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前后 被评为黑龙江省教育厅优秀教书育人工作者、市首届“十佳教师”、市优秀教师标兵、市优秀职工标兵、市第四届“十大杰出青年”提名奖、1998年被黑龙江省人民政府授予“特级教师”称号(享用 省政府津贴)。
美术作品曾入选由文明 部、中国美术家协会主办的第七、八、九、十届全国美术作品展览,书画作品在《美术》、《美术观察》、《中国连环画》、《连环画报》、《辽宁画报》、《黑龙江画报》、《美术大观》、《青少年书法报》等刊物上发表80余件;在《中国美术教育》、《师范教育》等国家级刊物上发表教学论文十余篇;1995年、2001年、2003年编写由国家教委审定、人民教育出版社编写的《初中》、《中师》和《幼师》美术教材,1996年由中国连环画出版社出版专著《手工制造 指南》,2006年由黑龙江美术出版社出版《张应力连环画作品集》;1996年至2003年连续担任黑龙江省中专零碎 高级职称艺体科评审组组长,2010年担任黑龙江省教育厅高校职称艺体科评审组组长。地方 电视台及省市电视台多次介绍其优秀教学成果并举办专题讲座。1997年创办牡丹江墨林艺术学校,为家乡培育万千桃李。
曾多次担任复旦大学、哈尔滨师范大学、牡丹江师范学院、牡丹江医学院、团市委、公安局、市总工会、妇联、市电视台、东安区、西安区、教育局、财政局、牡1 中等单位的大型文艺表演 的策划、导演、掌管 、撰稿和表演。

Introduction to the artist

Tensile stress, be graduated from art of Harbin Normal University is canvas major. Currently holding the post ofart of institute of peony river normal school is a professor, committee member of courtyard learning committee, course is taking a person, visiting professor of Harbin Normal University, chinese artist academician, heilongjiang saves calligrapher academician, principal of school of art of peony Jiang Molin.
Be judged to be Heilongjiang province to teach hall early or late artificial author of outstanding teach Yo, city head " 10 beautiful teacher " , example of example of city outstanding teacher, city outstanding worker, city the 4th " 10 old prominent young people " nomination award, was saved by Heilongjiang 1998 people.
Art work ever selected sponsor by association of artist of culture ministry, China the 7th, 8, 9, exhibition of work of art of 10 whole nations, work of painting and calligraphy is in " art " , " art observes " , " Chinese comic " , " serial pictorial " , " Liaoning pictorial " , " Heilongjiang pictorial " , " art grand sight " , " teenage calligraphy signs up for " etc more than 80 are published on the journal; In " Chinese art is taught " , " normal school is taught " etc education paper is published on national level journal more than 10; 1995, 2001, wrote 2003 teach by the country appoint press of education of authorized, people writes " junior high school " , " in master " and " young division " art teaching material, published monograph by Chinese comic press 1996 " the manual guideline that make " , published by Heilongjiang art publishing house 2006 " collect of work of tensile stress comic " ; Came to held the position of Heilongjiang to save system of technical secondary school continuously 2003 1996 art style section evaluates advanced title group group leader, held the position of Heilongjiang to save title of educational office college 2010 group leader of group of evaluation of art style section. CCTV and province city TV station introduce his for many times outstanding education achievement holds special subject chair. Established 1997 school of art of Lin Yi of peony river Chinese ink, breed myriad one's pupils or disciples for home town.
Ever held the position of river of institute of normal school of river of Fudan University, Harbin Normal University, peony, peony for many times TV station of federation of trade unions of college of medicine, round municipal Party committee, public security bureau, city, the Women's Federation, city, east install bureau of area, Xi'an area, education, Bureau of Finance, male of one medium unit large and literary.



