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冯法祀 - 嘉德2012春拍推出冯法祀力作演剧队

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冯法祀,生于1914年,别名骆风,安徽庐江人。擅长油画、美术教育。1937年毕业于南京地方 大学教育学院艺术科。曾任武昌艺专教员,中国美术学院副研讨 员,北平艺专副教授,地方 美术学院教授兼绘画系主任、油画科主任。如今 是中国美术家协会会员、中国油画学会顾问、中国徐悲鸿画院院长、名誉院长。20世纪50年代创作了巨幅油画《刘胡兰就义》,后为中国美术馆收藏 ,被称作馆藏“双璧”之1 。代表作还有《平型关大捷》、《捉虱子》、《控诉会》和参加“20世纪中国绘画展览”的《南京大屠杀》等。作品与时代脉搏息息相通,将半个多世纪以来中华民族的苦难与奋斗展示 其中。
冯法祀1914年生,别名“骆风”,安徽庐江人,19岁那年以第一位 的成绩考入南京地方 大学教育学院艺术科,师从徐悲鸿先生;1937年投身抗日运动,参加工农红军。他的青壮年时代正是烽火 遍地之时,这深深影响了他当前 的艺术发展之路,即把本身 的艺术根植于广大的劳苦民众当中 。
1933年考入南京地方 大学教育学院艺术科,受业于徐悲鸿颜文梁吕斯百潘玉良等大师门下。1946年又随徐悲鸿到北平,参加北平国立艺术专科学校的创办工作。1950年地方 美术学院建立,他被聘为教授、首任绘画系系主任。他始终遵守 年青时代就已确立的为人生而艺术的艺术信心 。
曾创作了《雁荡山》、<捉虱子>、《演剧队的晨会》、《南京大屠杀》(合作)、《苏州耦园》、《长白山天池》、《西双版纳少女》、《吕霞光夫人像》、《暖冬》、《岁月》等1 大批充满理想 主义精神的作品。其中,尤以20世纪50年代创作的巨幅油画《刘胡兰就义》最为著名。冯法祀的艺术理念中可以看到浓重的「前苏联烙印」。他还是我国优秀的教育家,终身 教书育人,培养了许多优秀的艺术家。他的去世是我国美术教育事业和学术事业的严重 损失。
1920年,冯法祀6岁进入江苏省第四师范附小读书,爱好美术,深得老师及同学们赞美 。1928年,在南京1 中受到良好的美术基础教育,在周玲荪、冯劭如老师指点 下,学习石膏像、风景、静物写生,并作想象画。1933年,考入南京地方 大学教育学院艺术科,这届西画图先生 只录取了冯法祀1 个人,师承徐悲鸿、颜文梁先生学习油画。徐悲鸿、颜文梁先生早年留学法国,承接了欧洲19世纪末、20世纪初写实主义绘画传统。1934年冯法祀开始直接受徐悲鸿先生严厉 的素描基本功训练,从作于那1 时期的木炭素描《希腊祭神浮雕》、《酒神》等及以碳精作的<男裸习作>中,可看到他对于徐悲鸿先生教学的理解,对画面中形体结构的深入研讨 及对于明暗调子的把握。
1935年冯法祀参加了129先生 运动,开始浏览 进步书刊,博览中外文艺名著,确立属于本身 的世界观、艺术观。
同年,发生了震惊中外的“七七事变”,抗日和平 爆发。23岁的冯法祀积极投身抗日运动,8月,冯法祀来到陕西省三原县云阳镇参加中国工农红军,随朱德总司令北上抗日,在八路军总政治部宣扬 部从事抗日宣扬 工作。
1938年,经部队同意离开前线,来到武汉参中“首都平津先生 救亡宣扬 团”。不久,参加了由周恩来、郭沫若等领导的军委会政治部“三厅”的工作,创作了大型水粉画<平型关大捷>及连环画、抗日宣扬 招贴画多幅。
1940年冬,冯法祀到广西柳州参加了周恩来领导的抗敌演剧1 队(后改为四队),作大批素描、速写。
1941年,跟随演剧四队,行军数千里十余县,沿途带领美工队,画了几十幅宣扬 抗日的壁画,到达靖西后,冯法祀创作了油画肖像《靖西老妇》,画家把目光关注在一名 社会底层的普通老妇,作品中透出画家作画的固执 、认真,老妇人的纯朴。冯法祀回忆:为画这幅作品,老妇人特意穿上家中本身 织染、有花边的衣服,正襟端坐,请画家作画。这幅中国初期 肖像油画的重要作品受到了徐悲鸿的赞美 ,在看过他的抗战写生画后,即聘冯法祀为中国美术学院副研讨 员,并鼓励他继续在抗敌演剧队从事抗日宣扬 ,以创作反映时代的作品。
1946年这幅对反映抗战期间中国士兵艰苦生活的作品展出后,闻1 多先生称赞油画《捉虱子》为抗战中难得的理想 主义佳作。同年6月在重庆,冯法祀以全部抗战写生作品参加了演剧四队举办的“抗战八年美术、材料 展”。徐悲鸿评价其作品:以急行军作法描绘前后方之动人场面,题材新颖作法又深刻而后者尤其 重要,如不深刻则失却最有价值之真实,将变为有意 义。冯君能把握题材,写之极致,以绘画而伦,可谓抗战中之珍贵收获也。
在烽火 纷飞的艰苦岁月,冯法祀先生在艺术创作中以简练、概据的手法,探索、寻求构成 了他深刻、强烈、生动、简洁的艺术风格。
1946年,冯法祀被聘为北平国立艺专副教授,协助徐悲鸿掌管 教学工作。
1948年,与著名版画家李桦1 同赴京西小煤窑深入生活,作矿工组画多幅。创作了大型油画<演剧队的晨会>,并加入了中国共产党。
1948年,冯法祀完成了大幅油画《反饥饿反内战游行》,以这幅作品参加了新中国“第1 届全国美术展览”。
<控诉会>题材、人物采自生活,作品人物众多,构图饱满而不堵塞 ,色彩沉稳而嘹亮 。画面以控诉的农民人群构成的大面积灰色,插入画面中心青年农民土黄色的背影及白色头巾与红色棉袄的青年妇女相映,使作品在压制 中透出1 股新的时代气息,呈现出解放了的农民迸发的新的精神风貌。《控诉》的中心人物“老人”站在桌子上控诉,神情激愤,几位农民怕他在桌上站不稳,急忙上前扶着他的腿,这样的细节,是非亲身经历此情此景的人构想不出的。冯先生指着画面上的人物都能说出画的是谁。《控诉》是新中国油画家在建国初期尝试创作主题性作品及大场面构图的1 个成功的范例。
1950年9月,地方 美术学院成立,徐悲鸿出任第1 任院长,冯法祀受聘为教授,担任绘画系主任,兼油画科主任。
1954年,冯法祀赴山西省文水县云周西村深入生活,收集女英雄刘胡兰的事迹材料 ,开始构思创作巨幅油画《刘胡兰就义》。
1955年,冯法祀参加了由苏联画家马克西莫夫指点 的油画训练班,任该班班长。油画训练班汇集了国内当时最具创作活力的1 批油画家,他们日后成为新中国油画创作与教学的骨干力量。在“油训班”,冯法祀1 方面做了大量的组织工作,同时认真地汲取了俄罗斯写实主义绘画扎实的表现技巧。他曾在《美术》杂志著文《学习苏联专家创作深刻教学的先进经验》并创作出《老国画家》、《阳光下的少女》等油画作品。
1957年冯法祀完成了他作为“油画训练班”进修成果的主题创作,巨幅油画《刘胡兰就义》,这幅作品的创作完成标示中国油画家驾驭大型作品的探索进入了1 个成熟期。
<刘胡兰就义>人物众多,场面恢宏,骚动的农民人群与反面人物构成了画面冲突的两方面,在两组动态人物构成中,身着黑色棉衣的刘胡兰与两边的匪兵构成的三角形人物组合如“定海神针”,成为画面构图中最不变 的要素 ,是画作的灵魂。她的头在撕扯开的棉衣的映托 下构成 画面视觉的中心。
阴深的天空,白色的积雪与灰色的农民群体环绕包围住反面人物,匪军黄色的军衣与农民们深沉的色调构成 了强烈的视觉对比,刘胡兰的头部与颈部的色彩在黑色、灰色的衬托中成为画面色彩最夺目的部分。
相拥的刘胡兰母亲、妹妹是画中色彩最鲜明的部分,她们的姿势 、神情与回望中的刘胡兰的镇定凛然构成 对比和呼应,使主体人物与四周 人群构成 1 个构成全体 。
《刘胡兰就义》之外 光写实色彩完成,这在当时的中国油画创作中是不多见的,需求 画家相当的探索勇气与精湛的技巧。冯法祀在这幅作品中开拓性的努力,时至今日仍不断给后人以启迪。这幅巨制现收藏 于中国美术馆,与蒋兆和的力作《流民图》被中国美术馆人士称作馆藏“双璧”。
1957年,合理 冯法祀的绘画艺术走向成熟之际,却被错误地划为“左派 分子”,受到开除党籍的处分,导致 他的艺术创作与教学都受到严重的影响。从1957年至“文革”结束平反前,冯法祀身处逆境20年。面对理想 ,冯法祀把民族的悲剧与个人的苦难都化解在对艺术固执 的探求当中 。他在劳动与教学中创作了1 系列油画作品。
1963年,冯法祀到山西永济、浑源等地深入生活,为油画创作<龙口夺粮>搜集素材,作外光写生油画《割草的姑娘》、《拾麦穗的小女孩》、《三个推粮的姑娘》、《麦场上的少年》等多幅作品。油画人物之外 光写生在这里被表现得炉火纯青。透过作品,体现出画家对劳动者的1 颗深爱之心。
1977年秋,“文革”刚刚结束,许多遗留成绩 有待落实,在期望与等待时代转变的表情 中,冯法祀赴山东荣成写生,作油画《成山头之浪》、《浪花》、《龙须岛》、《俚岛海边》、《俚岛渔村》、《晾网》、《拖轮》等多幅风景写生。作品中冯法祀把对社会变迁、个人命运的思考透过明快的外光色彩表现出来。
1979年,冯法祀得到了平反,恢复了党籍,调回地方 美术学院任教,恢复了油画系主任职务。个人命运的转机激发冯法祀以极大的热忱投入到新的艺术追随 中。几年中,他作画、讲学,北上黑龙江,南至云南西双版纳,风格 景画、人物画多幅,如:《峨嵋清音》、《节日的西双版纳姑娘》、《傣族少女》、《挑水的傣族姑娘》。根据写生创作的巨幅油画《长白山天地》陈列于人民大会堂吉林厅。
1985年,在卢浮宫以作品原尺寸临摹法国浪漫主义大师德拉克罗瓦的油画<希阿岛冯法祀的屠杀>(局部)。这幅临摹作品在构图、人物外型 ,色彩上严守德拉克洛瓦原作的精髓;而笔法、内在的气度与风格又体现出冯法祀的个性。画作绘制过程中,不断引来在卢浮宫参观的各国人士驻足,对于这幅出色的临摹作品给予了很高的评价。这幅临摹作品体现出冯法祀重理解,不做表面的描摹,对于徐悲鸿提出的“古法之佳者守之,垂绝者继之,不佳者改之,未足者增之,东方 绘画之可采者融之”的主张的遵守 实践。
回国后,冯法祀在讲学作画的同时开始构思大型油画<南京大屠杀>。1992年1月,与先生 申胜秋合作的大型历史油画《南京大屠杀》绘制完成,参加了在中国美术馆举办的“20世纪中国绘画展览”。
2009年7月16日晚19时35分因突发性大面积心悸梗塞辞世于北京,享年九十5 岁。
吕霞光与冯法祀同时代而于20世纪30年代赴法留学,80年代他在法国巴黎国际艺术城购置吕霞光画室,捐赠给中国美术家协会。冯法祀在巴黎考察期间,结识了吕霞光夫人,1989年,吕霞光携夫人来华,冯法祀为吕霞光夫人画下了这幅肖像。画中这位经历了二次世界大战的欧洲老人神态安详,略显疲惫,透出人世的沧桑。作品笔法阔大流畅,迅疾精确 ,凝练而简洁,看不出多余的1 笔,体现出老画家坚实的功力。
<暖冬>以冯法祀夫人张云先女士为对象。与画家半个多世纪相濡以沫,饱受磨难的老伴在冬目的阳光中织着毛衣。画面中光线以阳光为主,但仍在室内环境当中 ,人物在阳光与室内环境反光的映照下,外型 与色彩都呈如今 奥妙 而多样的关系中,这幅作品中冯法祀把光与色的趣味发挥得淋漓尽致。作品虽然是1 个生活中的小场景,折射出“文明 革命”后,社会安定生活的1 个侧面。
观看《廖静文女士像》很难想像这是出自一名 年届九旬的老画家之手。画中徐悲鸿纪念馆馆长廖静文女士很随意地坐在草地上1 把白椅中,神态平静而平和 。作品中强烈阳光的表现基本用冷色完成,暖色只出如今 反光与明暗交界的部分,这样大胆的色彩表如今 中外油画肖像作品中是很少见到的。光源色、环境色、固有色都用冷暖调子变化表现,作品人物外型 简洁、明确、强调形体结构的转机 及明暗交界部分。
在色彩处理方面,《吕霞光夫人像》以凝练、简洁表现人物气质。《暖冬》用奥妙 的光线色彩变化烘托人物,表现画家本人及妻子在时代变化中的心态。《廖静文女士像》中对生命的歌颂,对美好的渴望都化在1 派明丽的阳光中。画中人物在光与色变化中抽象 更为突出、丰满,形与色融为1 体,达到了交响和诗普通 的境界。
三幅作品中的人物都是历尽苦难与世代变迁中的老年女性,这与时下油画界大量充斥着的以青年女子为对象、以满足感官为寻求 的肖像作品成了鲜明的对照。冯法祀用饱含深情的画笔刻划出的三位老人的抽象 ,与罗丹暮年 以老人为题材的系列雕塑作品有异曲同工之妙,实为中国当代理想 主义油画肖像作品的经典。
已步入古稀之年的冯法祀焕发了新的激情,创作出1 批肖像、人体、风景、静物作品。
在油画<护士的凌晨 >中,老画家拔取 了病院 每日工作中最平凡的1 个场景给以诗意的表现。这幅作品构图活泼巧妙,外型 严谨概括,色彩丰富而嘹亮 ,艺术表现极见功力。年逾八旬的画家宝刀不老,作品中弥漫 着清新的诗意气息,这在冯法祀的大型作品中是很少见的,从中可看出老画家艺术中抒情的1 面。
进入21世纪,冯法祀继续保持着旺盛的创作生命力,巨构佳作不断。近作<荷花>系列,以池塘中荷花为描绘对象,用中国画写意之笔法融东方 印象主义色彩,姿意纵写,意趣天成。体现出冯法祀暮年 更简练、更概括、更明快的寻求 。
冯法祀早年的美术学习,徐悲鸿对他影响最大。徐悲鸿于上个世纪20年代初留学法国,师从巴黎国立高等美术学校著名理想 主义画家达仰布佛莱(1852—1929),在法德留学八年,得欧洲古典写实主义绘画精髓,受5 四新文明 运动影响,徐悲鸿应蔡元培之约回国,投身于开创阶段的中国古代 美术教育。徐悲鸿自始至终提倡写实主义,立志要复兴中国美术。他认为真实的 艺术应是:“真宰上诉、感应上苍,惊天地而泣鬼神”。他的作品与时代的脉搏息息相通,“悲天悯人”贯穿于他的创作当中 。由于时代的局限,徐悲鸿作品的主题、人物大都寄兴于古代,以古典寓意于理想 ,他本身 曾讲:“我虽提倡写实二十余年,但未能接近大众”。冯法祀在进入美术创作开始,即把本身 的艺术系于广大的劳苦民众当中 ,“悲天悯人”创作思想的内含是人道主义,在冯法祀的作品中我们看到的尽是饱受苦难的社会底层。从《靖西老妇》、《饿死的兵》、《捉虱子》、《控诉》、《刘胡兰就义》、《龙口夺粮》、《南京大屠杀》……跨半个多世纪,中华民族的苦难、兴亡尽现其中。
在20世纪30年代,开展西画教育并有社会影响的学校如地方 大学、苏州美专、杭州艺专中都有不少绘画基本功很好的画家,如地方 大学与冯法祀同学的沙耆,苏州美专的许九龄、费以复等人,但他们日后所走的道路不同。沙耆1937年由徐悲鸿推荐,赴比利时皇家美术学院深造;许九龄后专画蒋介石像,为当时的政要歌功颂德,成为官方画家。冯法祀中大毕业后即肩背画箱奔向中国的东南 ,目的地是延安,途中遇到红军,被总政治部留了上去 ,后改编为八路军。冯法祀选择的是用油画艺术投身民族抗日救亡运动,用艺术来为民族抗战作贡献,当时以油画家身份走上抗日前线,走出创作之路的人是不多的。在抗战最后 的岁月中,冯法祀经历了八路军平型关大捷、阳明堡大捷、雁门关伏击大捷;在平型关战役中,冯法祀身处平型关战场,后以亲身经历冯法祀创作了《平型关大捷》。当时回国投身抗日救亡的王式廓画了《台儿庄大捷》,这两幅大型作品都参加了抗战1 周年纪念画展。期间冯法祀考虑过用教育来救国,他1939年赴四川江津,任教于武昌艺专,而他最初 选择是参加抗敌演剧队,用本身 的艺术创作与生活,与祖国的命运结合,在祖国与民族的命运大的转机 关头,冯法祀选择了以理想 主义的道路来实现本身 艺术的寻求 。
冯法祀非常注重 素描,视为1 切外型 美术的基础。他早年师从徐悲鸿,受到严厉 的训练,这通过他早年的素描课堂作业及当前 的素描作品中体现出来,他油画作品人物外型 严谨、无力 都得益于此。1979年他在全国高等美术院校素描教学工作会议中发言探讨徐悲鸿素描成就时,谈到“射人先射马,擒贼先擒王”。这是对徐悲鸿的素描举繁治要非常精确 的抽象 化阐述。
冯法祀的油画创作,大刀阔斧,不拘泥于细部。作画开始阶段东1 笔、西1 笔如围棋布子,几笔摆出作品的全体 感觉与布局。强调全体 ,给观者以强烈的震动 。他的油画技巧受之于徐悲鸿的传授,对于徐悲鸿的油画艺术有着深入地研讨 。
徐悲鸿先生在从事中西绘画的实践中,构成 了本身 的外型 风格与表现技巧,他的中后期的油画中已显现 出中国气派的章法。但社会动荡,使他不可能深入研讨 这1 课题,这1 点他意想到 了。他曾讲:之前 没有想到油画民族化成绩 ,如果考虑到这1 点的话,自信是可以找出1 些眉目的。
冯法祀以本身 的艺术实践,丰富深化了徐悲鸿所提倡的油画民族化成绩 ,展示 了他对于油画民族化的理解。冯法祀提出:艺术家不能脱离祖国。离开人民谈民族化,实质是情势 主义。寻求 民族化,首先要使中国老百姓看懂。艺术家刻划抽象 不但让人认识,而且要美。油画家要寻求 和创造外型 的旋律,色彩的旋律。1 幅作品既要具有大的全体 旋律之美,还应是各细部小的旋律的组合。油画的旋律体现要有提练,有概括,删繁就简。徐悲鸿谈到:但取简约,以求大和,不尚琐碎,失之微细。
徐悲鸿曾告诫先生 :要永久 很客观、很谦虚、很勤奋。他不置信 天才,也不认为本身 是天才。冯法祀谈到国内油画家时,希望中国的油画家们要更冷静1 点,谦虚1 点;要加强研讨 、学习,只要 这样才能有新的发现。1 个艺术家人生的寻求 与艺术的寻求 是分歧 的。态度是首要的,要用学习的态度对待要创造的对象,对待艺术要以研讨 的态度,不能凭老感觉、老经验,只要 这样1 个艺术家才能永久 年轻。
论及艺术创作,冯法祀先生讲到“对景写生,既要心惊造化之奇,又要忠实认真地捉住 自然形貌,更要笔墨淋漓,发挥书写之极致;画第1 万张画像画第1 张画那样始终像1 个老手 ,方产杰作。1 幅好画要经得住远观近瞧,远看惊心动魄,近看奥妙无量 ,次要 取决于正确的观察方法:宏观辩象微观化,微观分析全体 化。”
地方 美术学院教授、著名油画家詹建俊先生著文论及冯法祀先生:“在艺术创作中他始终遵守 着理想 主义道路,坚持1 切从生活中来的写实精神,强调对生活的实际体验和客观感受,特别注重 直接面对描绘对象的观察和写生。举凡作画1 笔不苟,笔笔皆以对象的形体结构,色彩冷暖、空间形态 等关系为根据 ,从中引发创作激情,寻求绘置法度,从不凭空臆造信笔涂抹,绝无油滑 晦暗之形色,处理画面极重细致,交代清晰有序。所以他的作品格调纯正,做到了严而不死,紧而不僵、工而不饰的效果,给人以逼真 、实在、自然的艺术感受。这和当前流行的1 些空泛浮滑,扭捏臆造的所谓‘古典’、‘写实’的画风构成 了鲜明的对照。”冯法祀谈到:中国的美术家们应立大志、树宏愿、苦心孤诣,创作出无愧于我们这个时代的史诗性的画卷。
冯法祀以他坚韧、固执 的艺术寻求 为民族艺术之发展而不懈地努力。他曾说:“作画是我的毕生 意愿 ,只需 1 息尚存,是不会放下画笔的”。
在中国当代历次大的社会转机 中,冯法祀始终如1 地站在新文明 的前沿,坚持理想 主义画风,他的作品将成为中华民族的瑰宝而载入史册。
徐悲鸿的大弟子、中国油画界第二代画家冯法祀于2009年7月16日去世。冯法祀2009年7月16日晚19时35分因突发性大面积心肌梗塞辞世,享年95岁。兹定于2009年7月22日上午十时在北京八宝山殡仪馆竹厅为冯法祀教授举行遗体告别典礼 。
2009年7月22日上午十时,在北京八宝山殡仪馆竹厅内,由地方 美术学院为中国著名油画家、徐悲鸿的先生 冯法祀教授举行了遗体告别典礼 ,包括徐悲鸿夫人廖静文、中国油画学会会长詹健俊等众多国内文明 、艺术界知名人士,和 专程从成都飞赴北京的冯老生前好友李任仕和冯老先生在川的关门弟子林跃等参加了告别典礼 。冯老先生的家人特地在冯老先生手中放上了他最宠爱 的油画笔,祈愿他能在天堂继续挥洒艺术。
靳尚谊表示,冯法祀创作的《刘胡兰就义》,在新中国上世纪50年代的文明 创作中具有必然 的经典性,这幅作品也是冯法祀最着名 的作品,目前该作品被中国美术馆收藏。冯法祀在70岁后又焕发了创作第二春,创作了1 批风景和人物画,“他的创作中,理想 主义里头带有写意,色彩则吸收了印象派特点。”靳尚谊说。
冯世光告诉记者,父亲不断 从事理想 主义绘画,去世前1 段时间接到今年秋季1 个以理想 主义为主题的展览约请 ,心里还挺高兴的,没想到竟然等不到那1 天。“我可能会拿着画笔就走了。”冯世光不断 记得父亲冯法祀的1 句笑言。没想到1 语成谶,冯法祀去世前两天还在坚持画画。


1933年入南京地方 大学教育学院艺术科学习油画,师承徐悲鸿

Introduction to the artist

Feng Fasi, was born 1914, wind of alias a white horse with a black mane, person of Anhui cottage river. Be good at education of canvas, art. Was graduated from Nanjing 1937 division of art of central campus institute. Ever held the post of Wu Changyi only teacher, deputy researcher of Chinese academy of fine arts, north is smooth art only associate professor, professor of central academy of fine arts holds brushwork concurrently to fasten director, canvas division director. Now is dean of dean of Xu Beihong imperial art academy of adviser of society of canvas of Chinese artist academician, China, China, reputation. 50 time created 20 centuries gigantic a canvas " Liu Hulan die a martyr " , collect carefully of Chinese art gallery is after, holding be callinged " Shuang Bi " one of. Masterpiece still has " smooth model close great victory " , " catch pedicular " , " accuse meeting " and attend " brushwork of 20 centuries China is exhibited " " Nanjing massacre " etc. Work and news of times pulse news are interlinked, half many since the century the affliction of the Chinese nation and struggle show among them.
Feng Fasi is unripe 1914, alias " Luo Feng "  , person of Anhui cottage river, take an examination of Nanjing that 19 years old years with the first achievement division of art of central campus institute, master from Mr Xu Beihong; Devoted into the motion that fight day 1937, play Red Army man of workers and peasants. Times of his black prime of life is flames of war everywhere when, this affected him deeply the road of the following artistic development, namely the artistic root establish oneself at numerous careladen people in.
To the work of Mr Feng Fasi, the evaluation of Mr Xu Beihong is " the course of action with rapid march, the rear and moving picture before depict, profundity of course of action. Profundity of course of action..
Took an examination of Nanjing 1933 division of art of central campus institute, grand of Bei of Yu Xu getting job, Yan Wenliang, Lv Si 100, below the Great Master door such as Pan Yuliang. Followed Xu Beihong to be made the same score to north again 1946, attend what north makes the same score national and artistic schools to establish the job. The academy of fine arts is built in the center of 1950, he is hired to be professor, the first to be appointed to an office to draw the department fastens a director. He follows youthful period from beginning to end already the artistic belief of the for life art of establish.
Was Ceng Chuang made " does wild goose swing hill " ,  Does < catch pedicular >  , " the morning of histrionic team is met " , " Nanjing massacre " (collaboration) , " Suzhou Ou garden " , " long white Shan Tianchi " , " on the west girl of double edition accept " , " madam of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine resembles " , . Among them, blame what with 20 centuries 50 time create is gigantic a canvas " Liu Hulan die a martyr " most famous. Dense can see in artistic concept of Feng Fasi " before Russia brand " . He still is our country's outstanding educationist, person of lifetime teach Yo, fostered a lot of outstanding artists. His the significant loss that dying is enterprise of education of our country art and academic career.
 Give birth to smooth chronological table
1920, feng Fasi enters Jiangsu 6 years old to save attached primary school of the 4th normal school to read, like painting, so deep that teacher and classmates admire. 1928, in Nanjing one in be taught by good art foundation, teacher guidance is like to fall in Zhou Lingsun, Feng Shao, study paint from life of gesso resembling, scenery, still life, make imaginary picture. 1933, take an examination of Nanjing division of art of central campus institute, this draw student admitted Feng law to offer sacrifices to a person only on the west, master bear Xu Beihong, Mr Yan Wenliang learns canvas. One's early years of Xu Beihong, Mr Yan Wenliang studies abroad France, carried on brushwork of the realism at the beginning of 19 centuries end, 20 centuries of European is traditional. Feng Fasi began to suffer Mr Xu Beihong's rigorous sketch basic training to train directly 1934, from make the charcoal sketch at that one period " anaglyph of god of Greek hold a memorial ceremony for " , " Bacchanal " etc reach the < that makes with carbon male naked do exercises in composition > in, can see his understanding to education of Mr Xu Beihong, the thorough research to structure of the shape in the picture and to cadence of light and shade hold.
1936 spring, feng Fasi gives birth to wild goose to swing paint from life of hill, general Tuo hill along with Lv Si Baixian, creation canvas " wild goose swings hill " , this work ever was exhibited at Chinese art attending in Russia 1943, russia essayist is in to work composition of a picture, the China that the field place system such as colour reveals draws traditional characteristic and style, offerred sufficient affirmation.
Did Feng Fasi attend 1935 12 9 students move, begin to read ascensive books and periodicals, stage name of the foreign language in reading extensively is written, establish attributes his world outlook, artistic outlook.
August 1936, feng Fasi attended Chinese Communist underground to organize a leader " Nanjing learns couplet " .
1937, feng Fasi " in big " graduation, obtain bachelor's degree.
Of the same age, happened to astonish China and foreign countries " the July 7 Incident of 1937 " , the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts. Feng Fasi of 23 years old devotes into the motion that fight day actively, in August, feng Fasi will to Shaanxi save town of this world of cloud of 3 former counties play Red Army man of Chinese workers and peasants, along with Zhu De day is fought on commander-in-chief north, in the General Political Department of the Eight Route Army propagandist department is engaged in fighting day to publicize the job.
1938, classics troops agrees to leave front, in join " save the nation from extinction of student of capital smooth ferry publicizes a group " . Before long, attended You Zhouen to come, if Guo Mei waits for ministry of meeting politics of the Central Military Commission " 3 hall " the job, created large gouache < to make the same score model close great victory > reach poster of the comic, conduct propaganda that fight day many.
Of the same age in August, return North Shaanxi, in art of literature of Yan'an Lu Xun academic word reviews and graduate, case " Luo Feng " pseudonym.
1940 winter, the fighting that Feng law offerred sacrifices to Guangxi Liuzhou to attend week favor to lead enemy histrionic covey (hind instead 4 teams) , make large quantities of sketch, literary sketch.
1941, follow histrionic 4 teams, march counts li of thousand more than 10 counties, lead art design group on the way, drew a few conduct propaganda to fight the mural of day, after arriving at Jing Xi, feng Fasi created canvas image " Jing Xi's old woman " , the painter pays close attention to the look in an average old woman of social ground floor, what the painter goes out to make a picture fully in work is clinging, serious, of old woman person honest. Feng Fasi recollects: To draw this work, old woman person is put on designedly oneself are knitted in the home catch, have lacy clothes, front of a garment sits up, ask a painter to make a picture. The serious work of canvas of this China inchoate effigies got Xu Beihong's admiration, after the drawing from nature of war of resistance against aggression that has seen him, hire Feng Fasi to be deputy researcher of Chinese academy of fine arts namely, encourage him to continue to be being fought enemy histrionic team is engaged in combatting day of conduct propaganda, in order to create the work of reflective period.
1945, feng Fasi in order to be in in the draft that remote front conceives in thorough life, hand canvas < is learning to catch in Luna pedicular > creation.
This is opposite 1946 Chinese soldier is difficult during mirrorring war of resistance against aggression after the work of the life exhibits, hear more than 1 gentlemen to praise canvas " catch pedicular " the god-given realistic an excellent work in be war of resistance against aggression. Of the same age was in in June Chongqing, feng Fasi attended with work of paint from life of all war of resistance against aggression histrionic 4 teams hold " 8 years art, data exhibits war of resistance against aggression " . Xu Beihong evaluates its work: With the rear moving occasion before rapid march course of action is depicted, subject matter is novel course of action deep and latter particularly important, if be lost not deeply the most valuable true, will turn into insignificant. Feng Jun can hold subject matter, written acme, with brushwork human relations, the precious results in war of resistance against aggression of it may be said also.
In the hard years that flames of war flies violently, mr Feng Fasi is in artistic creation with the succinct, gimmick that occupies without exception, exploration, seek formed his deep, intense, vivid, concise artistic style.
1946, feng Fasi is hired to be north to make the same score national art only associate professor, assist Xu Beihong to chair education to work.
1948, go to Beijing together with Li Hua of famous woodcut home small coalpit development lives on the west, make collier group draw many. Is the morning that created histrionic group of large canvas < met >  , joined a Chinese Communist.
1948, feng Fasi was finished considerably canvas " turn over hunger to turn over civil war to parade " , attended new China with this work " art of the first whole nation is exhibited " .
1950, feng Fasi goes to Beijing outskirt to attend " land reform moves " , create considerably canvas " accuse meeting " .
< is accuse meeting > subject matter, character collects autogenous work, work character is numerous, composition of a picture is full and not congest, colour is composed and resonant. The bedding face that the picture makes with accuse farmer crowd accumulates gray, the young woman set each other off that inserts back of khaki of farmer of picture center youth and white babushka and red cotton-padded jacket, make work gives a new period flavor fully in the depression, present the new mental view that gives liberated farmer to burst forth. " accuse " central character " old person " the station is accuse on the table, expression is indignant, a few farmers are afraid that he stands on the desk flabby, there is his leg before going up hastily, such detail, dispute experiences what the person conception of this scene does not give this feeling personally. Who is what Mr Feng is pointing to the character on the picture to be able to speak a picture. " accuse " it is home of new China canvas in found a state a successful example of work of sex of theme of earlier trial creative work and old scene composition of a picture.
In September 1950, central academy of fine arts holds water, xu Beihong is taken up the post of allow dean, feng Fasi suffers hire for the professor, holding the position of brushwork is a director, hold canvas division director concurrently.
1954, feng Fasi goes to Shanxi to save article water county development of Yun Zhouxi village lives, collect the achievement data of heroine Liu Hu Lan, begin to conceive creation gigantic a canvas " Liu Hulan die a martyr " .
1955, feng Fasi attended the canvas training class that by Russia painter mark Ximofu coachs, hold the post of this monitor. Assemble of canvas training class a batch of oily painters that home provides creation energy most at that time, they become the skeleton force of creation of new China canvas and education in the future. Be in " oily lecture class " , feng Fasi did many organization to work on one hand, at the same time serious ground derive the expressional skill with Russia painterly and solid realism. He ever was in " art " the magazine is written civil " the advanced experience that learns Russia expert to produce deep teacher and student " create piece " Laoguo's painter " , " the girl below sunshine " wait for canvas work.
Feng Fasi was finished 1957 he serves as " canvas training class " the thematic creation of achievement of attend in a advanced studies, gigantic a canvas " Liu Hulan die a martyr " , the creation of this work finishs home of indicative China canvas to control the exploration of large work entered an autumn.
Die a martyr of < Liu Hulan > the character is numerous, occasion extensive grand, farmer crowd of disturbance and opposite character made the two fields that the picture conflicts, form in two groups of dynamic characters in, the triangular character combination that the bandit arms of the Liu Hulan that wears black cotton-padded clothes and both sides makes if " calm Nereus needle " , become the stablest factor in picture composition of a picture, it is the spirit that paints. Her head leaves the center that forms picture vision in the set off of the cotton-padded clothes that rips avulsion.
The sky with deep private parts, white firn circles a bag to surround opposite character with farmer group annulus of gray, the army garment of bandit troops yellow and farmer people dark tonal formed sharp visual contrast, liu Hulan's head and cervical colour are in of black, gray the part with picture the most dazzing colour is made in foiling.
The Liu Hulan mother that has, little sister is the part with the brightest color in the picture, their attitude, expression and the calm stern that answer the Liu Hu Lan in looking form contrast and echo, make main body character and all round the crowd forms to form whole.
" Liu Hulan die a martyr " beyond smooth realistically colour is finished, this Chinese canvas at that time does not see more in creation, need the exploration courage that the artists considers and masterly skill. Feng law offers sacrifices to the effort in the development in this work, at this late hour still gives later generations ceaselessly in order to edify. This gigantic make show collect carefully at Chinese art gallery, the master piece that mixes with Jiang Zhao " circulate civilian plan " be called holding by personage of Chinese art gallery " Shuang Bi " .
1957, during just when Feng Fasi's brushwork is artistic the trend is mature, be delimited be erroneously however " right-wing element " , get the punish of discharge party membership, the artistic creative work that causes him and education are affected badly. Come from 1957 " Culture Revolution " before the end is rehabilitated, feng Fasi is in adversity 20 years personally. Face reality, feng Fasi dissolves the affliction of ethical tragedy and individual in clinging to art hunting. He created a series of canvas work in labor and education.
1963, feng law offers sacrifices to Shanxi always development of and other places of source of aid, muddy lives, create < snatch food from the dragon's mouth-speed up the summer harvesting before the storm breaks for canvas > collect material, the light outside making keeps unripe oil painting " the girl of mow " , " the little girl that picks up ear " , " 3 girls that promote food " , " the teenager on wheat field " wait for many work. Smooth paint from life is behaved to get high degree of professional proficiency here beyond canvas character. Pass through work, body reveals the heart that the painter is opposite a of laborer to love greatly.
1977 autumn, "Culture Revolution " just end, a lot of bequeath problems remain to fulfil, in expectation and the mood that await times change, feng Fasi goes to Shandong flourish to become paint from life, make canvas " the billow that becomes mountain stronghold " , " surfy " , " dragon needs an island " , " vulgar island seaside " , " vulgar island fishing village " , " air net " , " tug " wait for many scenery paint from life. Law of the Feng in work offers sacrifices to what carry life of transitional to the society, individual to think through lively outside smooth colour expression comes out.
1979, feng Fasi got rehabilitating, restored party membership, the academy of fine arts teachs in the center of recall, recovering oil painting is chairman post. A favourable turn of individual destiny arouses Feng Fasi with huge cordial investment is pursued to new art in. In a few years, he makes a picture, discourse on an academic subject, the Heilongjiang on north, na Zhiyun accept of Na Xishuang edition, make landscape, character draw many, be like: " delicate eyebrows is atonic " , " of the festival on the west girl of double edition accept " , " Dai girl " , " the Dai girl that carries water " . What create according to paint from life is gigantic a canvas " heaven and earth of long Bai Shan " hall of Jilin of hall of congress of old rank people.
1984 autumn, mr Feng Fasi goes to city of art of French Paris international, in travel mode citizenship painter Mr Lv Xia establishs " atelier of couple of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine " in holding water, be stationed in with the first place " atelier " Chinese canvas home spread out art to make an on-the-spot investigation with communication.
1985, law of Feng of rare A island offers sacrifices to the canvas < that pulls Keluowa with heart of Great Master of romanticism of France of copy of work original measure in Lu float palace slaughter >  (Local) . This copy work is in modelling of composition of a picture, character, delakeluowa is strictlied observe on colour the marrow of original work; And the personality that calligraphy or drawing, immanent bearing and style reflect a Feng Fasi again. In drawing scale process, draw the each country public figure that sees in Lu float palace to stop ceaselessly, outstanding to this copy work gave very high opinion. Style of this copy work reveals Feng Fasi to weigh understanding, do not do exterior depict, put forward to Xu Beihong " Gu Fazhi beautiful person defend, hang down absolutely person of afterwards, not beautiful person those who change, not sufficient person those who add, of the be in harmony of the person that can collect with painterly west " of the view follow practice.
After going back to the motherland, feng Fasi is in discourse on an academic subject to draw while begin to conceive > of massacre of Nanjing of large canvas < . January 1992, the large history canvas that cooperates with student Shen Shengqiu " Nanjing massacre " scale is finished, attended to be held in Chinese art gallery " brushwork of 20 centuries China is exhibited " .
Held in Beijing 1998 " from art 65 years of Feng Fasi teach art exhibition " , draw volume to publish Feng Fasi of < of large an album of paintings > hold a hairdo.
Went to Canada to hold on invitation 1999 " sketch of Professor Feng Fasi and partial canvas work are exhibited " .
Late on July 16, 2009 19 when accumulate world of palpitation block demit 35 minutes because of paroxysmal bedding face at Beijing, die at the age of is 95 years old.
 Character creation
From 20 centuries 80 time end arrives at the beginning of 21 centuries, did Feng Fasi create > of figure of husband of < Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine , " warm winter " , " deserted Ms. Jing Wen resembles " 3 canvas effigies.
Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine and Feng Fasi are coetaneous and at 20 centuries 30 time go to a law to study abroad, 80 time he purchases atelier of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine in city of art of French Paris international, present Chinese artist association. Feng Fasi makes an on-the-spot investigation in Paris during, got acquainted with madam of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine, 1989, lv rays of morning or evening sunshine carries a madam to come China, feng Fasi painted this portrait for madam of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine. Bearing of this experienced a World War II European old person in the picture is unruffled, show exhaustion slightly, give the vicissitudes of life of the world fully. Broadness of work calligraphy or drawing is big fluent, rapid is accurate, concise and concise, do not look to give redundant brushstroke, body reveals old painter's solid work force.
< warm winter > with Zhang Yun of Mrs. Feng Fasi first the lady is an object. With the painter photograph of half many century immerses with foam, the old partner that suffers hardship is knitting sweater in wintry purpose sunshine. The light in the picture is given priority to with sunshine, but still indoors in the environment, below the shine upon that the character glances in sunshine and room core condition, modelling and colour are shown delicate now and the relation of diversity is medium, the gout play that law of the Feng in this work offers sacrifices to a light and color gets incisively and vividly. Although work is the small setting in a life, reflection goes out " culture revolution " hind, the society is stable a flank of the life.
Watch " deserted Ms. Jing Wen resembles " envisaging this very hard is out a hand of year of old painter of a 9 a period of ten days. Very optional ground takes lady of Liao Jing article of curator of memorial hall of the Xu Beihong in the picture in a white chair, bearing is quiet and gentle. The expression of intense sunshine in work is finished basically with cool color, warm color goes out to glance now only the part with have a common boundary of light and shade, so bold colour is behaved is seeing rarely in work of effigies of canvas of China and foreign countries. Illuminant color, environment color, inherent color uses change of cadence of changes in temperature to behave, the concise, clear, bend that stresses shape structure reachs work character modelling part of have a common boundary of light and shade.
The side is handled in colour, " madam of Lv rays of morning or evening sunshine resembles " with temperament of character of concise, concise expression. " warm winter " with character of delicate foil of radial color change, the state of mind in behaving him painter to reach a wife to change in the times. " deserted Ms. Jing Wen resembles " in of opposite life eulogize, in converting the sunlight in one clique bright and beautiful to good longing. The figure in drawing go-between content to change in light and color is more outstanding, round, form and lubricious be in harmony are an organic whole, achieved make the state with noise and general poem.
The character in 3 work is the senile woman in having gone through affliction and for generations changes, this and nowadays canvas bound are full of in great quantities was the object, effigies work that is pursuit with satisfying a sense to become with young woman contrast brightly. Feng Fasi cuts the figure of 3 old people of lay off with the paintbrush of full of deep feeling, what with Luo Dan old age is the series sculpture work of subject matter to have different in approach but equally satisfactory in result with the old person is clever, solid for China of work of effigies of realistic now canvas classical.
Already entered seventy years of age year Feng Fa Sihuan sent new enthusiasm, creation gives work of a batch of effigies, human body, scenery, still life.
The morning in canvas < nurse > in, old painter chose the hospital is the most ordinary setting in day-to-day work to give the expression of poetic flavour. This work composition of a picture is lively and clever, modelling is rigorous and wraparound, color is rich and resonant, artistic expression extremely see work force. Year even more the painter treasure knife of 8 a period of ten days is not old, there is pure and fresh poetic flavour breath in work, this is very scarce in large work of Feng Fasi, can see the lyric one side in old painter art from which.
Enter 21 centuries, feng Fasi continues to maintaining exuberant creation vitality, gigantic compose an excellent work is ceaseless. Make < lotus nearly > series, it is with the lotus in the pond describe a boy or girl friend, the west of be in harmony of calligraphy or drawing of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting of the traditional Chinese painting in using is impressionistic colour, even if appearance meaning is written, interest day is become. Body reveals the pursuit with Feng Fasi more succinct, more wraparound, more lively old age.
Feng law offers sacrifices to the art study of one's early years, xu Beihong is the biggest to his influence. Xu Beihong at last centuries study abroad at the beginning of 20 time France, does division state-maintained from Paris does famous realistic artist amount to advanced art school admire Bufolai (1852, 1929) , study abroad 8 years in law heart, get marrow of brushwork of European classic realism, suffer effect of campaign of 54 new culture, yuan Peizhi of Xu Bei Hong Yingcai goes back to the motherland about, devote into the education of Chinese modern art at initiating phase. Xu Beihong advocates realism first and last, aspire should revive Chinese art. He thinks real skill should be: "Slaughter God of appeal, induction really, jing heaven and earth and sob ghosts and gods " . The pulse news news of his work and times is interlinked, "Bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of humankind " perforative in the creation at him. As a result of the confine of the times, the theme of writing of Xu Bei letter, character is sent mostly promote Yu Gu to take the place of, with classic implied meaning at reality, he himself ever told: "Although I am advocated realistically more than 20 years, but fail to be close to the masses " . Feng Fasi is in enter art creative work to begin, fasten the art of oneself at numerous careladen people namely in, "Bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of humankind " those who invent an idea is embedded it is humanitarian, all suffers hardship society that in Feng Fasi's work we see is rock-bottom. From " Jing Xi's old woman " , " starved to death arms " , " catch pedicular " , " accuse " , " Liu Hulan die a martyr " , " snatch food from the dragon's mouth-speed up the summer harvesting before the storm breaks " , " Nanjing massacre " ... cross half many century, the affliction of the Chinese nation, rise and fall all shows among them.
In 20 centuries 30 time, if central university, Suzhou is beautiful,begin the school that the picture is taught on the west and has social effect only, Hangzhou art only in have the painter with many painterly very good basic skill, offer sacrifices to sanded over sixty years of age of the classmate like central university and Feng law, suzhou is beautiful only Xu Jiuling, cost with answer wait for a person, but the way that they take in the future is different. Sanded over sixty years of age was recommended by Xu Beihong 1937, go to Belgian royal academy of fine arts to take advanced courses; Jiang Jieshi is drawn to resemble only after Xu Jiuling, sing the praises of sb for the high official at that time, become official artist. After graduating greatly in Feng Fasi namely the northwest that humeral back draws box to run quickly to China, destination is Yan'an, the Red Army is encountered in road, was left by the General Political Department, adapt after for the Eight Route Army. What Feng Fasi chooses is to use canvas art to devote into a nation to fight day of save the nation from extinction to move, will make contribution for ethical war of resistance against aggression with art, be on the front that fight day with canvas home identity at that time, the person of the road that walks out of creation is not much. In the years with original war of resistance against aggression, feng Fasi experienced the Eight Route Army to make the same score model close door of great victory, Yang Mingbao great victory, wild goose ambush great victory; Be in smooth model in closing campaign, part of Feng law worshipping body is equal model pass ground, created with experiencing Feng Fasi personally after " smooth model close great victory " . Go back to the motherland at that time the king type outline that devotes into the save the nation from extinction that fight day was drawn " stage Zhuang Dajie " , these two large work attended age of a week of war of resistance against aggression to study art exhibition. Feng Fasi has considered to save the nation with education during, he went to Sichuan river ferry 1939, teach at Wu Changyi only, and he chooses finally is to attend fight enemy histrionic team, with oneself artistic creation and life, be united in wedlock with the destiny of the motherland, in the turn moment with the big destiny of the motherland and nation, feng Fasi chose to realize his artistic pursuit with realistic way.
 The character draws wind
Feng Fasi takes sketch seriously very much, regard all modelling as the foundation of art. Division of his one's early years from Xu Beihong, be trained strictly, the body in this sketch classwork through his one's early years and work of the following sketch comes out now, model of character of his canvas work is rigorous, mighty profit from this. He worked in education of sketch of school of countrywide advanced art 1979 when the speech in the conference discusses sketch of Xu Bei grand to accomplish, speak of " shoot a person to shoot a horse first, capture a thief first king " . The sketch that this is pair of Xu Beihong is lifted numerous treat want very accurate visualize to elaborate.
Feng Fasi's canvas is created, bold and resolute, liberal at detail. Make a picture begin phase east brushstroke, brushstroke is like go cloth on the west child, a few place the integral feeling of a work and distribution. Emphasize whole, give the person that watch with intense shock. Of the letter of Yu Xu Bei that his canvas skill gets impart, having deep research to canvas art of Xu Beihong.
Mr Xu Beihong is in the practice that pursues brushwork of Chinese and Western, formed oneself modelling style and expressional skill, his in the art of composition that a Chinese style already showed in the canvas of later period. But the society is queasy, make him impossible to study this one task deep, this he realized. He ever told: Did not think of canvas nation turns an issue before, if consider this, self-confidence can find out a few features.
Feng Fasi is carried out with his art, abound the canvas nation that deepened place of Xu Bei grand to advocate to turn an issue, showed the understanding that he changes to canvas nation. Feng Fasi puts forward: The artist cannot break away from the motherland. Leave people to talk about a nation to change, essence is formalism. Pursuit nation is changed, want to make Chinese common people is understood above all. Artist score figure not only understanding letting a person, and want the United States. Canvas home wants pursuit and creation formative air, colorific air. A work should have the beauty of great integral melody already, return the combination that should be the tune with each little detail. The air of canvas is reflected should have promote practice, have wraparound, simplify sth by cutting out the superfluous. Xu Beihong speaks of: But take contracted, in an attempt to is mixed greatly, still not trifling, those who break is imperceptible.
Xu Beihong ever told commandment student: Want forever very very very objective, modest, assiduous. He does not believe a talent, also do not think oneself are a talent. When Feng Fasi speaks of domestic canvas home, the oily painters of hope China want a bit soberer, a bit modester; Want to strengthen research, study, only such ability have new discovery. The pursuit of an artist life and artistic pursuit are consistent. The manner is principal, want to treat the boy or girl friend that wants creation with the manner of study, treat art to want the attitude with research, cannot by old sense, stager, have such an artist ability only forever young.
Treat of art is created, mr Feng Fasi is told " to scene paint from life, what want heart Jing good luck already is strange, want faithful and serious ground to capture natural look appearance again, more want writing dripping wet, develop written acme; Draw the 10 thousandth piece of picture to draw the first piece of picture to resemble a novice from beginning to end in that way, just produce classic. A good picture should withstand far view close look, far see soul-stirring, watch secret nearly boundless, basically depend on accurate observation method: Macroscopical argue elephant is microcosmic change, microcosmic analysis integration. Microcosmic analysis integration..
Home of professor of central academy of fine arts, famous oil painting Mr Zhan Jianjun writes article treat of Mr Feng Fasi: "In artistic creation he is following realistic path from beginning to end, hold to everything to come from inside the life realistically spirit, experience actually and experience objectively what emphasize opposite living, take seriously particularly face the observation that describes a boy or girl friend and paint from life directly. Ranging from... to... to draw brushstroke clean-fingered, pen pen all the shape structure with the object, the relation such as condition of colour changes in temperature, space is a basis, cause creation enthusiasm from which, seek draw buy law, never without foundation concoct believes pen daub, the form that does not have pliable dark and gloomy absolutely is lubricious, processing picture ponderosity is meticulous, tell clarity orderly. His work style is so sterling, accomplished severe and not dead, close and not the deadlocked, effect that be versed in and does not act the role of, experience with clear, honest, natural art to the person. A few not specific float of this and current popularity slip, of concoct of be affectedly bashful alleged ' classic ' , ' realistically ' picture wind was formed contrast brightly. "  Feng Fasi speaks of: Chinese artist people should establish great aspirations of high aim, tree, make extraordinarily painstaking efforts, creation gives feel no regret at us the picture scroll of the epic sex of this times.
Feng Fasi pursues for the development with artistic nation indefatigable effort with his tough, clinging art. He ever said: "Making a picture is me is volunteer all one's life, want so long as one still has a breath left only, be won't put down paintbrush " .
In the social transition with Chinese contemporary great all previous, ground of Feng Fasi constant stands in the forward position of new culture, hold to realistic picture wind, his work will make the gem of the Chinese nation and be record in annals.
 Represent work
Does < wild goose swing hill >  , " catch pedicular " , " the morning of histrionic team is met " , " Liu Hulan die a martyr " , " Nanjing massacre " (collaboration) , " Suzhou Ou garden " , " long white Shan Tianchi " , " on the west girl of double edition accept.
Painter demit world
Bound of canvas of big child of Xu Beihong, China Feng Fasi of the 2nd acting painter died on July 16, 2009. Feng Fasi is late on July 16, 2009 19 when accumulate world of miocardial infarction demit 35 minutes because of paroxysmal bedding face, die at the age of is 95 years old. At present on July 22, 2009 in the morning 10 when in funeral parlour of hill of Beijing eight treasures bamboo hall is Professor Feng Fasi to hold remains to leave ceremony.
On July 22, 2009 morning 10 when, in funeral parlour of hill of Beijing eight treasures inside bamboo hall, student Professor Feng Fasi that is home of Chinese famous oil painting, Xu Beihong by central academy of fine arts held remains to leave ceremony, include canvas of article of Liao Jing of Mrs. Xu Beihong, China to learn chairman the numerous country culture such as Zhan Jianjun, artistic bound is famous personage, and fly from Chengdu on a special trip Li Renshi of the good friend before the Feng Laosheng that goes to Beijing and Feng Laoxian are born in plain close child Lin Yue attended to leave ceremony. Feng Laoxian's unripe family specially is born in Feng Laoxian he was put in the hand most the canvas pen that dote on, invocatory he can continue in heaven brandish asperses art.
Jin Shangyi expresses, feng Fasi creates " Liu Hulan die a martyr " , go up in new China the century has certain classical sex in the culture creation of 50 time, this work also is Feng Fasi's famousest work, at present this work is collected by Chinese art gallery. Feng Fasi is after 70 years old coruscate creation the 2nd spring, produced a batch of sceneries and character picture, "In his creation, realistic within contains freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, colour absorbed impressionistic characteristic. " Jin Shangyi says.
Feng Shiguang tells a reporter, father is engaged in realistic brushwork all the time, the period of time before dying is received this year autumn with realistic the exhibition that gives priority to a problem invites, still hold out in the heart glad, did not think of not to wait actually. "I may take paintbrush to go. " one when Feng Shiguang writes down so that father Feng law offers sacrifices to all the time laughs at character. Did not think of one language is become augury, before Feng Fasi dies two days still are holding to a picture.



