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耿建翌,1962年出生于河南郑州,是中国初期 先锋艺术家之1 。1985年毕业于杭州浙江美术学院艺术系油画专业(如今 的中国美术学院)。作为中国当代重要的艺术家,参加许多重要的国际性的当代艺术展,是中国现当代艺术的重要代表人物之1 。
耿建翌是中国当代艺术之80年代中期以来出现 的很多有开拓精神的艺术家之1 。而且,他延续了这类 开拓,探索着如何表达本身 的体验,他既以此为作品的目的也以此为作品的方式。他的作品有着超出本身的价值和冲击力。第八届CCAA杰出成就奖颁给了艺术家耿建翌。
他的著名的大笑脸作品“第二形态 ”是那个时代的最好作品之1 。进入九十年代后,耿建翌好象渐被遗忘。近几年来他不断通过他的摄影、安装 和油画作品对当今社会景象 和成绩 提出本身 的思考和观点。
《合成理想 》远洋艺术中心,北京
能捉住 老鼠的就是好猫,Munkeruphus画廊,丹麦
《挪动 中的城市》,由Hans-UlrichObrist和候翰如策划,路易安娜美术馆,哥本哈根,丹麦;Hayward美术馆,伦敦,英国
《InsideOut:中国新艺术》,由高明潞和亚洲协会共同策划的选自中国-台湾-香港的艺术展,亚洲协会/PS1,纽约,和旧金山古代 美术馆,美国
《挪动 中的城市》,由Hans-UlrichObrist和候翰如策划,波尔多caps美术馆,法国;PS1,美国,纽约
《挪动 中的城市》,由Hans-UlrichObrist和候翰如策划,分离派美术馆,维也纳,奥地利
《另1 次长征–1997中国观念艺术展》,Fundament基金会,ChasseKazerne,荷兰,布雷达
《中国十5 位艺术家的作品–行为和安装 》,德国,慕尼黑

《抽象 与景象 ,15位艺术家的影象 作品展》,中国美术学院画廊,中国,杭州
《中国如今 ,LittmannKunstprojekte画廊》,瑞士,巴塞尔
《Configura2–文明 的对话》,Fischmarkt画廊,Erfurt,德国
《中国前卫艺术展》,柏林世界文明 宫,海德舍尔姆美术馆,德国;鹿特丹美术馆,荷兰;牛津古代 艺术博物馆,英国;奥丹斯市博朗兹.克雷德法布里克美术馆,丹麦等
《比来 的工作-张培力和耿建翌绘画和安装 作品展》,TheDen,中国,北京
《中国古代 艺术展》,中国美术馆,中国,北京
《‘88艺术家约请 展》,浙江美术学院画廊,中国,杭州

Introduction to the artist

Geng Jianyi, born in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in 1962, is one of the early pioneer artists in China. In 1985, he graduated from the Department of art, Zhejiang Academy of fine arts, Hangzhou, majoring in oil painting (now China Academy of Fine Arts). As an important contemporary Chinese artist, he participated in many important international contemporary art exhibitions, and is one of the important representatives of Chinese modern and contemporary art.


On December 5, 2017, Geng Jianyi, a contemporary Chinese artist, died of illness at the age of 55.


Geng Jianyi is one of many pioneering artists who have emerged since the mid-1980s. Moreover, he continued this exploration and explored how to express his experience. He took this as the purpose of his works and the way of his works. His works have value and impact beyond themselves. The 8th CCAA outstanding achievement award was awarded to artist Geng Jianyi.


In the 1980s, he and other Hangzhou artists, such as Zhang Peili and Wang Qiang, created many experimental works of satire, world playing and political implication.


His famous big smile "second state" is one of the best works of that era. After entering the nineties, Geng Jianyi seems to be gradually forgotten. In recent years, through his photography, installation and oil painting works, he constantly put forward his own thoughts and views on the current social phenomena and problems.


Personal exhibition


Two thousand and four


Useless, Biyi Art Center, Shanghai


"62761232" express exhibition, Biyi Art Center, Shanghai




Between France, Paris


Two thousand and three


Ocean Art Center of synthetic reality, Beijing


Two thousand and two


Paris - Beijing, espacepierre Cardin, Paris, France


The fourth Guangzhou Biennale, Guangzhou, South Korea


Two thousand and one


It's a good cat that can catch mice, munkeruphus Gallery, Denmark


Two thousand


Passage, chisenhale Gallery, London, UK


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine


99 World Fortune Forum contemporary art exhibition, Jinmao Tower, Shanghai, China


Cities on the move, by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Hou Hanru, Louisiana Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark; Hayward Gallery, London, UK


Supermarket, Hong Kong Plaza, Shanghai, China


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight


Two contemporary artists from China (and Zhou Tiehai), presentation House Gallery, Vancouver, Canada


Inside out: Chinese new art, art exhibition from China Taiwan Hong Kong, Asia Society / PS1, New York, and San Francisco Museum of modern art, USA


Cities on the move, by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Hou Hanru, caps Gallery, Bordeaux, France; PS1, New York, USA


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven


Cities on the move, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Hou Hanru, seperate Art Museum, Vienna, Austria


Contemporary photography exhibition of China, Neuer Berliner kunstverein, Berlin, Germany


Not easy to be popular: Chinese contemporary art in the Yangtze River Valley, Kirin Art Museum, Tokyo; Kirin Plaza, Osaka; Altium, Fukuoka, Japan


Another long march – 1997 China concept art exhibition, foundation, chassekazerne, Breda, the Netherlands


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six


Works of 15 Chinese Artists - behavior and installation, Munich, Germany




Image and phenomenon, image works exhibition of 15 artists, gallery of China Academy of fine arts, Hangzhou, China


China now, Littmann kunstprojekte Gallery, Basel, Switzerland


From art / OMI artist, 1995, coffincreek, Australia


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-five


45 degrees as a reason, art activities of some artists in Hangzhou Shanghai Beijing, China


"The country from the center: China's avant-garde art exhibition since 1995", Barcelona Santa Monica Art Center, Spain


Configura2 - cultural dialogue, fischmarket Gallery, Erfurt, Germany


Omi International Artist Studio 1995, Omi, Ghent, New York, USA


Open your mouth and close your eyes - art exchange in Beijing, Berlin, Art Museum of Capital Normal University, Beijing, China


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-four


For the reason of November 26, the concept art activities of some artists in Hangzhou Shanghai Beijing, China


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-three


China avant-garde art exhibition, Berlin World Cultural Palace, heidesheim Art Museum, Germany; Rotterdam Art Museum, Netherlands; Oxford Museum of modern art, UK; bolanz crade Fabrik Art Museum, odens, Denmark, etc


Post 89 China new art exhibition, Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong, China


45th Venice Biennale - the road to the East, Venice, Italy


Art of tomorrow 1993, sanmatteo hospital, Spoleto, Italy


Grande delubrol 'arte', Erice, Italy


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-two


Recent work - Exhibition of paintings and installations by Zhang Peili and Geng Jianyi, den, Beijing, China


One thousand nine hundred and ninety-one


Art of automobile room, Education Hall, Shanghai, China


I don't want to play cards with Cezanne, Asia Pacific Art Museum, Pasadena, California, USA


One thousand nine hundred and ninety


Young art salon, Paris, France


One thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine


China modern art exhibition, China Art Museum, Beijing, China


One thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight


88 Artists Invitation Exhibition, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Hangzhou, China


One thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven


Contemporary Chinese painting after opening, Asia Pacific Museum, USA


One thousand nine hundred and eighty-six


Participating in all kinds of art activities in public places and streets


One thousand nine hundred and eighty-five


85 new space, exhibition hall of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts, Hangzhou, China



