王以臣(1927.1—)原名以忱,字半浮,黑龙江鸡西人,擅长中国画。曾就学于哈尔 滨大学和东北大学美术系,毕业于东北师大中文系。曾任吉林艺专艺术概论教师,省文 艺创编室美术创作组组长'吉林省美协副秘书长等职,吉林省画院二级美术师,作品曾 多次入选全国性美展及出国展出,并被收藏
Wang Yichen (1927.1 -) was born in Jixi, Heilongjiang Province. He was good at Chinese painting. He studied in the Department of fine arts of Harbin University and Northeast University, and graduated from the Chinese Department of Northeast Normal University. He used to be an art introduction teacher of Jilin art college, the Deputy Secretary General of Jilin Art Association and the leader of the art creation group of Jilin art creation office. His works have been selected into national art exhibitions and exhibited abroad for many times, and have been collected.