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黄文汇(黄土),男,汉族,1970年11月生于山东淄博,前后 毕业于山东丝绸工业学院,地方 美术学院,中国艺术研讨 院,清华大学访问学者。
1993年举办“黄文汇油画展”,其油画作品《老门》、《远方的船》、《千秋功罪》、《寄托》及国画《花鸟系列》、《岁岁高堂列明烛》、《年年不足 》、《梦溯陶魂》、《十月金秋》、《翅展碧空高》等多次参加国内外大展并获奖,论文《漫谈狂草》、《百家争鸣话春秋》等发表于国内重要刊物,2001年、2002年连续两届被约请 参加文明 部中国画学术研讨会,山东电视台以《他从黄土地上走来》作专题,从1999年连续发起并掌管 十多次大型公益书画活动、多次捐助希望小学及孤寡老人,被山东省团委评为优秀美术教师,中国国学研讨 会授予“国学功勋艺术家”荣誉称号,系中国青年美术家协会理事、中国国画家协会会员、中国国际毛泽东诗词研讨 会副主席、中国工艺美术家协会会员,山东省美术家协会会员,陕西丹凤市美术家协会副主席,淄博市九届、十届政协委员。出版《黄土画集》、《黄文汇中国画》、《黄文汇诗画、写生图录》《清华美院古代 彩墨~黄文汇》,2009年5月被评为中国国画研讨 院院士。
文明 部中国美术创作基地特聘画家、
世界华人华侨联合总会理事、《国画研讨 》副主编。

Introduction to the artist

Huang Wen is collected (loess) , male, the Han nationality, was born at Shandong Zi rich in November 1970, be graduated from institute of Shandong silk industry early or late, central academy of fine arts, chinese artistic academy, tsinghua university visits a scholar.
Held 1993 " Huang Wen collects oily art exhibition " , its canvas work " Laomen " , " the boat of distance " , " blame of result of a thousand years " , " place " reach traditional Chinese painting " series of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " , " year old years old Gao Tang states candle " , " annual and superabundant " , " Tao Hun of dream go against the river " , , paper " informal discussion mad grass " , " year of word of contention of a hundred schools of thought " etc publish at domestic important publication, 2001, successive 2002 seminar of learning of two traditional Chinese painting in be being invited to join culture department, shandong TV station with " he goes from loess ground " make special subject, be initiated continuously from 1999 and direct activity of large commonweal painting and calligraphy more than 10 times, for many times contributory hope elementary school and old person of orphans and widows, by Shandong province group appoint judge teacher of art of the show that it is actor, chinese country learns seminar to award " the country learns exploit artist " honorary title, home of traditional Chinese painting of director of association of artist of department China youth, China academician, China International home of arts and crafts of vice-chairman of seminar of word of Mao Zedong poem, China academician, shandong saves artist academician, vice-chairman of association of artist of city of Shaanxi Dan Feng, zi rich city 9, committee member of 10 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences. Publish " loess draws volume " , " Huang Wen collects China to draw " , " picture, sketchy plan records yellow Wen Huishi " " Huang Wen of ~ of contemporary colour Chinese ink collects clear colorful courtyard " , was judged to be academician of academy of Chinese traditional Chinese painting in May 2009.
Show hold office
Director of association of Chinese youth artist
Dean of courtyard of civilian change painting and calligraphy,
Chinese colour Chinese ink draws courtyard major painter,
Art of culture ministry China creates base to hire an artist especially,
Chinese painting and calligraphy creates base full-time painter,
World Chinese overseas Chinese always is met jointly director, " traditional Chinese painting studies " subeditor.



