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2022-03-11 17:34:20




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蔡岳云,1952年8月生于上海。1977年毕业于江西省文艺学校美术班,1985年结业于上海交通大学绘画进修班,前后 就读于上海师大和华东师大美术系。曾任江西省文艺学校教师。香山中学美术教育中心副主任,浦东新区美术学科带头人。中国美术家协会会员,上海市美术家协会会员。2004年度浦东新区优秀园丁。长时间 从事美术专业素描和色彩基础课的教学,有很丰富的教学经验。所带美术毕业班的先生 分别考取了中国美院、国美分院、同济、交大、东华、华师大、上师大、上大美院、工技大、应技大、上海理工等高等美术院校。同时,经常从事油画、漆画和水粉画的创作活动,作品多次入选上海市、华东地区和全国美展及出国展。画册《上海美术家画库第三卷——蔡岳云》已有上海画报社正式出版。
次要 参展作品有:
《敦煌遗址 》入选“华东地区青年油画巡回展”
《秋水共长天1 色》入选“第六届全国美展”
《岩之光》入选“中国漆画展”并被中国工艺美术馆瑰宝 馆收藏
《水乡》入选中国文明 部《中国江西漆画展》赴欧美5 国展出

Introduction to the artist

Cai Yueyun, was born at Shanghai in August 1952. Was graduated from Jiangxi to save class of literary school art 1977, complete a course drew at Shanghai traffic university 1985 class of attend in a advanced studies, read early or late at Shanghai division Shi Damei art fastens big He Huadong. Ceng Renjiang saves literary school teacher on the west. Art of sweet hill middle school teachs central vice director, leader of course of art of Pudong new developed area. Chinese artist academician, shanghai artist academician. New developed area of 2004 year Pudong is outstanding gardener. Pursue the education of art major sketch and colour foundation class for a long time, have very rich teaching experience. The student that takes class of art finish school parts pass an entrance examination beautiful branch department of Chinese beautiful courtyard, state, with aid, make big, Dong Hua, China division big, go up division is old, go up ability of big beautiful courtyard, industry is great, answer ability big, Shanghai manages. In the meantime, often undertake the creation activity of canvas, lacquer painting and gouache, work for many times area of selected Shanghai, Hua Dong and countrywide beauty are exhibited reach go abroad exhibit. An album of paintings " Shanghai artist draws a library the 3rd -- Cai Yueyun " already Shanghai pictorial company is published formally.
Main ginseng exhibits work to have:
" young preceptress " obtain " art exhibition of Jiangxi province teacher " outstanding award
" shunting member " selected " effigies of canvas of Hua Dong area is exhibited "
" Dunhuang is vestigial " selected " itinerate of canvas of youth of Hua Dong area is exhibited "
" autumn water grows a day in all monochromatic " selected " beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited "
Lacquer painting:
" constant " selected " 2001 Shanghai art is exhibited greatly "
" native land " selected " beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited "
" Qing Quanshi is genteel " selected " beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited " obtain " section of west lake art " cupreous award
" the light of cliff " selected " Chinese lacquer art exhibition " be collected by shop of jewelry of house of Chinese arts and crafts
" static night " selected " beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " obtain Jiangxi to save the United States to exhibit outstanding award
" a region of rivers and lakes " ministry of selected China culture " art exhibition of Chinese Jiangxi lacquer " go to Euramerican 5 countries exhibit



