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乔洪奎, 1981年出生于吉林省辽源市,现居北京,受其祖父的影响,自幼酷爱绘画艺术,闲余时间都会用来学习国画,自幼就参加很多绘画比赛,并获得必然 嘉奖,后经院校老师教导,努力 于人物的创作与研讨 ,作品深受国内外朋友爱好 及收藏。


刻苦研习国画多年,涉猎颇多,后专攻中国人物画。博采众家之长融于笔端,力求找寻个人特色,努力表现作品的深厚内涵。同时,积极探索应用 水墨表现时代生活,在寻求 唯美的审美认识 中融进时代气息。


平常大部分时间用于中国古代人物的创作,由于自幼喜欢罗贯中的《三国演义》, 其书中刻画了近四百个人物抽象 ,其中最为喜欢的是关羽,所以也就对三国人物刻画较多,长篇历史小说《三国演义》中描写关羽身长九尺,髯长二尺;丹凤眼,卧蚕眉,面如重枣,唇若涂脂,有若天神,使青龙偃月刀,胯下赤兔马,文武双全,描写的关羽的事迹也是很多,乔洪奎将1 个个场景创作成画面,内容包括: 桃园豪杰三结义﹑破官兵三英战吕布﹑关云长挂印封金﹑关云长单刀赴会﹑关云长放水淹七军﹑温酒斩华雄、千里走单骑等,其次喜欢刻画1 些高居山林的文人雅士和 古代神话人物-八仙。

English Introduction

Essential information
Qiao Hongkui, born in 1981 in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, is now living in Beijing, influenced by his grandfather, his childhood love of painting art, leisure time will be used to study painting, he participated in many art competition, and get a reward, after college teachers to teach, creation and research efforts in the works by domestic foreign friends love and collection.

Paul Mauriat's History
Study hard Chinese painting for many years, a lot of reading, specializing in Chinese painting. The gathering house long into writing, and strive to find personal characteristics, profound connotation to the work performance of the. At the same time, and actively explore the use of ink in the performance of the times of life, the pursuit of beautiful aesthetic consciousness and into the spirit of the times.

Style of work
Usually most of the time for Chinese ancient character creation, because childhood love Luo Guanzhong's "Three Kingdoms", the book depicts a nearly four hundred characters, of which the most love is Guan Yu, hence the three characters are historical novel "Three Kingdoms" in the description of Guan Yu was nine feet tall, long beard two feet; the phoenix eye, wocanmei, such as re date, lip if grease, if there are gods, the Dragon Saber, crotch chituma, Wenwushuangquan, description of Guan Yu is also a lot of deeds, Qiao Hongkui will be a creation of a scene picture, including: Taoyuan three sworn officers, three hero broken English Lv Bu, Guan Yunchang and guayin sealing gold, Guan Yunchang and Guan Yunchang start a solo run seven army, the water flooded wine chopped Huaxiong, thousands of miles, then describe some of the highest in the love mountains and literati Ancient mythical figure - eight.



