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丁杰 - “抒情写性”三人谈:陈裕亮对话丁

2022-03-11 17:38:34 3333




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丁杰,别名鲁勤(1962.5-)生于山东烟台,成擅长 江苏。擅长油画、水彩画、国画,中国国家1 级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、北京美术家协会会员、中国书画艺术服务中心学术委员、中国人口文明 促进会书画院理事。1985年南京艺术学院油画系本科毕业后在江苏南通大学任教9年,1995年研读地方 美术学院硕士研讨 生班毕业后留京。多次应邀在美国、英国、加拿大、意大利、丹麦、新加坡、香港等地举办展览并荣获美中文明 交流协会颁发的“杰出成就证书”,海外著名媒体《侨报》、《世界日报》等报刊杂志均予以专题介绍和高度赞誉。作品《晌午》、《飘》、《如歌的行板》入选由中国美术家协会主办的全国美术展览,分别获得了三次优秀奖?(展览最高奖即优秀奖)?及证书并刊入同名大型画册,权威杂志人民日报的《今日世界》“艺术收藏”栏目、《中外文明 交流》、《收藏家名录》的“画坛名家”栏目等都有连续专题介绍。2012年荣幸地受邀为中国驻意大利大驶馆绘制了大型油画作品《千年斗兽场披上中国红》,被使馆永世 收藏并陈列,作为世界艺术圣地意大利《中国文明 年》的标志作品并向意大利公众展现 中国古代 绘画艺术。前后 多次受邀为中石油、中石化、中核集团等国内外大型企事业单位楼堂馆所绘制创作了1 系列巨幅山水画。许多作品被海内外著名政要人士及画廊、美术馆、中国驻欧洲大使馆及国外驻中国大使馆收藏陈列及拍卖,现为北京职业画家。

Introduction to the artist

Ding Jie, alias Lu Qin (1962.5 - ) be born at Shandong Yantai, grow at Jiangsu. Be good at canvas, aquarelle, traditional Chinese painting, chinese country is academician of artist of division of one class art, China, Beijing artist academician, medium culture of population of committee member of learning of service center of credential painting art, China promotes director of courtyard of meeting painting and calligraphy. After canvas of Nanjing artistic institute fastened undergraduate course to graduate 1985, in Jiangsu Nantong the university teachs 9 years, ground 1995 read graduate student of Master of central academy of fine arts capital leaves after the class graduates. Be in the United States, England, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Singapore, Hong Kong to and other places holds an exhibition and have the honor to win the culture in the United States to communicate association to issue on invitation for many times " remarkable success certificate " , abroad and famous media " live abroad signs up for " , " world daily " wait for newspapers and periodicals to all give special subject introduction and high recognition. Work " noon " , " wave " , " cantabile andante " selected the countrywide art exhibition that sponsors by Chinese artist association, won outstanding award 3 times respectively? (Exhibit top prize namely outstanding award) ? Reach certificate and print enters homonymic and large an album of paintings, of authoritative magazine People's Daily " now the world " " art is collected " column, " culture of China and foreign countries communicates " , " collector directory " " a person of academic or artistic distinction that draw altar " the column successive special subject introduces. Honor ground sufferred 2012 invite be stationed in Italy to sail greatly for China house scale large canvas work " chiliad fights animal field to drape China red " , by diplomatic mission permanent collect and display, regard world art as bethel Italy " Chinese culture year " sign work reveals China to Italian public contemporary brushwork is artistic. Suffer for many times early or late invite the oil in be, medium petrifaction, medium nuclear group domestic and international large enterprise or business scale of place of house of unit building hall was created a series of gigantic a landscape painting. A lot of work are stationed in by personage of global famous high official and gallery, art gallery, China European embassy and abroad are stationed in Chinese embassy to collect display reach a sale, it is Beijing profession painter now.



