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邵飞,1954年6月生于北京。1976年至今在北京画院任专职画家。中国美术家协会会员。1984年获北京市“庆祝建国三十5 周年”画展甲等奖。1991年获北京市优秀奖。曾前后 在英国利物浦ACORN画廊、挪威奥斯陆AKOHANDVEIKSTED画廊、荷兰鹿特丹DOELEN艺术中心、日本大阪古代 中国艺术画廊、美国爱荷华美术博物馆、加拿大温哥华亚洲艺术中心、日本大阪古代 中国艺术画廊、台湾高雄炎黄艺术馆、新加坡文物馆、香港艺术中心、澳门市政厅、马来西亚槟榔艺术学院画廊、北京中国美术馆举办个人画展。其作品曾被中国美术馆、北京市美协和香港美术馆、台湾炎黄艺术馆及诸多收藏家收藏。现为中国美术家协会会员。
古代 画坛虽然色彩纷呈,但由于趋同认识 的幻灭,人人寻求 个性,所以人人似乎活得都不轻松,艺术之笔便突然变得锋利 起来。创新无异于角逐,评论也被哲学思辨推到了极限,让人不能不疑虑艺术的前途将会怎样。
中国文明 有着本身 独特的视角与表现方式,也有着从事艺术者的超然态度,讲究天地万物人我1 体,事事都于心上做功夫。因而 ,我并不要求本身 在风格特征上的恒定性,本民族的可以拿来,但必须消化,东方 古代 艺术的也能够 尽量采集,以充实本身 。
2006年梦归家园大型油画展(北海公园画舫斋)2006年第六回中日美术交流联合展(北京画院美术馆)2006年德国久久画廊(中国画联展)2005年全国画院精品展2005年园林胜境(中国美术馆)2004年北京风韵(中国美术馆)2004年新写意名家六人新作展(新加坡艺溯廊)2003年新写意展(台湾炎黄美术馆)2003年全国著名中国画家提名展(中国山东)2003年今日中国大展(中华世纪坛)2003年台湾天使美术馆(个人展)2002年大匠之门(中国美术馆)2002年彩墨江山展(今日美术馆)2001年荣宝书画名家约请 展2001年研讨 与超越——中国小幅油画作品大展(中国美术馆)2001年首届全国画院双年展

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Beijing in June 1954. Held the post of full-time painter in Beijing imperial art academy up to now 1976. Chinese artist academician. Obtained Beijing 1984 " celebrate found a state 35 years " the award such as art exhibition armour. Obtained Beijing 1991 outstanding award. Ever was in England early or late Osaka of center of art of Lu Tedan DOELEN of gallery of Liverpudlian ACORN gallery, Norwegian Oslo AKOHANDVEIKSTED, Holand, Japan is contemporary carry on one's shoulder of love of Chinese art gallery, United States is colorful art museum, Canada Wengehuaya continent. Its work ever by Chinese art gallery, Beijing beauty assist with Hong Kong art gallery, Taiwan phlogistic yellow artistic house and a lot of collector are collected. It is Chinese artist academician now.
Contemporary picture altar although colour confused is shown, but the disillusion that is the same as consciousness as a result of hasten, everybody goes after individual character, so everybody lives not easily it seems that, artistic pen becomes suddenly biting rise. Innovation as good as at contend, the comment also is thought of by philosophy differentiate advanced the limit, let a person have to the future of misgive art will how.
Chinese culture is having his distinctive perspective and expressional kind, also having the aloof attitude of the person that be engaged in art, person of exquisite works of God my an organic whole, at every turn makes time on the heart. Accordingly, the constant that I do not ask I go up in style feature is qualitative, of this nation can take, but must digest, the west also can be collected of modern art as far as possible, in order to enrich oneself.
The dream put in home 's charge 2006 large oily art exhibition (fast of gaily painted pleasure boat of park of the North sea) communication of the 6th Sino-Japanese art was exhibited jointly 2006 (art gallery of Beijing imperial art academy) 2006 gallery of German for a long time (Chinese picture couplet is exhibited) high-quality goods of countrywide imperial art academy was exhibited 2005 2005



