人同振文艺复兴,共兴中国梦,文明 ,科学,经济,道德,礼义,廉耻,孝经,良心也。范光陵敬书2015-04-18








道也者,不可顷刻 离也,可离非道也。是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐惧乎其所不闻。故君子慎其独(处)也。


喜怒哀乐之未发谓当中 ;发而皆中节(适中)谓之和。中也者,天下之大本也;和也者,天下之达道也。致中和,天地定位,万物化育。


君子中庸,(中和, 平常心),君子 反中庸。君子当中 庸也,君子而时(随时)中。君子 之反中庸也,君子 而无忌惮也。中庸其至高乎!民不能久矣!


忠恕离道不远,施于本身 而不愿,亦勿于人。君子本其位而行,不非份乎其外。君子无处而不自得。


在上位,不凌下;鄙人 位,不攀上。正己而不求于人则无怨。上不怨天,下不怨人。 故君子安份以待天命,君子 行险以幸运 。 君子之道,行远必自近;登高必自低。大德必得其位,必得其禄,必得其名,必得其寿。故大德者必受天命。


国家将兴,必有吉祥;国家将亡,必有妖孽。不诚无物。成本身 ,仁也;成万物,智也。




愚而自以为是,贱而独断专行,生乎今之世返古之道。灾害 及其身。


虽有其位,苟无其德,不敢作礼乐,虽有其德, 苟无其位,亦不敢作礼乐。故君子之道,暗然而日彰;君子 之道,明显 而日亡。君子之道,淡而不厌,简而文,温而理,知远之近,知风之来,知微之显,可与入德矣。


 9月台湾笼罩于三大台风中,为了促进世界和平,两岸1 家,复兴 孔孟老子文明 ,世界首次"游艇画展" 等,中外人士通过电信,网络,世界大会系列在两岸聚会。会议办理为曽于2005年在泰山举办中国首次世界诗人大会(即19届世界诗人大会)当中 华文明 协会,中华人生哲学研讨 会,美国国际艺术学院,桂冠诗人联会等。


范光陵等于9月28日与孔子76代后人孔令文等两岸共贺孔子2567诞辰. 世界诗意油画之父,中国电脑启蒙运动人,"新古诗运动" 及"新古词运动" 创始人,近古代 世界十二大画家,东方文艺复兴人范光陵Dr. Fan Kuanling并日夜作词及诗意油画Poetic Oil Painting于三大台风中。他们以中华民族首创的"诗意油画" 带领中华艺术及文明 走上世界,并考察观摩"台湾艺术展". 会中拟以中华文明 艺术美化世界人心. 范光陵并于台风声如雷贯耳中作"念奴娇《新古词》 - 感恩孔孟明月" 。


念奴娇《新古词》- 感恩孔孟明月.






苍茫万里,数不尽,口蜜腹剑 相握。






巨笔1 画,人间爱恨相切。




中华二心 , 破冰旅,两岸亲情不灭。






名作家钟宏苒先生去电赞美 说:"范院士,你的念奴娇词写得太好了,第1 句和末1 句动人尤深!"


两岸名人曽祥铎教授当面批评说:"光陵兄,以你的诗词之高,你必须做胡适,梁启超引领1 代风骚. 希望你把主力放在这里!不要分心!"


当代著名艺术评论大师,中国著名跨多艺术学科理论家,诗意油画理论体系构建人傅建生教授在谈到诗意油画Poetic oil painting时指出:世界美术界20世纪由西班牙人毕加索Picaso独占鳌头,21世纪将有中国人范光陵Fan Kuanling独占鳌头。在21世纪里中华文明将替代数百年的东方 文明而占世界统治地位。在美术界,范光陵的诗意油画将对世界美术界做出首要的贡献,并将永存于世界文明 与文明宝库!


20届世界文明 大会名誉主席Honorary Presidents 有世博之父蒋1 成博士,国际名人陈香梅博士,美国纽约大学毕生 教授,国际法大师熊玠博士,美国老布希总统顾问王鹏飞博士,希腊"Tea with Kongzi 茶叙孔子" 作者Peter Alatsas等. 前后 贡献较多人士有范光陵,方德华,李志仁,孙武彦,徐强,美国袁天祜,刘铭传5 世孙刘学宣,郭彦文,小克勒,姜范1 陵,邱绣陵,蓝金铃,艾文,杨崇森,郑惠中,冯泽洲,肖㧪涛,郝曼丽,上官百成,斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国德龙,波兰Vanessa法㨗耶娃,黄文俊,陈红,美国银行家Sophia 姚沁,姜达观,乌克兰Elena莉娜,Tina,Melinda,李德当,袁念华,张荣桂,葛建军,肖剑,李京爱,隋华,范代希,毛吉拉玛,屠其焕,刘华,王怀琳,赖眀明,林虹,陈果,华瑛,德国范培希,彭桂英,俞二龙,游天文,杨燕,蓝毓莉,张琍敏,姚乐利,兰玉华,范建军,高飞燕,赵宝云,傲雪琳,李忠熙,金1 端,林二,李鹏远,方瑞生,杨家麟,成月梅,王海燕,陈萍怡,吴文惠等名流。14届世界和平大会,32届世界诗人大会,14届世界艺术大会同时进行。形成 又1 复兴 中华诗书画,儒家文明 ,中西交融,世界和平热潮。


世界首次"游艇画展" 主席"韩斯游艇" 李耿辉在黄浦江上说:"今天是很成心 义的1 天,在中华民族伟大复兴的号召下,两岸人民要联合起来,为由中华文明 艺术带头的"东方文艺复兴" 做出有创新意义的亊. 如今 我们以两岸1 家的亲情和创新,以世界诗人大会,世界艺术大会为支柱,前几天在台湾,今天在上海朗读孔子孝经101字及四书各101字,并展出美国及斯里兰卡选出近古代 世界十二大画家中独一 的中国人,东方文艺复兴人范光陵先生为世界首创,以"中华诗画合1 哲学" 为本的"诗意油画" - "人生红尘干戈中", 和他与国内外名家合作的画作,做为对孔子2567寿辰,范仲淹1027寿辰,孙中山150寿辰,我们所有人父母寿辰,和 国庆献礼. 今天特地在浩瀚黄浦江上,并通过世界网络,举办了世界首次"游艇画展". 以表示我们微薄的,但充满和平,仁爱,孝心,创新情操的两岸人民1 带1 路,携手走上世界,引领古代 文明 艺术新方向。全体站起来向各方三鞠躬拜寿及祝愿 。


世界首次"游艇画展" 上除了范光陵自画的"诗意油画" 外,还有他和夫人名画家邱绣陵,中国工笔花鸟第1 人喻继高,美国名艺术家华赞,郑板桥后人郑炎风,将军书法家韩德彩,美国画马大师范融,书法大师陈春,双笔王顾浩君等合作的"诗意油画"。


范光陵 Kenneth Kuanling Fan主席为东方文艺复兴人,中国电脑之父,中国当代十大画家。他于2016年2月26日代表世界诗人大会,世界艺术大会,世界文明 大会, 世界和平大会,与世界艺术文明 导演艾文,世界文明 小姐履行 主席黄文俊,美国代表 Dr. Yiling F. Chiang, 范融,Alisha,台湾代表邱绣陵,黄灯火,林玉山,解晓风, Daisy T. Fan,德国 Peggy P. Fan 等通过电话,网视,电脑等与世界各地联络,以把中华文明 哲学思想推上世界, 获得热烈支持。范光陵为普及中华传统文明 及美德于全国及世界,将与世界各地有仁爱及和平思想人士,把孔子述作,范光陵编注的 "孝经101字","中庸101字",和 老子作,范光陵编注的 "老子道德经101字",以中英文版推上世界。范光说:"我走遍世界八十国,首至帝王将相,再至名人雅士,又至贩夫走狗 ,阅人处事有数 ,乃知胜败存亡之理,幸福不幸之分,在孔子,老子思想中可以找到最深荅案。只是他们的言论多为后人传录,太长,太反复 ,文义难懂,为了普及教育,使多数人先懂起来其精华,并能加以利用 ,特把1500字的孝经重点编成"孝经101字",5000字的中庸,编成 "孔子中庸101字",8000字的道德经编成 "老子道德经101字",以使人人能懂爱读孔子,老子,使世界大同。


2016年1月11日在黄山市唐模国家风景区,继名校安徽潜山野寨中学,浙江宁波慈溪香格里渡假荘园,举行了孔子述作,范光陵编之 "孝经101字碑 "破土典礼.



孔子述作,范光陵编注 (2015)


天命(天赋)之谓性,率性(本性而行)之谓道,修道之谓教(育)。 君子中庸,(中和, 平常心),君子 反中庸(不平和)。 大德(道德 ) 必得其位,必得其禄(福禄),必得其名,必得其寿。故大德者必受天命(佑)。 成(成就)本身 ,仁(仁爱)也;成(成就)万物,智(慧)也。既明且哲(贤明),以保其身(身心及影响力)。愚而自以为是,贱(力不足)而独断专行。灾害 及其身。知远之近,知风之来,知微之显,可入德(大德)矣。




老子作 范光陵编注 (2016)


道(大道)可道(说),非(通)常道(理)。名可(定)名,非常名. 上善(完善 )若水。水善利万物而不争。富贵而骄,自遗(找)其(罪)咎。兵(战)者不祥之器。满足 者富。天下之至柔,驰骋(压过)天下之至坚(强)。故满足 不(受)辱,知止(步)不殆(败)。为学日益(增智),为道日损(减错)。我无(不多)事,而民自富;治大国,若烹小鲜(小鱼,不必 太多调理)。千里之行,始于足下(走出第1 步)。圣人之道,(作)为而不争。


古人云:百善孝为先。中国的孝文明 源远流长,自古以来,孝道不断 是中华民族的基本价值观,关乎中国人的精神生活。孔子《孝经》更是教育,文明 ,道德,创意,治国,健康,成功,幸福八大学问之根本。《孝经》为春秋时期圣人孔子的先生 曾子所集著,是儒家经典中专门谈"孝道"的1 部专著。在《孝经》文明 传承的历史长河中,中国艺术家协会海外主席、台湾中华文明 协会会长范光陵是《孝经》精编第1 人、微编首创者,系谨父母之训而编。经去其糟粕,取其精华,《孝经微编》萃成8段40句184字要言。全文均为原句经典,耳熟能详,朗朗上口。




孝 德之本也 教之所由生也/爱亲者 不敢恶于人 敬亲者 不敢慢于人/在上不骄 高而不危 制节谨度 满而不溢 高而不危 所以长守贵也/满而不溢 所以长守富也/言满天下无口过 行满天下无怨恶/谨身节用 以养父母/先之以博爱 而民莫遗其亲 陈之德义 而民兴行 先之以敬让 而民不争 导之以礼乐 而民和睦 示之以好恶,而民知禁/明王以孝治天下/逆子 之事亲也 居则致其敬 养则致其乐 病则致其忧 丧则致其哀 祭则致其严 事亲者 居上不骄 为下不乱 在丑不争


2013年9月8日,范光陵院士应邀登临交大海外学院与上海熙智媒视频无限 公司联合举办的高端讲座,演讲中,范先生特意安排《孝经》研讨 和践行的单元,介绍了他对《孝经》进行精编和微编的作品,还带领预会 者诵读《孝经微编》,共同感受、传承了中华传统文明 的精髓,烘托了讲座氛围。


2013年11月20日,由上海市六1 小学与上海熙智媒视频无限 公司主办的"熙智媒杯"中华孝道《孝经微编》朗诵比赛亮相上海市六1 小学,《孝经微编》编注人范光陵院士专程来到六1 小学,出席了决赛活动。应师生们的盛请,范光陵院士兴高采烈 地现场为这次比赛和六1 小学题字,并和大家一同 合影留恋。

Introduction in English

Fan Guangling is a versatile poet and painter. He created the word "computer" in Chinese and launched the movement of new ancient poetry. He has published more than 20 collections of Chinese and English poetry. He also created poetic oil paintings and advocated poetic management. In 1988, he led Taiwan's first economic and cultural delegation to the mainland to visit, creating a pioneer in cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges in the past 40 years. In October 2005, he was elected President of the 19th World Congress of Poets. This is the first time that Chinese people have served as President of the Congress.


Computer expert, the son of Fan Yuansheng, an important member of the Kuomintang of China. He received master's degree in management from Stonhouse University and New York University, Ph.D. from Utah State University and Ph.D. from Columbia University. He specializes in computer and management social systems. He was the Dean of School of Business and Professor of Institute of Industrial Management of Successful University. He was elected as an Academician and distinguished scholar of the University of California. He has served as chairman of international conferences for many times, traveled over 60 countries in the world and conducted academic exchanges. The world is known as the "three-crowned talent", that is, the world laureate poet, the father of Chinese computer and the master of enterprise management. He wrote poems and paintings all over Taiwan, and his monuments are everywhere. In July 2001, he took the lead in supporting the bid with the leaders of Taiwan's 100 People's Organizations and received a warm response. Many regional polls have been conducted in Taiwan, which are fair and objective, and have been well-known for a while.


In the long history of filial piety culture inheritance, CCTV has been praised as the national treasure, the first Chinese scholar, the Renaissance man, and Fan Guangling in the study of filial piety. It is very long and not easy to remember. After removing its dross and taking the essence, it has been written down to 101 words. Lang Lang catches your tongue. In order to promote "filial piety and beautiful China" to the world, Fan Guangling compiled the newly compiled "Filial Piety Classic" with Chinese and English poems and sentences, forming a micro-compiled creative world of filial piety oil painting.


Brief Introduction to Characters


Fan Guangling, the well-known current president of the Chinese Business Administration Association, is the acting chairman of the International Culture Promotion Association of the Cultural Federation. It has made a special contribution to Taiwan's computer development and is known as the "father of computers". Famous world cultural person, president of Taiwan Chinese Cultural Association and head of Taiwan 100 People's Organizations League. Dr. Fan Guangling was born in mainland China, was born in Taiwan, and studied in the United States.


In June 1988, the first cross-strait cultural and economic delegation visited the mainland in 40 years, opening a frozen journey across the Straits.


On July 28, 2007, the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China reported on the Internet: "Fan Guangling is a versatile poet and painter. He created the word"computer"in Chinese and launched the New Ancient Poetry Movement. He also created poetic oil paintings and advocated poetic management. In 1988, he led Taiwan's first economic and cultural delegation to the mainland to visit, creating a pioneer in cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges in the past 40 years. In October 2005, he was elected President of the 19th World Congress of Poets. This is the first time that Chinese people have served as President of the Congress.


World Network and Baidu Encyclopedia of "Renaissance Man" of "Baidu" report: Renaissance Man of the world have Dante, Machiavelli; Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Cervantes, Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Goethe, Washington, Nobel, Churchill, Fan Guangling and so on.


In 2009, the international art circles selected ten contemporary Chinese painters, qualified for major innovation in art and international respect and appreciation. Ten painters are Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Wuji, Ding Shaoguang, Fan Zeng, Ouhao Nian, Huang Yongyu, Fan Guangling, Chen Danqing, Gao Zhanxiang and Liu Guosong.


Eighth grade textbooks and reference materials reported that such "stars" are also "stars", they are more worthy of our study. Such as "the father of Chinese rice-Yuan Longping", "the father of Chinese atomic bomb-Deng Jiaxian", "the father of Chinese aircraft carrier-Liu Huaqing", "the father of Chinese railway-Zhan Tianyou", "the father of Chinese poetry-Qu Yuan", "the father of Chinese geology-Li Siguang", "the father of Chinese physics-Wu Dayou", " Xu Shou, the father of modern Chinese chemistry, Fan Guangling, the father of Chinese computer, Qian Xuesen, the father of Chinese aerospace, and so on.


study overseas


He was a descendant of Fan Zhongyan. He chose the law department when he studied at National Taiwan University and later studied in the United States at his own expense. Although his parents, all of whom are representatives of Taiwan's "Central Public Opinion", are fully capable of supporting him, they still advocate that he should work on his own. Therefore, the next day after arriving in the United States, Fan Guangling came to a Chinese restaurant to work. Experience in life has made him strong and his interest has shifted from law to computer and business management.

Father of Computer


Fan Guangling was assistant professor of business and economics and director of computer center at St. Mark's College from 1964 to 1966. During this period, he was invited by Taiwan's "Ministry of Education" to lecture in Taiwan, which made a sensation for a while. In the 1960s, he pioneered the image translation of the English "Electronic Computer" into the Chinese "Computer" and completed the first computer book "Computer and You" written by the Chinese people, thus being known as "the father of Chinese computer".


In 1968, Fan Guangling received a Ph.D. degree from Utah State University. He was appointed Director of Business Administration Department of National ZTE University and taught at Taiwan University. Since 1969, he has been doing post-doctoral computer research at Columbia University in the United States. During this period, he has initiated many Chinese first projects in Taiwan. He founded the Department of Electronic Computing in Mingchuan Business College and served as the head of the department. He also established the Department of Electronic Computing in Fengjia University and the Institute of Computer Studies in the Chinese Academy of Culture, and he also served as the head of the Department of Electronic Computing in Mingchuan Business College. The TV station runs computer and enterprise management programs and hosts a series of computer conferences. He delivered speeches in Chinese and English at conferences on five continents, published more than 30 business management and computer books, and has traveled over 60 countries. He worked as a computer systems analyst and manager at IBM in the United States. He was hired as a member of the Committee for the Promotion of the Chinese Cultural Renaissance Movement in Taiwan, won the King of Thailand Computer Award in Thailand, the Royal International Outstanding Achievement Award in London University, professor and academician at the University of California in the United States (1976) and an outstanding scholar. Awards. In 1978, he served as Dean of Business School of Taiwan National Successful University. From 1979 to 1982, he also served as chief engineer of hydropower at the construction site of the Red Naval Area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



The scholar of science and engineering background took the road of poetry creation by chance. In 1983, at a music creation conference, a friend asked Fan Guangling to write for him. Unexpectedly, his poems were so popular that they could not be accepted. From then on, he spread his life as a poet and initiated the pioneer of "new ancient poems". Chinese poetry has a long history, but its popularity is limited by the strict antithesis between level and level. Fan Guangling's new and ancient poems are not yet flat. Rhyming at the end of two or four sentences is enough. The rules are simple and easy. They are mainly about affection. It is not difficult to write in either Chinese or English. Qugao is unavoidable and few, simple can be popularized. The creation of "New Ancient Poetry" makes poetry popular. Everyone loves to read poetry, and everyone can write poetry. It facilitates the continuous development of Chinese poetry art and moves towards the world. Fan Guangling's "New Ancient Poetry" is full of interest, rich in philosophy, simple and fresh style of poetry, simple and powerful, plain and penetrating, and is widely welcomed. He also combined poetry and oil painting to create Poetic Oil Painting (POEMISM). He also combined poetry and management to create Poetic Management. He issued a Declaration on Poetic Management in Los Angeles, USA, in 1995, and opened a course of Poetic Management in Taiwanese National ZTE University in 1999.


World Poets


Fan Guangling has published more than 20 Chinese and English poetry collections, such as Transparent Lake, Love Collection and Flying Birds Collection. He has participated in the World Cultural Congress, the World Poets'Congress and held calligraphy and painting exhibitions for many times over the years. He has served as the speaker, president or chairman of the Congress for more than 30 times. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature for up to three times, and has won numerous awards. 。 In 1987, he won the title of "World Poet Laureate" at the joint exhibition of the New York World Conference of Culture and the World Congress of Poets; in 1988-89, he won the highest art award of the American International Art Embassy; in 1990, he was the international president of the Rome and Milan, Switzerland World Conference of Culture and the World Congress of Poets, and also won the Cultural and Art Award in September of the same year. At the World Poetry and Literature Congress attended by 2,000 Americans, as the first Chinese speaker, he impromptuly recited the long English poem My son, My son (My Son, My Son) based on the story of the White Snake, which made many audiences shed tears. After the speech, he stood up and stood in line for signature for two hours. ... In 1993, he served as president of Taiwan Chinese Cultural Association. He was invited to address more than 100 American movie stars in English at the conference of "Hollywood Welcomes Chinese Poet Laureate Fan Guangling". In the same year, his book "Modern Management of the West" was published and published by Shandong People's Publishing House; in 1996, he was in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. On October 23, 1999, he was awarded the Lifelong Achievement Award by the American International Art Embassy at the World Congress of Poets held in Renault, Nevada, USA. Ten thousand balloons were launched, each of which bears the name of Fan Guangling, in order to show respect and congratulation; in 2000, he was awarded the Lifelong Achievement Award by the American International Art Embassy. At the World Poets Congress attended by thousands of people, Gases continued to be the speaker of the Congress and exhibited his poems, books and paintings.


In the passion of poetry and painting, Fan Guangling has not forgotten to keep up with the pace of the computer network era. In 1996, he launched Chinese modern poetry and painting on the Internet for the first time, and made a new web page. He also co-organized the world's first online university with the United States, Italy, Germany, France, South Africa, Australia, Switzerland and Japan. In 2000, he founded the first English-language computer website in Taiwan, China.


Fan Guangling/Lang Shining 300-year Spatio-temporal Dialogue Held in Shanghai


The "dream of the belt" - the 2015 year fan Guang Ling / Lang Shining 300 year space time dialogue and the "small Fan Zhong Yong" press conference, was held in Shanghai in May 24th. The event was divided into three major sections, which were brilliant and enthusiastic. Former Philippine President Ramos, the main founder of the Boao Forum, and President Chen Xiangmei, the world Chinese leader, also warmly congratulated each other. There is no coincidence in history. There is a cause and effect between the dark and the dark. In 1715, Italian Milanese painter Lang Shining visited China with fine oil paintings, bringing Western painting achievements and exchanges; in 2015, Chinese painter Fan Guangling returned to Milan with Oriental innovative achievements (world poetic oil paintings), which happened to span 300 years. This is a very special and memorable World event. Big news. This activity further translated the academician Fan Guangling, founder of Chinese poetic oil painting, with the "one belt road", through the 2015 Milan World Expo, to return to the core idea of the Milan commemorative meeting, to symbolize the eternal life of symbolic art, to continue the life and energy flow of eastern and Western Art and culture, and also to reflect the 2015 Milan World Expo. The theme of "Feeding the Earth, Life Energy".


Today, although it has gone through three centuries on behalf of the Eastern and Western art festival, this memory has been waiting too long, and there are too many stories in it. Three hundred years ago, this cultural and artistic exchange had a long way to go. It was amazing when there was no modern means of transportation. Today, our joint creative commemoration of this event has a very far-reaching significance. At the same time, it carries the Chinese dream of Fan Guangling, an oriental artist. He said that he would like to paint a new grand plan for the continuation and development of the earth, human culture and art life energy. This event is of great significance. Through the promotion of 300th anniversary Eastern and Western arts, it is of great significance to cooperate with the Party Central Committee's "one belt and one road" strategy, cooperate with the socialist core values, and enhance the national prestige of the world with the help of Milan World Expo's influence.


The 24 World Poets Congress Global Poetry Competition was awarded. The winners were Chen Xiangmei, Fan Fangbiao, Gu Haojun, Irving, Chen Hong, Jiang Fanyiling, Lin Guixing, etc. Xiao Zezhi was honored as International Cultural Ambassador and appointed Secretary-General of International Culture by the 24th World Poets Congress.


In this event, "Xiao Fan Zhongyong" was released. Academician Fan Guangling completed his new masterpiece The Doctrine of the Mean with deep affection after he abbreviated and wrote 101 characters of Confucius'Xiaojing in the spring of 2014 and published Red Flag. The Doctrine of the Mean was originally an article in Xiao Dai Li Ji. The author is Zisi, a descendant of Confucius, who has been revised and sorted out by scholars in the Qin Dynasty. The Doctrine of the Mean was prominent among scholars in the Song Dynasty. There were no less than 100 articles exploring the doctrine of the mean in the Song Dynasty. Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in the Northern Song Dynasty highly respected the Doctrine of the Mean. Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty also wrote The Doctrine of the Mean and called it "Four Books" in parallel with "University", "Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius". After the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Doctrine of the Mean became a compulsory book for school official textbooks and imperial examinations, which had a great impact on ancient education. As far as human nature is concerned, it is the origin of human nature and the fundamental nature of human wisdom. Essentially, it is a "critical point" expressed in modern words, and it is also difficult to grasp the original principle of the adaptation of "the doctrine of the mean". Knowing difficulties or not, Fan Guangling, the academician of "the first genius" in China, has always been innovative and resilient. He is not afraid of the "critical point". In modern society, he is the first one to innovate the old story boldly and redraft the book "The Mean", making its original text more than 4000 words, abbreviating it into a popular text with more than 800 words, making it easier for the world to read. This is another important contribution made by Academician Fan Guangling to the modern adaptation of The Doctrine of the Mean.



