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作品多次参加国内外画展,并有获奖。作品被选送美、加、澳、日、东南亚等地展出,并举办12次个人画展,广为当地收藏家欢迎。《美术》、《国画家》、《文艺报》、《诗刊》和 香港《文汇报》、《大公报》、《明报》、《新报》、《收藏家》、《收藏天地》、《中国文物世界》等权威报刊杂志多次发表其作品或专题介绍其艺术。代表作有《火把节系列》、《天葬系列》、《嘎曲玛曲系列》、《牧歌系列》、《古风系列》、《人体系列》、《唐马系列》等。作品曾获澳洲《雪梨金奖.亚太区水墨大奖赛》亚军,加拿大《多伦多国际艺术双年展》金奖,《海峡两岸书画展》1 等奖,第5 届中国艺术节优秀作品奖等。1993年作品获澳洲“雪梨金奖亚太区水墨大奖赛”亚军,1994年作品获加拿大“枫叶奖”水墨大赛优秀奖。
有《火把节系列》、《嘎曲玛曲系列》、《天葬系列》、《牧歌系列》、《唐马系列》、《古风系列》、《人体系列》。潜心研习没骨画和工笔画,无意识 地将工笔的细致典雅与写意的奔放率直,西画的结构色彩与水墨的肌理神韵交相融合,追随 着本身 的独特风格。作品被选送美、加、法、澳、日 、东南亚等地展出,并举办12次海外个人画展,广为当地收藏家山东翰墨缘画廊欢迎。作品《唐人马球图》入选世界华人书画展;《驯马图》入选中国画三百家作品奖;《红嘴鸥还会回来》获世纪·中国风情中国画展优秀奖。其名载入《世界名人录》、《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等。出版个人画册四种。

Introduction to the artist

Cao Xiaoqin, unripe in August 1948, hunan the Changsha City person. Was graduated from Sichuan to teach academic art to fasten 1988. Chinese artist academician, art of international of home of painting and calligraphy of poem of Sichuan artist academician, Sichuan calligrapher academician, Sichuan communicates academician, sichuan sends assistant dean of fair imperial art academy, hong Kong " collector draws a small room " full-time painter. Be good at character of water Chinese ink, canvas, seal cutting, calligraphy holds concurrently long.
Work enters domestic and international art exhibition for many times, have bear the palm. Work is chosen to send the United States, add, bay, and other places of day, southeast Asia exhibits, hold individual art exhibition 12 times, wide welcome for local collector. " art " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " literary newspaper " , " poetic print " and Hong Kong " civil report " , " big bulletin " , " bright newspaper " , " sign up for newly " , " collector " , " collect heaven and earth " , " China. Masterpiece has " link division series " , " self-buried series " , " series of music of Qu Ma " , " idyllic series " , " antediluvian series " , " human body series " , " Tang Ma series " etc. Work ever obtained Australia " snow pear gold prize. Large award of Chinese ink of Asia-Pacific area water is surpassed " runner-up, canada " Toronto international is artistic double year exhibit " gold prize, " cross-strait painting and calligraphy is exhibited " first prize, artistic moral integrity of the 5th China is outstanding work reward. Work obtained Australia 1993 " large award of Chinese ink of water of area of Asia-Pacific of snow pear gold prize is surpassed " runner-up, work obtained Canada 1994 " maple leaf award " contest of water Chinese ink is outstanding award.
Have " link division series " , " series of music of Qu Ma " , " self-buried series " , " idyllic series " , " Tang Ma series " , " antediluvian series " , " human body series " . With great concentration studies the picture that do not have bone and labour strokes, conciously of the meticulous elegance traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail and freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting bold and unrestrained and straightforward, the verve skinning texture of the structural colour that draws on the west and water Chinese ink hands in photograph confluence, pursueing oneself distinctive style. Work is chosen to send the United States, add, law, bay, and other places of day, southeast Asia exhibits, hold abroad individual art exhibition 12 times, wide for local collector Shandong gallery of predestined relationship of brush and ink welcomes. Work " Tang Ren polo pursues " art exhibition of book of selected world Chinese; " saddle horse pursues " selected China draws 300 work praise; " red mouth gull still is met come back " obtain picture of China of amorous feelings of century · China to exhibit outstanding award. Its name loads " world blue book " , " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " etc. Publication individual an album of paintings 4 kinds.



