曹简楼1913年江苏南通人,原名镇,号剑秋,斋名读有用书斋、用恒室。王个簃弟子,擅长写意花卉、蔬果,亦工书法。生前为上海中国画院画师,西泠印社社员,中国美术家协会会员,上海文史馆馆员,吴昌硕研讨 会副会长。2005年7月9日因病去世,享年93岁。擅长中国画、书法、篆刻。1937年从师王个簃学习书画篆刻。历任上海工艺美术学校中国画教师。作品有《标榈杜鹃》、《郁金香》等。
曹简楼长时间 从事中国画创作,深得"吴门"绘画精髓,并有创新。他擅长画花卉、蔬果,尤擅石榴,有"曹石榴"之称,作品被海内外藏家广泛收藏。
拍卖会2004迎春书画拍卖会名 称清香拍品号015作者 曹简楼 年代1977年作情势 镜心质地设色纸本尺寸30×40.5cm估 价RMB:3,000-5,000成交价--钤 印钤印:通州曹氏(白文)、用恒(白文 )款识:清香。建才同志正。简楼,丁巳九秋。拍卖日期2004-1-8
拍卖会2004迎春书画拍卖会名 称墨荷拍品号022作 者曹简楼年 代1977年作形 式镜心质 地水墨纸本尺 寸68×34cm估 价RMB:3,000-5,000成交价--钤 印钤印:简楼(白文)、老曹(白文 )款识:喜见香荷才出水,1 枝高叶1 枝花。建才同志正。丁巳九秋,简楼写于上海西郊。拍卖日期2004-1-8
拍卖会2004迎春书画拍卖会 名 称 苍松 拍品号028 作 者 曹简楼年 代1972年作 形 式镜心 质 地水墨纸本 尺 寸68×34cm 估 价RMB:3,000-5,000 成交价--拍卖日期2004-1-8
在沪画坛上堪称大家,他集书、画、篆于1 体而样样精到。其作画者以花卉、水果、蔬菜见长,用笔用墨酣畅遒劲,色泽以明快、清新而自成风格。他几十年孳孳 以求,画名远播,不仅在国内多次举办画展,而且远渡重洋在美国、加拿大、日本、新加坡等国举办个人画展,其画作被视为收藏珍品。
In 1913 Jiangsu Nantong Cao building, formerly known as Zhen Jian Qiu Zhai, No., name read useful den, with constant room. The disciple of Wang Geyi, good at freehand flowers, Vegetable & Fruit, also calligraphy. During his lifetime for the Shanghai China painting artist, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society members, members of China Artists Association, Shanghai museumlibrarian, vice president of Wu Changshuo research association. July 9, 2005 died of illness at the age of 93. Chinese good at painting, calligraphy and seal cutting. From 1937 Wang Geyi learning calligraphy carving. The former Shanghai School of Arts and crafts China painting teacher. Works of "standard", "tulip" palm Rhododendron etc..
Cao Jian, long engaged in the creation of Chinese painting, the "Wu men" painting the essence, and innovation. He is good at painting flowers, Vegetable & Fruit, especially pomegranate, "Cao pomegranate" said, extensive collection of works by collectors at home and abroad.
2004 spring auction auction auction name fragrance painting No. 015 building in 1977 as the author Cao Jane form Mirror Heart texture and colour on paper size 30 x 40.5cm RMB:3000-5000 valuation price - seal seal: Tongzhou CaoShi (white paper), with the constant (Zhu Wen): Kuanshi fragrance. Jian just comrades. Jane floor, Dingsi 9 autumn. Auction date 2004-1-8
2004 spring auction auction auction and name Mo He No. 022 author Cao floor in 1977 as a form of Jane Mirror Heart texture ink on paper size 68 x 34cm RMB:3000-5000 valuation price -- seal seal: Jane Lou (Bai Wen), old Cao (Zhu Wen): Kuanshi welcomes Xianghe to water, a high leaf flower. Jian just comrades. Dingsi building in the western suburbs of Shanghai 9 autumn, jane. Auction date 2004-1-8
2004 spring auction auction auction and name of pines No. 028 Cao floor in 1972 author Jane form Mirror Heart texture ink on paper size 68 x 34cm RMB:3000-5000 valuation price auction date - 2004-1-8
In the Shanghai painting called you, he set the book, painting, seal and subtlety of everything in one. The artist is known as the flowers, fruits, vegetables, ink pen and elegant, with bright color, fresh and self style. A few years of his famous painting, diligently strive after, not only in the domestic many exhibitions, and yuanduzhongyang held personal exhibitions in the United States, Canada, Japan, Singapore and other countries, the paintings are regarded as treasures.