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李成民,当代油画画家,享用 国务院特殊津贴,中国美术家协会会员中国油画学会会员,杭州师范大学副教授硕士生导师。
1989年10月——1990年10月北京中国美协油画研讨 班进修
2000年7月——2001年1月受文明 部、中国美协派遣赴法国国际艺术城研修



1994油画《凉山秋》获“第八届全国美术优秀作品展览”优秀奖(最高奖)中华人民共和国文明 部 中国美术家协会
1994油画《凉山秋》获“安徽省庆祝建国45周年美术作品展览”优秀作品奖(最高奖)安徽省文明 厅、安徽省美术家协会
2001油画《西班牙风景系列·之1 》获“世纪之光——安徽省小幅油画作品展”学术1 等奖安徽省美术家协会等
2001油画《送儿郎·上战场》获“庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年·安徽省美术作品展览”1 等奖安徽文学艺术联合会、安徽省文明 厅、安徽省美术家协会
2002油画《盛世景观2号》获“全国第十二届‘群星奖’”银奖中华人民共和国文明 部
2003油画《盛世景观·药市》获“第三届中国油画展·安徽作品提拔 展览”优秀奖(最高奖)安徽省文明 厅、安徽文学艺术界联合会、安徽省美术家协会
2003油画《盛世景观2号》获“‘群星奖’安徽省美术书法摄影作品评选”1 等奖安徽省文明 厅

2004油画《盛世狂欢》获“新世纪首届安徽美术作品大展“银奖安徽省文明 厅、安徽文学艺术界联合会、安徽省美术家协会

2004油画《盛世景观》获“全国第十三届‘群星奖’”(最高奖)中华人民共和国文明 部

2004油画《盛世景观——展佛》获“第十届全国美术作品展览”铜奖中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会

2004油画《盛世景观·展佛》获“浙江省第十1 届美术作品展览”优秀奖浙江省美术家协会


1989油画《外婆家窗外的阳光》入选“庆祝中华人民共和国建国四十周年安徽省美术作品展览”省文明 厅、安徽省美术家协会


1994油画《凉山秋》入选“第八届全国美术作品展览”中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会




1999油画《春天的旋律》入选“庆祝中华人民共和国建国50周年安徽省美术作品展览”安徽省文明 厅、安徽文学艺术联合会、安徽省美术家协会


2003油画《盛世景观·药市》入选“携手新世纪——第三届中油画展”中国美术家协会、文明 部艺术司、中国油画学会
2004油画《盛世狂欢》入选“第十届全国美术作品展览”中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会
2009《画以承道·李成民油画作品集》首发式暨“画以承道·李成民油画作品展”地点?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/2/1/1888.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>嘿裰萁鸸庖帐豕葜靼欤毁裰菔形俊②鄢乔坑突?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/1/19246.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>李成民

Introduction to the artist

Li Chengmin, contemporary canvas painter, enjoy the State Council special allowance, academician of canvas of China of Chinese artist academician, master of associate professor of Hangzhou Normal University lays a teacher
Was born in Anhui Bo city in September 1962
In October 1989 -- Beijing China is beautiful in October 1990 assist attend in a advanced studies of canvas research class
3 months inspected by a definite date of Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan 1992
In July 2000 -- sufferred beauty of culture ministry, China in January 2001 assist send go to city of French international art to grind long

2003 " bovine city " forum of teacher of creation heart road
2003 " the influence that teachs to art by scientific now progress " educational management and scientific research
2009 " the humanitarian spirit of clairvoyant landscape " flying Apsaras
2009 " father aesthetic shallow analyse " new art

An album of paintings:
2009 publication an album of paintings " picture with bear collect of work of canvas of path · Li Chengmin " press of Chinese academy of fine arts
2010 publication an album of paintings " picture altar alone beautiful " work collect

Work of bear the palm:
1989 canvas " years " obtain " custom of first China of countrywide draws large award to surpass " custom of first China of honorary award whole nation draws large award to surpass an organizing committee
1991 canvas " early spring " obtain " art of the four seasons is exhibited " joint news agency of garden of peony of association of artist of foundation of development of adolescent of silver-colored award China, China, Japan, Japan
1994 canvas " cool Shan Qiu " obtain " outstanding work exhibits painting of the 8th whole nation " outstanding award (top prize) association of artist of China of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China
1994 canvas " cool Shan Qiu " obtain " the Anhui province is celebrated found a state 45 years art work is exhibited " outstanding work reward (top prize) association of artist of hall of culture of the Anhui province, the Anhui province
2001 canvas " one of · of Spanish scenery series " obtain " the light of the century -- work of the Anhui province is small canvas is exhibited " association of artist of the Anhui province of academic first prize
2001 canvas " send the battlefield on man · " obtain " congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs work of art of · the Anhui province 80 years to exhibit " association of artist of hall of culture of union of art of literature of first prize Anhui, the Anhui province, the Anhui province
2002 canvas " flourishing age landscape 2 " obtain " the whole nation is dozenth ' galaxy award ' " ministry of culture of silver-colored award People's Republic of China
2002 canvas " flourishing age landscape " obtain " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit " outstanding award (association of association of artist of China of top prize ﹚, artist of the Anhui province
2002 canvas " flourishing age landscape " (bovine city) obtain " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit Anhui to exhibit an area " association of artist of union of art of literature of association of artist of gold prize China, Anhui, the Anhui province
2003 canvas " city of medicine of · of flourishing age landscape " obtain " choose of work of Anhui of · of oily art exhibition of the 3rd China is exhibited " outstanding award (top prize) association of artist of union of group of art of literature of hall of culture of the Anhui province, Anhui, the Anhui province
2003 canvas " flourishing age landscape 2 " obtain " ' galaxy award ' work of photography of calligraphy of art of the Anhui province is chosen " hall of culture of first prize the Anhui province

2004 canvas " flourishing age is orgiastic " obtain " work of first Anhui art exhibits new century greatly " association of artist of union of group of art of literature of hall of culture of silver-colored award the Anhui province, Anhui, the Anhui province

2004 canvas " flourishing age landscape " obtain " countrywide thirteenth ' galaxy award ' " (top prize) ministry of culture of People's Republic of China

2004 canvas " flourishing age landscape -- exhibit Buddha " obtain " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " association of artist of ministry of culture of cupreous award People's Republic of China, China

2004 canvas " · of flourishing age landscape exhibits Buddha " obtain " Zhejiang saves eleventh art work is exhibited " association of artist of province of outstanding award Zhejiang

2009 canvas " predestined relationship of be apt to of · of flourishing age landscape " obtain " Zhejiang province is dozenth an art work exhibition " association of artist of province of cupreous award Zhejiang

1989 canvas " the sunshine outside grandmother home window " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China founds a state 40 years work of art of the Anhui province is exhibited " association of artist of province culture hall, the Anhui province

1989 canvas " girl of north of the Huaihe River " selected " work of art of 89 Anhui youth is exhibited " gallery of international of branch of Anhui of Chinese artist association, Hai Wei spy

1994 canvas " cool Shan Qiu " selected " work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China

1996 canvas " cool Shan Qiu " selected be in 96 years harbor, bay, the stage holds " beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibits outstanding work to choose exhibit " Chinese artist association

1997 canvas " of the sea love " selected " first sports art exhibits the Anhui province " association of artist of committee of athletic sports of the Anhui province, the Anhui province

1997 canvas " cool in September hill " selected " art of 97 Anhui canvas is exhibited " committee of art of association of artist of union of Anhui literature art, the Anhui province, canvas

1999 canvas " vernal air " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China founds a state 50 years work of art of the Anhui province is exhibited " association of artist of union of art of literature of hall of culture of the Anhui province, Anhui, the Anhui province

2001 canvas " greet close " selected " Chinese canvas is exhibited greatly " Chinese artist association

2002 canvas " of · of Spanish scenery series " selected " the 16th times new personality makes Chinese artist society newly exhibit " Chinese artist association
2003 canvas " city of medicine of · of flourishing age landscape " selected " hand in hand new century -- the 3rd in canvas is exhibited " society of canvas of department of art of ministry of Chinese artist association, culture, China
2004 canvas " flourishing age is orgiastic " selected " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China
Collect work:
1991 canvas " early spring " obtain " art of the four seasons exhibits Japan to install ministry peony garden
2005 canvas " flourishing age landscape -- exhibit Buddha " Chinese art gallery
Academic society:
2001 hold the position of " the light of the century -- work of the Anhui province is small canvas is exhibited " association of artist of commissioner the Anhui province
2004 hold the position of " work of first Anhui art exhibits new century greatly " commissioner
2009 " " music of heart agrarian carry on one's shoulder " canvas work exhibits Li Chengmin " place: Museum of exposition of Hangzhou west lake sponsors: Academy of fine arts of Hangzhou Normal University
2009 " picture with bear collect of work of canvas of path · Li Chengmin " head hairdo and " picture with bear Dao Lee becomes civilian canvas work exhibits " place: House of art of Bo city golden light is sponsorred; The city zone of department of propaganda of Bo state municipal Party committee, Qiao appoint Li Chengmin of home of propagandist department canvas



