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在当今经济与艺术日趋全球化这样1 个大交流、大融通、大碰撞的时代,画家只要 不断推陈出新、超越本身 、紧随时代,才能创造出具有时代特征和精神力度的作品。也只要 这样高扬原创精神的画家才是真正意义上的古代 画家。现定居于新加坡的中国油画家程亚杰,其艺术风格的可贵正在于此。他的作品从初期的社会主义理想 主义到幻想的世界,再到更能够表达出他对世界的幻想的超理想 主义,他以本身 独特艺术风格创造出1 个全新的语境。在他的作品中,视觉经验、空间想象和神奇理想 巧妙遇合,艺术特征唯美鲜明,艺术境界、艺术言语 不同凡响 ,同时更呈现出1 种“当随时代”的感召力。

  程亚杰自幼习画,后入天津美术学院深造,在专业老师的正轨 指点 下奠定了扎实的绘画基础。在大学期间次要 是以传统学院派(苏派)为主,强调基本功的训练,以照相写实主义的方式表现出画面的光影,色彩,空间和质感,力求气氛逼真,刻画到位。创作方向是以理想 主义的角度观察事物,客观真实地再现生活。在大学时代创作的油画《数不尽的黄砂粒》获得天津大先生 美《春光》
展1 等奖,《细雨无声》获得第六届全国美展优秀奖。这些应用 理想 写实主义手法创作的作品体现了程亚杰扎实的绘画技巧和写实能力。苏联的社会理想 主义不单在绘画上引导着中国艺术界,也在文学,音乐,舞蹈等诸方面影响着中国,成为主流思潮。当时除了中国的古典诗词,欧美的世界名著外,苏联的歌曲《莫斯科郊外的早晨 》小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》等作品深深影响着那1 代人。艺术创作除了理想 生活外还要具备深刻的思想内涵。这些影响也在程亚杰的作品里体现出来。像参加在日本举行的世界大先生 美展的油画《回归的鸽子》,就是借用鸽子从远方带来1 封信给乡下正在磨面的姑娘,赋予人们遥想 的空间。世界大先生 美展履行 委员长味尾美智子女士被此画感动的留下了眼泪,并派专员前往中国与画家协商收藏此画。而另1 幅参加国际青年节的作品《春光》也同样被日本弘方茗先生收藏。

  当程亚杰创作出《我的朋友》(获天津青年美展二等奖)后,其画风开始有所转变。黑格尔,苏格拉底等哲学家的思想,特别是弗洛依德的心思 学著作《梦的解析》,给画家程亚杰更多启示,使他早在1983年就开始了幻想的萌芽。入选奥林匹克体育美展的作品《银花》就是应用 女子柔道旋转动作展现 出似梦似真的“盛开的花朵”(原作被中国天津体委收藏)。与此同时,美国的“怀斯”风以迅雷不及掩耳之势席卷中国艺术届。罗中立的《父亲》,何多苓的《春风已 苏醒》,陈凯歌的《黄土地》等代表作品的出现,把艺术再次拉近生活,赋予新的艺术言语 。法国的“印象派”,苏联的“学院派”和 美国的“怀斯”风等等已 成为中国艺术界的主流。然而如何把他人之长真正掌握在手,再发扬光大,谈何容易?“欲穷千里目,更上1 层楼”,可这攀登的梯阶何在?如何才能创作出更高境界的作品?当时国内的艺术资讯贫乏,想了解欧美绘画大师的作品,只能借助印刷低劣 的画册。不管 古典,还是印象派的作品,其色彩 几乎是清1 色。笔法技巧更是难以分辨。将来 之路,何去何从?   
20世纪80年代到90年代时代的转换对于全部 中国美术和中国油画,意味着文明 格局的变化和艺术思潮的变化,年轻1 代画家在新的国际文明 格局的重组中以锐意探索的锋芒表达着本身 的理想 处境和文明 追思。程亚杰也因“画缘”来到日本求学,然而,当真正了解日本的油画艺术时却大失所望,遂于1991年初远赴苏联求学。由于在中国深受苏派影响,苏联艺术已 成为那个时代中国人学习的典范。走遍各大美术馆,细心 品味敬慕 以久的“苏里克夫”、“列宾”、“希施金”、“马克西莫夫”等大师的作品的精华,以后 他又到欧洲各国及其博物馆进行参观和研讨 。以“零距离”欣赏各国艺术大师的经典名作,使得他对世界艺术潮流有了更加深刻的理解,从而以更加宽广的视野从事融合东东方 艺术精神的绘画实践。这些经历对于他在20世纪90年代的发展成为1 个理想 主义与超理想 主义的画家起了很大的作用。


1985年油画《回归的鸽子》入选在日本举行的世界大先生 美展,原作被日本神户市妇人团体协议会主席、世界大先生 履行 委员会委员长妹尾美智子收藏。油画《信鸽》日本同志社大学收藏。油画《春光》被日本收藏。油画《银花》入选在中国美术馆举行的奥林匹克体育美展,原作被中国天津体委收藏,中国地方 电视台、天津电视台及多家报纸报道该作品。



  1992年油画《苏联教堂》被维也纳著名电视节目掌管 人收藏。






  2000年缅甸仰光贵都酒店(HOTEL EQUATORIAL YANGON)收藏油画《春》。
2000年11月3日至8日参加上海艺术博览会(上海世贸商城),入选画册,油画<春>被新加坡 收藏家协会主席收藏。


  2000年多幅油画被新加坡CONRAD HOTEL酒店收藏。

  2000年油画《八月》被印尼雅加达JW MARRIOTT HOTEL酒店收藏。


  2004年1月1日中国天津每日新报报道程亚杰应邀为天津万顺写字楼创作的巨幅古代 油画作品,多幅油画为中国天津万顺集团收藏。

  2004年油画《九锦图》被印尼RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL 酒店收藏。

English Introduction

In today's economic globalization and art such an exchange, circulation, collision times, the painter only constantly, beyond their own, with the times, in order to create the characteristics of the times and the spirit of the work force. Is the only way up the original spirit of the painter is the modern painter in the true sense. Is now living in Singapore Chinese oil painter Cheng Yajie, the artistic style of the valuable is in this. His works from the initial socialist realism to the fantasy world, and then to be able to express his surreal fantasy of the world, he created a new context with his unique artistic style. In his works, visual experience, imagination and magical realism ingenious artistic features distinctive aesthetic combination, the realm of art, artistic language, out of the ordinary, but also showing a "with the era" appeal.
Cheng Yajie was painting, after entering the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts study in the formal guidance of professional teacher's laid a solid foundation of painting. During the period of university is the main traditional school (Jiangsu school), emphasizing the training of basic skills, the photographic realism way to show a picture of light, color, space and texture, to depict vivid atmosphere, in place. The direction of creation is to observe things from the realistic point of view and reappear the life objectively and realistically. In the period of University, the creation of the painting "endless yellow sand" Tianjin spring "beauty" of College Students
Exhibition prize, "rain silent" won the Sixth National Art Exhibition excellence award. The reality of realism works embodies Cheng Yajie's solid painting skills and realistic ability. The social realism of Soviet Union not only guides Chinese art circles in painting, but also influences China in literature, music, dance and so on. At that time, in addition to Chinese classical poetry, western world masterpiece, the song "Moscow Nights" novel "how the steel was tempered" and other works are deeply influenced the generation. In addition to the real life, art creation also has profound ideological connotation. These effects are also reflected in Cheng Yajie's works. Like in Japan at the world university art painting "regression" is borrowed from dove, dove from afar brought a letter to the country is grinding the girl, giving people daydream space. The world university art exhibition executive chairman of miss Mio Michiko was painting was moved to tears, and sent to the Commissioner to negotiate with China painter painting collection. And the other one to join the International Youth Festival "spring" is also the Japanese side of Mr. Hong ming.
When Cheng Yajie wrote "my friend" (won the two prize of Tianjin Youth Art Exhibition), its style began to change. Hagel, Socrates and other philosophers thought, especially Floyd's psychological works "the analysis of dreams", to the painter more enlightenment, so that he began in 1983 as early as the beginning of the fantasy of the. In the Olympic sports art works "silver flower", is the use of women's Judo rotation show dream likereally "flowers" (the original is Chinese Tianjin sports collection). At the same time, the "wise" wind the suddenness of a thunderbolt swept the China art. Luo Zhongli's "father", the "spring breeze has woken up he duoling", Kaige Chen's "yellow earth" and other representative works, the art once again closer to life, endowed with new artistic language. The French "impressionism", "school" of the Soviet Union and the United States "wise" wind and so on have become the mainstream of Chinese art circles. But how long others really in the hands, and then carry forward, easier said than done? "Want to poor a thousand miles, more on the floor", but this climbing ladder where? How can we create a higher realm of works? At that time, the lack of artistic information in the country, want to understand the works of European and American painting masters, only with poor print album. Whether classical, or Impressionist Works, the color is almost uniform. Writing skill is more difficult to distinguish. Road to the future, where to go?
"The return of Dove"
From 1980s to 90s in the era of transformation for the entire China art and Chinese painting, means the change of cultural pattern changes and the trend of art, the young generation of artists to explore the forge in the new international cultural pattern in the reorganization of the edge to express their real situation and cultural memory. Cheng Yajie because of "painting edge" came to Japan to study, however, when the real understanding of Japanese painting art was greatly disappointed, then at the beginning of 1991 to the Soviet Union to study. Because of the influence of the Soviet school in China, Soviet art has become a model of Chinese learning in that era. Through the museums, carefully taste admired by the long time "in Su Ke", "Repin" and "Shishkin" and "Maksimov" masters of the essence, he went to Europe and visit the museum and research. To the "zero distance" countries appreciate art masters classics, made him have a more profound understanding of the trend of world art, which is engaged in painting practice fusion of eastern and Western art spirit based on a broader perspective. These experiences played a great role in his development as a realist and surrealist painter in the 1990s.

1985 oil painting "regression" in dove in Japan at the world university art exhibition, the original Japanese Kobe woman group chairman, member of the world university agreement of the executive committee chairman Maio Michiko. Oil painting "Pigeon" of Doshisha University in japan. Oil painting "spring" collected by japan. "Honeysuckle" was held in the painting gallery China Olympic sports art exhibition, the original is China Tianjin Sports Commission of Chinese, CCTV, Tianjin TV station and newspapers reported the work.
July 19, 1985 oil painting "my friend", "letter" by the Chinese Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts collection, July 21st oil painting "builders" by the Chinese Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts collection.
Solo exhibition at Austria Gallery in Vienna in 1992, works by Italy, Switzerland, the United States, Taiwan private collection.
1992 oil painting "the Soviet Union Church" by Vienna famous TV host collection.
In 1993, the Vienna School of fantastic realism oil painting exhibition. "Valentine" is the German private collection.
October 1994 Hongkong ASIANARTNEWS publishing painting < Eden > (Vienna fantasy realism painting). The original art museum as well as chairman of.
In June 1994, held in Singapore Arts Festival Hui meaning painting exhibition "painting" Rhyme "by Mr. Bai Qingquan chairman of Singapore UOB soy sauce.
1995 was invited to Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew painting. In August 13th, Singapore Singapore United Morning Post Xinming daily, United Evening News, the Straits Times newspaper published the works such as Li Guangyao Road, the original collection of yew.
In 1997, several large oil paintings were collected by Hongkong Tomson Group and Shanghai golf course.
2000 Burma Yangon expensive hotel (HOTEL EQUATORIAL YANGON) collection of oil painting "spring".
November 3, 2000 to 8 to participate in Shanghai Art Fair (Shanghai World Trade Center), selected album, oil painting < spring > by Singapore collectors association chairman.
In July 15, 2000 the New York world weekly has reported Cheng Yajie, Ding Shaoguang in New York OPERA SOHO Gallery (France) exhibition event. The painting "marine world" for the United States private collection.
2000 oil paintings by Singapore CONRAD HOTEL Hotel collection.
2000 oil painting "August" by Indonesia JW Jakarta MARRIOTT HOTEL Hotel collection.
April 26, 2003 to participate in OPERGALLERYMIAMI (Miami, USA) world famous exhibition and published album, works by the United States Gallery collection.
In January 1, 2004 Chinese Tianjin Meirixinbao reported Cheng Yajie was invited to Tianjin Wanshun office created a huge modern paintings, oil paintings for Chinese Tianjin Wanshun group.
2004 oil painting "nine gold map" by Indonesia RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL Hotel collection.



