赵忠祥,地方 电视台播音指点 ,全国政协委员,中国野生动物保护协会常务理事,中国环境科学学会常务理事,地方 电视台《人与自然》主编,掌管 人。在地方 电视台40余年的工作中,担任过旧事 、专题、综艺等各类重要节目的播音与掌管 工作。曾获过“5 个1 工程奖”、“政府奖”、“学会奖”等多项大奖。其中环保奖项有1997年人大环资委授予的《中华环保世纪》先进个人奖,1999年林业局颁发的保护野生动物“大熊猫奖”和 林业局颁发的有关专题节目的十余个奖项。
赵忠祥1959年进入中国地方 电视台的前身北京电视台,担任播音员,是中国第二位电视播音员、第一名 男播音员。曾担任“旧事 联播”节目的播音员。赵忠祥曾经参加国庆十1 周年、国庆三十5 周年和5 十周年的国庆现场直播。1979年随邓小平访美期间采访美国总统卡特,成为第一名 进入白宫采访美国总统的中华人民共和国记者。前后 12次掌管 过中国地方 电视台的春节联欢晚会(1984年、1986年、1989年、1990年、1991年、1992年、1993年、1995年、1996年、1997年、1998年、1999年)及香港、澳门回归等大型庆祝晚会。赵忠祥还掌管 过《正大综艺》、《动物世界》和《人与自然》等节目。1981年,掌管 过北京市中先生 智力竞赛,1983年在地方 台掌管 5 四蒲公英青年智力竞赛获得更大的成功,其间经常说的1 句话“答对了,加10分”,成为当时的年度流行语。也是在这个节目中,中国大陆首次使用了节目掌管 人这个称谓。 1984年起,赵忠祥前后 12次掌管 过中国地方 电视台的春节联欢晚会。1994年,赵忠祥掌管 节目《人与自然》,次要 介绍动物、植物、自然知识和 探索人与自然之间的彼此 影响及作用。从2010年7月12日以来,每晚央视1 套6:13,已 退休两年的赵忠祥,与朱迅搭档再次掌管 《动物世界》和《人与自然》。加上每晚7:50为200集的《世博传奇》配音,赵忠祥每天竟然在央视有三档节目。68岁的赵忠祥再次成为央视掌管 红人,引发 了许多观众的争议。[1] 2011年,赵忠祥与广西卫视联手推出中国第1 档实景思辨秀节目——《老赵会客
厅》。《老赵会客厅》是广西卫视在2011年努力 于打造卫视品牌,提升频道影响力的高端节目。2011年赵忠祥又携手天津卫视打造全新文娱 节目《王者归来》,全新的节目情势 及赵忠祥的另装幽默掌管 ,博得 了观众的再次喜欢及认可。2015年7月,赵忠祥离任 视协掌管 人专业委员会主任,由敬1 丹接任。赵忠祥则被委员会聘为荣誉主任,此后负责对年轻掌管 人的培养。
赵忠祥曾获过5 个1 工程奖、政府奖、学会奖等多项大奖。其中环保奖项有1997年人大环资委授予的《中华环保世纪》先进个人奖,1999年林业局颁发的保护野生动物《大熊猫奖》和 林业局颁发的有关专题节目的十余个奖项。1985年《大众电视》举办了中国第1 次电视播音员、节目掌管 人评选活动,赵忠祥荣登榜首。1993年第1 届金话筒奖特殊荣誉奖。2004中国电视节目榜“15年来最有价值的中国电视节目掌管 人”。2008年中国电视掌管 人25年杰出贡献大奖
2010年6月26日,中国红十字基金会众基金发起人之1 、地方 电视台掌管 人鲁健带领众基金团队,带着由掌管 人、文明 名人捐献的拍品,亮相众基金&华中科大EMBA内蒙班慈善晚宴。晚宴现场竞价激烈,不足1 小时的时间里,总计拍出10件拍品,共为众基金筹集善款57.4万元。在得知众基金要举行慈善晚宴的音讯 后,掌管 人赵忠祥也特意为此次拍卖活动创作了1 幅《奋进》。
《岁月随想》(1995)、《岁月情缘》(1999)赵忠祥“岁月系列”的终结之作《岁月缤纷》,由百花文艺出版社出版旧书 签售会。该书收录了赵忠祥累积多年的国画作品、旧体诗、小散文、收藏品和 这些“宝贝”背后的故事,还写了他与黄胄、范曾、周怀民等画坛大师交往的逸闻趣事。赵忠祥在接受本报专访时称,经过10年努力,画艺可列为1 品了。旧书 延续岁月情感从《岁月随想》、《岁月情缘》到《岁月缤纷》,赵忠祥完成了岁月三部曲。之所以三部曲均以岁月命名,是由于 他对岁月二字情有独钟:“站在今天的时间坐标点上回顾以往的岁月,那是我们生命的流逝,弃我去者,昨日之日不可留;而向前展望 ,将来 尽管充满了希望,但也充满变数和挑战。所以‘岁月’对我而言,是十分具有魅力的词汇。”第三本书《岁月缤纷》与前两本书在写作情势 上没有连续性,前两本以文字为主,《岁月缤纷》1 半篇幅是图片,1 半篇幅是文字,图文参半。文字部分基本脱离了赵忠祥的本职工作和演艺生涯,侧重 反映他的生活形态 。“我非常喜欢读书,也曾学习了1 些诗词格律,并在和书画界朋友交往的过程中学习作画。由于岁月迁延,故友离去,睹物思人,感怀良多,不胜欷歔 。美好的往事逐一 从笔端呈现出来,构成了1 幅5 彩斑斓的画卷。其实,生活就应当 是多姿多彩的,因而 我把这本书定名为《岁月缤纷》。今后的书不再以岁月为名,由于 事不过三。”
Zhao Zhongxiang, CCTV broadcast guide, member of the CPPCC National Committee, the executive director of the China wild animal protection association, executive director of Chinese Institute of Environmental Sciences, CCTV "man and nature" editor, host. In CCTV more than 40 years of work, served as news, topics, variety and other important programs broadcast and presided over the work. Won the "Five Project Award", "award", "award" awards. The environmental award in 1997 awarded the "Chinese people's Congress Environmental century" advanced individual award, a dozen awards program issued by the Forestry Bureau in 1999 to protect wild animal "panda Award" and the forestry bureau.
Zhao Zhongxiang in 1959 to enter China's predecessor CCTV Beijing television station, served as announcer, is China's second TV announcer, the first male announcer. Served as "news network" program announcer. Zhao Zhongxiang participated in the national day eleven anniversary, the national day of the thirty-five anniversary and the national day live broadcast of the fifty anniversary. In 1979 with Deng Xiaoping during a visit to interview the president Carter, became the first to enter the White House reporter an interview with the president of the People's Republic of China. 12 times successively presided over the China CCTV Spring Festival Gala (1984, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999) and Hongkong, Macao and other large celebration regression. Zhao Zhongxiang also hosted the "Zhengda arts", "animal world" and "man and nature" and other programs. In 1981, presided over the Beijing city school quiz, 1983 in the central Taiwan, presided over the 54 young dandelion quiz to achieve greater success, which often say "bingo, plus 10 points, become the popular language at the time of the year. Also in this program, mainland China for the first time the use of presenters this title. 1984, Zhao Zhongxiang has presided over the 12 Chinese CCTV Spring Festival gala. In 1994, Zhao Zhongxiang presided over the program "man and nature", mainly introduced animals, plants, natural knowledge and explore the interaction between man and nature and role. Since July 12, 2010, every night CCTV 6:13, has retired two years of Zhao Zhongxiang, and his partner again presided over the animal world and man and nature, Zhu Xun. Plus 7:50 per night for 200 episodes of "the legend" dubbing, Zhao Zhongxiang every day to have three programs on cctv. The 68 year old Zhao Zhongxiang once again become the host of CCTV reds, caused a lot of controversy of the audience. [1] 2011, Zhao Zhongxiang and Guangxi TV to launch the first tranche of speculative real Chinese show, "Zhao parlor
Hall ". "Zhao room" is the Guangxi TV in 2011 to create TV brand, enhance the influence of the channel of the high-end program. 2011 Zhao Zhongxiang join hands with Tianjin TV to create a new entertainment program, the King returns, the new form of the program and the installation of another humorous chair of Zhao Zhongxiang, won the audience like again and recognition. July 2015, Zhao Zhongxiang outgoing Association moderator Specialized Committee director, took over by Jing Yidan. Zhao Zhongxiang was appointed honorary director of the committee, then responsible for the training of young presenters.
Zhao Zhongxiang won five awards, awards, the Academy awards. The environmental award in 1997 awarded the "Chinese people's Congress Environmental century" advanced individual award, a dozen awards program issued by the forestry bureau of wild animal protection in 1999 "panda Award" and the forestry bureau. In 1985 the "public television" China held the first TV announcer and the host contest, Zhao Zhongxiang topped the list. 1993 first golden microphone award special honor award. 2004 China TV program "the most valuable Chinese TV presenter in 15 years". 2008 Chinese TV presenter 25 years outstanding contribution award
In June 26, 2010, the Red Cross fund fund Chinese congregation one of the sponsors, CCTV host Lu Jian led the team with the fund, by the host, cultural celebrities donated auction, unveiled the public funds HUST & EMBA Inner Mongolia class charity dinner. The dinner scene bidding fierce, less than an hour's time, total shoot 10 auction, a total of all funds raised 574 thousand yuan. After all the fund to hold charity dinner news, the host Zhao Zhongxiang also specially for the auction created a "endeavour".
"Years Capriccio" (1995), "years of love" (1999) the end of Zhao Zhongxiang "time series" work "years of fun", published a book signing by Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House will. The book included behind Zhao Zhongxiang accumulated over the years of Chinese painting works, classical poetry, prose collections, and these "baby" story, also wrote his association with Huang Zhou, Fan Ceng, Zhou Huaimin and other masters of painting anecdote. Zhao Zhongxiang said in an interview with this newspaper, after 10 years of hard work, painting can be classified as a product. The book continues years emotion from "years Capriccio", "years of love" to "years of colorful", Zhao Zhongxiang completed the trilogy of years. Why are the years trilogy named, because he has a special liking for the years two words of love: "stop the past times in today's review time coordinate point, that is our life goes on, leaving me, yesterday, the day can not stay; and look forward, although the future is full of hope, but also full of changes and challenges. So time is a very attractive term for me." The third book "the years binnumerous" with the first two books in the form of writing has no continuity, as the top two in words, "years of colorful" half the length is half the length of pictures, text, picture and text mixed. The basic part of the text out of Zhao Zhongxiang's own work and performing arts career, focusing on reflecting his life. "I love reading very much, also had to learn some poetry and painting in the process of learning, communication and painting circles of friends in. Due to years of persistent, since then, many old friends leave, feeling very sad. Good things one by one from his writings, constitute a colorful picture. In fact, life is colorful, so I put the book named "years of fun". The book is no longer in time because of the name shibuguosan."