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乔保华,山西昔阳人。在部队从专业 美术创作走上专业美术创作道路,现为北京军区政治部创作室美术创作员。中国美术家协会会员,擅长油画。
水粉画《老武装的关怀》参加第三届全军美展,油画《和平 奇观》参加庆祝建党60周年全军美展,《战友》参加庆祝建军50周年美展。
1976年4月出版,乔保华关满生合作的宣扬 画。主图为:高大非常 的“工农兵”用三只大手共同高擎起1 本即大又厚的书直插云霄;“工人阶级必需领导1 切”的工人的另1 只手指向前方。书上用红色分三行书写顺次 为“通知”、“中国共产党地方 委员会”、“(1 九六六年5 月十六日)”即“5 .1 六通知”。其下是有数 顶风 飘扬的红旗,红旗下为勇往直前振臂高呼的少数民族群众,手拿话筒、浆筒、身夹大字报的红卫兵小将和 工人、农民、解放军兵士 、民兵、赤脚医生、5 七干部等等。他们或高举语录、手拿大字报、或身背药箱、肩负冲锋枪、肩扛锄头等等…...“文革”十年的严重 事件尽收眼底……是总结,还是继续……“文革”的疯狂,疯狂的“文革”尽在其中。

Introduction to the artist

In relief person of former times of Qiao Baohua Shanxi. From spare art in army creation is on professional art to invent way, create the member that room art is created for ministry of politics of Beijing military region now. Chinese artist academician, be good at canvas.
Gouache " old armed is shown loving care for " attend beauty of the 3rd horse and foot to exhibit, canvas " warlike marvellous spectacle " attend congratulatory found a party 60 years beauty of horse and foot is exhibited, " comrade-in-arms " attend celebrate found an army 50 years the United States is exhibited.
Published in April 1976, the poster that Qiao Baohua, Guan Mansheng cooperates. Advocate is the graph: ? ? of ┍ of づ of Ang of copy of magpie of Ji Da Wei shelters bed of bud ? the Huaihe River stops bright of pagoda tree of Liu of Mo of eat ? Ka achieves? of Pu of Wei of generation of scull of neon of Song of foot of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase " working-class indispensible leader everything " another finger of the worker is forward square. With gules cent running hand is written on the book ordinal for " announcement " , " the Communist Party of China Central Committee " , " (on May 16, 1966) " namely " 5. 16 announcements " . Its fall is countless with the wind flying red flag, the red flag issues the minority masses that hallooes for precipitant raise one's arm, soldier of the red guarder young general that the hand takes canister of mike, oar, body to place dazibao and worker, farmer, liberation army, commando, barefoot doctor, 57 cadres are waited a moment. They or hold high newspaper of word of give oneself airs of ana, hand, or hoe of machine gun of body back medicine chest, bear, pickaback is waited a moment... . . . "Culture Revolution " major event of 10 years all stops eye ground... it is summary, still continue... " Culture Revolution " mad, mad " Culture Revolution " use up amid.



