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1927年生,浙江温岭人,杭州国立艺专毕业,中国美术家协会会员,1 级美术师。任太原市文联副主席,太原市美协主席,山西省美术家协会第二届副主席,山西省文联委员,山西省美协顾问。艺术上寻求 章法严谨、饱满,笔墨繁复、多样;画风严肃 、朴实。油画《鲁迅在木刻博览会 上》获山西省文艺奖(1957年);年画《工农联欢》1966年山西人民出版社出版,《人民日报》等表;国画《太行》、《泰山》等在日本展出;国画《山水》等参加“当代书画篆刻家作品展”、“中笔人民共和国第二届农民运动会名人书画展”。近年来有1 些山水画被周恩来纪念馆、吴昌硕纪念馆、深圳博物馆、山西博物馆等处收藏。曾举办两次个人画展。近5 年来创作山水画《北陲之行》,高1.3米,长55米巨幅长卷,部分在山西省首届山水画上展出。前后 被编入《中国美术家辞典》、《中国美术年鉴》、《当代书画篆刻家辞典》等十余部辞书。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe 1927, person of Zhejiang lukewarm mountain, hangzhou is national art graduate only, chinese artist academician, division of one class art. Hold the post of vice-chairman of couplet of Taiyuan city article, taiyuan city is beautiful assist chairman, shanxi saves artist association the 2nd vice-chairman, shanxi visits article couplet committee member, shanxi saves the United States assist advisory. Art of composition of the pursuit on art is rigorous, full, writing heavy and complicated, diversiform; Picture wind grave, guileless. Canvas " Lu Xun is on woodcarving exhibition " obtain Shanxi to save literary award (1957) ; New Year picture " gam of workers and peasants " Shanxi people press was published 1966, " People's Daily " wait for a watch; Traditional Chinese painting " too row " , " father-in-law " wait to exhibit in Japan; Traditional Chinese painting " landscape " etc attend " work of home of seal cutting of contemporary painting and calligraphy is exhibited " , " in painting and calligraphy of celebrity of games of the 2nd farmer exhibits pen people republic " . In recent years a few landscape paintings are come to by Zhou En the place such as museum of memorial hall, Wu Changshuo memorial hall, Shenzhen, Shanxi museum is collected. Ceng Ju does individual art exhibition twice. Will nearly 5 years create a landscape painting " the travel that north frontierses " , tall 1. 3 meters, 55 meters long gigantic long roll, the part is saved in Shanxi exhibit on first landscape painting. Be enrolled early or late " Chinese artist dictionary " , " Chinese art almanac " , " dictionary of home of seal cutting of contemporary painting and calligraphy " wait for more than 10 dictionary.



