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马海方 - 为古都风情立传——记马海方的北京

2022-04-28 13:24:51




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京味儿画家马海方-名家名品(1 )

马海方 :1956生于北京市大兴县。 1981年毕业于地方 美术学院中国画系,现为人民美术出版社画家、中国美术家协会会员。近几年前后 由香港心源出版社、福建美术出版社、大百科全书出版社、河北教育出版社、人民美术出版社等出版画集多种。次要 艺术成果: 1990年《古都风情》获全国首届中国风俗画大奖赛1 等奖。 1991年《旧京人物图卷》获第1 届民族文明 风情大展1 等奖。 1992年《老天桥人物》获中国美术馆东方书画艺术大奖赛1 等奖。 1993年在北京当代美术馆办个人展览。 1993年《休闲图》获国际中国书画艺术大奖赛金奖。 1994年《旧京风情图卷》获西苑杯大奖赛1 等奖。 1994年《旧京风情》入选第八届全国美展获优秀作品奖。 1995年《鸟人鸟事》获中国体育美术大展银奖。 1998年《找乐》入选第九届全国美展。 1998年获世界华人美术大展银奖。 1998年11月在瑞士举办个人画展。 12月在台湾举办个人画展。 12月获文明 部群星美展银牌 2000年《卖山货》入选中国美卸提名展;《遛早图》入选中国美协第十九次新人新作展。 2001年在中华世纪坛参加吴冠中为首迎奥运八人展。 2003年参加世纪坛举办的今日中国美术展。 2004年《全聚德烤鸭流程图》入选第十届全国美展。


1977年考入地方 美术学院中国画系学习
1981年 毕业后开始在人民美术出版社《中国书画》编辑部当编辑
1982年至1984年前后 参与编辑设计了大型系列丛书《当代书法家系列丛书》、《日本书法纂刻全集 》等
1984年专业 创作的连环画《茶馆定计》有农村读物出版社出版
1985年专业 创作的连环画《女寨主》有农村读物出版社出版;由人民美术出版社出版连环画 《革命母亲夏娘娘》[3]
1986年由人民美术出版社《连环画报》出版根据莫泊桑名著改编的连环画《菲菲小姐》;水墨画《土塬上的高秋》获当代青少年文明 艺术基金会中国画大赛优秀作品奖
1990年《古都风情》组画获首届中国风俗大奖赛1 等奖;《留下激动人心的瞬间》由焦尚意撰文,在中国体育报做专题报道;《古道风情组画》由焦尚意撰文,在北京青年报做专题报道
1992年《旧京天桥人物》长卷获中国美术馆东方艺术大奖赛1 等奖
1994年《旧京风情图卷》获西苑杯大奖赛金奖;《旧京风情》获新铸联杯大奖赛国画组优秀奖;《旧京风情》入选第八界全国美展,并获北京展去参展优秀奖;《古都子民》著名京味作家刘1 达著,由马海方插图出版发行
1998年获中国艺术研讨 院举办的世界华人美术大展银奖;随青年画家访欧团前往法国、德国、意大利等8 国参观交流;在瑞士洛桑举办个人画展;获文明 部群星美术大展银奖;《路遇》参加纪念刘少奇百年诞辰美术作品展;《春韵》获中国美协、诗书画研讨 院庆祝建国40周年大展铜奖;《四季》人物组画入选第九界全国美展
2002年1 月在龙顺成京味文明 茶社办个人画展;由人民美术出版社出版《画说北京风情》;为全聚德烤鸭店创作巨幅人物画《全聚德烤鸭流程图》(第1 稿);10月退出《中国书画》编辑部,由人民美术出版社领导签定协议辞去编辑工作,专职创作;入选中国文联出版社《中国百年书画走红名家》
2003年为山东德州扒鸡集团创作德州扒鸡流程图1 组;作品8幅入选《今日中国美术大展》在世纪坛艺术馆展出;5月与李小可、杨刚等在可创艺箢举办北京风情画联展;7月《全聚德州扒鸡流程图》首卷入选文明 部群星美展获铜奖;7月参加由全国青年联合会主办的“众志成城 抗非典、浓墨众彩颂英雄”为主题的美术、书法作品展;8月《平实的魅力-风景组画》,由 徐恩存先生撰稿,在‘中国美术’杂志专题报道;9月作品三幅入选“同里-保护世界遗产国际中国画作品大展”,〈找乐园〉入选第三界中国画家学术年展
2004年10月《全聚德州扒鸡流程图》(第三稿)入展北京“时代风采”庆祝中华人民共和国成立55周年美展;3月2幅作品入展“盛世家园-中国画与环境”南京国画联展:5月由人民美术出版社出版当代芥子园-马海方画没骨人物;5月〈红旗〉杂志画刊第1 期发表“京味人物”,由毕冠良撰文介绍;6月画家吴丽珠刘汝阳在秦皇岛举办“中国首届地名文明 书画巡回展”;6月〈京城玩家〉著名京味做家刘1 达先生著,马海方插图,由经济日报出版;9月参加纪念纪念孔子诞辰2555年,儒家文明 书画展;9月-11月,中国美术家印度之旅采风团两次去印度写生。作品30余幅,多家杂志发表;11月,作品入选〈中国当代优秀画家绘画全集 〉长城出版社出版。


马海方自幼生长在京郊农村,对老北京的1 些风俗民情比较熟悉,加上他有较好的笔墨功夫和速写基础,描绘这方面的题材就颇为得心应手。随着创作实践的深入,逐步 将日常所见的理想 题材扩大到了清末民初的历史题材,使他笔下的生活场景和人物抽象 更加生动丰富。为了不断扩大本身 的见闻,添加 历史知识,马海方1 无机 会就向有这方面经历 老先生求教,同时也去书店购买1 些老北京、老天桥、历史掌故、方言俗语1 类的图书作为参考材料 ,许多历史的、理想 的、眼见的、耳闻的,想象的生活场景与人物情节逐步 在他脑海中活跃起来。海方终年 坚持画速写,街头巷尾,车站公园、集市上、马路边都是他观察写生的场所;有时还对着电视播放的节目画踢足球、赛马,歌舞等人物动态。在日常生活中,海方朴子外而慧子中,除了画画没有其他什么爱好,也有意 介入机关中习见的那些无聊的人事纠纷,他常常是1 个人作画到深夜,勤勤恳恳而乐在其中。他说过,几天不画就会感到手生,用行话说叫”曲不离口,拳不离手”。
马海方通过1 段时间的实践,感到要表现丰富多彩的理想 生活,仅仅以水墨为主的传统画法还远远不够。特别是表现浓郁的民间风俗,热闹的集市庙会、节日的喜庆欢乐、民间的婚丧嫁娶的场景等等,如果没有艳丽 的色彩,就缺少那种特有的气氛与活力,弄不好还有脱不开前人画法的陈旧感。因而 ,他通过反复的实践、不断的摸索,大胆地采用重彩与水墨相结合,在人物的动态与形体方面进行提炼与夸张,重点刻画人物面部表情和手与足的结构,衣饰则用石青。石绿、朱砂、大红,阔笔重彩,渐次构成 色足墨饱、艳而不俗、色墨结合的风格特征。


1990年获全国首届中国风俗画大奖赛1 等奖,1991年获第1 届民族文明 风情大展1 等奖,1992年获中国美术馆东方书画艺术大奖赛1 等奖,1993年获国际中国书画艺术大奖赛金奖,1994年获西苑杯大奖赛1 等奖,1994年《旧京风情》入选第八届全国美展获优秀作品奖,1998年入选第九届全国美展。

English Introduction

At the party: 1956 born in Beijing, Daxing county. 1981 graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, is now the people's art publishing house painter, Chinese Artists Association members. In recent years, successively by Hongkong Xinyuan publishing house, Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House, encyclopedia press, Hebei Education Press, people's Fine Arts Publishing House published a variety of paintings. Main artistic achievements: 1990 "ancient capital style" won the first national Chinese painting Grand Prix prize. In 1991 the "old Beijing character Tu" won the first prize of national culture exhibition. 1992 old flyover characters won the China Art Museum Oriental Calligraphy and painting art Grand Prix first prize. 1993 in Beijing Museum of contemporary art exhibition. 1993 "leisure map" won the international Chinese calligraphy and painting art Grand Prix gold medal. In 1994 the "old Beijing style Tu" won the Xiyuan Cup Grand Prix prize. In 1994 the "old Beijing style" was selected in the Eighth National Art Exhibition won excellent prize. 1995 "bird bird thing" won the China sports art exhibition silver award. 1998 "fun" selected for the Ninth National Art exhibition. In 1998 by the world Chinese art exhibition silver award. November 1998 held in Switzerland personal exhibition. December held an exhibition in Taiwan. In December by the Ministry of culture 2000 silver stars art exhibition of "selling goods" in China Beauty Exhibition "for early discharge;" nineteenth new artists selected works exhibition Chinese. 2001 at the China Millennium Monument to participate in the Olympic Games led by Wu Guanzhong eight exhibition. 2003 to participate in the Millennium China Art Exhibition held today. In 2004 Quanjude Roast Duck "flow chart" selected for the Tenth National Art exhibition.

1977 admitted to the Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts
1981 after graduation in the people's fine arts publishing house, "Chinese painting and calligraphy" editorial department when editing
From 1982 to 1984 has been involved in editing and design the large series of "contemporary calligrapher series", "Japanese calligraphy etched anthology" etc.
1984 amateur comics "teahouse" is that rural reading Publishing House
1985 amateur comics "" rural woman Zhaizhu books; the people's Fine Arts Publishing House "revolution summer empress" comic mother [3]
In 1986 by the people's Fine Arts Publishing House published "serial pictorial" according to Maupassant masterpiece adaptation of the comic book "Miss Fifi"; "ink painting on the Soil Plateau high autumn" by contemporary youth culture and arts foundation Chinese Painting Contest Award
In 1987 the creation of the "old Beijing style" series of paintings, scroll
In 1990 the "ancient style" painting was the first Chinese customs Grand Prix prize; "left exciting moment" by Jiao Shangyi wrote, make reports from the Chinese sports newspaper; "ancient style paintings" by Jiao Shangyi wrote, make reports from the Beijing Youth Daily
In 1991 the "old Beijing style paintings" by Beijing as the "capital of youth youth lect the old bridge"; "figure paintings" by the East Cup International Oriental ink painting contest award
In 1992 the "old Beijing people" by China long flyover Art Museum of Oriental Art Grand Prix prize
1993 in Beijing, China World Trade Center, the center of the gallery held individual exhibitions; leisure map by the international Chinese painting and calligraphy art Grand Prix gold medal; in Contemporary Art Museum hosted Beijing style painting exhibition
In 1994 the "old Beijing style Tu" won the Xiyuan Cup Grand Prix gold medal; the "old Beijing style" won the Grand Prix Xinzhulian painting group Excellence Award; the "old Beijing style" was selected in the eighth national art exhibition industry, and won the Beijing exhibition exhibition Excellence Award; "ancient people" Beijing famous writer Liu Yida, his illustrations published by issue
1995 "bird bird thing" won the China sports art exhibition Silver Award
1995, in the Beijing International Exhibition Center to participate in the two session of the China Art Fair in the 96
1997 Hongkong Xinyuan publishing "Beijing style."
1998 was held in China Art Research Institute of the world Chinese art exhibition silver; with the young painter's visit to Europe delegation to France, Germany, Italy and other countries to visit the exchange; held personal exhibitions in Lausanne; by the Ministry of culture art exhibition silver stars ";" road to commemorate the centenary of Liu Shaoji Art Exhibition ";" by Chinese Chunyue Meixie, poetry painting and Calligraphy Institute to celebrate the 40 anniversary of the founding of the bronze exhibition; "four seasons" figure painting was selected in the Ninth National Art Exhibition Industry
2000 Chinese encyclopedia press "JINGWAH civic atlas" (Paper Edition) by Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House "contemporary artists of strength collection"; "a gourd, buy goods" selected "China Century Light" China Painting Exhibition
2001 "Li Siguang" to commemorate the 80 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party in China, glorious 80 years in history and figure painting exhibition; Huang sun Chengxin Mr. jointly the "old Beijing plot" picture exhibition; in eight people led by Wu Guanzhong to welcome the Olympic Games Exhibition in China Millennium Monument, exhibition of eight works by the Hebei Education Publishing House "famous paintings of Beijing"
In January 2002 Long Shuncheng Beijing culture, tea exhibition; the people's Fine Arts Publishing House "said the painting style of Beijing"; for Quanjude Roast Duck shop creative painting "Quanjude Roast Duck flow chart" (first draft); October to withdraw from the "painting and calligraphy" China editorial department, by the people's Fine Arts Publishing House leaders signed an agreement to resign from the editorial work professional creation; Chinese selected "Chinese Federation of press century painting became famous"
2003 Shandong Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style group creation Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style flow chart of a group; 8 works selected "today China Art Exhibition" on display in the Millennium Art Museum in May; and Li Xiaoke, Yang Gang in the creative style of Beijing painting exhibition held ordered in July; "poly Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style flow chart" the first volume selected by the Ministry of culture stars art exhibition bronze; in July organized by the Federation of the "National Youth calligraphy works, nongmo million people united as one man against SARS color song hero" as the theme of the art exhibition, August; "natural charm - Landscape Paintings", written by Mr. Xu Encun, in the "special reports of Chinese art magazine; September three works selected in the" Tongli - protection world heritage China painting exhibition "," works "in third Chinese find paradise painter Academic Exhibition
October 2004 "poly Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style flow chart" (third version) into the exhibition "Beijing era style" to celebrate the 55 anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China art exhibition; March 2 works into the exhibition "flourishing home - China painting and painting exhibition environment": May by Nanjing people's fine Arts Publishing House when the generation of jieziyuan - his figure painting "; May the" red flag "magazine published the first pictorial" Jingwei figure ", by Bi Guanliang wrote an article on June; the artist Wu Lizhu, Liu Ruyang held the first place China culture calligraphy exhibition" in Qinhuangdao; June "Beijing" famous Beijing home game player Mr. Liu Yida, his illustrations published by economic daily in September to commemorate the memory of Confucius; the birth of Confucian culture exhibition; 2555, September -11 months, Chinese artists tour of India folk group two times to India sketch. More than 30 pieces of works, published several magazines; November, selected works of "Chinese" anthology of contemporary outstanding painters painting the the Great Wall press.

Ma Haifang grew up in the suburbs of the capital, familiar with some old customs in Beijing, and he has a good ink Kung Fu and sketch, depicting this matter is quite handy. With the deepening of creative practice, gradually will see everyday reality theme extended to the late Qing Dynasty in history, so he wrote life scenes and characters more vivid. In order to continue to expand their horizons, increase knowledge of history, his first opportunity to have this old gentleman experience for advice, also went to the bookstore to buy some books in old Beijing, the old bridge, historical anecdotes, dialects such as reference, many historical and realistic, saw, heard, imagine the life scenes and characters gradually became active in his mind. The sea for many years to keep sketches, parks, streets and lanes, the station on the market side of the road he is observing and sketching places; sometimes in front of television broadcast pictures play football, horse racing, dance and other dynamic characters. In daily life, the sea Putzu outside Hui son, in addition to painting what no other hobbies, nor those boring in common organs and personnel disputes, he is often a person painting into the night, diligent and happiness within. He said, a few days not painting will feel new, called "a jargon, keep your hand".
Through a period of time practice, the party must feel rich and colorful real life, only the traditional ink painting is far from enough. Especially the rich folk customs, bustling bazaar temple, festive joy, folk weddings scene and so on, if there is no bright colors, the lack of atmosphere and vitality that unique, and cannot get off the previous old painting. Therefore, he through repeated practice, continuous exploration, bold use of color and ink combination, refine and exaggeration in the dynamic character and form, focus on characterization of facial expressions and hand and foot structure, clothing with azurite. Green, red, cinnabar, broad pen color, gradually formed a style color ink foot full, gorgeous but not vulgar, the integration of color and ink.

In 1990 the first national China custom painting Grand Prix award, in 1991 won the first prize of national culture exhibition, art museum in 1992 by the China Oriental painting and calligraphy art Grand Prix award, in 1993 won the Grand Prix Chinese international painting and Calligraphy Art Award, in 1994 won the Xiyuan Cup Grand Prix prize in 1994, the "old Beijing style" was selected in the Eighth National Art Exhibition won the outstanding the 1998 award, selected for the Ninth National Art exhibition.



