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2003年至2005年就读于地方 美术学院油画系材料言语 研讨 工作室硕士研讨 生课程班。
1999年油画作品《上下5 千年》入选“纪念建国5 十周年和西藏民主改革四十周年暨支援 西藏希望工程书画展”,分别在北京、拉萨展出后义捐。
2003年油画《月夜》入选“鲁艺杯”全国师范院校美术作品图片展,并获得三等奖。作品由《美苑》第1 期出版发表。
2003年综合材料作品《1 个枣,两个枣,三个枣……》入选辽宁省第三届油画美术作品展。
2005年在地方 美术学院油画系高研班毕业创作作品展中,获得“地方 美术学院”“马利艺术奖学金”1 等奖。其中三幅作品被地方 美术学院油画系收藏。
2009年作品《残碑系列》参展第十1 届全国美展辽宁展区展览,获铜奖,辽宁美术出版社出版画册。
2010年《美苑》第二期发表,综合材料作品《古风系列》之三,之5 ,《残碑系列》之十5 ,之十六,之十八等作品。
2011年作品《残碑系列》参展中国美术家协会油画艺委会主办,“化境长城外——吾土吾民油画约请 展”。
获得“地方 美术学院”“马利艺术奖学金”1 等奖。
参展第十1 届全国美展辽宁展区展览,获铜奖。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Shuqin, came to was read 1990 1985 fasten at canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts, taught in department of canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts up to now 1990, associate professor.
Came to was read 2005 2003 study class of course of atelier Master graduate student at language of material of department of canvas of central academy of fine arts.
1990 Work " prepare for war inferior carry " attend work of art of sports of the 2nd China to exhibit.
1992 Work " mind " selected souvenir " Mao Zedong is in Yan'an is literary the speech on the informal discussion " publish 50 years of Liaoning to save art work to exhibit.
1994 Work " tire series " fine art work collects the 2nd teacher of selected whole nation exhibit, win outstanding award.
1994 For red east edge river developing zone creates mural of large relief sculpture: " laugh greet all directions guest " " argue advanced position " " marine biology " . Among them " laugh greet all directions guest " large relief sculpture is in in those days " beautiful garden " the 4th period publish.
1999 Canvas work " up and down 5000 " selected " souvenir founds a state 50 years to reform Tibet of anniversary and 40 aid to hope project painting and calligraphy is exhibited with Tibetan democracy " , after parting to exhibit in Beijing, Lhasa justice contribute.
2000 Work " cockscomb " selected Liaoning saves art of the 3rd aquarelle to exhibit, win outstanding work award.
2000 Canvas " flowers " selected by " collect of Fan Hua of contemporary art education " collect.
2000 Canvas work " helianthus " selected Liaoning saves work of art of the 3rd youth to exhibit.
2001 Canvas work " September song " attend report of achievement of education of Lu Xun academy of fine arts to exhibit.
2001 Work " lunar goddess " attend report of achievement of education of Lu Xun academy of fine arts to exhibit.
2001 Watercolour work " flowers " attend found a party of congratulatory Chinese Communist 80 years work of teachers and students is exhibited. 2002 canvas " Gong Chan " selected souvenir Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish
Beauty of 60 years of whole nations exhibits Liaoning to exhibit area art high-quality goods greatly.
2003 Canvas " moonlight " selected " Lu Yi cup " picture of work of art of school of countrywide normal school is exhibited, win third class award. Work by " beautiful garden " first phase is published publish.
2003 Comprehensive data work " a jujube, two jujubes, 3 jujubes... " selected Liaoning saves work of art of the 3rd canvas to exhibit.
2005 Department of canvas of centrally academy of fine arts grinds high a work of graduate creative work in exhibiting, obtain " central academy of fine arts " " fellowship of Ma Liyi art " first prize. Among them 3 work are fastened to collect by canvas of central academy of fine arts.
2006 Comprehensive data work " incomplete tablet series " , attend to be held in Chinese art gallery " stand fast with the breakthrough " exhibition.
2007 Comprehensive data work " incomplete tablet series " artistic now painterly exhibition is held in Korea art gallery.
2009 Work " incomplete tablet series " ginseng exhibit eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits Liaoning to exhibit area exhibition, win cupreous award, liaoning art publishing house publishs an album of paintings.
2009 " beautiful garden " the 2nd period publish, comprehensive data work " relic series " , " incomplete tablet series " , wait for work.
2010 " beautiful garden " the 2nd period publish, comprehensive data work " antediluvian series " , , " incomplete tablet series " , , wait for work.
2011 Work " incomplete tablet series " ginseng exhibit oil painting of Chinese artist association art appoint can sponsor, "Outside sublimity Great Wall -- my earth I civilian canvas invites exhibit " .
2012 " beautiful garden " the 6th period publish, comprehensive data work " incomplete tablet series " , , " antediluvian series " " folkway series " wait for work.
2013 Work " turn, turn, turn " ginseng exhibit national sports People's Republic of China of Olympic committee of total bureau China is dozenth a games, work of Chinese sports art is exhibited.
2014 Work " source " ginseng exhibit dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation canvas Liaoning exhibits area exhibition, work of bear the palm. [[1] ? [[1] ??
Obtain honor
Once fine art work collects the 2nd teacher of selected whole nation exhibit, win outstanding award.
Selected Liaoning saves art of the 3rd aquarelle to exhibit, win outstanding work award.
Selected " Lu Yi cup " picture of work of art of school of countrywide normal school is exhibited, win third class award.
Obtain " central academy of fine arts " " fellowship of Ma Liyi art " first prize.
Ginseng exhibit eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits Liaoning to exhibit area exhibition, win cupreous award.
Ginseng exhibit dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation canvas Liaoning exhibits area exhibition, work of bear the palm.



