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????现为中国美术家协会会员、广东美术家协会会员、广东省开明画院画家、广州市美术家协会理事、广州市水彩画艺术委员会委员、广州中华诗书画研讨 会副会长。
从事美术创作和美术教育工作30多年,油画、水彩画成就 得到社会的高度赞美 。其作品风格鲜明,具有强烈的时代精神和创新精神,善于博诸家之长,色彩鲜明,重视 以岭南本土特有的景物为题材进行创作,作品地方特色浓郁。岭南风景油画《水乡系列》和《疍家系列》中许多作品在美术界同行受到高度好评。此外,其画作中对少女、老人、高原羊群和岭南高冠公鸡等人和物刻画细致,气氛酣畅热烈,栩栩如生,广受藏家爱好 。2014年5月在香港大会堂举办了“远远的故乡——胡汉钊个人画展”,获得了巨大的成功。胡汉钊老师作品多次入选全国及各省、市和港、澳、台地区美术作品展览,多件作品被各博物馆及私人收藏,前后 出版了《胡汉钊油画作品集》和《胡汉钊美术作品集》。

Introduction to the artist

Hu Hanzhao? Was born in Guangzhou 1956 close on the west. Be used to of from a child is drawn, association of artist of Guangzhou city youth held water 1980, be chosen to be first young artist academician, entered Guangzhou academy of fine arts to take advanced courses 1983, master from Guo Shaogang, Hu Juzhan, Huang Gu, wait for art Great Master. Graduation successor teachs Yu Andong to save scientific house, Guangdong to save academy of fine arts of literary institute, Guangzhou...
? ? ? ? It is Chinese artist academician, Guangdong artist academician, Guangdong to save art of aquarelle of city of director of association of artist of city of painter of enlightened imperial art academy, Guangzhou, Guangzhou now vice-chairman of seminar of painting and calligraphy of poem of China of committee committee member, Guangzhou.
Pursue art creative work and art education job 30 old, attainment of canvas, aquarelle gets social height admires. Its work color is bright, have strong times drive and innovation mind, be good at rich Zhu Jiazhi growing, flaming, pay attention to undertake creating for subject matter with the native land and peculiar scenery austral mountain, work place characteristic is full-bodied. Canvas of scene of mountain south wind " series of a region of rivers and lakes " and " Home series " in a lot of work travel together in art group get height reputably. In addition, its are drawn in to the Gao Guan austral girl, old person, downy Yang Qun and mountain the cock waits for support of the people content depict is meticulous, atmosphere merry and lively is enthusiastic, lifelike, wide home sufferring Tibet loves. Held in hall of Hong Kong congress in May 2014 " far birthplace -- art exhibition of Hu Hanzhao's individual " , scored huge success. Work of Mr. Hu Hanzhao for many times selected whole nation and each province, city and harbor, bay, exhibition of work of mesa area art, many work is reached by each museum private collect, published early or late " collect of work of Hu Hanzhao canvas " and " collect of work of Hu Hanzhao art " .



