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程大利 - 寻山水乐处——读程大利先生

2022-03-11 17:39:14




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 程大利,被国务院聘任的国务院参事、地方 文史研讨 馆馆员,中国美术家协会理事,中国美术出版总社总编辑,人民美术出版社总编辑,中华民族文明 促进会常务理事,中国画艺委会委员,全国美展评委,享用 国务院特殊津贴。1991年在美国洛杉矶举办“程大利水墨画展”;1996年在加拿大多伦多举办个人画展;1997年参加法国秋季沙龙展;2000年参加文明 部和中国美协主办的“百年中国画展”;2004年3月初在德国举办个人画展。2005年获“黄宾虹奖”和第二届中国画油画风景展佳作奖。出版有《程大利画集》多种,文集《宾退集》、《师心居随笔》等。作品被中国美术馆等多所美术馆及博物馆收藏 。


 1971——1980年前后 担任沛县师范学校美术教师和沛县文明 馆创作干部,从事年画、宣扬 画和水墨画创作,艺术和写作才华崭露头角,受到人们的关注。1980年调入江苏美术出版社,美术编辑工作使他无机 会大量接触民族艺术遗产,关注当代艺术思潮,广泛接触各品种 型和风格的艺术家。这些都使他极大地开阔了视野,提高了文艺涵养 和品评水平,也更促使他在艺术上奋发图强。他的美术作品多次获奖,他的创作信心 大大加强 ,决心向艺术的深处、高处挺进。


 程大利先生是一名 学者,一名 优秀的出版工作者,同时又是当代有侧重 要影响的画家。 三十多年的编辑生涯,使他积累丰厚,见识出色 ,这在当代画坛是罕见的。他能站在理性的高度去审视传统,寻觅 规律。与同时代画家比拟 ,对于中国画的认识要深刻得多。在这个世风浮躁,离艺术的纯粹性愈来愈 远的时代,大利先生仍是艺术的理想主义者,极注重 画家的人文寻求 ,因而 他有“中国画是涵养 的外化,知识的记录”这1 卓识 。我想这里的“涵养 ”应包括两个方面,1 是文明 涵养 ,1 是道德涵养 。翟墨先生说“他能够把做人、做画、做文、做事如此无机 地统一同 来,而且都做得这么到位,确实难得”。中国画是涵养 的表征,是人的心性不断复归自然的印证。画家的思想情感借助笔墨表达出来。实现对人类心灵的抚慰,带来人与自然、人与社会、人与本身 的和谐,这便是中国画的功能所在。 


程大利先生于绘画是快乐的,他常说每每周末或节假日,独对白纸青天,描绘山川,在自我愉悦中获得1 种内心的陶冶与解脱。因而 绘画也就成为他逸情的手段,画出的不只是1 种对山川外型的描绘,更成为内省的觉悟与抒写。由于这类 对内的体悟,使得他更为深刻地将客观的山川融化为1 种内表情 绪的抽象 代表,实现对山水的审美抒情。故而在艺术情趣上透出清逸、散失 和疏淡的风致,以深沉典雅的风韵、散失 疏放的气象表现出1 种逍遥的心情 与散淡的情绪。这类 有我之境已不再是客观对象的再现,而是精练隽深永的表现,画面不去寻求 自然景物的形似,而是借自然物象抒写由笔墨趣味传达出的心灵境界。艺术创作讲求道法自然,中国画之根本亦即以此为基,“师造化、得心源”是山水画所寻求 的理想高度,是高于自然精神的山川。“山川与予神遇而迹化”,大利先生凭借多年来的饱游沃看,汲古而出新,以其朴茂的笔墨、无穷 的意趣,进而达到其艺术创作的心化境界。也就是说,他的参照物是自然之山、之水、之物,笔墨所表现的意境是自然之物所没法 代替的心象,不管 是大幅巨制,还是小品山水,都能显现“超象外”的深远之境。我想不独其“师造化”,更重要的是其“得心源”的深厚成就 。


 在全体 风格上,程大利先生保持他特有风格的同时,不断 都在变化,但却与董其昌所崇尚的淡、柔、逸,殊有异趣,似乎是与南宗的美学寻求 有某种奕合。山水画重气韵,气韵之气的本来意义是指骨气之气,能体现出1 种宽厚博大而又刚正中直的静态之美。宗炳认为:道映于物,需求 贤者静气、净心去体味。山水之抽象 中包含 着道、体现着道。大利先生悟此颇深,从用笔入手,笔皆中锋,直如棉里裹铁、又如折钗骨,浑厚而丰莹。正是这类 笔法,产生了1 种朴白浑厚的韵致。 


董其昌强调了郭若虚的“气韵不可学”的观点。气韵者,有发于墨者,有发于笔者,亦有发于意者。清沈宗骞《芥舟学画编》中云:“天下之物本气所积而成。”故方熏说:“气韵生动,须将生动二字省悟, 能会生动, 则气韵自由 。”程 大利先生的笔墨“能会生动”,故能得此自由 。大利先生没有流派认识 ,更不自我标榜宗法某家,他作品无效 地结合南北之长,能真正领悟董其昌所说的“两家法门如鸟双翼”,所有优秀的东西,他都会下功夫研讨 的。 


English Introduction

 Is Cheng Dali, counselor of the State Council, the Central Research Institute of culture librarian appointment of the State Council, director of Chinese Artists Association, chief editor of China Arts Publishing House, chief editor of people's fine arts publishing house, Chinese Culture Promotion Association, art China Painting Committee, National Art Exhibition judges, enjoy the special allowance of the state council. "Chengdali ink painting exhibition" held in 1991 in Losangeles; 1996 held a personal exhibition in Toronto Canada in 1997; France autumn Salon Exhibition in 2000; sponsored by the Ministry of culture and Chinese Meixie "Centennial Exhibition China"; held personal exhibitions in Germany at the beginning of March 2004. In 2005 won the "Huang Binhong prize" and the second session of Chinese paintings show the merit award. The publication of "Chengdali album", anthology "guest retreat set", "teachers in the heart" essay etc.. Works by the Chinese Art Museum and other museum collections and Museum collections.

Mr. Cheng Dali is a scholar, an outstanding scholar, and a painter who has an important influence on the contemporary. Thirty years of editing career, he accumulated rich experience, excellence, which is rare in contemporary painting. He can stand on the height of the rational to examine the traditional, looking for the law. Compared with the contemporary artists, the understanding of Chinese painting is much deeper. In this impetuous mood, the farther away from the pure art and times, Mr. Lee is still the big art idealist, attaches great importance to the artist's cultural pursuit, so that he had a "China painting is the externalization of accomplishment, knowledge of the record" the insight. I think the "accomplishment" should include two aspects, one is the cultural accomplishment, the first is the moral cultivation. Mr. Mo said, "he can put a man, do painting, do the text, and do things so organically, and all do so, really rare". Chinese painting is a culture characterized is people's mind constantly confirms the return to nature. The artist's thoughts and emotions are expressed by means of words. To achieve the comfort of the human mind, bringing people and nature, people and society, people and their own harmony, which is the function of Chinese painting.

Mr. Cheng Dali is happy in the painting, he often said that often on weekends or holidays, only to the white sky, depicting the mountains, have a heart and cultivate self pleasure in relief. The painting has become his leisure means not only a draw on the mountains appearance description, become more introspective consciousness and writing. Because of this understanding of, makes him more profound objective as a kind of mountains melted emotion represents the image of the aesthetic landscape. Therefore, in the artistic taste appeared on wind-induced Seiitsu, dissipation and thin, deep and elegant charm, the meteorological drainage showed the mood and dissipates a happy mood light. This is my habitat is no longer representing the object, but the performance of permanent deep scouring Juan, the picture is not to shape the pursuit of natural scenery, but through natural images by expressing interest of writing to convey the spiritual realm. Art emphasizes the imitation of nature, that is the fundamental Chinese painting as a base, the "shizaohua, thought" is the ideal height of landscape painting by the pursuit of the spirit is higher than the natural mountains and rivers. "The mountains and to God in the mark of Italy, Mr. with years of full tour Wo, ancient and new, with its luxuriant ink, infinite charm, the heart of the realm and achieve its art creation. That is to say, his reference is a natural mountain, water, objects, the artistic conception of the ink is a natural substance that cannot replace heart like, whether it is a movie, or sketch landscape, can appear "as" profound realm. I want to not only the "shizaohua", more important is its profound attainments "heart".

The overall style, Mr. Chengdali keep his unique style, has always been changing, but Dong Qichang advocates the pale, soft, leisurely, they have different interests, and seems to be the aesthetic pursuit of a southern Yi together. Landscape painting heavy spirit, the spirit of the original meaning of gas refers to the backbone of the gas, can reflect a broad and generous just straight static beauty. Zong Bing said: Dao Ying in the matter, need to clear your mind, to appreciate the sage spirit. Landscape in the image contains a road, reflecting the road. Italy Mr. Wu is quite deep, starting from the pen, pen is straight as a center, wrapped in cotton and iron, such as folding hairpin bone, big Feng ying. It is this style, produced a simple white rich charm.

Dong Qichang emphasized Guo Ruoxu's "spirit can not learn" point of view. The spirit, the hair in the ink, the hair on the author, also in meaning. Shen Zongqian "Mustard boat for painting made" cloud: "the world of the gas accumulation." The fumigating said: "the vivid, vivid two words should be realized, can be vivid, is free spirit." Mr Cheng Dali's words "can be vivid", so it can be comfortable. Italy Mr. no genre awareness, not a self proclaimed patriarch, he works effectively with North and South long, we can really understand what Dong Qichang said "the two methods such as bird wings, all good things, he will work hard study.



